OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Chris Coons: Pro-choice, but no federal subsidies.
Chris Coons: Support embryonic stem cell research.
Chris Coons: Make abortion safe, legal and rare.
Chris Coons: I respect stare decisis, and a woman's right to choose.
Chris Coons: Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Christine O`Donnell: Converted to pro-life position.
Christine O`Donnell: Adult stem cell research over embryonic stem cell research.
Gene Truono: Pro-life; supports a ban on abortions after 20 weeks.
Jan Ting: Supports parental notification, opposes late-term abortions.
Jessica Scarane: Protect and expand abortion rights.
Jessica Scarane: Protect and expand abortion rights.
Kevin Wade: Not proud that Delaware has highest abortion rate.
Kevin Wade: Funding to Planned Parenthood ok if not used for abortions.
Lauren Witzke: Life begins at conception; constitutional change necessary.
Lauren Witzke: Abortion is extermination of minorities.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Fight against defunding Planned Parenthood.
Rob Arlett: Protect life from natural conception to natural death.
Tom Carper: Fund Planned Parenthood; contraception reduces abortion.
Budget & Economy
Chris Coons: Bailout was done too fast and put billions at risk.
Chris Coons: TARP lending and SBA loans are positive & concrete steps.
Chris Coons: My county was one of only 30 earning Triple-A bond rating.
Christine O`Donnell: My financial problems let me relate to families' suffering.
Gene Truono: Government spending must have accountability & transparency.
James DeMartino: Stalwart for cost effective modernization of infrastructure.
James DeMartino: Support free market competition instead of non-profits.
John Carney: Budgetary reserve will help during downturn.
John Carney: Proposes fund to convert existing properties for employers.
John Carney: Put a hyper-focus on small business: they drive job creation.
Julianne Murray: Increase evidence required for government spending.
Julianne Murray: Concerned about taxes going up in response to deficit.
Kevin Wade: I've balanced budget in my engineering corporation.
Kevin Wade: Trust ourselves to make their own choices.
Lauren Witzke: No income tax increase; end government waste.
Lauren Witzke: No federal spending for stimulus, but ok for COVID.
Lauren Witzke: Direct payments and tax-free access to 401k for COVID relief.
Tom Carper: Let competition work instead of capping credit card interest.
Civil Rights
Alex Pires: Women are treated disproportionately poorly.
Alex Pires: Gay people are equal.
Chris Coons: Targeted by Stonewall as pro-LGBT candidate.
Chuck Boyce: Staunch supporter of equality including sexual orientation.
Chuck Boyce: Civil rights movement continues to progress for the better.
Colin Bonini: Opposed same-sex marriage for Delaware.
Gene Truono: Constitution's inferred rights cover LGBT rights.
Jack Markell: Supported same-sex marriage for Delaware.
James DeMartino: Identity politics is detrimental to our domestic security.
Jessica Scarane: Reparations for slavery & genocide of indigenous peoples.
Jessica Scarane: Pass laws that protects girls' & women's rights.
John Carney: Increase diversity in state employment.
Kevin Wade: Marriage is fundamental building block for any community.
Lauren Witzke: Appreciates rally security from Proud Boys.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act for gender pay equity.
Tom Carper: Let state legislatures decide who can get married.
Tom Carper: Repeal DOMA; it's unconstitutional.
Alex Pires: Corruption comes from taking money from the corporate world.
Alex Pires: Less money on corporate subsidies; more on children.
Charles Schumer: The Schumer box: full disclosure on credit card agreements.
Chris Coons: Citizens United was ill-decided & distorts political process.
Christine O`Donnell: Economic recovery comes when government gets out of the way.
Christine O`Donnell: Citizens United overturns limits on First Amendment.
Chuck Boyce: Small businesses are the job creators in America.
Gene Truono: Decrease regulatory burden on small businesses.
Jack Markell: Expand manufacturing; reform permitting; help small business.
Jack Markell: Reduce regulatory burdens on business.
