Ned Lamont on Social SecurityDemocratic Challenger | |
Using Social Security taxes for private accounts | |
AARP | Opposes |
Ned Lamont | Opposes |
Joe Lieberman | Opposes |
Alan Schlesinger | Supports |
A: Social Security is an insurance policy, not an investment plan. It needs to remain as a defined-benefit plan without privatization. While Sen. Lieberman would like you to believe he fought against privatization, that is not the case. In fact, he was the last Senate Democrat to sign on to the letter expressing complete opposition to Pres. Bushs plan, and he expressed a willingness to compromise on private accounts for a long time. I believe that this is one issue on which there really is no room for compromise with those who want to destroy such an important program.
A: [Among other things], I would oppose the nomination of Judge Alito since he jeopardizes a womans right to choose, I would oppose education vouchers since they undermine our commitment to our public school system, I would have pushed for energy conservation and bio fuels as a better alternative than the liquefied natural gas plant in LI Sound; I would oppose diverting social security taxes into private accounts.