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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


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State of Arkansas Politicians: Archives

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    Asa Hutchinson: Human life begins at conception.
    Asa Hutchinson: Now we're the number one pro-life state in the nation.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Take objective approach to judicial confirmation process.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Boozman's pro-life stance puts rapists over victims.
    Bruce Westerman: Pro-life; no exceptions for incest or rape.
    Bruce Westerman: Stem cell research ok, but not embryonic stem cell research.
    Bruce Westerman: No abortion after 12 weeks when fetus is "pain-capable".
    Chris Jones: Ban creates problems; supports Roe v. Wade.
    Conner Eldridge: I'm personally opposed, but Roe v Wade is the law.
    Curtis Coleman: Champion of the rights of the unborn.
    Curtis Coleman: Supports umbilical stem cell research, but not embryonic.
    Dan Whitfield: Pro-choice but focus on sex ed & access to contraceptives.
    Frank Gilbert: Only allow abortion for rape, incest, and maternal life.
    Jared Henderson: Supports available legal abortion but won't run on the issue.
    Jim Holt: Would not support any pro-choice judicial candidate.
    John Boozman: Opposes transporting minors across state lines for abortion.
    Leslie Rutledge: Honored for Arkansas to be named most pro-life state.
    Mark West: Oppose abortion, but give options to women in crisis.
    Mike Beebe: Vetoed abortion ban after 12 weeks.
    Mike Huckabee: Supports woman's right-to-know legislation.
    Mike Huckabee: Pro-life, but respects choice as mandated law.
    Natalie James: Support safe access to reproductive services.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Won't support exceptions in case of rape or incest.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: I believe in God; and only God has all the answers.
    Tom Cotton: Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided; let states decide.
    Asa Hutchinson: It's Arkansas policy that we protect the life of the unborn.
Budget & Economy
    Anthony Bland: Use public policy to attract and create higher paying jobs.
    Asa Hutchinson: AdWatch: Worked for lobbying firm after leaving Congress.
    Asa Hutchinson: Free enterprise is key to national prosperity.
    Bruce Westerman: Favors economic growth and cuts as opposed to raising taxes.
    Chris Jones: Government not about running up bills and creating debt.
    Conner Eldridge: Start doing something about $18 trillion in debt.
    Curtis Coleman: Work tirelessly to reduce our deficit & pay back $18T debt.
    French Hill: Cut low-priority spending; smaller federal government.
    Jared Henderson: Bring new ideas and out-of-the-box thinking to economy.
    Leslie Rutledge: $3 million to Quick Action Loan Program for small businesses.
    Mark West: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
    Mike Ross: AdWatch: Trillions of things in common with Pelosi & Obama.
    Mike Ross: AdWatch: Voted for $7 trillion in new debt and bailouts.
    Natalie James: Fund projects strengthening under-served communities.
    Natalie James: Prioritize assistance to small and minority businesses.
    Nathan LaFrance: Politicians CANNOT control government spending; time for BBA.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Phase out income tax; stop exponential growth of government.
Civil Rights
    Bruce Westerman: Opposes affirmative action.
    Asa Hutchinson: Marriage should be only one-man-one-woman.
    Asa Hutchinson: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
    Asa Hutchinson: Forced moderate version of business "religious freedom" bill.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Oppose amending the federal constitution to ban gay marriage.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Defer to military decision on Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell.
    Bruce Westerman: No civil unions; no same-sex marriage.
    Chris Jones: Protect medical options for transgender healthcare.
    Conner Eldridge: Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act.
    Conner Eldridge: OpEd: Dems embrace same-sex marriage; Eldridge is reluctant.
    Curtis Coleman: Protect right to free practice of our faith.
    Curtis Coleman: Marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
    Dan Whitfield: No discrimination for sexual orientation or identity.
    Dan Whitfield: Solving systemic racism will improve life for Americans.
    Frank Gilbert: State should stay out of the marriage business.
    Jared Henderson: Supports LGBT citizens but not for across the board revamps.
    Jim Holt: Amend the federal constitution to ban gay marriage.
    John Boozman: Keep Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell; the policy has worked well.
    Leslie Rutledge: Supports election fraud lawsuit filed by Texas.
    Leslie Rutledge: Ban transgender girls in sports to ensure equity.
    Leslie Rutledge: Teaching critical race theory violates Civil Rights Act.
    Mark West: No authority over relationships between same-sex adults.
