Let farmers sell to Cuba: a billion dollar industry
Jason said, "Agriculture is the driving force of our state's economy. Because Congress repealed the law ensuring that Americans know where our food comes from, Missourians now don't know whether the food on their tables comes from Missouri. Not only is
this taking money out of farmers' and ranchers' pockets, it's misleading consumers. I don't know why Senator Blunt supported that change or why he doesn't believe Missouri farmers and ranchers should be allowed to sell their goods to Cuba, but these
actions are putting Missouri agribusinesses at an unnecessary disadvantage in the global marketplace."
Jason spoke about how Congress used the enormous omnibus spending bill late last year to sneak in the special-interest driven repeal of country-of-
origin labeling requirement. He also pointed out that while Sen. Blunt purports to be a free trade advocate, he doesn't believe Missouri farmers and ranchers should be able to sell their products to Cuba even though it could be a billion dollar industry.
Trans-Pacific Partnership should not be fast-tracked
As Congress considers what is being called the country's largest trade deal in a generation, Kander is using the debate over the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal to draw distance between himself and the its supporters, like Democratic President
Barack Obama and Republican Sen. Roy Blunt.
The Senate passed the bill by a 62-37 vote; Kander's campaign pointed to a report which noted $77,9000 in campaign contributions from members of a business coalition backing the Trans-Pacific Partnership to
Blunt. "It is clear that Senator Blunt's vote is for sale to the highest bidder," said Kander's campaign manager. "Jason opposed fast tracking TPP because, unlike Senator Blunt, he believes a trade deal this big should get a full vetting from Congress
instead of giving the President special power to negotiate on his own," the campaign manager said. "Missourians deserve a senator like Jason who will stand up to special interests and the President when Missouri jobs are on the line."