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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Politicians: Archives

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from State of Pennsylvania Archives (number of quotes indicated):
  • Arlen Specter (6) Former Democratic incumbent (elected as Republican) Pennsylvania
  • Barack Obama (13) Democratic President (elected 2008)
  • Betsy Summers (3) 2004 former Libertarian Challenger Pennsylvania
  • Bob Casey (12) Democratic Sr Senator; previously state treasurer Pennsylvania
  • Brendan Boyle (3) Democratic House Member U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-13
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (11) Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-8
  • Craig Snyder (6) Republican Senate Challenger Pennsylvania
  • Doug Mastriano (1) Pennsylvania Republican candidate for Governor
  • Ed Rendell (9) Pennsylvania Former Democratic Governor (2002-2010)
  • Everett Stern (20) Republican Senate candidate Pennsylvania
  • Hillary Clinton (14) Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Jim Christiana (4) Republican candidate for Pennsylvania U. S. Senator Pennsylvania
  • Jim Clymer (2)
  • Joe Gale (2) Pennsylvania Republican challenger for Governor
  • Joe Sestak (14) Democratic candidate for President; Navy Admiral
  • Joseph Hoeffel (4) Democrat (Until 2004) U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-13
  • Josh Shapiro (9) Pennsylvania Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
  • Katie McGinty (8) Democratic Senate candidate Pennsylvania
  • Marc Scaringi (9) Former Republican Challenger (2012) Pennsylvania
  • Pat Toomey (10) Republican (Until 2004) U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-15
  • Patrick Morrisey (1) Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • Rick Santorum (10) Republican Presidential candidate
  • Sam Rohrer (5) Former Republican Challenger (2012) Pennsylvania
  • Steve Welch (8) Former Republican Challenger (2012) Pennsylvania
  • Tom Ridge (11) Pennsylvania Former Republican Governor (1995-2001); DHS Cabinet Sec'y
  • Tom Smith (14) Republican Challenger Pennsylvania
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.

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    Brian Fitzpatrick: Double funding from $4B to $8B at woman's health clinics.
    Everett Stern: Legal protection to unborn children.
    Josh Shapiro: Defended reproductive rights & woman's right to choose.
    Marc Scaringi: Pro-life.
    Tom Ridge: Allow abortions, with limits; no partial-birth.
    Tom Smith: No abortion under all circumstances, including rape & incest.
    Tom Smith: Pro-life, period, but not for rape.
Budget & Economy
    Brian Fitzpatrick: End waste, fraud & abuse; plus Balanced-Budget Amendment.
    Craig Snyder: We believe in democratic capitalism, not socialism.
    Everett Stern: Market-led recovery better than federal stimulus.
    Jim Christiana: Voted against numerous proposals to spike taxes and spending.
    Joe Sestak: Auto & bank bailouts were to clean up Bush's mess.
    Joe Gale: I support lower levels of spending, of borrowing, of taxes.
    Joe Sestak: Deregulation of banks led to the economic meltdown.
    Marc Scaringi: We need a balanced budget amendment.
    Pat Toomey: Real threat to economy is billions on bailouts.
    Pat Toomey: Strengthen economy via lower taxes & less spending.
    Pat Toomey: We can't borrow and spend our way to prosperity.
    Tom Smith: Stagnant economy due to over-regulation & complex taxes.
Civil Rights
    Arlen Specter: Oppose gay marriage but support civil union.
    Barack Obama: Apply affirmative action to poor white college applicants.
    Betsy Summers: Support gay marriage.
    Bob Casey: Right ongoing wrongs in college admissions.
    Craig Snyder: Americans should be judged by character, not race/identity.
    Doug Mastriano: Bar trans women from playing women's sports.
    Ed Rendell: Recognize civil unions.
    Ed Rendell: Affirmative action in state contracts and colleges.
    Everett Stern: Affirmative action is unconstitutional.
    Everett Stern: Federal government out of gay rights issues.
    Jim Clymer: Oppose gay marriage and also oppose civil union.
    Joseph Hoeffel: Oppose gay marriage but support civil union.
    Josh Shapiro: Helped the first LGBT couples in Pennsylvania to marry.
    Katie McGinty: Morally wrong to fire gays simply because of who they are.
    Katie McGinty: Marriage equality so all can marry the person they love.
    Tom Ridge: Opposes Affirmative Action.
    Tom Ridge: No special gay laws; no gay marriage.
    Tom Smith: Equal pay for equal work.
    Hillary Clinton: Take back $55B in Bush's industry give-aways.