    Mike Ross: Personally opposes gay marriage, but abide by Supreme Court.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: It's a lie that America is a racist and evil country.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Supports prohibition of transgender treatment for minors.
    Chris Jones: Cut unnecessary regulatory burdens on business.
    Dan Whitfield: Close loopholes so corporations pay more than zero in taxes.
    Jared Henderson: Give right tools to right people, & jobs will flourish.
    John Boozman: Tax cuts for higher income helps small business owners.
    Leslie Rutledge: Stop private social media companies from censoring & banning.
    Natalie James: Revoke tax breaks for corporations that outsource US jobs.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: Worked as management consultant, not in insurance.
    Asa Hutchinson: Balance public safety with giving a second chance in life.
    Asa Hutchinson: Four executions in 8 days; keep protocol of lethal injection.
    Asa Hutchinson: Give criminals a second chance.
    Asa Hutchinson: Increased funding for law enforcement.
    Asa Hutchinson: Let's not be last state to enact hate crimes legislation.
    Asa Hutchinson: Build new 498 inmate prison because we have a growing state.
    Bruce Westerman: Supports capital punishment; opposes building more prisons.
    Chris Jones: Shrink state's incarceration rate, puts a strain on system.
    Conner Eldridge: Work with law enforcement to reduce threats of violence.
    Curtis Coleman: No mandatory minimums, but death penalty ok.
    Dan Whitfield: End the corruption of private prisons.
    Dan Whitfield: Greater firepower is not solution; deal with systemic racism.
    Dan Whitfield: Need to reform, not "defund," the police.
    Leslie Rutledge: Death row executions continue with sedative.
    Mark Swaney: Eliminate the federal death penalty.
    Mark West: Fewer non-violent offenses, but respect victims rights.
    Mike Beebe: Let non-violent offenders repay debt to society productively.
    Natalie James: End Qualified Immunity, end mass incarceration.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: Reduce prison population; impose sentencing caps.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: Prisons shouldn't profit off of people.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: To remain free we must have law and order.
    Tom Cotton: Zero tolerance for destruction during protests.
    Bruce Westerman: No medical marijuana; no decriminalization.
    Chris Jones: Develop a just and equitable cannabis industry.
    Conner Eldridge: Spent 5 years as US Attorney taking on drug traffickers.
    Dan Whitfield: Marijuana should be federally decriminalized.
    Dan Whitfield: Let voters in each state determine how to treat marijuana.
    Leslie Rutledge: Hosted a yearly prescription Drug Abuse Summit.
    Mark West: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
    Mike Beebe: Heavier penalties for drug trade; but not for possession.
    Mike Huckabee: Treatment for drug use instead of incarceration.
    Natalie James: Decriminalize marijuana; expunge marijuana-related offenses.
    Tom Cotton: Stiffer penalties for deceptively trafficking in fentanyl.
    Anthony Bland: We need real investment in education to support all students.
    Asa Hutchinson: Post the Ten Commandments in public school buildings.
    Asa Hutchinson: ArFuture Grants: pay tuition & stay in state for 3 years.
    Asa Hutchinson: Fund colleges based on productivity.
    Asa Hutchinson: Invest in tech education & early education.
    Asa Hutchinson: Raise average teacher salaries $2,000 over next two years.
    Bruce Westerman: Supports charter schools; opposes Common Core.
    Chris Jones: All children should have access to high quality preschool.
    Chris Jones: Enable low-to-no cost community college degrees.
    Conner Eldridge: I attended public schools and I will prioritize education.
    Curtis Coleman: Opposes mandatory reforms for competitive federal grants.
    Dan Whitfield: Cap the interest rate on Federal Student Loans at 1-2%.
    Dan Whitfield: Raise teachers' salaries from $33K to $40K.
    Dan Whitfield: Free college for 2-year degrees; lower interest rates.
    Dan Whitfield: Promote vocational training for those not going to college.
    Dan Whitfield: Raise teacher's minimum salary to $40,000.
    Jared Henderson: Education is the catalyst to strong economy and prosperity.
    Leslie Rutledge: First in education which includes school choice.
    Mark West: De-link funding from standardized tests; then vouchers ok.
    Mike Beebe: Teach science and math using new, national methods.
    Mike Huckabee: First priority: Raise teacher salaries.
    Mike Ross: AdWatch: Unwavering commitment to our children and schools.
    Natalie James: Strengthen public school system; prioritize Pre-K education.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Offer more choices to parents of kids in failing schools.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Offer more choices to parents of kids in failing schools.
