Saved business more than $2.3 billion in unemployment taxes
The new online system was part of a series of changes designed to limit benefits. The ultimate goal--which it delivered on--was to lower unemployment taxes paid by Florida businesses.
A 2011 analysis done by the Florida Legislature estimated that the changes pushed by Scott would save businesses more than $2.3 billion between 2011 and 2020.
Source: Politico blog on 2022 Florida Gubernatorial race
, Apr 3, 2020
Supermajority for any tax increase
[Future politicians may] want to increase taxes, otherwise known as taking more money from hard working Floridians. I want 2018 to be the year that Florida voters pass a constitutional amendment that makes it harder for politicians to raise taxes.
My proposal would require 2/3rds of the legislature to vote on a tax increase for it to become law. Some have asked if this proposal would be in effect during a financial emergency or another national recession, and my answer is clear--ABSOLUTELY.
Source: 2018 Florida State of the State address
, Jan 9, 2018
End sales tax on manufacturing machinery and equipment
Because we temporarily ended the sales tax on manufacturing machinery and equipment, 1st Choice Aerospace has been able to save money and reinvest it into their business.and that is why we must permanently
end the sales tax on manufacturing machinery and equipment this year. If not, it will effectively be a tax increase on small businesses like 1st Choice Aerospace.
Source: 2016 State of the State speech to Florida legislature
, Jan 12, 2016
$500 million in automobile fee & tax relief
Governor Rick Scott announced plans to make good on his promise of $500 million in tax relief. His latest initiative will save Florida drivers over $400 million; plans for the other $100 million in savings will be announced in January.
Scott aims to undo a 54% increase in automobile registration fees signed into law in 2009 by then Governor Charlie Crist.
The 2009 fee hike raised automobile registration fees from approximately $46 to $71, forcing
Florida taxpayers to pay an additional $25 on average. Scott recognizes that taking money out of the pockets of Florida's families is the wrong approach to expanding Florida's economy.
Crist says he's glad that Governor Scott got on around to rolling
back the fees, and that they were never meant to be permanent.
Governor Scott has been busy cleaning up the mess that Crist left behind. In the three years he's been Florida's chief executive, Scott has cut taxes over twenty times.
Reducing property tax by 1 mill saves $142 per homeowner
The property tax burden is Florida's #1 tax problem. I will tackle this problem head on--not impose "band-aid" solutions that provide temporary relief to one group of people: Reduce the statewide property tax (RLE) by $1.4 billion (from 5.29 mills to
4.29 mills, a 19% reduction in RLE). Savings from other key components of my 7 step plan will be used to replace those funds so not $1 is shifted away from our schools. A 1 mill reduction results in approximately a $142 savings for the average homeowner
Source: 2010 Gubernatorial campaign website,
, Aug 19, 2010
Adopt a single-rate tax system.
Scott signed the Contract From America
The Contract from America, clause 4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform:
Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words--the length of the original Constitution.
Source: The Contract From America 10-CFA04 on Jul 8, 2010
Repeal tax hikes in capital gains and death tax.
Scott signed the Contract From America
The Contract from America, clause 10. Stop the Tax Hikes:
Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011.
Source: The Contract From America 10-CFA10 on Jul 8, 2010
Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
Scott signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge against raising taxes
[The ATR, Americans for Tax Reform, run by conservative lobbyist Grover Norquist, ask legislators to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge in each election cycle. Their self-description:]
In the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, candidates and incumbents solemnly bind themselves to oppose any and all tax increases. Since its rollout in 1986, the pledge has become de rigeur for Republicans seeking office, and is a necessity for Democrats running in Republican districts. Today the Taxpayer Protection Pledge is offered to every candidate for state office and to all incumbents. More than 1,100 state officeholders, from state representative to governor, have signed the Pledge.
The Taxpayer Protection Pledge: "I pledge to the taxpayers of my district and to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar
for dollar by further reducing tax rates."
Opponents' Opinion (from Nov. 2011, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) claimed that Congressional Republicans "are being led like puppets by Grover Norquist. They're giving speeches that we should compromise on our deficit, but never do they compromise on Grover Norquist. He is their leader." Since Norquist's pledge binds signatories to opposing deficit reduction agreements that include any element of increased tax revenue, some Republican deficit hawks now retired from office have stated that Norquist has become an obstacle to deficit reduction. Former Republican Senator Alan Simpson, co-chairman of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, has been particularly critical, describing Norquist's position as "no taxes, under any situation, even if your country goes to hell."
Source: Taxpayer Protection Pledge 12-ATR on Jan 1, 2012