This webpage describes the methodology we use for the quiz, which uses the database as its underlying source information. Our core concept is "transparency", which means you, the voter, can see politicians' stances on the issues, in summary form and in detail if you drill down, and then you can see how we created the summary from the details. Our core method is to infer politician answers from public statements. We also ask each politician to answer directly, but most politicians don't -- so we infer their answers; this webpage explains how.
i. How we assign answers for the AmericansElect quiz
We assign answers for ten questions of the AmericansElect quiz based on public records. We assign these answers for each presidential candidate, each House and Senate incumbent, each sitting governor and member of the Supreme Court, past presidents and vice presidents, cabinet members, and political leaders. The same methods apply to all politicians.
For each of the first nine quiz questions, we gather a series of citations from public records that relate to that issue. For each citation, we assign an answer, which we label like A, B, C, D (we add the labels here for easy reference; they're not used on the website). Whichever answer has the most citations is assigned as the answer.
For each question, we list the citations and the corresponding answer for each citation, and then a count indicating which overall answer is assigned. The "citation" is a brief headline, a summary of an underlying statement from the public record. By clicking on the citations, you can drill down to the excerpt from the public record. You can click further there to see its context: for voting records, how other members of Congress voted; for debate excerpts, what was the wider context of the debate; and so on.
The 10th question is the "weighting" for the first nine quiz questions. We weight the questions based on the relative number of citations for each question. If a candidate talks a lot about a particular issue, we include more citations on that issue; and hence that question gets weighted more. When gathering citations, we attempt to cover politicians without duplicating statements, but adding citations in different contexts -- our goal is to be thorough but not exhaustive. The result is that we infer each candidate's relative importance of an issue by how often that candidates talks about the issue.
ii. How we associate citations to answers
We use a "framework for analysis" to associate each citation to an answer choice. For each possible quiz answer, we list keywords that we associate with that answer choice. If a politician talks about the issue using the keyword listed below, we assign that answer (assuming the rest of the citation hints at that same answer -- keywords might also be used negatively!). Our framework also include a list of what NOT to include. SOmetimes that's because those issues muddy the waters, or sometimes it's because they're in other quiz questions (or other potential quiz questions that we may add later). Following is our framework, organized by the AmericansElect quiz questions and answer choices (in italics).
When you think about the US budget deficit, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
A. Cutting existing programs
Cut government growth
pay off debt
reduce taxes in context of budget
B. More spending cuts than tax increases (mix of both solutions)
Balanced Budget Amendment
C. More tax increases than spending cuts (mix of both solutions)
Stimulus plans
D. Raising Taxes
Tax increases to reduce budget deficit
New spending programs
Avoids tax plans unless they talk about budget
Avoids specific spending items (rather than overall budget)
When you think about Americas energy needs, which of the following solutions comes closest to your opinion?
A. Strong investment in renewable energy like wind and solar
Support Kyoto Protocol
Support Cap-and-trade
20-by-20 renewables
green jobs
carbon tax
B. More drilling than investment in renewables (mix of both solutions)
"All of the Above"
Comprehensive energy policy
American energy
clean coal
domestic production (if it includes fossil fuels)
C. More investment in renewable than drilling (mix of both solutions)
Energy efficiency
end oil addiction (if done by non-fossil fuels)
D. Strong focus on offshore drilling and allowing drilling in federal lands including wildlife reserves
Open ANWR (Alaska National Wildlife Reserve)
Open OCS (Outer Contintental Shelf)
more drilling
more refineries
more pipelines
questioning global warming
Don't support Cap-and-trade, or call it cap-and-tax
No EPA regulation of CO2 (carbon dioxide)
No EPA regulation of GHGs (greenhouse gases)
Avoids nuclear power
avoids deregulation
avoid windfall profit issues
avoids ethanol/biofuel issues (if in context of agriculture).
When you think about healthcare reform in the United States, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
A. The Government should be the sole provider of healthcare insurance
Healthcare is a right
universal coverage
ObamaCare as a good start
nationalized healthcare
Medicaid/Medicare for all
B. The Government should have a major role in providing healthcare insurance
Support ObamaCare
support HillaryCare
support RomneyCare
expand Medicare/Medicaid
expand SCHIP
focus on prevention
C. The Government should have a limited role in providing healthcare insurance
Oppose HillaryCare
Oppose RomneyCare
support insurance reform
support options & opt-outs
D. Only private companies should provide healthcare insurance
Repeal ObamaCare
ObamaCare is unconstitutional
market solutions
healthcare competition
tort reform
MSAs (Medical Savings Accounts)
HSAs (Health Savings Accounts)
Avoid abortion issues
avoid Medicare/Medicaid benefit issues (unless related to ObamaCare or funding)
avoid prescription re-importation
avoid AIDS/HIV/R&D
avoid tobacco settlement.
When you think about illegal immigration, which of the following solutions come closest to your opinion?
A. All illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US legally
path to citizenship
B. Most illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US, with some exceptions
Comprehensive reform
earned citizenship
C. Most illegal immigrants should be deported, with some exceptions
Enforce existing law
guest workers
more H1B visas
feds fail to enforce
reduce benefits to aliens
D. All illegal immigrants should be deported
No amnesty
no path to citizenship
seal the border
build a fence
Using the term "illegals"
Official English
Avoid state issues unless they have federal implications.