    Tim Griffin: Wants more parental choice in education.
    Tim Griffin: Looks forward to school choice funding of religious schools.
    Tom Cotton: Cut funding to schools using 1619 Project about slavery.
Energy & Oil
    Asa Hutchinson: We need to accelerate electric charging states across state.
    Chris Jones: Uplift and support the solar energy industry.
    Bruce Westerman: Expansion of energy sources should be market driven.
    Curtis Coleman: Use every American energy source to end external dependency.
    Curtis Coleman: Cap-and-trade is a massive tax on energy consumption.
    Dan Whitfield: Climate change exists even if we pretend it doesn't.
    Dan Whitfield: Climate change is real; make Arkansas leader in clean energy.
    Jake Bequette: Democrats want insane policies like Green New Deal.
    Jim Holt: Drilling for oil in Alaska won't cause environmental damage.
    Josh Mahony: Climate change is man-made.
    Leslie Rutledge: Joined challenge of revocation of Keystone Pipeline permit.
    Mark Swaney: Tax carbon to encourage people to use alternatives.
    Mark West: Government shouldn't play favorites in energy market.
    Natalie James: Advocate for equity in developing clean energy economy.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Fight radical environmental policies like Green New Deal.
    Asa Hutchinson: Reduce burden of unreasonable regulations.
    Bruce Westerman: Fight EPA expansion of protected waters.
    Chris Jones: Protect residential communities from hazardous industry.
    Conner Eldridge: Repeal overly-burdensome regulations that hurt farmers.
    Curtis Coleman: EPA poses a serious threat to property rights.
    John Boozman: EPA regulations make dirtier climate abroad & no gain in US.
    Leslie Rutledge: Sued to stop EPA's Water of the United States Rule.
    Mark West: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
    Mike Beebe: Important to preserve forests to protect jobs.
    Natalie James: Reverse Trump's EPA war on environmental justice.
Families & Children
    Asa Hutchinson: Reform divorce laws to increase waiting period.
    Asa Hutchinson: More funding for foster children.
    Asa Hutchinson: Reformed child welfare system with faith-based partners.
    Mike Huckabee: Supports "covenant marriage".
    Tom Cotton: Domestic violence victim funding pushes ideological agenda.
Foreign Policy
    Asa Hutchinson: Eradicate North Korean leadership, but no assassinations.
    Bruce Westerman: Negotiate Israel-Palestine deal directly, not through UN.
    Chris Jones: Stand up for our allies and for peace in Europe.
    Conner Eldridge: Advocate for an aggressive, unapologetic foreign policy.
    Mark West: Just because something is American doesn't make it better.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: As missionary in China, saw lack of rights under Communism.
    Tom Cotton: Buy strategically-important Greenland, to block China.
Free Trade
    Asa Hutchinson: Supports high tariffs to eventually lead to low tariffs.
    Asa Hutchinson: Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA.
    Bruce Westerman: Expand foreign markets for farm exports.
    Conner Eldridge: Opposes Trans Pacific Partnership; supports fair trade.
    Mark West: Support & expand free trade.
    Mike Beebe: Cuba's interest in AR exports is good for the state.
    Natalie James: Expand market access; fight trade policies hurting farmers.
    Tim Griffin: Applauds USMCA for promoting trade, economic growth.
Government Reform
    Asa Hutchinson: 1999: Brought articles of impeachment against Bill Clinton.
    Asa Hutchinson: Photo ID for voting.
    Asa Hutchinson: Cut outdated regulations and cut government employees.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: No moratorium on earmarks; they fund local projects.
    Bruce Westerman: Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending.
    Bruce Westerman: Require proof of identity when voting.
    Bruce Westerman: Co-sponsored bill to require photo ID for voting.
    Chris Jones: Every community deserves to claim their seat at the table.
    Conner Eldridge: Rid the political system of secret, dark money.
    Curtis Coleman: 12-year term limits: citizen legislators and judges.
    Dan Whitfield: Elected officials should give up rights to financial privacy.
    Dan Whitfield: Elected officials should give up financial privacy.
    Dan Whitfield: All elected officials should liquidate their portfolios.
    Dan Whitfield: Corporate spending is not speech; end Citizens United.
    Dan Whitfield: Sued over signature requirement for ballot during pandemic.
    Dan Whitfield: Denied ballot access in 2020, not dropping fight for 2022.
    Dan Whitfield: Favors ranked choice voting.
