Led the fight against the Presidents national testing proposal that was subsequently banned in law. (P.L. 105-277, 1998)
Source: JohnAshcroft.org, campaign web site
Nov 7, 2000
Send direct checks to local school districts
Q. What is the biggest reform issue confronting schools and how do you propose that the federal government address the problem? A. Our nations children deserve no less than a safe and secure learning environment. There are significant problems
in Missouri with failing urban school districts. These districts will be greatly helped by direct check legislation, which sends federal education dollars directly to local school districts. There is currently a federal law that prohibits local schools
from being able to remove certain students who have weapons, drugs, or assault school personnel from the classroom for an appropriate amount of time. I have introduced legislation, endorsed by the Mi
ssouri School Boards Assocation, Missouri NEA and Missouri State Teachers Association, closing this federal loophole.
Source: NACHRI Interview (ChildrensHospitals.net/nachri)
Sep 9, 2000
Voted YES on Educational Savings Accounts.
Vote to pass a bill that would permit tax-free savings accounts of up to $2000 per child annually to be used for public or private school tuition or other education expenses.
Bill S.1134
; vote number 2000-33
on Mar 2, 2000
Voted YES on declaring that memorial prayers and religious symbols at sch.
Vote to declare that erecting religious symbols and praying on public school campuses as part of a memorial service does not violate the First Amendment to the Constitution, and to provide legal assistance to any government entity defending such a case.
Bill S.254
; vote number 1999-121
on May 18, 1999
Voted YES on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules.
This vote was a motion to invoke cloture on a bill aimed at allowing states to waive certain federal rules normally required in order to use federal school aid. [A YES vote implies support of charter schools and vouchers].
Status: Cloture Motion Rejected Y)55; N)39; NV)6
Reference: Motion to Invoke cloture on Jeffords Amdt #31;
Bill S. 280
; vote number 1999-35
on Mar 9, 1999
Voted YES on education savings accounts.
This Conference Report approved tax-sheltered education savings accounts.
Status: Conf Rpt Agreed to Y)59; N)36; NV)5
Reference: H.R. 2646 Conference Report;
Bill H.R. 2646
; vote number 1998-169
on Jun 24, 1998
Voted YES on school vouchers in DC.
This legislation would have amended the DC spending measure, imposing an unconstitutional school voucher program on the District.
Status: Cloture Motion Rejected Y)58; N)41; NV)1
Reference: DC Appropriations Act;
Bill S. 1156
; vote number 1997-260
on Sep 30, 1997
Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education.
Vote to retain a provision of the Budget Act that funds abstinence education to help reduce teenage pregnancy, using $75 million of the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program.
Bill S 1956
; vote number 1996-231
on Jul 23, 1996