Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
State of Arkansas Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Asa Hutchinson: Human life begins at conception.
Asa Hutchinson: Now we're the number one pro-life state in the nation.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Take objective approach to judicial confirmation process.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Boozman's pro-life stance puts rapists over victims.
Bruce Westerman: Pro-life; no exceptions for incest or rape.
Bruce Westerman: Stem cell research ok, but not embryonic stem cell research.
Bruce Westerman: No abortion after 12 weeks when fetus is "pain-capable".
Chris Jones: Ban creates problems; supports Roe v. Wade.
Conner Eldridge: I'm personally opposed, but Roe v Wade is the law.
Curtis Coleman: Champion of the rights of the unborn.
Curtis Coleman: Supports umbilical stem cell research, but not embryonic.
Dan Whitfield: Pro-choice but focus on sex ed & access to contraceptives.
Frank Gilbert: Only allow abortion for rape, incest, and maternal life.
Jared Henderson: Supports available legal abortion but won't run on the issue.
Jim Holt: Would not support any pro-choice judicial candidate.
John Boozman: Opposes transporting minors across state lines for abortion.
Leslie Rutledge: Honored for Arkansas to be named most pro-life state.
Mark West: Oppose abortion, but give options to women in crisis.
Mike Beebe: Vetoed abortion ban after 12 weeks.
Mike Huckabee: Supports woman's right-to-know legislation.
Mike Huckabee: Pro-life, but respects choice as mandated law.
Natalie James: Support safe access to reproductive services.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Won't support exceptions in case of rape or incest.
Tom Cotton: AdWatch: I believe in God; and only God has all the answers.
Tom Cotton: Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided; let states decide.
Asa Hutchinson: It's Arkansas policy that we protect the life of the unborn.
Budget & Economy
Anthony Bland: Use public policy to attract and create higher paying jobs.
Asa Hutchinson: AdWatch: Worked for lobbying firm after leaving Congress.
Asa Hutchinson: Free enterprise is key to national prosperity.
Bruce Westerman: Favors economic growth and cuts as opposed to raising taxes.
Chris Jones: Government not about running up bills and creating debt.
Conner Eldridge: Start doing something about $18 trillion in debt.
Curtis Coleman: Work tirelessly to reduce our deficit & pay back $18T debt.
French Hill: Cut low-priority spending; smaller federal government.
Jared Henderson: Bring new ideas and out-of-the-box thinking to economy.
Leslie Rutledge: $3 million to Quick Action Loan Program for small businesses.
Mark West: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Mike Ross: AdWatch: Trillions of things in common with Pelosi & Obama.
Mike Ross: AdWatch: Voted for $7 trillion in new debt and bailouts.
Natalie James: Fund projects strengthening under-served communities.
Natalie James: Prioritize assistance to small and minority businesses.
Nathan LaFrance: Politicians CANNOT control government spending; time for BBA.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Phase out income tax; stop exponential growth of government.
Civil Rights
Bruce Westerman: Opposes affirmative action.
Asa Hutchinson: Marriage should be only one-man-one-woman.
Asa Hutchinson: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Asa Hutchinson: Forced moderate version of business "religious freedom" bill.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Oppose amending the federal constitution to ban gay marriage.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Defer to military decision on Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell.
Bruce Westerman: No civil unions; no same-sex marriage.
Chris Jones: Protect medical options for transgender healthcare.
Conner Eldridge: Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act.
Conner Eldridge: OpEd: Dems embrace same-sex marriage; Eldridge is reluctant.
Curtis Coleman: Protect right to free practice of our faith.
Curtis Coleman: Marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
Dan Whitfield: No discrimination for sexual orientation or identity.
Dan Whitfield: Solving systemic racism will improve life for Americans.
Frank Gilbert: State should stay out of the marriage business.
Jared Henderson: Supports LGBT citizens but not for across the board revamps.
Jim Holt: Amend the federal constitution to ban gay marriage.