    Dan Whitfield: End gerrymandering, use computer algorithm to draw lines.
    Dan Whitfield: Reform Postal Service; against privatization.
    Dan Whitfield: Lower pay for elected officials.
    Jim Holt: Campaign reform is incumbency protection.
    Leslie Rutledge: OpEd: Lawsuit alleges election challenge was self-serving.
    Mark Pryor: Government shutdown is reckless & irresponsible.
    Mark West: Make voter registration easier.
    Mike Beebe: Vetoed bill to require photo ID for voting.
    Mike Huckabee: Not more government, but more efficient government.
    Mike Ross: Left Congress due to growing acrimony of national politics.
    Natalie James: Pass John Lewis Voting Rights Act & Freedom to Vote Act.
    Nathan LaFrance: Term limits will accomplish with CFR attempts to do.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: As undergraduate, fought for student voting rights.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: We'll never know the depths of 2020 election fraud .
Gun Control
    Asa Hutchinson: Opposes more gun restrictions.
    Bruce Westerman: No background checks, no licensing, for concealed carry.
    Chris Jones: For common sense laws while protecting 2nd amendment rights.
    Conner Eldridge: Enforce the gun laws already on the books.
    Curtis Coleman: Champion of our 2nd Amendment rights.
    Dan Whitfield: Disarming citizens against everything America stands for.
    Dan Whitfield: Disarming citizens unconstitutional, but check backgrounds.
    Jared Henderson: No guns on campus; won't commit yet on open carry.
    Josh Mahony: Mental health reform; but how do we do it?
    Josh Mahony: Mental health reform, but we need Congress to pass it.
    Leslie Rutledge: A proud Christian, pro-life, gun-carrying conservative Momma.
    Mark West: Absolute right to gun ownership.
    Mike Huckabee: Supports self-defense and �castle doctrine'.
    Natalie James: Ban AR-15 weapons & raise purchasing age.
    Nathan LaFrance: Attempts at building a federal gun registry are wrong.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: Right of people to bear arms "shall not be infringed".
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Defend your second amendment right to keep your family safe.
    Tom Cotton: Mental health reform; but how do we do it?
    Tom Cotton: Mental health reform to block access to firearms.
Health Care
    Anthony Bland: Every person in state should be covered by healthcare.
    Anthony Bland: Invest in children's health, education & livelihood.
    Asa Hutchinson: A lot of budget "fuzziness" if private option is not renewed.
    Asa Hutchinson: $5M for Mental Health Stabilization Centers.
    Asa Hutchinson: Work requirement for Medicaid.
    Asa Hutchinson: COVID: Getting vaccines out is public/private partnership.
    Asa Hutchinson: Kept state "open for business" during pandemic.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Can�t get our arms around the uninsured.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: I stopped the public option in ObamaCare.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Worked to ensure the overhaul helped small businesses.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Fix broken logistics of healthcare delivery.
    Bruce Westerman: No public option; no individual mandates.
    Chris Jones: Help to make prescription drugs more affordable.
    Conner Eldridge: Improve ObamaCare rather than distractions about repeal.
    Curtis Coleman: I will never vote to fund ObamaCare.
    Dan Whitfield: Universal healthcare, like every other industrialized nation.
    Dan Whitfield: Medicare for All--human misery should never be monetized.
    Dan Whitfield: Coronavirus: China is not the enemy; COVID-19 is.
    French Hill: ObamaCare is a $2.2 trillion mistake.
    Jared Henderson: Support Arkansas Works; concentrate on reducing premiums.
    John Boozman: Something needs to be done, but ObamaCare is a job killer.
    John Boozman: Solution like overhaul is what's wrong with government.
    John Boozman: I want to be the deciding vote to repeal ObamaCare.
    John Boozman: Nothing in healthcare bill controls cost; much escalates it.
    Josh Mahony: Supports public option; preserve private health insurance.
    Leslie Rutledge: Joined Texas lawsuit to end ObamaCare.
    Mark Pryor: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
    Mark Pryor: AdWatch: False that Medicare vouchers increase seniors' cost.
    Mark West: Oppose ObamaCare.
    Mike Beebe: Provide better care without federal Affordable Care Act.
    Mike Beebe: Expand state Medicaid, but with low-income private option.
    Mike Huckabee: ARKids First program: record decreases in uninsured.
    Mike Ross: Voted for ObamaCare early on but now consistently against it.
