Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Lisa Murkowski: Joined Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood.
Mike Chenault: Says he's pro life defending a sidelined anti-abortion bill.
Charlie Huggins: Supports mandatory ultrasounds.
Sarah Palin: Adoption is best plan for permanency for foster care kids.
Sarah Palin: Choose life, even if her own daughter were raped.
Tony Knowles: Support womans decision in cases of rape.
Budget & Economy
Charlie Huggins: Reduce budget and eliminate wasteful spending.
Mike Chenault: Believes in both budget cuts and selective revenue sources.
Sarah Palin: $7 billion savings plan for education & transportation.
Sarah Palin: Reduced general fund spending by $124 million.
Civil Rights
Mike Chenault: Lambasted laughing at same-sex equality issue, apologizes.
Sarah Palin: ADA brings expanded freedom to Americans with disabilities.
Sarah Palin: Recognize Juneteenth to celebrate the end of slavery.
Sarah Palin: HIV/AIDS among Alaska Natives is public health crisis.
Sarah Palin: Recognize Martin Luther King holiday.
Sarah Palin: Comply with same-sex partner benefits despite disagreement.
Sarah Palin: Prefers term anti-rural to anti-Native.
Sarah Palin: Special legislative session on same-sex health benefits.
Tony Knowles: No special legislative session on same-sex health benefits.
Bill Walker: Invest 1% from Permanent Fund in new business startups.
Mike Chenault: I know how business works and I know how government works.
Mike Dunleavy: Let's shut down crime instead of sweeping it under the rug.
Mike Chenault: Was co-signer of mandate requesting prison reform solutions.
Charlie Huggins: Oppose leniency for criminals; support protection for victim.
Sarah Palin: Establish FBI Day to support fighting global crime.
Sarah Palin: Register sex offenders; & investigate internet sex crimes.
Sarah Palin: Victims rights are critical to justice for all.
Sarah Palin: Maximum sentence for first-degree murder by police.
Mike Dunleavy: Comprehensive approach including prosecution & interdiction.
Bill Walker: Let states continue to experiment with pot.
Sarah Palin: Highway fatalities down because of strict drunk driving laws.
Mark Begich: Guarantee school funding; endorsed by state NEA.
Mike Dunleavy: Manager of cutting-edge statewide teacher mentor project.
Bill Walker: Expand voucher eligibility.
Mike Chenault: Students futures depend on an education that prepares them.
Sarah Palin: 294 Alaska public schools progressed under NCLB.
Sarah Palin: Court ruling against NEA: state adequately funds education.
Sarah Palin: Dont push school boards on creationism but allow discussion.
Sarah Palin: I believe we have a creator; and many theories of evolution.
Tony Knowles: Keep alternatives to evolution out of classrooms.
Tony Knowles: No politics in science; no creationism in schools.
Energy & Oil
Mark Begich: Green Bank to fund energy conservation and development.
Mike Dunleavy: Backs Donlin goldmine/pipeline, for huge energy opportunity.
Mike Chenault: Natural gas pipeline & North Slope development are crucial.
Charlie Huggins: Endorses oil tax reform to increase production.
Sarah Palin: Resource rebate: suspend AK 8-cent fuel tax for one year.
Sarah Palin: Gasline Inducement Act: 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline.
Sarah Palin: Commercialize Alaskas North Slope natural gas.
Sarah Palin: Agrees with Obama on more Alaska oil & gas production.
Sarah Palin: Windfall oil profits tax prevents investment.
Sarah Palin: Exxon-Mobil should pay $507 million for Exxon Valdez spill.
Sarah Palin: Energy relief plan: $100 per person monthly, for oil & gas.
Sarah Palin: Bush is right: drill ANWR & develop our own supplies.
Sarah Palin: Fully fund the Petroleum Systems Integrity Office.
Sarah Palin: Submitted legislation to build natural AGIA gas pipeline.
Tony Knowles: Qualified support of BP-Arco merger.
Sarah Palin: Met with producers and employee groups for pipeline deal.
Tony Knowles: Include producers & all proposals in negotiating pipeline.
Bill Walker: Opposes "Stand for Salmon"; we need development instead.
Mark Begich: Supports the "Stand for Salmon" ballot measure.
Mike Dunleavy: Opposes the "Stand for Salmon" ballot measure.
Mike Dunleavy: Monetize timber instead of letting it burn or rot.
Bill Walker: Open Donlin goldmine; deal with mercury & cyanide monitoring.
Mark Begich: Gold mine can co-exist with Native subsistence lifestyle.
Mead Treadwell: Mines employ a lot of people; open Donlin gold mine.
Charlie Huggins: Develop our natural resources by our state Constitution.
