State of New Mexico secondary Archives: on Tax Reform
Ben Ray Lujan:
Voted against 2017 tax cuts as fiscally irresponsible
Q: Support administration's $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?Ben Ray Lujan: No. Voted against the tax cuts as "an example of fiscal irresponsibility [that] is skewed against American families."
Mark Ronchetti: No position found. Against government implementing "higher taxes and reaching deeper into our lives."
Source: CampusElect survey of 2020 New Mexico Senate race
Sep 30, 2020
Bill Richardson:
Continue to cut taxes and reform the tax code
We must continue to cut taxes, reform the tax code and invest in infrastructure by fully implementing the personal income tax cuts. I will also pursue targeted tax reform initiatives, including tax credits for creating high-wage jobs and technology
start-ups. Lets cut the tax on food & the tax on medical services. I promise to work with you to find a way to pay for these cuts, but lets get it done now to help improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans, especially those who need it the most.
Source: 2004 State of the State speech to the New Mexico Legislature
Jan 20, 2004
Bill Richardson:
Any tax increase must expire in 3 years or less
As we look to raise revenue to help us through this crisis, I will only support a temporary revenue increase that automatically expires in 3 years or less. I will oppose any tax increase that hurts our efforts to keep the state economically competitive
and create new jobs--such as:- Increasing personal income taxes
- Rolling back our capital gains tax cuts or
- Decreasing business tax incentives or credits that are working to create jobs.
- Nor will I support reinstating the food tax.
Source: New Mexico 2010 State of the State Address
Jan 19, 2010
Bob Graham:
Repeal Bush tax cuts that went to top earners
Q: Lets talk about the economy. GRAHAM: What we should do? One, we should repeal all of the portions of the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, which went primarily to the upper incomes. Number two, we should use a portion of that money to give a tax
break to middle-income Americans by reducing the tax on the payrolls. Thats a place where money actually will be spent, used and energize the economy. Third, we should have an interstate-like program to rebuild America.
Source: Democratic Primary Debate, Albuquerque New Mexico
Sep 4, 2003
Bob Walsh:
Lower taxes for the middle class
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Higher taxes on the wealthy"?
A: Strongly oppose. Support lower taxes for the middle class
Source: OnTheIssues interview for 2020 New Mexico race
May 1, 2020
Gary King:
AdWatch: Attacked for voting for 1987 tax hike
Gov. Susana Martinez's campaign hits Democrat Gary King with a new TV attack ads, this one blasting King for voting for "the biggest tax increase in history." It's similar to a mailer that was sent last week. Not the history of New Mexico, mind you, but,
according to the ad, the biggest tax increase in history! This was in 1987.The ad is kind of comical though. It's got light-hearted music and at one point, King ("the King") can be heard chuckling. It sounds like an actual recording of the King's
laugh. And yes, the Democratic candidate is shown in a crown. Here's the transcript:
Gary King. It's good to be the King.Gary King voted for the largest tax increase in history. Made working families pay more. Higher taxes on food, medicine and
gas. The tax hike hit struggling families the hardest.
But Gary King took good care of himself. King repeatedly voted to raise his own pay and voted to sweeten his own taxpayer retirement.
Gary King: Higher taxes for us. Sweet perks for the King.
Source: Santa Fe New Mexican on 2014 New Mexico gubernatorial race
Aug 6, 2014
Gavin Clarkson:
Pass payroll tax cut, make permanent full expensing
Q: What actions to restore the economy do you feel Congress should take?CLARKSON: Pass payroll tax cut; make permanent 2017 TCJA's full expensing of business investments and fix "Retail Glitch;" suspend or reduce
federal regulations and paperwork requirements; suspend penalties for regulatory violations where person made good faith effort to comply; require Congress to vote up or down on regulations that impose costs.