John Boozman: Keep Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell; the policy has worked well.
Leslie Rutledge: Supports election fraud lawsuit filed by Texas.
Leslie Rutledge: Ban transgender girls in sports to ensure equity.
Leslie Rutledge: Teaching critical race theory violates Civil Rights Act.
Mark West: No authority over relationships between same-sex adults.
Mike Ross: Personally opposes gay marriage, but abide by Supreme Court.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: It's a lie that America is a racist and evil country.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Supports prohibition of transgender treatment for minors.
Chris Jones: Cut unnecessary regulatory burdens on business.
Dan Whitfield: Close loopholes so corporations pay more than zero in taxes.
Jared Henderson: Give right tools to right people, & jobs will flourish.
John Boozman: Tax cuts for higher income helps small business owners.
Leslie Rutledge: Stop private social media companies from censoring & banning.
Natalie James: Revoke tax breaks for corporations that outsource US jobs.
Tom Cotton: AdWatch: Worked as management consultant, not in insurance.
Asa Hutchinson: Balance public safety with giving a second chance in life.
Asa Hutchinson: Four executions in 8 days; keep protocol of lethal injection.
Asa Hutchinson: Give criminals a second chance.
Asa Hutchinson: Increased funding for law enforcement.
Asa Hutchinson: Let's not be last state to enact hate crimes legislation.
Asa Hutchinson: Build new 498 inmate prison because we have a growing state.
Bruce Westerman: Supports capital punishment; opposes building more prisons.
Chris Jones: Shrink state's incarceration rate, puts a strain on system.
Conner Eldridge: Work with law enforcement to reduce threats of violence.
Curtis Coleman: No mandatory minimums, but death penalty ok.
Dan Whitfield: End the corruption of private prisons.
Dan Whitfield: Greater firepower is not solution; deal with systemic racism.
Dan Whitfield: Need to reform, not "defund," the police.
Leslie Rutledge: Death row executions continue with sedative.
Mark Swaney: Eliminate the federal death penalty.
Mark West: Fewer non-violent offenses, but respect victims rights.
Mike Beebe: Let non-violent offenders repay debt to society productively.
Natalie James: End Qualified Immunity, end mass incarceration.
Ricky Dale Harrington: Reduce prison population; impose sentencing caps.
Ricky Dale Harrington: Prisons shouldn't profit off of people.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: To remain free we must have law and order.
Tom Cotton: Zero tolerance for destruction during protests.
Bruce Westerman: No medical marijuana; no decriminalization.
Chris Jones: Develop a just and equitable cannabis industry.
Conner Eldridge: Spent 5 years as US Attorney taking on drug traffickers.
Dan Whitfield: Marijuana should be federally decriminalized.
Dan Whitfield: Let voters in each state determine how to treat marijuana.
Leslie Rutledge: Hosted a yearly prescription Drug Abuse Summit.
Mark West: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Mike Beebe: Heavier penalties for drug trade; but not for possession.
Mike Huckabee: Treatment for drug use instead of incarceration.
Natalie James: Decriminalize marijuana; expunge marijuana-related offenses.
Tom Cotton: Stiffer penalties for deceptively trafficking in fentanyl.
Anthony Bland: We need real investment in education to support all students.
Asa Hutchinson: Post the Ten Commandments in public school buildings.
Asa Hutchinson: ArFuture Grants: pay tuition & stay in state for 3 years.
Asa Hutchinson: Fund colleges based on productivity.
Asa Hutchinson: Invest in tech education & early education.
Asa Hutchinson: Raise average teacher salaries $2,000 over next two years.
Bruce Westerman: Supports charter schools; opposes Common Core.
Chris Jones: All children should have access to high quality preschool.
Chris Jones: Enable low-to-no cost community college degrees.
Conner Eldridge: I attended public schools and I will prioritize education.
Curtis Coleman: Opposes mandatory reforms for competitive federal grants.
Dan Whitfield: Cap the interest rate on Federal Student Loans at 1-2%.
