Democratic AZ Governor; Designee for Secretary of Homeland Security
Balance budget even during recession
When I took office, our state faced a budget deficit that many thought would sink our priorities for Arizona. Since then--in surplus and in deficit--I have always presented you with a balanced budget plan that moved Arizona forward.
That's an important lesson as we look at our situation today: We don't have to go back. We do have to go forward.
As revenues increased, we set aside money in a rainy day fund, cut taxes and provided tax incentives for important areas like research
and development. We implemented 26 of the 36 recommendations of the Citizens Finance Review Commission. We reviewed all state expenditures and undertook actions such as restructuring procurement and curtailing our use of energy. All told, our efforts
have saved more than $1 billion.
We have passed a balanced budget every year, but we still need to make significant adjustments in this year's budget because of the continuing recession. I have already given you a balanced budget plan for 2009.
Provides funding for the priorities without raising taxes
I will release a budget proposal that is fiscally responsible, provides funding for the priorities I have discussed - and does so without raising taxes. My Efficiency Review team has worked with thousands of state employees to identify permanent savings
and cost avoidances that will save the state at least $843 million over the next five years alone. I am pleased to submit a budget that will fund a leaner, smarter government for the new Arizona.
Source: 2004 State of the State speech to Arizona Legislature
, Jan 12, 2004
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