Bill Walker: State should address climate change.
Sean Parnell: Natural resources are to be used; not locked up by feds.
Sean Parnell: Support timber industry by increasing land for logging.
Sean Parnell: Explore & extract rare earth elements in Alaska.
Sean Parnell: Oil and gas production means jobs for Americans.
Sean Parnell: Don't leave Alaska's oil buried in the ground.
Sarah Palin: Sue US government to stop listing polar bear as endangered.
Sarah Palin: Wolf predator control is important for subsistence hunters.
Sarah Palin: Feds shouldnt list beluga whales as endangered.
Families & Children
Sarah Palin: Recognize the vital role of family child care homes.
Foreign Policy
Sarah Palin: Peace Corps strengthens US ties abroad & enriches US at home.
Free Trade
Bill Walker: Avoid an unnecessary trade war with China.
Sarah Palin: Allow wineries to ship by mail within state.
Sarah Palin: Exempt Alaskan cruise ships from customs rule changes.
Sarah Palin: Record-high exports; growth of 12.6% since last year.
Government Reform
Sarah Palin: Comprehensive ethics reform: change politics as usual.
Sarah Palin: Presented comprehensive ethics bill in early 2007.
Sarah Palin: Sell previous governors jet on eBay--its impractical.
Sarah Palin: Attended numerous debates & did not avoid any unnecessarily.
Gun Control
Mike Chenault: Backs new law that allows concealed weapons across state.
Charlie Huggins: Strong backer of Alaskan's Second Amendment rights.
Sean Parnell: Strong backer of Alaskan's Second Amendment rights.
Dan Sullivan: Prohibit state and local governments from denying gun rights.
Sarah Palin: Supports ending D.C.s 32-year-old ban on handguns.
Sarah Palin: Lifelong NRA member & champion of right to bear arms.
Health Care
Bill Walker: 2015: expanded Medicaid himself after Legislature opted out.
Mike Dunleavy: Eliminate all health care assistance by government.
Bill Walker: Bipartisan compromise on healthcare.
Mike Chenault: Any expansion of Medicaid must be result of careful analysis.
Sean Parnell: Federal healthcare overreaches into Americans' private lives.
Sean Parnell: Alaska does not want government mandates in health care.
Sarah Palin: Signed up as organ donor; Alaska leads the states.
Sarah Palin: Health care must be market-and business-driven.
Homeland Security
Sarah Palin: Visits Kuwait; encourages Alaska big game hunting to troops.
Sarah Palin: Obligation to support our troops, even if criticizing war.
Sarah Palin: Proclaim Loyalty Day to reaffirm loyalty to America.
Mike Dunleavy: Against relaxing immigration laws for refugees.
Mike Chenault: Proposes bill that could mean certain deportation by judges.
Sarah Palin: Address jointly with Canada the border security challenges.
Sarah Palin: Tightened restrictions on illegal aliens drivers licenses.
Mead Treadwell: Exporting raw materials means exporting jobs.
Sarah Palin: Alaska Construction Academy: 2,520 students learn skills.
Principles & Values
Bill Walker: Unity ticket: running as Independent with Democrat Lt. Gov.
Sarah Palin: Denies all allegations in Department of Public Safety affair.
Sarah Palin: Declare a National Day of Prayer in Alaska.
Sarah Palin: The Bible has profoundly influenced America.
Sarah Palin: Recognize Americas historic and founding Christian heritage.
Sarah Palin: Top priorities for AK include ethics & balanced budget.
Sarah Palin: Decries politics as usual of attacking opponents.
Tony Knowles: Raise the level of conversation in political debates.
Sarah Palin: Endorsed by Sen. Ted Stevens.
Sarah Palin: Fight for freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
Tony Knowles: Religious political beliefs are part of freedom of speech.
Tax Reform
Mead Treadwell: Invest Permanent Fund to create dividends instead of taxes.
Charlie Huggins: Maintain status on taxes, no new surprises.
Sarah Palin: $60M annually for municipal revenue sharing.
Mike Chenault: Priority in budget for renewable energy infrastructure.
Mike Dunleavy: Put infrastructure funds into maintenance, not just building.
War & Peace
Sarah Palin: We have not been attacked since 2001; so support our troops.
Sarah Palin: I support the mission of our troops in Iraq.
Sarah Palin: Our troops in Iraq keep us safe at home.
Tony Knowles: We need a different strategy for this war.
Tony Knowles: Reasons given for going to war were not justified.
Welfare & Poverty
Mike Dunleavy: Alaska has gone from hand-up to a handout welfare state.
Sarah Palin: EITC moves thousands of welfare recipients into workforce.
Sarah Palin: Recognize Salvation Army and encourage charity to them.