Dan Whitfield: Raise teachers' salaries from $33K to $40K.
Dan Whitfield: Free college for 2-year degrees; lower interest rates.
Dan Whitfield: Promote vocational training for those not going to college.
Dan Whitfield: Raise teacher's minimum salary to $40,000.
Jared Henderson: Education is the catalyst to strong economy and prosperity.
Leslie Rutledge: First in education which includes school choice.
Mark West: De-link funding from standardized tests; then vouchers ok.
Mike Beebe: Teach science and math using new, national methods.
Mike Huckabee: First priority: Raise teacher salaries.
Mike Ross: AdWatch: Unwavering commitment to our children and schools.
Natalie James: Strengthen public school system; prioritize Pre-K education.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Offer more choices to parents of kids in failing schools.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Offer more choices to parents of kids in failing schools.
Tim Griffin: Wants more parental choice in education.
Tim Griffin: Looks forward to school choice funding of religious schools.
Tom Cotton: Cut funding to schools using 1619 Project about slavery.
Energy & Oil
Asa Hutchinson: We need to accelerate electric charging states across state.
Chris Jones: Uplift and support the solar energy industry.
Bruce Westerman: Expansion of energy sources should be market driven.
Curtis Coleman: Use every American energy source to end external dependency.
Curtis Coleman: Cap-and-trade is a massive tax on energy consumption.
Dan Whitfield: Climate change exists even if we pretend it doesn't.
Dan Whitfield: Climate change is real; make Arkansas leader in clean energy.
Jake Bequette: Democrats want insane policies like Green New Deal.
Jim Holt: Drilling for oil in Alaska won't cause environmental damage.
Josh Mahony: Climate change is man-made.
Leslie Rutledge: Joined challenge of revocation of Keystone Pipeline permit.
Mark Swaney: Tax carbon to encourage people to use alternatives.
Mark West: Government shouldn't play favorites in energy market.
Natalie James: Advocate for equity in developing clean energy economy.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Fight radical environmental policies like Green New Deal.
Asa Hutchinson: Reduce burden of unreasonable regulations.
Bruce Westerman: Fight EPA expansion of protected waters.
Chris Jones: Protect residential communities from hazardous industry.
Conner Eldridge: Repeal overly-burdensome regulations that hurt farmers.
Curtis Coleman: EPA poses a serious threat to property rights.
John Boozman: EPA regulations make dirtier climate abroad & no gain in US.
Leslie Rutledge: Sued to stop EPA's Water of the United States Rule.
Mark West: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Mike Beebe: Important to preserve forests to protect jobs.
Natalie James: Reverse Trump's EPA war on environmental justice.
Families & Children
Asa Hutchinson: Reform divorce laws to increase waiting period.
Asa Hutchinson: More funding for foster children.
Asa Hutchinson: Reformed child welfare system with faith-based partners.
Mike Huckabee: Supports "covenant marriage".
Tom Cotton: Domestic violence victim funding pushes ideological agenda.
Foreign Policy
Asa Hutchinson: Eradicate North Korean leadership, but no assassinations.
Bruce Westerman: Negotiate Israel-Palestine deal directly, not through UN.
Chris Jones: Stand up for our allies and for peace in Europe.
Conner Eldridge: Advocate for an aggressive, unapologetic foreign policy.
Mark West: Just because something is American doesn't make it better.
Ricky Dale Harrington: As missionary in China, saw lack of rights under Communism.
Tom Cotton: Buy strategically-important Greenland, to block China.
Free Trade
Asa Hutchinson: Supports high tariffs to eventually lead to low tariffs.
Asa Hutchinson: Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA.
Bruce Westerman: Expand foreign markets for farm exports.
Conner Eldridge: Opposes Trans Pacific Partnership; supports fair trade.
Mark West: Support & expand free trade.
Mike Beebe: Cuba's interest in AR exports is good for the state.
Natalie James: Expand market access; fight trade policies hurting farmers.
