HB 227: Requires every physician who attempts to terminate a pregnancy to exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of a human infant who has been born alive [compared with] any other child born
alive at the same gestational age.
ACLU rationale to vote NO: No state interest described by fetal rights advocates has enough force to override a woman's fundamental rights of privacy, bodily integrity, and self-determination, until the
child is brought forth from the woman's body.
Heritage Foundation rationale to vote YES:While current law recognizes that all infants born alive are "persons," babies who survive an abortion attempt are left vulnerable because the law
has no requirements that health care practitioners treat the infant with the same degree of care afforded to any other newborn.
Legislative Outcome:12/28/19 referred to Committee; Introduced by Rep. Freitas; died in committee 2/11/20
Blames abortion industry for broken homes & criminal society
A Republican roiled his Democratic colleagues when he delivered a speech in which he suggested many people who commit mass shootings come from "broken homes" and blamed the "abortion industry" for helping to foster such a dangerous society for decades.
The remarks came from Del. Nick Freitas. He shared a video on Facebook, explaining that he was reacting to Democratic lawmakers who have compared Republicans who have blocked the passage of gun control legislation to Nazis and segregationists.
Source: Washington Examiner on 2018 Virginia Senate race
, Mar 2, 2018