I support the current system and improvements to the current system, keeping in mind that while we have done very well in affirmative action at our universities across this country, I look at our boardrooms across the country, I look at NBC, CNBC,
Fox, all these stations, all the corporate, corporate companies-and I don�t see affirmative action necessarily being practiced there when I look at the management, when I look at the leadership, when I look at those who have a decision-making role.
Source: 2006 Maryland Senate debate on Meet the Press
, Oct 29, 2006
Affirmative action programs still necessary to close divides
Q: Are federal affirmative action programs necessary and effective?
A: Studies show enormous disparities still exist in education, healthcare, employment and economic opportunities along racial lines in the United States.
I believe programs are still necessary to help close these divides. I support giving people opportunities. Programs must be fair to all Marylanders - of every color - and they should focus on economic empowerment.
Source: Responses to Baltimore Sun Survey
, Aug 7, 2006
Marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and God only
Michael Steele stood before a group of Christian leaders and reaffirmed his belief that marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and God only. �Marriage is not a purely human institution,� Steele said. �Marriage defines not only the relationship
between a man and a woman but also their journey through life.� Steele cemented his position in a state where same-sex couples and legislators have traded lawsuits and have proposed state amendments in attempts to clarify which couples may legally marry.
Source: Erica Jacobson, The Examiner, �cements views on marriage�
, May 4, 2006
We�re still discovering affirmative action in corporations
Q: Do you think the time for affirmative action is past?
Absolutely not. We�re just beginning to rediscover what we should be doing with affirmative action. Don�t look at our universities. We got that. Let�s look at our boardrooms, let�s look at the management structure.
Source: Len Lazarick, The Examiner, �Power of the individual�
, Apr 28, 2006
Led commitment to $70M in grants to minority-owned business
As Lieutenant Governor, Steele chaired a 17-member task force devoted to reforming Maryland�s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), which works to provide more opportunities for minority-owned small businesses and further spur job growth
and economic vitality. Steele led the way in committing almost $70 million in grants and loan guarantees to strengthen and encourage Maryland�s small and minority-owned businesses.
Source: Press Release, �Black-Owned Business Growth�
, Apr 18, 2006
Affirms marriage is between one man and one woman
Lt. Gov. Michael Steele has avoided taking a position [on full marriage rights for gay couples], saying gay marriage is a state issue and he is seeking federal office. He did attend a Defend Maryland
Marriage rally a year ago that called for a state constitutional ban on gay marriage. �We are here to affirm that marriage is only between a man and a woman. We need to make it clear where Maryland stands,� Steele was quoted as saying at the event.
Source: Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg, Washington Blade
, Jan 23, 2006
Move struggle to right to own the diner, not just sit in it
As a young man I realized the front lines in the New Civil Rights Struggle would be different. Instead of just hope, we needed action. Instead of just government protection, we needed opportunity. And instead of the right to sit at the lunch counter,
the New Civil Rights Struggle would be a struggle for the right to own the diner and to create legacy wealth for our children. To win that struggle, we must all come together and work for the same freedom... the same growth... and the same opportunity.
Source: Candidacy announcement speech in Largo MD
, Oct 25, 2005