Tim Griffin: Applauds USMCA for promoting trade, economic growth.
Government Reform
Asa Hutchinson: 1999: Brought articles of impeachment against Bill Clinton.
Asa Hutchinson: Photo ID for voting.
Asa Hutchinson: Cut outdated regulations and cut government employees.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: No moratorium on earmarks; they fund local projects.
Bruce Westerman: Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending.
Bruce Westerman: Require proof of identity when voting.
Bruce Westerman: Co-sponsored bill to require photo ID for voting.
Chris Jones: Every community deserves to claim their seat at the table.
Conner Eldridge: Rid the political system of secret, dark money.
Curtis Coleman: 12-year term limits: citizen legislators and judges.
Dan Whitfield: Elected officials should give up rights to financial privacy.
Dan Whitfield: Elected officials should give up financial privacy.
Dan Whitfield: All elected officials should liquidate their portfolios.
Dan Whitfield: Corporate spending is not speech; end Citizens United.
Dan Whitfield: Sued over signature requirement for ballot during pandemic.
Dan Whitfield: Denied ballot access in 2020, not dropping fight for 2022.
Dan Whitfield: Favors ranked choice voting.
Dan Whitfield: End gerrymandering, use computer algorithm to draw lines.
Dan Whitfield: Reform Postal Service; against privatization.
Dan Whitfield: Lower pay for elected officials.
Jim Holt: Campaign reform is incumbency protection.
Leslie Rutledge: OpEd: Lawsuit alleges election challenge was self-serving.
Mark Pryor: Government shutdown is reckless & irresponsible.
Mark West: Make voter registration easier.
Mike Beebe: Vetoed bill to require photo ID for voting.
Mike Huckabee: Not more government, but more efficient government.
Mike Ross: Left Congress due to growing acrimony of national politics.
Natalie James: Pass John Lewis Voting Rights Act & Freedom to Vote Act.
Nathan LaFrance: Term limits will accomplish with CFR attempts to do.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: As undergraduate, fought for student voting rights.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: We'll never know the depths of 2020 election fraud .
Gun Control
Asa Hutchinson: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Bruce Westerman: No background checks, no licensing, for concealed carry.
Chris Jones: For common sense laws while protecting 2nd amendment rights.
Conner Eldridge: Enforce the gun laws already on the books.
Curtis Coleman: Champion of our 2nd Amendment rights.
Dan Whitfield: Disarming citizens against everything America stands for.
Dan Whitfield: Disarming citizens unconstitutional, but check backgrounds.
Jared Henderson: No guns on campus; won't commit yet on open carry.
Josh Mahony: Mental health reform; but how do we do it?
Josh Mahony: Mental health reform, but we need Congress to pass it.
Leslie Rutledge: A proud Christian, pro-life, gun-carrying conservative Momma.
Mark West: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Mike Huckabee: Supports self-defense and �castle doctrine'.
Natalie James: Ban AR-15 weapons & raise purchasing age.
Nathan LaFrance: Attempts at building a federal gun registry are wrong.
Ricky Dale Harrington: Right of people to bear arms "shall not be infringed".
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Defend your second amendment right to keep your family safe.
Tom Cotton: Mental health reform; but how do we do it?
Tom Cotton: Mental health reform to block access to firearms.
Health Care
Anthony Bland: Every person in state should be covered by healthcare.
Anthony Bland: Invest in children's health, education & livelihood.
Asa Hutchinson: A lot of budget "fuzziness" if private option is not renewed.
Asa Hutchinson: $5M for Mental Health Stabilization Centers.
Asa Hutchinson: Work requirement for Medicaid.
Asa Hutchinson: COVID: Getting vaccines out is public/private partnership.
Asa Hutchinson: Kept state "open for business" during pandemic.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Can�t get our arms around the uninsured.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: I stopped the public option in ObamaCare.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Worked to ensure the overhaul helped small businesses.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Fix broken logistics of healthcare delivery.
