State of Washington secondary Archives: on Social Security
Dino Rossi:
Massive debt could destabilize Social Security
Murray said Rossi's support for extending tax cuts for individuals who earn $200,000 a year or more could destabilize Social Security, halt the cleanup of the Hanford Nuclear
Reservation and hurt student loans and construction projects that repair dams and other infrastructure.
Rossi said it's Murray-backed spending and policies like the recent federal health care legislation that endanger Social Security and other programs
He also accused her of "class warfare" for wanting only to extend the tax cut for those earning less than $200,000.
"The biggest threat is going to be the debt--the debt that
Sen. Murray has helped amass for this nation," Rossi said. "I don't think her spending is going to help us preserve Social Security for the future."
Source: The Spokesman-Review coverage of 2010 WA Senate debate
Oct 15, 2010
Dino Rossi:
No comment on raising retirement age or other changes, yet
Both candidates refused to say whether they'd back raising the Social Security retirement age or other changes to the entitlement.
They each pointed to a bipartisan commission studying the issue, saying they wanted to read that report before making any promises.
Source: Seattle Times coverage of 2010 WA Senate debate
Oct 17, 2010
George Nethercutt:
Save Social Security by decreasing government spending
MURRAY: Social Security is a promise from one generation to the next. It says if you work hard in this country, you will not be living in poverty when you retire. The biggest threat to the security of that system today is the $425 billion deficit that we
are running today. Nethercutt just talked about tax cuts. I support targeted tax cuts that bring relief to middle-income families. The massive tax cuts that he has supported-50% goes to people making over $1 million a year-comes right out of that Social
Security trust fund. Seniors won't be able to count on that if we continue to raid that Social Security Trust Fund.
NETHERCUTT: Murray says that I want to privatize Social Security. She is trying to scare people on Social Security. She voted six times
for higher taxes on Social Security recipients. Payroll taxes pay for Social Security. If you want to have payroll taxes, you want to have jobs. If you have jobs, you entrust the economy to the small-business economy, not increasing government spending.
Source: [Xref Murray] WA Senate Debate
Oct 20, 2004
Patty Murray:
No comment on raising retirement age or other changes, yet
Both candidates refused to say whether they'd back raising the Social Security retirement age or other changes to the entitlement.
They each pointed to a bipartisan commission studying the issue, saying they wanted to read that report before making any promises.
Source: Seattle Times coverage of 2010 WA Senate debate
Oct 17, 2010
Pramila Jayapal:
Lift the income cap; reform COLA adjustments
Making the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share Into Social Security and Medicare: In yet just another example of the rich getting richer on the back of working Americans, currently someone making millions of dollars a year contributes the same amount of money
to Social Security as someone making $118,500 a year. In Congress, Pramila will work to end this inequity by supporting legislation to lift the income cap on Social Security so that everyone pays the same percentage of their income into Social Security.
In addition, Pramila believes that we need to invest where there is the greatest need and supports reducing benefits for high-income earners who have greater financial security and do not often rely on Social Security benefits in retirement.
Pramila will work to reform the funding formula for Social Security benefits so that the annual cost of living adjustments are more reflective of senior spending patterns rather than simply inflation.
Source: 2016 WA House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
The above quotations are from State of Washington Politicians: secondary Archives.
Click here for definitions & background information on Social Security.
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