Judeo-Christian values established our government framework
Question topic: Efforts to bring Islamic law (shariah) to America do not pose a threat to our country and its Constitution.
Hansen: Strongly Disagree.
Question topic: Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which permitted our system of limited government.
Hansen: Strongly Agree
Question topic: Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.
Hansen: I am a Christian and my faith is what has brought me to run for office. I believe we need honest people in our government and without these values, our country cannot prosper.
My run for office is not about me. It is about representing the wishes of the people of my state and the nation. If elected, I will first look to the people of Illinois as to their wishes on specific matters. I will vote based on the majority of the
wishes of the people I represent. I will only deviate from their wishes if I believe they don't have all the facts and will explain to the people the reason I supported one view over the other. Most people don't know all the details of a particular
subject. In those instances where I believe this to be the case, I will simplify the matter for them so it is more easily understood. The people of Illinois for the last 2 years have not been represented at all from my district. Our representative and
our senators have chosen to ignore the wishes of the people and vote against what the majority of the people want. Former Rep. Johnson always voted the way I would have wanted him to vote. My most recent senators and representative have not.
If "God" in public places offends you, go elsewhere
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Keep God in the public sphere"?
A: I do believe in God and I believe most religions believe in God. Because I am a Christian, I believe that Jesus is the son of God and that Jesus was sent to die on
the cross to forgive our sins since we are incapable of living a totally sin free life. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Our country was founded upon that principle but America was started so that people could escape persecution for their religious beliefs.
Q: What about using the term "God" in public places?
A: I believe that God's name should remain in public places. If it offends some, they are free to go to another country that doesn't believe in God.
God was given great importance by our founding fathers
When President Kennedy was running for president, I believe he was the first Catholic to do so and that was a big deal to many people, but a Catholic is still a Christian. God was given great importance by our founding fathers and I believe that we
should not abandon God. Look where that has gotten this country! We have a government full of sin and corruption. I have no problem with people of other religions living in America and that as long as they don't hurt someone else because of their
religious beliefs, then I think they should be able to practice their religion as they see fit without government interference. I think removing God from our government is a mistake and should be tolerated by those who want to live in our country as long
as their beliefs or lack thereof doesn't infringe on the rights of others. I have known many fine people from a variety of religions that are wonderful people. As far as I know, we could all be worshiping the same God but with a different name.