Bruce Westerman: No public option; no individual mandates.
Chris Jones: Help to make prescription drugs more affordable.
Conner Eldridge: Improve ObamaCare rather than distractions about repeal.
Curtis Coleman: I will never vote to fund ObamaCare.
Dan Whitfield: Universal healthcare, like every other industrialized nation.
Dan Whitfield: Medicare for All--human misery should never be monetized.
Dan Whitfield: Coronavirus: China is not the enemy; COVID-19 is.
French Hill: ObamaCare is a $2.2 trillion mistake.
Jared Henderson: Support Arkansas Works; concentrate on reducing premiums.
John Boozman: Something needs to be done, but ObamaCare is a job killer.
John Boozman: Solution like overhaul is what's wrong with government.
John Boozman: I want to be the deciding vote to repeal ObamaCare.
John Boozman: Nothing in healthcare bill controls cost; much escalates it.
Josh Mahony: Supports public option; preserve private health insurance.
Leslie Rutledge: Joined Texas lawsuit to end ObamaCare.
Mark Pryor: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
Mark Pryor: AdWatch: False that Medicare vouchers increase seniors' cost.
Mark West: Oppose ObamaCare.
Mike Beebe: Provide better care without federal Affordable Care Act.
Mike Beebe: Expand state Medicaid, but with low-income private option.
Mike Huckabee: ARKids First program: record decreases in uninsured.
Mike Ross: Voted for ObamaCare early on but now consistently against it.
Mike Ross: Voted against individuals keeping health insurance plans.
Natalie James: Defend and improve the Affordable Care Act.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Opposes vaccination or masking mandates for COVID.
Tom Cotton: Federal shut down to force ObamaCare delay by one year.
Tom Cotton: FactCheck: No special subsidies for congressional staff.
Tom Cotton: AdWatch: Cotton supports Medicare "premium support" vouchers.
Tom Cotton: AdWatch: No, Cotton won't end Medicare guarantee.
Tom Cotton: Introduced bill to cut off purchase of China-made drugs.
Tom Cotton: Supreme Court got it wrong o ObamaCare individual mandate.
Homeland Security
Curtis Coleman: Oppose unconstitutional activities by the NSA.
Asa Hutchinson: In Arkansas we support our military bases and their missions.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Seniority concerns shouldn�t outweigh intelligence decisions.
Conner Eldridge: Ensure stable military and VA funding.
Curtis Coleman: AdWatch: Boozman voted to curtail civil liberties; I won't.
Dan Whitfield: Invest in the VA: education on bases for soldiers' children.
Jake Bequette: Train military to fight great powers, not woke leftism.
Jim Holt: Trust Bush's homeland security decisions and recommendations.
Leslie Rutledge: First-ever Military and Veterans Initiative at AG's office.
Mark West: Military expansion results in international police.
Natalie James: Cut defense budget; move money to homelessness, education.
Nathan LaFrance: Meta-data collection of phone records is unconstitutional.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Do every single thing to protect and preserve our freedoms.
Tom Cotton: AdWatch: No sense of entitlement from serving in military.
Bruce Westerman: Control the borders, then implement guest worker program.
Conner Eldridge: Pathway to legal status but no amnesty.
Curtis Coleman: 100% opposed to amnesty in any form or by any mechanism.
Dan Whitfield: End migrant child detention facilities: use foster care.
Jared Henderson: We can learn and grow by listening to the immigrants stories.
Leslie Rutledge: Sued to overturn Sanctuary jurisdiction rules under Obama.
Mark West: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Some immigrants are worse than animals.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pledges to defund sanctuary cities, already done in 2019.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Defends sending immigrants to Democrat-led sanctuary cities.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Defended family separation: very Biblical to enforce the law.
Dan Whitfield: Large corporations required to pay $15 minimum wage.
Dan Whitfield: Regain workers' rights and protections through Unionism.
Jim Holt: Restrict China trade until they float their currency.