    Mike Ross: Voted against individuals keeping health insurance plans.
    Natalie James: Defend and improve the Affordable Care Act.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Opposes vaccination or masking mandates for COVID.
    Tom Cotton: Federal shut down to force ObamaCare delay by one year.
    Tom Cotton: FactCheck: No special subsidies for congressional staff.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: Cotton supports Medicare "premium support" vouchers.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: No, Cotton won't end Medicare guarantee.
    Tom Cotton: Introduced bill to cut off purchase of China-made drugs.
    Tom Cotton: Supreme Court got it wrong o ObamaCare individual mandate.
Homeland Security
    Curtis Coleman: Oppose unconstitutional activities by the NSA.
    Asa Hutchinson: In Arkansas we support our military bases and their missions.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Seniority concerns shouldn�t outweigh intelligence decisions.
    Conner Eldridge: Ensure stable military and VA funding.
    Curtis Coleman: AdWatch: Boozman voted to curtail civil liberties; I won't.
    Dan Whitfield: Invest in the VA: education on bases for soldiers' children.
    Jake Bequette: Train military to fight great powers, not woke leftism.
    Jim Holt: Trust Bush's homeland security decisions and recommendations.
    Leslie Rutledge: First-ever Military and Veterans Initiative at AG's office.
    Mark West: Military expansion results in international police.
    Natalie James: Cut defense budget; move money to homelessness, education.
    Nathan LaFrance: Meta-data collection of phone records is unconstitutional.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Do every single thing to protect and preserve our freedoms.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: No sense of entitlement from serving in military.
    Bruce Westerman: Control the borders, then implement guest worker program.
    Conner Eldridge: Pathway to legal status but no amnesty.
    Curtis Coleman: 100% opposed to amnesty in any form or by any mechanism.
    Dan Whitfield: End migrant child detention facilities: use foster care.
    Jared Henderson: We can learn and grow by listening to the immigrants stories.
    Leslie Rutledge: Sued to overturn Sanctuary jurisdiction rules under Obama.
    Mark West: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Some immigrants are worse than animals.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pledges to defund sanctuary cities, already done in 2019.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Defends sending immigrants to Democrat-led sanctuary cities.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Defended family separation: very Biblical to enforce the law.
    Dan Whitfield: Large corporations required to pay $15 minimum wage.
    Dan Whitfield: Regain workers' rights and protections through Unionism.
    Jim Holt: Restrict China trade until they float their currency.
    John Boozman: Pushed 16-hour trucker day; withdrew "sweatshop on wheels".
    Mark Swaney: Abandon minimum wage in favor of living wage.
    Mark West: No discriminatory hiring practices but no affirmative action.
    Natalie James: Supports living wage starting with $15-an-hour minimum.
Principles & Values
    Anthony Bland: We need policies that make sure everybody is treated fair.
    Anthony Bland: Make the American dream a reality for all Arkansans.
    Asa Hutchinson: When the election is over we need to come together.
    Asa Hutchinson: Parents operated a Christian radio station and school.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Some say I'm too liberal; some say I'm too conservative.
    Chris Jones: Raised with strong faith, no conflict with love for science.
    Chris Jones: Politics does not have to be divisive and destructive.
    Chris Jones: We are all neighbors; we have to be there for each other.
    Frank Gilbert: Christian Libertarian & believes in Non-Aggression Principle.
    Jake Bequette: I'm a God-fearing Christian conservative.
    Jake Bequette: Upset to see athletes disrespect flag and our great country.
    Jake Bequette: Calls himself Razorback; U of Arkansas asks him to stop.
    Jake Bequette: Voters looking for someone unapologetically pro-American.
    John Boozman: Arkansas can't afford Blanche Lincoln anymore.
    Leslie Rutledge: Require public schools to play anthem before sporting events.
    Leslie Rutledge: Time for Christian conservative leaders to unite and fight.
    Mark Pryor: AdWatch: I believe in God and I believe in His word.
    Mark Pryor: Campaign theme: Pryor is responsible, Cotton is reckless.
    Mark Pryor: AdWatch: I believe in God; and only God has all the answers.
    Mark West: No religious viewpoint should be publicly imposed.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: Converted from Blue-Dog Democrat; married with three kids.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: Libertarian for those unhappy with Democrats AND Republicans.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I took on media, radical left and cancel culture.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Everything we love about America is at stake.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I'm a Christian, a wife, a mom, and a proud Arkansan.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Sanders is Christian, conservative, a proud Arkansan.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: You bet I'm nationalizing my governor's race.
