Q: Do you support or oppose the policy: "Replace US troops with UN in Iraq"?
A: We should let the Iraqi people handle their own security needs, and remove all foreign troops from their country.
Source: Email interview on 2008 Senate race with OnTheIssues.org
Jun 22, 2008
Occupation of Iraq is immoral and illegal
The Immoral & Illegal Occupation of Iraq: Completely against the oath they swore to defend the Constitution, Congress passed HJ Res. 114, the AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF MILITARY FORCE AGAINST IRAQ, in Oct. 2002. They didn't even have the courage to declare
a war!
Armed with "intelligence" that was fed to us by Iranian double agents, George Bush usurped the power to declare war, a power that Congress alone possesses, and on his own, launched an undeclared, unprovoked attack against a country that posed no
danger to us.
Even under the terms of the "USE OF FORCE" authorization, the Iraqi occupation is completely illegal. There is no evidence Iraq was ever any kind of threat to the American people. There is no evidence Iraq was involved in 9/11.
There is no evidence Iraq had huge WMD stockpiles. There is no evidence Iraq was trying to buy nuclear weapons material from Nigeria. There is however, plenty of evidence that we were repeatedly lied to by those we have entrusted to serve us.
Source: Campaign website, www.davebrownlow.com, "Key_Issues"
Jun 21, 2008
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11; troops home immediately
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, had little or no WMD, (but, even if they did have WMD, how is that our problem?) and they were never a threat to us. So George Bush either: A) lied to us,
B) chose to recklessly invade a country based on incredibly flimsy evidence, C) had strange voices in his head that told him to invade Iraq. Any way we want to look at it, Bush is unworthy of the office we have entrusted him with.
The very first thing we need to do after his impeachment, (let's make it a twofer and get rid of Cheney too) is to offer an apology to the Iraqis (and the world) for the illegal invasion that destroyed most of their country
--and offer to pay them for all the things we broke and all the people we killed. Dittos for Afghanistan. Then, we need to bring every one of our troops home--immediately!
Source: Campaign website, www.davebrownlow.com, "Key_Issues"
Jun 21, 2008
Declare victory in Afghanistan and bring our troops home
We invaded Afghanistan under the (arguably) noble guise of capturing the alleged 9/11 masterminds. Why we invaded Afghanistan, when 15 of the suicidal lunatics that crashed those planes supposedly came from Saudi Arabia, has never been fully explained.
(Could it have anything to do with Saudi oil? Nah!) Well here we are, almost seven years later, and our mission in Afghanistan has changed from one of catching the bad guys, to the completely useless mission of...
of... er... hmm... hey, what the heck is our mission there anyway?
Must not have been too important of a mission as we broke off whatever it was we were doing in
Afghanistan and went after our former friend and CIA double agent, Saddam Hussein. Does John McCain have a hundred year plan for Afghanistan too?
Source: Campaign website, www.davebrownlow.com, "Key_Issues"
Jun 21, 2008
Bush leads list of gangsters threatening Iran
It's been over five years since we invaded any defenseless third world countries, so somebody with their finger on the button must be getting bored. There is a long list of gangsters threatening to wipe Iran off the face of the earth--with George
Bush and his merry band of cutthroats leading the charge, of course. Then, there's the usual crowd of anti-Arab Senators--Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Hillary "we will obliterate them" Clinton, Lindsey Graham etc. It even looks like
Obama is jumping onto the Iranian war wagon.
Meanwhile, our good friends in Israel are busily stirring the pot, doing their best to provoke an incident--with their dire warnings about the Iranian nuclear threat growing more intense, and desperate,
every day.
We have been down this ugly road before, and we know where it ends--a sudden, and uniquely American Weapon of Mass Destruction called "freedom and democracy" may be exploding over an Iranian neighborhood soon.
Source: Campaign website, www.davebrownlow.com, "Key_Issues"
Jun 21, 2008