    Joe Sestak: The plaque says 'We the People,' not 'We the Corporations'.
    Steve Welch: Current tax code punishes small businesses while GE pays 0%.
    Tom Smith: Compliance with regulations is strangling business.
    Arlen Specter: Toughen sentences for career criminals.
    Brendan Boyle: More prisons; less parole.
    Ed Rendell: Supports the death penalty.
    Ed Rendell: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
    Everett Stern: Focus on rehabilitation and prevention.
    Josh Shapiro: Helped create statewide Police Misconduct Database.
    Tom Ridge: More prisons; more death penalty.
    Tom Ridge: Stricter penalties; less parole.
    Ed Rendell: Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes.
    Everett Stern: Continue to fight the war on drugs federally.
    Josh Shapiro: Has taken on Pharma over opioid epidemic.
    Brendan Boyle: More funding for schools, teachers, and colleges.
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Interest-free student loans for STEM and trades.
    Everett Stern: Let schools display the words "God Bless America".
    Everett Stern: Freedom and choice of schools for parents & children.
    Hillary Clinton: End predatory student college loan rates over 20%.
    Joseph Hoeffel: Voted to increase funding for No Child Left Behind 4 times.
    Katie McGinty: Strong Schools; Bright Futures:restore $1B in education cuts.
    Tom Ridge: Teacher-led voluntary prayer is OK.
    Tom Ridge: State-wide student testing; teacher re-certification.
    Tom Ridge: Vouchers for private & religious schools.
    Tom Smith: Get rid of the Department of Education.
Energy & Oil
    Barack Obama: Raise fuel efficiency standards to reduce long-term demand.
    Craig Snyder: Climate change is real, requires amelioration not regulation.
    Ed Rendell: Promote alternative fuels & also traditional domestic fuels.
    Everett Stern: Strongly opposes prioritizing green energy.
    Hillary Clinton: Investigate gas price manipulation; add windfall profits tax.
    Joe Sestak: Offshore drilling moratorium; oversight of Marcellus Shale.
    Joe Sestak: Championed cap-and-trade; market forces to reduce emissions.
    Joe Sestak: Global warming is principally man-made; regulate CO2.
    Josh Shapiro: Criminally charged multiple fracking companies.
    Katie McGinty: Make Pennsylvania a leader in wind and solar once again.
    Marc Scaringi: Make Pennsylvania energy independent via Marcellus Shale.
    Pat Toomey: We need oil from deep water wells despite the Gulf spill.
    Pat Toomey: Increase domestic supply instead of cap-and-trade.
    Pat Toomey: Global warming exists, but not necessarily due to humans.
    Tom Smith: Former coal company executive; ease up on coal mining.
    Tom Smith: Fossil fuels are key to reasonable energy prices.
    Everett Stern: EPA regulations are too restrictive.
    Marc Scaringi: Our children will inherit debt from Cash for Clunkers.
    Sam Rohrer: Eliminate Department of Energy; scale back EPA.
    Tom Ridge: Let industries audit themselves & then clean up.
    Tom Ridge: More flexibility in environmental regulation.
Families & Children
    Josh Shapiro: Exposed predator priests, cover up of child sexual abuse.
Foreign Policy
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Don't base foreign policy on political correctness.
    Everett Stern: Strongly support American Exceptionalism.
    Joe Sestak: China is a threat by holding so much of our reserves.
    Josh Shapiro: As child, started campaign for Soviet Jewish children.
Free Trade
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Reform unfair trade deals to put American workers first.
    Everett Stern: Strongly support & expand free trade.
    Joe Sestak: Tax companies who fire US workers & import goods from China.
Government Reform
    Brendan Boyle: Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending.
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Congress needs term limits & single-issue bills.
    Ed Rendell: Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending.
    Everett Stern: Strongly support making voter registration easier.
    Josh Shapiro: Defend 2020 election results all the way to Supreme Court.
    Josh Shapiro: Worked on some of the toughest ethics laws in state history.
    Katie McGinty: Make it easier for people to participate in our elections.
    Steve Welch: Term limits instead of a road to riches.
Gun Control
    Barack Obama: Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws.
    Ed Rendell: Strengthen existing gun laws; add background checks.
    Everett Stern: High capacity magazines ok; decreasing waiting periods ok.
    Hillary Clinton: Balance lawful gun ownership & keeping guns from criminals.
    Hillary Clinton: Give local police access to federal gun tracking info.
    Hillary Clinton: Let states & cities determine local gun laws.
    Joe Sestak: Extend the ban on assault weapons.
    Marc Scaringi: Pro-second amendment.
