Q: Do you support or oppose the policy: �Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it�?
A: Support.
Source: Email interview on 2008 Senate race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jun 8, 2008
Appointed first state Drug Czar; fight Rx drug abuse & more
Gov. Risch released the first 90-day report from the state�s first Drug Czar. �The Drug Czar has hit the ground running. There are several items that I will act on today as we continue our battle against substance abuse,� said Risch. The action
items approved by Gov. Risch include the following:
Develop a Drug Free Workplace policy for state employees
Organize a Task Force to investigate and make recommendations to fight the abuse of prescription drugs.
Source: Press release, �Drug Czar�
, Oct 19, 2006
TV ads to prevent teenage meth use.
Risch signed S.3278 & H.R.5916
Authorizes matching grants to states, local government, or private nonprofit organizations to establish the Meth Project Prevention Campaign, which shall be aimed at teenagers. Authorizes the use of grant funds for:
television, radio, Internet, and print advertisements and educational materials;
community outreach to motivate community involvement in methamphetamine education;
a benchmark survey and periodic studies of attitudes and behaviors related to methamphetamine ; and
qualitative research to assist in the development and testing of Campaign messaging and the effectiveness of methamphetamine education.
Congress finds that--
methamphetamine is a leading drug threat to the US
crime related to methamphetamine abuse continues to increase
methamphetamine laboratories pose a dangerous threat in terms of toxicity, severe environmental and property damage, violence, and public safety
24% of teens nationally report it would be easy or somewhat easy to obtain methamphetamine
33% of teens believe there is only slight or no risk to trying methamphetamines once or twice
the annual economic burden of methamphetamine use in the US is estimated at between $16,200,000,000 and $48,300,000,000 annually; and
there are currently no particular pharmacological treatments for dependence on methamphetamine.
Source: Meth Project Prevention Campaign Grant Program Act 10-HR5916 on Apr 29, 2010
Rated F by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance.
Risch scores F by the NORML on drug reform
OnTheIssues.org interprets the 2016 NORML scores as follows:
C: mixed record on drug reform (approx. 45 members)
A/B: pro-drug-reform stance (approx. 293 members)
About NORML (from their website, www.norml.org):
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Law's mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty.
NORML is a nonprofit, public-interest lobby that for more than 30 years has provided a voice for those Americans who oppose marijuana prohibition. We represent the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who smoke marijuana responsibly and believe the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana should no longer be a crime.
NORML supports the removal of all criminal penalties for the private possession
& responsible use of marijuana by adults, including the cultivation for personal use, and the casual nonprofit transfers of small amounts. This model is called "decriminalization."
NORML additionally supports the development of a legally controlled market for marijuana, where consumers could purchase it from a safe, legal and regulated source. This model is referred to as "legalization."
NORML believes that marijuana smoking is not for kids and should only be used responsibly by adults. As with alcohol consumption, it must never be an excuse for misconduct or other bad behavior. Driving or operating heavy equipment while impaired from marijuana should be prohibited.
NORML strongly supports the right of patients to use marijuana as a medicine when their physician recommends it to relieve pain and suffering.
Lastly, NORML supports the right of farmers to commercially cultivate hemp for industrial purposes, such as food and fiber production.