John Boozman: Pushed 16-hour trucker day; withdrew "sweatshop on wheels".
Mark Swaney: Abandon minimum wage in favor of living wage.
Mark West: No discriminatory hiring practices but no affirmative action.
Natalie James: Supports living wage starting with $15-an-hour minimum.
Principles & Values
Anthony Bland: We need policies that make sure everybody is treated fair.
Anthony Bland: Make the American dream a reality for all Arkansans.
Asa Hutchinson: When the election is over we need to come together.
Asa Hutchinson: Parents operated a Christian radio station and school.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Some say I'm too liberal; some say I'm too conservative.
Chris Jones: Raised with strong faith, no conflict with love for science.
Chris Jones: Politics does not have to be divisive and destructive.
Chris Jones: We are all neighbors; we have to be there for each other.
Frank Gilbert: Christian Libertarian & believes in Non-Aggression Principle.
Jake Bequette: I'm a God-fearing Christian conservative.
Jake Bequette: Upset to see athletes disrespect flag and our great country.
Jake Bequette: Calls himself Razorback; U of Arkansas asks him to stop.
Jake Bequette: Voters looking for someone unapologetically pro-American.
John Boozman: Arkansas can't afford Blanche Lincoln anymore.
Leslie Rutledge: Require public schools to play anthem before sporting events.
Leslie Rutledge: Time for Christian conservative leaders to unite and fight.
Mark Pryor: AdWatch: I believe in God and I believe in His word.
Mark Pryor: Campaign theme: Pryor is responsible, Cotton is reckless.
Mark Pryor: AdWatch: I believe in God; and only God has all the answers.
Mark West: No religious viewpoint should be publicly imposed.
Ricky Dale Harrington: Converted from Blue-Dog Democrat; married with three kids.
Ricky Dale Harrington: Libertarian for those unhappy with Democrats AND Republicans.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I took on media, radical left and cancel culture.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Everything we love about America is at stake.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I'm a Christian, a wife, a mom, and a proud Arkansan.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Sanders is Christian, conservative, a proud Arkansan.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: You bet I'm nationalizing my governor's race.
Tim Griffin: Supports Supreme Court nominations in election year.
Tim Hutchinson: Parents operated a Christian radio station and school.
Tom Cotton: Served in military, academia, and as management consultant.
Tom Cotton: Fastest male in Congress; has finished 11 marathons.
Tom Cotton: Slavery was necessary evil upon which union was built.
Social Security
Conner Eldridge: Protect seniors from privatization and Wall Street gambling.
Curtis Coleman: Divert some FICA taxes into personal retirement accounts.
French Hill: Keep our promises, and enhance 401k's & reverse mortgages.
Mark West: System going bankrupt; cautious transition to privatization.
John Boozman: Private accounts should be looked at as an option.
Tom Cotton: Oppo AdWatch: supports Privatizing social security.
Tax Reform
Anthony Bland: Definitely would not raise taxes, but oppose education cuts.
Asa Hutchinson: Tax reduction will spur job growth.
Asa Hutchinson: Don't raise any taxes, while reducing individual tax rate.
Asa Hutchinson: Tax cuts attract keep veterans in state.
Asa Hutchinson: Tax cuts keep Arkansas competitive : cut from 6.9% to 6%.
Asa Hutchinson: 2-4-5.9 plan: flatten & simplify rates, to spur growth.
Asa Hutchinson: Lower tax rate for new residents to 4.9% for five years.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Like to see tax cuts for the lower and middle class.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: The ultrawealthy should not receive tax cuts.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: National sales tax of 23% is just a bad idea for Arkansans.
Blanche Lambert Lincoln: Extend tax cuts for low and middle income.
Conner Eldridge: Lower taxes for families and small businesses.
Curtis Coleman: Simple Flat Tax plan: 10% for all personal income tax.
Dan Whitfield: Close loopholes for wealthy; lower taxes for working class.
Frank Gilbert: Don't raise any taxes, and eliminate income tax.
