Report: the Women's Caucus policy agenda:
Source: Women's Caucus Agenda-106th Congress
The teams of the Womens Caucus are charged with advancing action on their designated issues in a bipartisan manner. Legislation from Team 10. TAX POLICY: Estate Tax:
HR241Surviving Spouse Fairness Act of 1999A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide that the $500,000 exclusion of gain on the sale of a principle residence shall apply to certain sales by a surviving spouse. (Roukema) Education:
HR464Higher Education Affordability and Availability ActA bill to provide tax incentives for education and to exclude from income distributions from qualified tuition programs used for qualified higher education expenses (Granger) School Construction: providing low-interest bonds to local school districts:
HR1760Americas Better Classrooms Act of 1999 (N.Johnson) HR415Expand and Rebuild Americas Schools Act of 1997 (Sanchez)
HR1660Public School Modernization Act of 1999 (Rangel)
HR2085Family Tax Reduction Act of 1999A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to end the marriage penalty, to provide estate tax relief for family-owned farms and other family-owned businesses, to provide a tax credit for longterm care needs, to expand the child and dependent care tax credit, to increase the deduction for health insurance costs for self-employed individuals, and to adjust for inflation the exemption amounts used to calculate the individual alternative minimum tax. (Hooley)
HR2020Tax Relief for Working Americans Act of 1999A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide marriage penalty relief, incentives to encourage health coverage, and increased child care assistance, to extend certain expiring tax provisions, and for other purposes. (N. Johnson).
Topic: Tax Reform
Headline: Tax incentives for education, new schools, & families
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