Jack Markell: Ease restrictions on crowdfunding.
Jessica Scarane: Increase corporate taxes; raise capital gains taxes.
Julianne Murray: Small businesses must have rights & less restrictions.
Kevin Wade: Small business owner: Philadelphia Control System since 1982.
Rob Arlett: Remove job-killing regulations to boost the economy.
Tom Carper: Roadmap for deficit reduction should raise corporate taxes.
Tom Carper: 22-year history of pro-business support of banking lobby.
Chris Coons: Domestic terrorism should be a federal crime.
Colin Bonini: Apply "hate crime" to police and firefighters.
Jack Markell: Increase services for prisoners to reduce recidivism.
Jack Markell: Make it easier for felons to vote.
James DeMartino: No death penalty, because pro-life.
James DeMartino: Support our police ; restore law and order.
Jane Timken: I will always "Back the Blue," not defund the police.
Jessica Scarane: End mass incarceration in favor of rehabilitation.
John Carney: Rehabilitating offenders is key to safer communities.
John Carney: Help ex-offenders back into community.
John Carney: Inmates should leave prison better than when they entered.
John Carney: Gangs should accept help or be prepared to go to prison.
John Carney: We banned chokeholds, now body cameras for every officer.
Julianne Murray: Remove bad cops to create confidence in law enforcement.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Systemic problems in judicial system affect people of color.
John Carney: Expand group intervention program to reduce gun violence.
Chris Coons: Bath salts & synthetic marijuana terrorize our communities.
Chuck Boyce: Expand treatment for those struggling with addiction.
Colin Bonini: Decriminalizing marijuana sends young people wrong message.
Colin Bonini: Keep marijuana criminal offenses if under age 21.
Gene Truono: Federal marijuana regulations should reflect the state's.
Jack Markell: Addiction is a disease; fill gaps in drug treatment system.
Jack Markell: Decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.
James DeMartino: Heroin not just mental health issue, but a criminal issue.
John Carney: Impose new protections for the safe prescribing of opioids.
John Carney: Decriminalize under-age marijuana possession.
Julianne Murray: Declare opioid crisis public health emergency.
Lauren Witzke: Admits having run drugs for Mexican cartels.
Lauren Witzke: Federal funding for faith-based solutions for drug recovery.
Rob Arlett: Tougher enforcement via Opioid Crisis Response Act.
Alex Pires: More education in math, science, technology & engineering.
Chris Coons: Race to the Top: successful change for DE schools.
Chris Coons: I Have a Dream Foundation: private money for public college.
Christine O`Donnell: My evolution belief is irrelevant; let local schools decide.
Christine O`Donnell: Fix schools by talking to teachers, not unions nor DOE.
Chuck Boyce: Return power to our classrooms; end teaching to test.
David Lamar Williams: Improve chances for learning for all ages, circumstances.
Gene Truono: Prepare students with the education and skills they'll need.
Jack Markell: Ensure we have the best possible public schools.
Jack Markell: Support IT education in schools.
Jack Markell: Make university scholarships less restrictive.
Jack Markell: Increase teacher compensation.
James DeMartino: A proponent of home schooling, private and charter schools.
James DeMartino: Taxpayers shouldn't be required to pay off student loans.
Jessica Scarane: Free public education from pre-K to higher education.
John Carney: Focus on improving troubled schools.
John Carney: Prioritize public education & supporting teachers.
John Carney: Support 700 teachers at high-needs schools.
John Carney: Opportunity Funding targets resources to neediest students.
John Carney: Double Opportunity Funding for public schools.
John Carney: A robust, accurate, Black history curriculum in schools.
Kevin Wade: Department of Education has been an abysmal failure.
Lauren Witzke: Help pay off college loans so grads can have children.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: New College Compact: free tuition for 10 hours weekly work.
Rob Arlett: Answers to education should come from teachers and parents.
Ruth Ann Minner: Put reading specialists in every elementary school.
