Matthew Whitaker on Education
Common Core is one-size-fits-all, top-down solution
Matt Whitaker released a video today addressing the Common Core State Standards. In an email to supporters the campaign wrote, "I'm writing to you today because we have serious trouble brewing in our education system and I know that you have a personally
vested interest in the future of our children, our schools, and our nation." They said that is why they released the video in which Whitaker criticized the Common Core because he does not believe in "one-size-fits-all, top-down solutions" for the
problems facing our country. He said the Common Core represents a nationalized approach to education "that has failed so many times before."Common Core is becoming a wedge issue within the Republican primary. Opponents have pointed out that
Common Core standards were pushed out into the states without legislative grants of approvals through a competitive grant program, Race to the Top, that wasn't authorized by Congress in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Source: CaffeinatedThoughts.com AdWatch on 2014 Iowa Senate race
, Mar 4, 2014
Common Core is cram-it-down-your-throat reform
The candidates were asked their thoughts on the Federal involvement in education and the Common Core State Standards. Ernst said that she was not in favor of the standards. "The Federal government should not be involved,"
Ernst said. "We need to have standards, but we don't need the Common Core."
Whitaker also opposes the Common Core. "The Federal government does not belong in education," Whitaker said.
He described the Common Core as a "one-size-fits-all, cram-it-down-your-throat" reform. He said that lawmakers should be focused on school choice instead.
Source: CaffeinatedThoughts blog on 2014 Iowa Senate primary debate
, Oct 24, 2013
Page last updated: Aug 31, 2017