Health Care
    Bob Casey: Shift $700B from Medicare to ObamaCare, but no senior funds.
    Brian Fitzpatrick: ObamaCare is failing; focus on uninsured.
    Everett Stern: Give choices and power to patients.
    Jim Christiana: Repeal ObamaCare in one fell-swoop or brick-by-brick.
    Joe Sestak: Ban denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
    Joseph Hoeffel: Voted against a sweet deal for pharmaceutical companies.
    Katie McGinty: Expand Medicaid; embrace ObamaCare.
    Marc Scaringi: ObamaCare is profoundly unconstitutional.
    Pat Toomey: Allow purchasing insurance across state lines.
    Sam Rohrer: ObamaCare is big government mentality.
    Steve Welch: Lunacy that consumers don't know real prices.
    Tom Ridge: Guaranteed medical care is not a government responsibility.
Homeland Security
    Bob Casey: Keep the wiretaps and keep the intelligence programs.
    Everett Stern: Our country must have the strongest defense in the world.
    Joe Sestak: 2005 Navy reassignment: personnel change or morale issue?
    Pat Toomey: Economic viability is most important national security issue.
    Patrick Morrisey: Strong national defense preserves American freedom.
    Rick Santorum: War against Islamic fascism will be won or lost in America.
    Everett Stern: Practical solutions to illegal immigration.
    Jim Christiana: Secure our borders; hold sanctuary cities liable.
    Marc Scaringi: Secure America's borders.
    Steve Welch: Secure America's borders.
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Equal pay for equal work.
    Katie McGinty: Raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.00 per hour.
    Marc Scaringi: Lack of right-to-work harms the people of Pennsylvania.
    Pat Toomey: Taxes & spending have a chilling effect on creating jobs.
    Sam Rohrer: Washington does not create jobs; but it can destroy jobs.
    Steve Welch: National right-to-work make us globally competitive.
Principles & Values
    Arlen Specter: I�m in the center in this campaign.
    Arlen Specter: In 28 years in GOP, stood with Dems on their top priorities.
    Betsy Summers: Specter and Hoeffel are both big-government candidates.
    Barack Obama: In hard times, people take refuge in traditions, God & guns.
    Barack Obama: I am a person of faith; and I reach out to people of faith.
    Barack Obama: Blacks are angry; but I dissociate myself from Rev. Wright.
    Barack Obama: I revere the American flag; I don�t refuse to wear flag pins.
    Bob Casey: We need an independent voice; not a rubber stamp for Bush.
    Bob Casey: Optimistic there will be debates; but won't say so on record.
    Bob Casey: Declined to respond to League of Women Voters questionnaire.
    Craig Snyder: We know that America is a shining city on a hill.
    Craig Snyder: We can take back our country from the extremists.
    Hillary Clinton: Faith is not just something to cling to in hard times.
    Hillary Clinton: Visited Bosnian war zone, but mistake to call it sniper fire.
    Jim Clymer: Both major parties are liberal on the major issues.
    Joe Gale: Restore "worship" to township welcome signs.
    Joe Sestak: TV ad: Toomey's record is same as Sen. Rick Santorum's.
    Pat Toomey: TV ad: Sestak served well in Navy; but not on Congress.
    Rick Santorum: I agree with Bush 98% of the time, but I say when I don't.
    Steve Welch: Voted Democratic in 2008; but renounced support of Obama.
    Steve Welch: Switched party from Democrat to GOP in 2005.
    Tom Smith: Elected as Democrat as township supervisor for decades.
    Tom Smith: Optimistic there will be a debate; but nothing finalized.
    Tom Smith: Declined to respond to League of Women Voters questionnaire.
Social Security
    Arlen Specter: Considered Social Security privatization but saw it unwise.
    Barack Obama: Raise $97K cap on payroll tax exempting earnings under $250K.
    Barack Obama: Must capture new revenue; no new Social Security Commission.
    Bob Casey: Stop these crazy proposals to put benefits in stock market.
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Protect and strengthen entitlement programs.
    Everett Stern: Create personal retirement accounts.
    Hillary Clinton: No lifting cap on payroll tax; that taxes middle class.
    Hillary Clinton: Bipartisan commission, like in 1983, to address crisis.
    Jim Christiana: Ensure promises to every generation, but change for future.
    Tom Smith: AdWatch: divert payroll tax into privately managed accounts.
    Tom Smith: Let Social Security payroll tax reduction expire in January.
Tax Reform
    Barack Obama: No tax increase if earning under $250K; tax cuts under $75K.