Tom Carper: Focus on discipline in schools.
Tom Carper: Introduce market forces into our schools.
John Carney: Increase state investments in early childhood education.
Energy & Oil
Chris Coons: Reduce CO2 by focus on energy efficiency and conservation.
Christine O`Donnell: Cap-and-trade is at the expense of our citizens.
Chuck Boyce: Supports tax credits for clean energy.
Chuck Boyce: Clean energy jobs outnumber fossil fuel jobs by 3:1.
Jack Markell: Petroleum refinery reopening is a stride in jobs and economy.
Jessica Scarane: Transform energy system to end dependence on fossil fuels.
Jessica Scarane: Depend on green energy and end use of fossil fuels.
Jessica Scarane: Green New Deal:tackle climate change AND economic inequality.
Jessica Scarane: Depend on green energy and end use of fossil fuels.
Jessica Scarane: In favor of 'Green new deal' initiative.
John Carney: If Washington won't act on climate change, we will.
John Carney: Eliminate climate-changing hydrofluorocarbons in Delaware.
John Carney: By 2035, 40% of state's energy from renewable sources.
Kevin Wade: Lottery to distribute 600M acres of oil and gas resources.
Kevin Wade: More oil drilling on U.S. soil.
Kevin Wade: Don't raise taxes on gas by 25 cents per gallon.
Lauren Witzke: No Paris Accord until China and India stop CO2 emissions.
John Carney: Build out Delaware electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Chuck Boyce: Preserve our environment & modernize our infrastructure.
David Lamar Williams: Network to find ideas to preserve our air, land, and water.
David Lamar Williams: Improve preservation of our air, land, and water resources.
James DeMartino: Balance between protection and economic development.
John Carney: $50 million investment in new Clean Water Trust Fund.
Julianne Murray: Delaware should lift restrictions on coastal industry.
Kevin Wade: EPA water authority is unaccountable & unconstitutional.
Ruth Ann Minner: Livable Delaware: channel development against sprawl.
Families & Children
Chris Coons: Faith is a central part of how we raise our three children.
Christine O`Donnell: 1990s: espoused anti-masturbation; porn is akin to adultery.
Jack Markell: Increase access to effective contraception for women.
James DeMartino: I will incentivize multi-generational households.
Jessica Scarane: Pass laws that protects girls'/womens' rights.
John Carney: Respite care programs for family caregivers.
John Carney: Re-establish the Family Services Cabinet Council.
John Carney: Give children books free of charge from birth to school.
Foreign Policy
Chris Coons: We need NATO more engaged in the Middle East.
Chris Coons: Led bipartisan opposition to China's election interference.
Christine O`Donnell: China could take us over monetarily before militarily.
Chuck Boyce: UN ideas aren't the US' burden to bear alone.
James DeMartino: Uphold a firm America first foreign policy.
Kevin Wade: Unwinnable situation in Afghanistan & all of Mideast.
Lauren Witzke: Accept as immigrants Christians under religious persecution.
Tom Carper: Keep lid on North Korea until reunification, like Germany.
Free Trade
Chris Coons: Recent trade deals take advantage of us.
John Carney: Ideas to bring jobs back instead of arguing about offshoring.
Lauren Witzke: Keep trade barriers; no more China ripoffs.
Rob Arlett: Supports free & fair trade; fight for security at ports.
Tom Carper: Work very, very hard to knock down trade barriers.
Government Reform
Al Sharpton: An "affront" that Delaware had a whites-only Supreme Court.
Chris Coons: Campaign spending is not a form of speech.
Chris Coons: Consider 3-year freeze on non-defense discretionary spending.
Chris Coons: Nuclear option: Allow confirmation of Obama's appointees.
Christine O`Donnell: Private sector solutions over growth of government.
Christine O`Donnell: Cancel unspent stimulus; freeze spending & hiring.
Chuck Boyce: Revitalize the people's trust in their elected officials.
Colin Bonini: Delaware should not join National Popular Vote compact.
