OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Greg Gianforte: Supported anti-abortion campaigns through Family Foundation.
Brad Johnson: Conservative opposition to abortion.
Steve Bullock: Keep Title X funding for reproductive health services.
Mark Perea: Enforce ban on abortion services, except maybe for rape.
Bob Kelleher: Abortions should always be illegal, including funding.
Civil Rights
Greg Gianforte: We need equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
Steve Bullock: Address persistent wage gap between men and women.
Greg Gianforte: Promoted openly gay workers despite his religious beliefs.
Steve Bullock: First MT governor to officiate same-sex wedding.
Steve Bullock: Protect the right to marry any person you love.
Steve Bullock: Close the wage gap for women.
Mark Perea: Gay people are just like anybody else.
Steve Bullock: Still work to be done to ensure gender pay equity.
Greg Gianforte: BootStrapping for Businesses: mentors entrepreneurs.
Greg Gianforte: Philosophically OK with death penalty; but is it worth it?
Steve Bullock: Arrest and prosecute sex predators and scam artists.
Bob Kelleher: Alternative sentencing for non-violent offenders.
Brian Schweitzer: Supports the death penalty.
Brian Schweitzer: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Steve Bullock: Confront the invisible epidemic of prescription drug abuse.
Brian Schweitzer: Stricter penalties for drug criminals.
Greg Gianforte: Provides high school scholarships for computer coding.
Greg Gianforte: Supports school choice and voucher initiatives.
Greg Gianforte: Helped build a museum based on creationist beliefs.
Brad Johnson: Supports school choice.
Mark Perea: Allot vouchers based on what we spend now per child.
Bob Kelleher: Supports voluntary prayer in public schools.
Bob Kelleher: State-funded vouchers for private or religious school.
Brian Schweitzer: Invest in K-12 by creating public-private partnerships.
Energy & Oil
Steve Bullock: Develop our resources for American energy independence.
Bob Kelleher: Use coal, oil & gas in an environmental manner.
Brian Schweitzer: Develop renewable energy: ethanol, wind and hydrogen.
Steve Bullock: Tackle the threat of invasive species.
Families & Children
Steve Bullock: Unemployment benefits to victims of domestic violence.
Government Reform
Steve Bullock: Primary allows spending $667K instead of returning it.
Greg Gianforte: Eliminate excessive regulations that burden businesses.
Bob Kelleher: Limit all types of political contributions, and spending.
Brian Schweitzer: Refuses special interest & PAC money for his campaign.
Gun Control
Greg Gianforte: Lifetime member of the NRA.
Steve Bullock: Forever preserve access to public land for hunting & fishing.
Brian Schweitzer: Protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Health Care
Steve Bullock: Worked with legislature to expand Medicaid.
Greg Gianforte: Provide for those who cannot provide for themselves.
Brad Johnson: Opposes Medicaid expansion.
Homeland Security
John Walsh: Commanded Montana Infantry Battalion in combat in Iraq.
John Walsh: Commanded Montana Infantry Battalion in combat in Iraq.
Greg Gianforte: Oppose efforts to relocate refugees into Montana.
Steve Bullock: Safety first; review protocols for Syrian refugees.
Greg Gianforte: Address Montana's dismal national standing on wages.
Principles & Values
Bill McChesney: Served in state legislature from 2007 until 2015.
Mark Perea: Americans lose liberty at hands of federal government.
Steve Bullock: I teach my kids the same Montana values I was taught.
Social Security
Greg Gianforte: Noah in the Bible was still working at age 600.
Tax Reform
Greg Gianforte: 406 Tax Relief plan: cut taxes & freeze government spending.
Steve Bullock: Don't benefit the wealthy at the expense of middle class.
Mark Perea: Replace IRS with flat income tax.