Reduce taxes in all income categories to stimulate economy
Across the board rate reductions along with a reduction in the number of definable income categories accompanied by a streamlining of the tax code will reduce the government's role in economy. In addition, both the corporate and capital gains tax
rates must be reduced, and loopholes eliminated, in order to spur innovation, investment and future productivity. Taxing investments in America's production engine dis-incentivizes entrepreneurialism and discourages economic growth.
The Contract from America, clause 4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform:
Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words--the length of the original Constitution.
Source: The Contract From America 10-CFA04 on Jul 8, 2010
Repeal tax hikes in capital gains and death taxes.
Bongino signed the Contract From America
The Contract from America, clause 10. Stop the Tax Hikes:
Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011.
Source: The Contract From America 10-CFA10 on Jul 8, 2010
Bongino opposes the CC Voters Guide question on tax rates
Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues.
The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Increasing federal income tax rates"
Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q11a on Oct 31, 2012
Bongino supports the CC Voters Guide question on the inheritance tax
Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues.
The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Permanent elimination of the "Death Tax""
Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q11b on Oct 31, 2012