French Hill: We need a simple fair tax code instead of wet blanket.
Jared Henderson: Fight against raising grocery tax, to protect families.
Jared Henderson: Supports the Republican low and middle class income tax cuts.
Jim Holt: Taxes should be cut further.
Mark West: Lower taxes on everyone.
John Boozman: Support the FairTax; abolish the Internal Revenue Service.
Leslie Rutledge: Oppose all tax increases, eliminate state income tax.
Mike Beebe: Cut regressive grocery sales tax now; eliminate it later.
Mike Huckabee: Remove the poorest taxpayers from the tax rolls.
Mike Ross: I support lower tax rates.
Nathan LaFrance: Replace income tax with national sales tax.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I will lower the state income tax.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Reduce cost and size of government, lower state income tax.
Tim Griffin: Eliminating state income tax should be our goal.
Wesley Clark: Middle- & working-class tax cuts are an economic-growth tool.
Asa Hutchinson: Focus on technology education & Innovation Council.
Asa Hutchinson: $30 million to expand high-speed internet into rural areas.
Chris Jones: All Arkansans deserve dependable internet.
Dan Whitfield: Internet info should be personal property, not providers'.
Mike Huckabee: Arkansas becoming a leader in e-government.
Tom Cotton: Protect officials, government employees from "doxing".
War & Peace
Bruce Westerman: No way we can accept a nuclear Iran.
Conner Eldridge: Opposes Obama's Iran nuclear deal; needs more verification.
Conner Eldridge: Provide resources to keep military strongest in the world.
Curtis Coleman: Use military force top prevent nuclear proliferation.
Dan Whitfield: America has been in the business of war for far too long.
Dan Whitfield: Bring troops home; stop destabilizing foreign governments.
Mark West: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Mark Swaney: Iraq war was a waste, based on a lie.
Ricky Dale Harrington: End costly wars and foreign entanglements.
Ricky Dale Harrington: Repeal the War Powers Act & Patriot Act.
Tom Cotton: Jihadists attack us for who we are.
Tom Cotton: Iraq War was just and noble.
Tom Cotton: Authored deal requiring Congress' input on Iran nuke deal.
Welfare & Poverty
Dan Whitfield: Require all homeless shelters to be handicap accessible.
Jim Holt: Separation of church and state cannot be done.
The above quotations are from State of Arkansas Politicians: Archives.
Debates and books for Arkansas:
- 2022-11: 2022 AR Senate race
- 2022-11: 2022 AR Governor's race
- 2020-11: 2020 AR Senatorial race
- 2019-11: Past and present Governor candidates from Arkansas
- 2018-11: AR Congressional representatives, past and present
- 2018-11: 2018 AR Governor's race
- 2017-11: Past and present Senate candidates from Arkansas
- 2016-12: State of Arkansas secondary Archives
- 2016-11: 2016 AR Senate race
- 2015-01: The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
- 2015-01: God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy, by Mike Huckabee
- 2014-11: 2014 AR Senate debate
- 2014-11: 2014 Arkansas Governor's race
- 2011-11: AR legislative records
- 2011-02: A Simple Government, by Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R, AR)
- 2010-09: 2010 AR Senate Debates
- 2010-01: State of Arkansas Archives
- 2008-11: Do the Right Thing, by Mike Huckabee
- 2007-06: Character Makes a Difference, by Mike Huckabee
- 2007-01: From Hope to Higher Ground
- 2006-05: Quit Digging Your Grave With a Knife and Fork
- 2005-11: The Choice, by Bob Woodward
- 2004-10: Arkansas Senate Debate
- 2000-10: Living Beyond Your Lifetime, by Mike Huckabee
- 2000-01: Pres. Clinton's State of the Union speeches
- 1998-06: Kids Who Kill, by Gov. Mike Huckabee
- 1997-11: Friends in High Places, by Webb Hubbell
- 1997-09: Character IS the Issue, by Mike Huckabee
- 1996-09: Between Hope and History