    Tim Griffin: Supports Supreme Court nominations in election year.
    Tim Hutchinson: Parents operated a Christian radio station and school.
    Tom Cotton: Served in military, academia, and as management consultant.
    Tom Cotton: Fastest male in Congress; has finished 11 marathons.
    Tom Cotton: Slavery was necessary evil upon which union was built.
Social Security
    Conner Eldridge: Protect seniors from privatization and Wall Street gambling.
    Curtis Coleman: Divert some FICA taxes into personal retirement accounts.
    French Hill: Keep our promises, and enhance 401k's & reverse mortgages.
    Mark West: System going bankrupt; cautious transition to privatization.
    John Boozman: Private accounts should be looked at as an option.
    Tom Cotton: Oppo AdWatch: supports Privatizing social security.
Tax Reform
    Anthony Bland: Definitely would not raise taxes, but oppose education cuts.
    Asa Hutchinson: Tax reduction will spur job growth.
    Asa Hutchinson: Don't raise any taxes, while reducing individual tax rate.
    Asa Hutchinson: Tax cuts attract keep veterans in state.
    Asa Hutchinson: Tax cuts keep Arkansas competitive : cut from 6.9% to 6%.
    Asa Hutchinson: 2-4-5.9 plan: flatten & simplify rates, to spur growth.
    Asa Hutchinson: Lower tax rate for new residents to 4.9% for five years.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Like to see tax cuts for the lower and middle class.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: The ultrawealthy should not receive tax cuts.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: National sales tax of 23% is just a bad idea for Arkansans.
    Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Extend tax cuts for low and middle income.
    Conner Eldridge: Lower taxes for families and small businesses.
    Curtis Coleman: Simple Flat Tax plan: 10% for all personal income tax.
    Dan Whitfield: Close loopholes for wealthy; lower taxes for working class.
    Frank Gilbert: Don't raise any taxes, and eliminate income tax.
    French Hill: We need a simple fair tax code instead of wet blanket.
    Jared Henderson: Fight against raising grocery tax, to protect families.
    Jared Henderson: Supports the Republican low and middle class income tax cuts.
    Jim Holt: Taxes should be cut further.
    Mark West: Lower taxes on everyone.
    John Boozman: Support the FairTax; abolish the Internal Revenue Service.
    Leslie Rutledge: Oppose all tax increases, eliminate state income tax.
    Mike Beebe: Cut regressive grocery sales tax now; eliminate it later.
    Mike Huckabee: Remove the poorest taxpayers from the tax rolls.
    Mike Ross: I support lower tax rates.
    Nathan LaFrance: Replace income tax with national sales tax.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I will lower the state income tax.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Reduce cost and size of government, lower state income tax.
    Tim Griffin: Eliminating state income tax should be our goal.
    Wesley Clark: Middle- & working-class tax cuts are an economic-growth tool.
    Asa Hutchinson: Focus on technology education & Innovation Council.
    Asa Hutchinson: $30 million to expand high-speed internet into rural areas.
    Chris Jones: All Arkansans deserve dependable internet.
    Dan Whitfield: Internet info should be personal property, not providers'.
    Mike Huckabee: Arkansas becoming a leader in e-government.
    Tom Cotton: Protect officials, government employees from "doxing".
War & Peace
    Bruce Westerman: No way we can accept a nuclear Iran.
    Conner Eldridge: Opposes Obama's Iran nuclear deal; needs more verification.
    Conner Eldridge: Provide resources to keep military strongest in the world.
    Curtis Coleman: Use military force top prevent nuclear proliferation.
    Dan Whitfield: America has been in the business of war for far too long.
    Dan Whitfield: Bring troops home; stop destabilizing foreign governments.
    Mark West: Avoid foreign entanglements.
    Mark Swaney: Iraq war was a waste, based on a lie.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: End costly wars and foreign entanglements.
    Ricky Dale Harrington: Repeal the War Powers Act & Patriot Act.
    Tom Cotton: Jihadists attack us for who we are.
    Tom Cotton: Iraq War was just and noble.
    Tom Cotton: Authored deal requiring Congress' input on Iran nuke deal.
Welfare & Poverty
    Dan Whitfield: Require all homeless shelters to be handicap accessible.
    Jim Holt: Separation of church and state cannot be done.

The above quotations are from State of Arkansas Politicians: Archives.

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by Jesse Gordon and
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