Maintain state same-sex marriage ban, but leave it to states
Gillespie reiterated his personal opposition to same-sex marriage, but he said it is a state issue: "I respect and love people for who they are," the Republican said. "I believe marriage is between one man and one woman. But I also believe that
as a senator, it's not my role to legislate on that." Pressed, he said he would vote no if a statewide referendum came up to repeal the state's ban on same-sex marriage.
Warner switched his position to endorse gay marriage in March 2013.
Source: weblog on 2014 Virginia Senate debate
, Jul 26, 2014
Increase share of African-American vote in midterm elections
Gillespie, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, said: "We have to acknowledge the historic nature of [the election of] President Obama," especially for the African-American community, he said. But, Gillespie noted, going forward,
Obama's "not going to be at the top of the ticket. That gives us the opportunity to make some headway."
He reminded the audience that for a time in the early 2000s, the GOP "increased its share of the black vote" slightly, though "it's kind of pathetic
to be bragging" about going from 9% to 11% support. In the past two elections, however, the GOP has floundered with minority voters. "I think we can increase our share of the African-American vote in the midterm elections.
I believe we definitely can, and certainly in the next presidential election," the Senate candidate said. "And we've got to."
Marriage is the legal union of one man and one woman
As RNC chairman, Gillespie was a full-throated supporter of a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. He criticized Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) for not voting for the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act and told African American pastors that
the Republican Party believes marriage "is the legal union of one man and one woman," so the nation "must pursue whatever policy is necessary to protect this institution, including a Federal Marriage Amendment to the United States Constitution."
He endorsed using marriage as a campaign issue in 2012 and observed in 2013, "I don't think you would ever see the Republican Party platform say we're in favor of same sex marriage."
Still, Gillespie has said that it is unfair to call the GOP
anti-LGBT because while most Republicans support marriage inequality, many "are also for the benefits of marriage in the legal system that are afforded protections like, for example, hospital visitation rights or survivorship benefits."
OpEd: Lobbied for company that paid women 39% less than men
Did you, Virginia, know that Acme, a corporation that handed Ed Gillespie $3 million to lobby in Washington, has received over 50 warnings from the Environmental Protection Agency? Do you, Virginia, realize that
Acme, the infamous corporation that made Ed Gillespie a millionaire, paid women 39% less than men? Well, the jobs that Acme haven't already outsourced to China. Ed Gillespie: betting against America--and women.
Source: The Federalist on 2014 Virginia Senate race
, Jan 16, 2014
Accused of minority outreach? Guilty as charged
The 2000 convention in Philadelphia was a huge success, perhaps the most effective ever in terms of branding. We worked hard to recruit African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American, and women speakers and entertainers. At one point we did a remote
feed featuring the Reverend Herb Lusk, a former Philadelphia Eagles running back, from his church in North Philly with his gospel choir in the background, and then cut back to the First Union Center, where we had a gospel choir on stage.
It was one of the highlights of the convention.
The media were cynical. My friend Kevin Merida of the "Washington Post" said he couldn't help notice the abundance of blacks on stage but the dearth of them on the convention floor where the delegates
were seated.
"If you're accusing us of reaching out to minority voters, guilty as charged," I said. "If black voters come away from this convention with the sense they are welcome in the Republican Party, we will have been successful."
Courts should not encroach on definition of marriage
The feeling of being denied the opportunity [to have a fair debate] fuels much of the intensity in the pro-life community. The same is true when it comes to gay marriage. Ballot initiatives and state legislatures are addressing this issue all across the
country, as is Congress. Having a reasoned public debate over the negative implications of such a significant change in a fundamental institution like marriage will result in the kind of accommodation and respect that a court can never achieve.
In the long term, I suspect supporters of gay marriage may gain control in the public arena, while supporters of abortion on demand without limits will lose ground.
But to the extent courts encroach on the proper venue for policy-making, any ability to affect direction will be denied the citizens of this country.
Deciding marriage at state level is not gay-bashing
The Republican Party platform is clear. We believe "marriage" is the legal union of one man and one woman. Americans want to see changes in our tax code, changes in our schools, and changes in our health care system,
but there is no public clamor to change the definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman. In fact, polls consistently show that 2 out of every 3 Americans oppose recognizing same-sex marriage.
We cannot allow tolerance to be redefined as having to agree with one another on every issue. The 86 senators who voted in 1996 to allow states to decide for themselves whether
they will recognize gay marriage rather than having that decision imposed upon them by another state's activist supreme court are not "gay bashers."