James DeMartino: Business regulations must be streamlined.
Jan Ting: Pledges not to serve more than two six-year terms.
Jan Ting: Lobbyists should not be allowed to donate to legislators.
Jeff Bartos: Voting rights bill attempt by radical left to seize power.
Jessica Scarane: Pledged no campaign donations from PACs.
John Carney: Citizens should be able to access state government online.
John Carney: Appointed first black judge to the state Supreme Court.
John Carney: Make mail-in voting a permanent feature of our elections.
John Carney: Delaware should join National Popular Vote compact.
Julianne Murray: Mail-in voting is open to fraud.
Julianne Murray: Abolishing Electoral College would dilute the vote.
Lauren Witzke: Life-long pols don't serve America & her people.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Overturn Citizens United decision by amending Constitution.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Institute same day voter registration.
Rob Arlett: Has whistle blower on staff: job is to root out corruption.
Tom Carper: I never received any money from Jack Abramoff.
Gun Control
Chris Coons: Respect 2nd Amendment with common sense limitations.
Chuck Boyce: Double headline - Already Done.
Colin Bonini: Opposed mandating safe storage of loaded firearms.
Gene Truono: Double headline - Already Done.
Gene Truono: He's pro 2nd Amendment but with common sense conditions.
Jack Markell: More troopers & more enforcement against gun crimes.
James DeMartino: Stop eroding our constitutional rights with restrictions.
John Carney: Enforce existing gun laws; do more on mental health.
John Carney: Keep guns out of the hands of those who would harm.
John Carney: Signed law mandating safe storage of loaded firearms.
Julianne Murray: Overt gun control is not necessary; violates 2nd amendment.
Julianne Murray: There are no such things as assault weapons.
Lauren Witzke: Gun rights shall not be infringed.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Stand up to the NRA to close gun loopholes.
Rob Arlett: Pro-2nd Amendment; Americans have right to defend themselves.
Health Care
Chris Coons: Responsibly implement healthcare law while containing costs.
Chris Coons: Malpractice lawsuits with no cap offer important redress.
Chris Coons: Extend, perfect, and implement ObamaCare.
Chris Coons: Groups representing nurses & seniors support ObamaCare.
Christine O`Donnell: Full repeal of invasive & intrusive healthcare law.
Christine O`Donnell: ObamaCare is insurance reform, not health care reform.
Christine O`Donnell: 1/4 of Democrats now oppose ObamaCare, as costs skyrocket.
Christine O`Donnell: ObamaCare puts Uncle Sam in the examination room.
Christine O`Donnell: Avoid ER expenses by cross-state catastrophic insurance.
Chuck Boyce: Replace parts of ObamaCare with catastrophic insurance.
Colin Bonini: Supports healthcare tax incentives & tort reform.
Colin Bonini: Expand on the CARE Act and educate caregivers.
David Lamar Williams: Legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.
David Lamar Williams: Provide advanced health care options for all.
Gene Truono: Competition and full price disclosure in health care.
Jack Markell: Reduce costs by moving away from fee-for-service model.
James DeMartino: Government bureaucracy cannot control healthcare.
Jessica Scarane: Healthcare is a right, not a place for profits.
Jessica Scarane: Medicare for All and single payer system.
John Carney: Need to address high cost of health care.
John Carney: Reduced rates has led to almost 95% with insurance.
John Carney: COVID: We'll follow the science and wear masks.
Julianne Murray: COVID: Reopen the state, focus on nursing homes.
Julianne Murray: COVID: Mask wear should be voluntary.
Kevin Wade: Affordable Care Act violates the Constitution.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: ObamaCare is not perfect, but it is a huge step forward.
Rob Arlett: Repeal ObamaCare; get market-based insurance across states.
Tom Carper: Universal coverage for children is within our grasp.
Homeland Security
Chris Coons: Rejected debate hosted by "9-12 Patriots" issue groud.