    Barack Obama: Raise capital gains tax for fairness, not for revenue.
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Simplify and flatten the tax code.
    Everett Stern: I do not believe in spreading the wealth.
    Hillary Clinton: Absolutely no tax increase on people earning under $250K.
    Hillary Clinton: Perhaps raise capital gains tax, but at most to 20%.
    Joe Sestak: No flat tax; focus on the working family, not Wall Street.
    Sam Rohrer: High taxation comes from ignoring the Constitution.
    Tom Smith: Supports flat tax; remove loopholes but keep exemptions.
    Katie McGinty: Pennsylvania should drive renaissance of manufacturing in US.
War & Peace
    Arlen Specter: Unwise to ally with an untrustworthy Afghan President.
    Betsy Summers: Get soldiers out of Iraq as quickly as possible.
    Barack Obama: President sets Iraq mission; give generals a new mission.
    Barack Obama: Take no options off the table if Iran attacks Israel.
    Bob Casey: Would have voted for Iraq War, but based on false evidence.
    Bob Casey: Iraq: No deadline, no timeline, but replace Rumsfeld.
    Bob Casey: No withdrawal deadline in Iraq; but we must change course.
    Bob Casey: We need more Special Forces and better body armor.
    Bob Casey: Sanctions against Iran, but in a tough and skilled way.
    Brian Fitzpatrick: Cut off terrorist money; cut off Iranian nuke deal.
    Craig Snyder: De facto surrender in Afghanistan a stain on US legacy.
    Everett Stern: Prevention instead of containment on Iranian nukes.
    Hillary Clinton: Remove a brigade from Iraq every month, no matter what.
    Hillary Clinton: Massive retaliation from US if Iran attacks Israel.
    Joe Sestak: Put pressure on al-Qaida safe havens in neighboring Pakistan.
    Joseph Hoeffel: There was plenty of money for the troops in the pipeline.
    Marc Scaringi: Proceed with caution with Iran; they have no nukes.
    Rick Santorum: Iraq: We have a great game plan, and Rumsfeld does fine job.
    Rick Santorum: War in Iraq is one front in war on Islamic fascism.
    Rick Santorum: Iran is at the heart of the Iraq war.
    Rick Santorum: Saddam had no new WMDs, but did have old WMDs.
    Rick Santorum: Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but still a necessary war.
    Rick Santorum: My Iraq plan, and my opponent's plan, is same as Bush's.
    Rick Santorum: Needed exit strategy & objective in Kosovo, but not in Iraq.
    Rick Santorum: Sanctions against Iran, despite Administration disagreement.
    Sam Rohrer: Threats by Iran should not be taken lightly.
    Steve Welch: Everything needs to on the table with Iran, but not publicly.

    Click for quotations from other sources by:
  • Arlen Specter Former Democratic incumbent (elected as Republican) Pennsylvania
  • Barack Obama Democratic President (elected 2008)
  • Betsy Summers 2004 former Libertarian Challenger Pennsylvania
  • Bob Casey Democratic Sr Senator; previously state treasurer Pennsylvania
  • Brendan Boyle Democratic House Member U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-13
  • Brian Fitzpatrick Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-8
  • Craig Snyder Republican Senate Challenger Pennsylvania
  • Doug Mastriano Pennsylvania Republican candidate for Governor
  • Ed Rendell Pennsylvania Former Democratic Governor (2002-2010)
  • Everett Stern Republican Senate candidate Pennsylvania
  • Hillary Clinton Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Jim Christiana Republican candidate for Pennsylvania U. S. Senator Pennsylvania
  • Jim Clymer
  • Joe Gale Pennsylvania Republican challenger for Governor
  • Joe Sestak Democratic candidate for President; Navy Admiral
  • Joseph Hoeffel 2004 former Democratic challenger; US Representative Pennsylvania
  • Josh Shapiro Pennsylvania Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
  • Katie McGinty Democratic Senate candidate Pennsylvania
  • Marc Scaringi Former Republican Challenger (2012) Pennsylvania
  • Pat Toomey Republican Jr Senator Pennsylvania
  • Patrick Morrisey Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • Rick Santorum Republican Presidential candidate
  • Sam Rohrer Former Republican Challenger (2012) Pennsylvania
  • Steve Welch Former Republican Challenger (2012) Pennsylvania
  • Tom Ridge Pennsylvania Former Republican Governor (1995-2001); DHS Cabinet Sec'y
  • Tom Smith Republican Challenger Pennsylvania

The above quotations are from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Politicians: Archives.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Feb 18, 2023

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