Source: Albuquerque Journal on 2020 New Mexico Senate race
Jun 14, 2020
Howard Dean:
People would rather health care than a tax cut
[On paying for healthcare]: We are going to repeal the Bush tax cuts. You can't pay for health insurance if you have those tax cuts. Most middle-class people never got a tax cut from George Bush, and I'm sure they'd rather have health insurance for
everybody than the $100 they got from George Bush's tax cut. For less than a third of George Bush's tax cuts, we can cover every man, woman and child in America, and that's exactly what we should do, and we should not wait.
Source: Democratic Primary Debate, Albuquerque New Mexico
Sep 4, 2003
Jeff Apodaca:
Invest $1.4B from NM Permanent Fund in jobs plan
Jeff Apodaca also supports investing in small businesses. He said his jobs plan will create 225,000 new jobs for the state. That plan includes investing in industries like agriculture, technology and renewable energy. He also said he wants to increase
training in trade skills.Apodaca said he wants to use $1.4 billion of New Mexico's permanent funds to help accomplish that. "All we're asking as governor, I'm going to take 5% of your money, it's New Mexico's money and we're going to invest it back
into New Mexico. We're not going to spend it, we're not going to dip it and take it out, we're just going to invest it, they're investment funds," Apodaca said. "So all we're saying is let's invest it into our cities, our states, our small businesses.
95% of our economy is small business. In fact we do nothing in our state to help small business. We penalize small business. We overtax them, we overburden them, and then there's no private capital."
Source: KRWG TV on 2018 New Mexico governor debate
Feb 9, 2018
Jeff Apodaca:
Failed to pay property taxes for eight consecutive years
Jeff Apodaca failed to pay his property taxes for eight consecutive years--accumulating nearly $15,300 in back taxes that didn't get paid until he sold the vacant lot in Las Campanas last year.Apodaca, who acquired the 2.68-acre parcel in 2004, also
racked up a number of liens for delinquent subdivision assessments and fees and unpaid utilities. His communications director acknowledged Apodaca didn't pay his property taxes for years but said that it happened amid a dispute over the value of the
land. "When the market crashed, the county of Santa Fe continued to raise property taxes on those properties," he said. "Many people disputed with the County to assign a property tax that reflected what the property was worth after the market crashed."
Apodaca paid everything in full "once the county reflected the proper appraised value of the property."
Records show Apodaca paid the property taxes in full from 2005-07. But starting in 2008, Apodaca failed to pay the taxes on the property.
Source: Las Cruces Sun-News on 2018 New Mexico governor race
Nov 29, 2017
John Edwards:
Tax cuts to working people-stop Bush's War On Work
To get this economy going again [we need to] crack down on corporate cheating so that business actually works for employees. And we need to stop President Bush's war on work. We need to stop these tax cuts for multi-millionaires who invest,
and instead give tax cuts to working people to help them buy a house, to help them educate their kids, to help them get health care, to help them save. That's the kind of tax cut that's going to actually help middle class working families.
Source: Democratic Primary Debate, Albuquerque New Mexico
Sep 4, 2003
Mark Ronchetti:
Against government raising taxes & reaching into our lives
TAXES - Support administration's $1.9 trillion (2017) tax cuts?Mark Ronchetti: No position found. Against government implementing "higher taxes and reaching deeper into our lives."
Ben Ray Lujan: No. Voted against the tax cuts as "an example of fiscal irresponsibility [that] is skewed against American families."
Source: CampusElect survey of 2020 New Mexico Senate race
Sep 30, 2020
Martin Heinrich:
Trump tax cuts do little for working families
Q: Taxes: Support President Trump's tax cuts?Martin Heinrich (D): No. Does little for working families.
Gary Johnson (L):
Yes. But should have also cut spending.
Mick Rich (R): Yes. "Stimulated investment & job creation.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on New Mexico Senate race
Oct 9, 2018
Michelle Lujan-Grisham:
Trump tax cuts reward the wealthy & special interests
Q: Support President Trump's tax cuts?Michelle Lujan-Grisham (D): No. They resemble failed past policies that "reward the wealthiest people & special interests, while adding as much as $1.5 trillion to our national debt."
Steve Pearce (R): Yes. Will "give a shot in the arm to all manufacturers, & small businesses will be able to become a little more stable."
