Zane Lawhorn on War & PeaceRepublican Senate Challenger | |
A: No. The U.S. has freed the Iraqi people and given them their own government. Since that time, our troops and military have been forced to remain in Iraq to police the insurgency. The U.S. should be reimbursed at least 3 billion barrels of oil for our financial expenses. After May 9th, this amount should increase daily until the time that Iraqi leaders are able to take charge of their country and our troops can leave.
Description of Position:What country do they consider a threat? The history of aggression has to be considered. The growing threat to the US indicates that our defense systems must continually improve as well as our offensive capabilities. With adequate defense capabilities it makes their intentions less important. Hopefully, with Chinas intervention. the situation will find a peaceful resolution.
Description of Position: Israel should work towards peace in the middle east. As should all countries in that region. Preferably, without intervention from the US.
Description of Position: Weapons of mass destruction do exist. The continued war in Iraq proves that the invasion of Iraq was the right choice. A hard choice. But the right choice.
Description of Position: The only thing worse than going to war, is going to war and not supporting your troops. America was at war on two fronts. At home against herself. At a foreign land against an enemy that didnt play by rules. Our troops were sent to fight a war and then ridiculed for fighting the war. It is easy to fight a war when your home is threatened and everybody is supporting you. Q: Should the United States withdraw its troops from Iraq?
A: No. The U.S. has freed the Iraqi people and given them their own government. Since that time, our troops and military have been forced to remain in Iraq to police the insurgency. The U.S. should be reimbursed at least 3 billion barrels of oil for our financial expenses. After May 9th, this amount should increase daily until the time that Iraqi leaders are able to take charge of their country and our troops can leave.