Thomas Clements on SenateMatch | |
VoteMatch Responses
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VoteMatch Question & Answer (Click on question for explanation and background) |
Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
topic 1: Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right (+2 points on Social scale) | Supreme Court has ruled on abortion: Favors topic 1 |
topic 2: Legally require hiring women & minorities (-3 points on Economic scale) | Support Equal Rights Amendment: Favors topic 2 |
Strongly Favors
topic 3: Comfortable with same-sex marriage (+5 points on Social scale) | Get government out of marriage business: Strongly Favors topic 3 |
Strongly Favors
topic 4: Keep God in the public sphere (-5 points on Social scale) | Why not keep God in the public sphere?: Strongly Favors topic 4 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 5: Expand ObamaCare (+5 points on Economic scale) | Cost is the only thing that has expanded under ObamaCare: Strongly Opposes topic 5 |
Strongly Favors
topic 6: Privatize Social Security (+5 points on Economic scale) | Privatize Social Security at birth for newborns today: Strongly Favors topic 6 |
topic 7: Vouchers for school choice (+2 points on Economic scale) | Supports homeschooling and vouchers: Favors topic 7 |
topic 8: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach (-3 points on Social scale) | States should deal with water quality not federal EPA: Favors topic 8 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 9: Stricter punishment reduces crime (+5 points on Social scale) | Unconstitutionally strict punishment is�a problem: Strongly Opposes topic 9 |
Strongly Favors
topic 10: Absolute right to gun ownership (+5 points on Economic scale) | Second Amendment is the law of the land: Strongly Favors topic 10 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 11: Higher taxes on the wealthy (+5 points on Economic scale) | Flat rate tax with across-the-board reduction: Strongly Opposes topic 11 |
topic 12: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens (-3 points on Social scale) | Annex Mexico economically to avoid immigration issues: Opposes topic 12 |
Strongly Favors
topic 13: Support & expand free trade (+5 points on Economic scale) | No restrictions on trade, but no corporatism: Strongly Favors topic 13 |
topic 14: Support American Exceptionalism (+2 points on Economic scale) | Foreign aid spending only to protect US interests: Favors topic 14 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 15: Expand the military (+5 points on Social scale) | Why do we need military bases in the Phillipines?: Strongly Opposes topic 15 |
topic 16: Make voter registration easier (+2 points on Social scale) | Term limits for Congress; but voter ID too: Favors topic 16 |
topic 17: Avoid foreign entanglements (+2 points on Social scale) | Help prevent genocide abroad, but not with U.S. lives: Favors topic 17 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 18: Prioritize green energy (+5 points on Economic scale) | No cap and trade; no taxing carbon emissions: Strongly Opposes topic 18 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 19: Marijuana is a gateway drug (+5 points on Social scale) | Marijuana is a benefit to people's health: Strongly Opposes topic 19 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 20: Stimulus better than market-led recovery (+5 points on Economic scale) | Eliminate corporate tax to create jobs & avoid more debt: Strongly Opposes topic 20 |