Increased access to Pell Grants & student loan refinancing
Ensuring access to affordable education is critical. Patty believes we need to address the growing burden of student loans on college graduates. Patty will be an advocate for increased access to Pell Grants, allowing graduates to refinance
student loans at lower interest rates (an effort Chuck Grassley has opposed), and supports two years of free tuition at community colleges for students who maintain high academic standards.
Patty Judge has received the recommendation of the National Education Association. "Access to a quality education is something that makes our state & nation stronger and it's an issue that I will continue to fight for in the US Senate," said Judge.
The NEA and ISEA issued a joint press release in support of Judge's campaign: "Given her commitment to students and public education, we believe that Patty will do what is best for all of the children of the state of Iowa regardless of the ZIP code in
which they live," said the NEA President. "She knows that when children have a fair chance, we not only create stronger public schools, we create a stronger country."
"Partisan politics have no place in our great public schools. Patty Judge is
committed to Iowa's students, professional educators and public schools and understands that even in lean economic times they are the resources that will lead us back to economic prosperity.," added the president of the Iowa State Education Association.