Chris Coons: Reduce spending on C-17, F-35, & eliminate other platforms.
Chris Coons: Swiftly repeal discriminatory "don't ask, don't tell".
Christine O`Donnell: Let military decide "don't ask, don't tell" on its own.
Christine O`Donnell: Don't give terrorists Miranda-ized rights.
Chuck Boyce: Fire unfit VA workers, but protect whisteblowers.
Gene Truono: Put country first: support strong national defense.
Gene Truono: Honor the military by taking care of them.
James DeMartino: Maintain the strongest, best equipped and trained military.
Kevin Wade: Welcome home America's veterans and serve them.
Lauren Witzke: America's military should be strong for our defense.
Lauren Witzke: Bring our troops home; limit defense spending.
Rob Arlett: Keep Homeland Security and Defense Depts. properly funded.
Rob Arlett: Strong military lineage; will fight to have their needs met.
Alex Pires: Don't split up members of immigrant workers' families.
Chris Coons: Supports comprehensive federal immigration reform.
Chris Coons: No pathway to citizenship; but pathway to legal residency.
Chris Coons: Establish new guardrails against immigration bans.
Christine O`Donnell: Put virtual fence on border; don't reward those who cheat.
Christine O`Donnell: Ease pathway to citizenship for legal immigrants.
Chuck Boyce: Comprehensive reform including a path to citizenship.
Chuck Boyce: Double headline - Already Done.
Colin Bonini: Only vote against driver licenses for illegal immigrants.
Gene Truono: Supports comprehensive immigration reform, and address DACA.
Gene Truono: New policy for legal immigration: more border security.
James DeMartino: The law must be enforced! Must not allow open borders.
Jan Ting: San Diego fence works--extend it to entire Mexican border.
Jan Ting: Comprehensive immigration reform is a defeatist solution.
Jessica Scarane: End mass deportations and close the border camps.
Jessica Scarane: Reform immigration services to cater to DREAMers needs.
Jessica Scarane: Reform immigration services to cater to "dreamers" needs.
Kevin Wade: It's not hard to come here legally; follow the right away.
Kevin Wade: Secure the border; return lost children to home countries.
Lauren Witzke: Limit immigration to match emigration, except for marriage.
Lauren Witzke: Foreigners dismantle our culture, use drugs and take jobs.
Rob Arlett: For immigration reform: keep illegals out & welcome legals.
Tom Carper: If immigrants stay out of trouble, they can stay.
Tom Carper: No one proposes that illegal aliens receive Social Security.
Alex Pires: Jobs come from small businesses; they need bank credit.
Chris Coons: Unemployment hasn't doubled in two years; O'Donnell is lying.
Chris Coons: People not taking jobs because of high cost of day care.
Christine O`Donnell: Unemployment under Coons has doubled in two years.
Colin Bonini: Raise minimum wage, add training wage, youth wage.
David Lamar Williams: Provide a livable standard wage for all.
Jack Markell: Job Creation Infrastructure Fund: tax credits for job growth.
James DeMartino: A state regulated minimum wage hurts small business.
John Carney: Focus on trade school training and apprenticeships.
John Carney: Investment in new jobs means drop in unemployment.
John Carney: Work-a-Day Earn-a-Pay Program Pilot.
John Carney: Grants to small business is investment in the future.
John Carney: Raise minimum wage, add training wage, youth wage.
John Carney: Today we have more jobs than we have people to fill them.
Principles & Values
Chris Coons: Described himself in college as a "bearded Marxist".
Chris Coons: Focuses on his experience; will fight on Delaware issues.
Chris Coons: I am not a bearded Marxist; but a clean-shaven capitalist.
Chris Coons: There can only be reconciliation with repentance.
Chris Coons: We have to address the trust deficit in our country.
Christine O`Donnell: Charged with spending $20K after campaign had ended.
Christine O`Donnell: I am not a witch; the Constitution is my guide.
Christine O`Donnell: Decision to black out national media from DE debates.
