Q: Under what circumstances should taxpayers help pay off existing student loans?
A: In event of death or legitimate disability. Some things can be done to help those with existing debt, including allowing tax-free payments of debts by employers
up to a limit (e.g. $10,000 per year). Going forward, like health care, the existence of a third party in the equation causes college to cost more than it would absent huge federal involvement. Federal loans and grants need to be decreased.
Source: AFA iVoterGuide on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate
, Nov 3, 2020
The more locally K-12 education is handled, the better
Q: What role do you think the federal government should play in preparing K-12 students for the science and technology driven 21st Century?
A: While I believe education is incredibly important,
with the exception of providing low interest rate loans for college, I don�t believe education should be part of the role of the federal government. The more locally K-12 education is handled, the better.
Q: A stance on vouchers? Ok to use at private schools? At parochial schools?
A: I�m against vouchers and I�m for elimination of the U.S. Department of Education. I think that, the more local public school can be made, the better.
Source: Email interview on 2004 Senate race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jun 28, 2004
Allow moment of silence in public schools
Q: Your opinion on Permit Prayer in Public Schools?
A: A moment of silence (to do whatever the student desires) is fine.
Source: Email interview on 2004 Senate race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jun 25, 2004
Test scores have not improved despite federal intervention
Given that test scores haven�t improved since the Department of Education was created in 1979, dismantle the federal Department of Education.
Source: Email interview on 2004 Senate race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jun 11, 2004
Dismantle the federal Department of Education
Education should be handled by state and local governments and private institutions, without intervention from the federal government. The current education system is not working well, at least not for Georgia. (Georgia is ranked 50 out of 50 states.)
The Bush Administration�s �No Child Left Behind� program has been utilized by only approximately 2% of eligible children. Many school systems have opted out, deciding that the costs exceed the benefits.
Education has not improved in the U.S. since the advent of the Department of Education in 1979. Under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, the power to oversee education is reserved to the states. The State, not the Federal Government, should deal
with this matter. The current annual budget of the Department of Education is approximately $63 Billion. The cost breaks down to approximately $500 per full-time working person. Accordingly, the U.S. Department of Education should be dismantled.
Buckley opposes the AFA survey question on free college
The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Taxpayer-funded public education should be guaranteed through college'?
Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)