Avoid legal immigration unless in context of ilegal immigration
When you think about the US pursuing its interests abroad, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
A. The US should always act in its own interest regardless of what other countries think
Favors unilateralism
pre-emptive war OK
Defund or leave the UN
Islamist jihadists hate our way of life
Strong support of Iraq war/Kuwait war/keeping troops in Iraq
Demand that Iran/North Korea/Pakistan give up nukes
B. The US should rarely listen to other countries
Restrict the UN
restrict international organizations
Reduce foreign aid
foreign aid contingent on meeting US rules
restrict free trade for US interests
C. The US should listen to other countries more often than not
Increase foreign aid
address causes of terrorism
free trade as foreign policy
D. The US should always listen to other countries before pursuing its own interests
Favors multilateralism
diplomacy first
no pre-emptive war
Defer to the UN
Strong opposition to Iraq war
immediate withdrawal of troops in Iraq
Iran/North Korea/Pakistan have a right to nukes
Avoid general theory & principles (that's question 9)
avoid free trade issues (that's question 9) except as a foreign aid issue
Avoid Afghan war & Libyan war
avoid Arab-Israeli conflict.
When you think about education in the US, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
A. School curriculums should be set entirely at a local school board level
funding portability
school choice including private schools
eliminate Dept. of Education
federal government out of education
B. School curriculums should be set more by local school boards than at a national level
Local priority
decrease bureacracy
charter schools
block grants
restrict teachers' unions
support NCLB (No Child Left Behind)
C. School curriculums should be set more by national standards than at a local level
National testing standards
increased funding (general call for money)
oppose NCLB (No Child Left Behind)
D. School curriculums should be set entirely at a national standardized level
Maintain our public schools
don't drain resources
more resources for teachers
ensure educational standards
Avoid merit pay issues
avoid college loan issues
avoid teachers' union issues
avoid school prayer
avoid evolution debate.
When you think about the rights of same-sex couples, which of the following is closest to your personal opinion?
A. Same-sex couples should not be allowed to marry or form any kind of civil union
DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)
Marriage Amendment
traditional marriage
don't let judges decide
B. Same-sex couples should be allowed to form civil unions, but not to marry in the traditional sense
Civil unions
full equal rights (without full equality)
C. Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry legally, with all the same rights as traditional marriages
Right to marry
full equality
leave marriage to the states
Avoids mixed Civil Rights issues;
avoid mixed defense issues (Don't-ASk-Don't-Tell)
avoid mixed crime issues.
Which of the following statements comes closest to your personal view?
A. Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity
"Wise Use"
delist endangered species
privatize parks
oppose "takings"/eminent domain
amend the CAA/CWA
terminate EPA regulation
B. Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity, but should be somewhat protected
Balanced use
environment vs. economy
Reduce EPA regulation
pro-hunting on public lands
cost-benefit analysis
forest road-building
access to public lands
focus on highways/roads
state/local/non-federal primacy
C. Natural resources should be mostly protected, but also exist for the benefit of humanity
Funding to improve infrastructure/waterways/mass transit
environmental justice
conservation efforts
pollution control
"Polluter Pays Principle"
"pollution credits"
Clean Water/Clean Air Acts
D. Natural resources exist on their own and should be completely protected
Open space initiatives
support endangered species listings
sustainable practices
"Smart Growth"
land trusts/conservation easements
brownfield development
animal rights
Avoid energy issues (those are in question 2)
focus on non-energy economic value or the intrinsic value of the environment.
avoid natural disaster issues
avoid gun rights issues unless in the context of hunting on public lands.
Which of the following comes closest to your personal opinion?
A. To make this country great, we should return to the examples and values of our forefathers
Founding Principles
citing Founding Fathers
citing original Constitution
remove 10th amendment/14th amendment
"no foreign entanglements" (as a constitutional principle rather than as unilateralism).
Free trade if an issue of principle rather than a specific trade agreement
B. This country is already great, we shouldn't change a thing
Maintain our sovereignty
Support Our Troops
American First
Love it or Leave it
America is unique/light on the hill/an idea/shining city
American exceptionalism
American armed forces second to none
peace through strength
Increase defense spending
restrict free trade (if on principle rather than a specific trade agreement)
C. To make this country great, we should keep building and adapting for the future
No Pax Americana
No American empire
end military adventurism
don't police the world
America's long-term future
close all/most US bases abroad
reduce American armed forces
Decrease defense spending
free trade benefits both sides (if on principle rather than a specific trade agreement)
Avoid specific free trade as business issues (except when they're about trade principles)
avoid foreign aid issues (that's question 5)
avoid Iraq war as military issue (that's question 5), unless it's about more general empire/control/non-empire issues
avoid military spending as monetary issue but focus on it as a foreign policy issue
avoid avoid Missile Defense/SDI/Star Wars
avoid veterans' issues.
iii. How we gather citations
All citations appear on the website; you can see the details of each citation by clicking on the AmericansElect links. OnTheIssues gathers citations from three categories of sources:
Quotes Individual excerpts that apply only to one politician at a time. Sources:
Candidate debates
book excerpts
Incumbent press releases
campaign websites
Our database includes over 50,000 individual quotes
Notes Excerpts from signed documents that apply to the entire group of signatories. Sources:
Bill sponsorships
Letters to Congress or the President
Group ratings (made by non-profit organizations or political groups)
Court rulings (for Supreme Court)
Quotes take priority over notes, since quotes are individual while notes are collective
Our database includes over 65,000 individual note signatories from 800 different notes.
Votes Excerpts from voting records in Congress, where each member votes Yea or Nay. Sources:
House votes
Senate votes
Abstentions, absences, "present" votes do not count
Quotes and notes take priority over votes, since votes require no active involvement other than presence.
Our database includes over 120,000 individual voting records from 650 different Congressional votes.
That's an overview of how it works. We've been at it since 1999. We hope you use our website often.