Gene Truono: Seek common ground solutions using dignity and respect.
Jack Markell: Unleashing the potential in every Delawarean.
Jack Markell: Religious tolerance is cornerstone of US value system.
James DeMartino: Our government exists to protect our God given rights.
James DeMartino: Family man, Citadel grad, former Marine Judge Advocate.
Jan Ting: Profession: Law professor and immigration commissioner.
Jan Ting: Things are broken in Washington DC, and I'm outraged.
John Carney: Delawareans are willing to chip in and help, if all do.
Kevin Wade: Challenges Carper to twenty Senate debates.
Kevin Wade: Sen. Carper accepts Wade's 10-debate challenge.
Rob Arlett: I will vote principles and not party lines.
Rob Arlett: Proud Christian man: fight for free practice of religion.
Tom Carper: I've built bipartisan coalitions in the US Senate.
Tom Carper: 2000: Twenty debates are "the Delaware way".
Tom Carper: We need bridge-builders in Washington.
Social Security
Chris Coons: Against privatizing Social Security.
Colin Bonini: Tax incentives to encourage payroll deduction savings.
James DeMartino: Promote individual responsibility for retirement.
John Carney: Expect to work longer than our parents did before retiring.
Lauren Witzke: Benefits only to those who have paid into system.
Lisa Blunt Rochester: Fight any attempt to privatize Social Security and Medicare.
Tax Reform
Chris Coons: New approach to replace Bush tax cuts.
Chris Coons: Every extension of Bush tax cut adds to the deficit.
Christine O`Donnell: 2011 tax hikes will cost $10,000 per family.
Christine O`Donnell: Two-year tax holiday on the capital gains tax.
Christine O`Donnell: Small business owners earn $300K and need tax cuts too.
Gene Truono: Tax reform will be one of his top 3 issues for advocacy.
Jack Markell: Reduce corporate tax to increase competitiveness.
James DeMartino: Low taxes and health care my priority for seniors, retirees.
Jessica Scarane: Wall Street must pay taxes on extreme wealth.
Jessica Scarane: Make Wall Street pay their fair share.
John Carney: Share sacrifice of budget cuts and tax hikes.
Kevin Wade: Tax code adds 12.5 percent to the cost of everything.
Rob Arlett: For Trump's 2017 Tax Reform: make taxpayer cuts permanent.
Jack Markell: New I-95 fly-over ramps; $1.1B for infrastructure.
John Carney: Invest $3 billion in transportation infrastructure.
John Carney: New investments on roads, transit, high-speed internet.
John Carney: Provided 25,000 low-income students with internet access.
Kevin Wade: NSA data collection invades citizens' privacy.
Rob Arlett: Our strategic highways are in disrepair.
Ruth Ann Minner: Implement e-government, starting with DMV.
Tom Carper: America's Water Infrastructure Act :good for entire nation.
War & Peace
Chris Coons: Are 100,000 troops in Afghanistan contributing to security?
Chris Coons: Not consulting Congress on war weakens us in the world.
Christine O`Donnell: Stay in Iraq until its government is stable.
Christine O`Donnell: No random withdrawal; leave when Afghanis reach benchmarks.
Jan Ting: Cooperate with China and Russia on North Korea.
Jessica Scarane: Cease our endless wars, except in Syria.
Mike Protack: Stay in Iraq until its government is stable.
Kevin Wade: Aid Israel & serve as a transformative force in Mideast.
Lauren Witzke: America should not meddle in the affairs of other nations.
Tom Carper: Multinational embargo, not unilateral, against North Korea.
Welfare & Poverty
Chris Coons: It's not dependency to rely on food stamps during recession.
David Lamar Williams: Will address issue to provide affordable housing.
Jack Markell: Free college for low-income families; increase minimum wage.
John Carney: Develop more than 1,200 affordable housing units.
Rob Arlett: The best welfare program of all is getting a job.
Rob Arlett: Best economic program is the dignity of work and a paycheck.