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on New Mexico Governor race
Oct 9, 2018
Michelle Lujan-Grisham:
Haven't cut sales tax in 40 years; let's do it
Let's cut taxes for every single person in New Mexico. We haven't cut the sales tax in this state in 40 years. It's only gone up and up and up, for decades, burdening New Mexico households and making it harder for our small businesses to be competitive.
But under my tax cut proposal, New Mexicans would save more than 170 million dollars every year.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Mexico legislature
Jan 18, 2022
Mick Rich:
Low taxes creates job opportunities
We need a complete overhaul of our tax system to make it fair, simple, and honest. We must lower taxes for both working people and businesses. Our current corporate tax rates discourage companies from making their products in
America, at the expense of American jobs. Our tax laws are such a burden that business owners make decisions on the basis of taxes, not good economic sense. That's got to change--now.
Source: 2018 New Mexico Senate website
Aug 8, 2017
Mick Rich:
No need for businesses to make decisions based on taxes
We need a complete overhaul of our tax system to make it fair, simple, and honest. We must lower taxes for both working people and businesses. Our current corporate tax rates discourage companies
from making their products in America, at the expense of American jobs. Our tax laws are such a burden that business owners make decisions on the basis of taxes, not good economic sense. That's got to change--now.
Source: 2018 New Mexico campaign website
Jan 18, 2018
Mick Rich:
Support Trump tax bill; 80% get a pay cut
Mick Rich called Heinrich's votes partisan, putting the political agendas ahead of the needs of the people. "This is a guy who voted against the tax bill," Rich said. "I'm looking at this and say it looks good to me. I'm hearing corporations are handing
out nice bonuses to people.
Source: Carlsbad Current-Argus on 2018 New Mexico Senate race
Jan 19, 2018
Mick Rich:
Trump tax cuts stimulated investment & job creation
Q: Taxes: Support President Trump's tax cuts?Martin Heinrich (D): No. Does little for working families.
Gary Johnson (L):
Yes. But should have also cut spending.
Mick Rich (R): Yes. "Stimulated investment & job creation.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on New Mexico Senate race
Oct 9, 2018
Rebecca Dow:
Get rid of senseless business taxes & burdensome mandates
Rebecca also knows that we need to get New Mexicans back to work to repair the economic crisis that Governor Lujan-Grisham created by ordering the most aggressive and prolonged shutdowns in the country. Rebecca aims not only to get our state
back on track, but also to get rid of the senseless business taxes and burdensome mandates that have been responsible for sending our jobs over to Arizona and Texas for years now. It's time for a New Mexico comeback!
Source: 2021 New Mexico Gubernatorial campaign site
Sep 13, 2021
Rebecca Dow:
Close loopholes and lower over all tax rate
Generous carve outs for certain industries are always paid for on the backs of those who are not politically connected.
Reforming our tax code to close loopholes and lower the overall rate will be beneficial for all New Mexicans and encourage job creation.
Source: Albuquerque Journal on 2022 New Mexico Gubernatorial race
Sep 23, 2021
Susana Martinez:
NM is not under-taxed. revenue enhancements vetoed
We must remember that the long-term solution to our budget woes is economic growth. We increase revenue by helping small businesses create new jobs--not by government creating new taxes. Let me speak plainly: New Mexicans are not under-taxed.
The government has simply over-spent.I applaud the Legislative Finance Committee for putting forth a budget proposal that doesn't include tax increases and doesn't try to raid the permanent fund. Unfortunately, some are still pushing tax hikes:
Doubling the tax when you buy a car. Taxing job creators. Even taxing the Internet. To make them sound better, some call them "revenue enhancements." They can be called many things but they will all be vetoed.
I've long said that government doesn't
create jobs. Government creates the environment where small businesses can create those jobs. We must recognize that in a global economy, businesses will choose to locate and expand in areas that encourage--not impede--job growth.
Source: 2011 New Mexico State of the State Address
Jan 18, 2011
Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023