Tom Foley (3) Connecticut Republican challenger
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Abortion Henry McMaster: Human life begins at conception.
Andrew Cuomo: Fight for passage of the Reproductive Rights Act.
Dennis Daugaard: Protect the unborn; overturn Roe v. Wade.
Dennis Daugaard: Ban embryonic stem cell research.
Jerry Brown: Uncompromising champion of a woman's right to choose.
Matt Mead: I believe in the sanctity of life.
Nikki Haley: Every life is blessed by God.
Allen Weh: Oppose taxpayer-funded abortion and fetal stem-cell research.
Dan Malloy: Expand state investment in stem cell research.
John Kitzhaber: Endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
Budget & Economy Henry McMaster: Fight the "stimulus" law.
Lincoln Chafee: 100-Day, 10-Point Economic Plan for RI development.
Sam Brownback: Road Map for Kansas: integrated growth plan.
Allen Weh: Stop growing government and writing checks.
Charlie Baker: Getting MA Back in Business: streamline rules; reduce taxes.
Charlie Baker: Cut government spending and roll back sakes taxes.
Dan Malloy: As mayor, expanded services within budget.
Civil Rights Andrew Cuomo: Marriage equality gains 1,000 federal and 700 state rights.
Andrew Cuomo: Require complying with MWBE reporting requirements.
Dennis Daugaard: Define marriage as one man and one woman.
Lincoln Chafee: Longtime supporter of the LGBTQ community.
Matt Mead: Marriage is only between a man and a woman.
Sam Brownback: Defend traditional marriage.
Allen Weh: Marriage is the union between one man and one woman.
Dave Heineman: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
John Kitzhaber: Endorsed by pro-GLBT Basic Rights Oregon's Equality PAC.
Kay Ivey: One-man-one-woman marriage is cornerstone of civilization.
Corporations Nikki Haley: Eliminate business taxes, starting with corporate income tax.
Charlie Baker: Cut business tax to 5%; remove ancillary business fees.
Rick Scott: Phase out Florida's Business Income Tax over 7 Years.
Crime Henry McMaster: Prosecuted sex predators, prostitution, and fraud.
Jerry Brown: Cracked down on violent gangs.
Matt Mead: Mandatory minimum sentences for crimes against kids.
Allen Weh: Aggressively recruit officers & resources for State Police.
Dan Malloy: Prevent crime; reduce gang activity; address recidivism.
Drugs Henry McMaster: Operation Jackpot: keep drugs off the streets.
Matt Mead: Confront substance abuse aggressively.
Jill Stein: Bring marijuana sales under a legal regulatory framework.
Education Henry McMaster: Early education is the beginning of economic health.
Nikki Haley: Expand charter schools.
Allen Weh: Expand charter schools & provide parents with real choices.
Andrew Cuomo: Double the charter school cap.
Charlie Baker: Increase charter, magnet, and alternative public schools.
Dan Malloy: Engage parents in local school governance councils.
Dan Malloy: Make public schools money follow children.
Dan Malloy: Charter schools provide options within the public system.
Jerry Brown: Give school districts more flexibility and hold accountable.
Mary Fallin: Give option of escaping failing schools.
Mary Fallin: Oppose Question 744: no $850M mandated spending.
Paul LePage: Supports vouchers, local control and charter schools.
Charlie Baker: Teachers' unions put their own interests above students'.
Jill Stein: Vital public system under attack from privatization.
Jill Stein: Stop blaming teachers for "underperforming schools".
Jill Stein: Standardized tests are misused; they hurt students.
Jill Stein: No economic barriers to quality college education.
Kay Ivey: Charter Schools "plan of action" for statewide reform.
Kay Ivey: Charter Schools offer quality alternative to private schools.
Energy & Oil Henry McMaster: Fight to keep Yucca Mountain open.
Jerry Brown: Clean energy investment produces jobs for CA.
Dennis Daugaard: Wind & ethanol instead of cap-and-trade.
Jerry Brown: Clean Energy Jobs Plan: invest to replace fossil fuel.
John Kitzhaber: Transition away from damaging fossil fuels.
Andrew Cuomo: Comprehensive study before exploring Marcellus Shale.
Charlie Baker: Support Hydro Quebec, efficient appliances, and LED lighting.
Charlie Baker: Renewable energy is an important investment in our future.
Dan Malloy: Comprehensive plan to conserve and lower consumption.
Dan Malloy: Explore wind energy but no windmills in Long Island Sound.
Jill Stein: Logging wood for electricity is neither clean nor green.
Kay Ivey: Wind & solar power are still too expensive.
Environment Henry McMaster: Protect marsh islands from illegal encroachment.
Andrew Cuomo: Greater focus on environmental justice.
Charlie Baker: Protect & preserve natural resources for future generations.
Dan Malloy: Invest in clean water projects to clean up Long Island Sound.
Jill Stein: $200M for 50,000 green jobs: address both supply demand.
Kay Ivey: Tax credits for landowners who replant cut trees.
Kay Ivey: No water commissions with onerous regulations & litigation.
Families & Children Henry McMaster: Define traditional marriage and strong families.
Allen Weh: Strengthen family, no matter how it looks, except same-sex.
Andrew Cuomo: Strengthen penalties for repeat domestic violence offenders.
Jill Stein: Fund community youth programs for at-risk youth.
Government Reform Henry McMaster: Served on state Commission on Ethics Reform.
Andrew Cuomo: Tough new ethics standards & expand disclosure requirements.
Jerry Brown: Forced legislators to comply with campaign disclosure laws.
John Kasich: Skinny-down bureaucracy & kick out special interests.
Nikki Haley: Strongly in favor of term limits at all levels of government.
Sam Brownback: Terminate failed programs like we close unneeded army bases.
Brian Sandoval: Strongly uphold values of the Constitution & 10th amendment.
Dan Malloy: Bring federal money back to Connecticut programs.
Tom Foley: Reduce the cost and size of state government.
Jill Stein: Re-establish Clean Elections Law: end "pay-to-play".
Rick Scott: Reducing Tallahassee's unnecessary costs.
Gun Control Henry McMaster: Government continues to intrude on gun owners' rights.
Andrew Cuomo: Enact commonsense laws lie microstamping of guns.
Dennis Daugaard: Second Amendment is clear: individual right to bear arms.
Matt Mead: Advocate for protection of Second Amendment rights.
Matt Mead: Sunset the assault weapons ban, including my AR15.
Nikki Haley: Make concealed weapons permits easier.
Allen Weh: Defend our right to bear arms.
Dan Malloy: Reduce illegal gun activity by removing illegal guns.
Paul LePage: Upholds Constitutional right to bear arms.
Rick Scott: A-rating from the NRA.
Nikki Haley: Founding fathers gave us the absolute right to bear arms.
Gary Herbert: Support the 2nd Amendment as well as the 10th.
Health Care Henry McMaster: Challenge constitutionality of ObamaCare.
Dennis Daugaard: Federal takeover of healthcare is not the answer.
Matt Mead: Legal challenge to federal health mandates.
Nikki Haley: Cap punitive damages to limit medical costs.
Charlie Baker: Eliminate mandated benefits that are more than people need.
Dan Malloy: Supports small business Pooling Bill.
Dan Malloy: Every Child Matters program: more children covered.
Jill Stein: Single-payer Medicare-for-all system.
Kay Ivey: ObamaCare does much more harm than good.
Kay Ivey: Each state creates its own insurance pool for high risk.
Gary Herbert: ObamaCare is federal government overreach.
Homeland Security Henry McMaster: Stop the financing of international terrorism.
Allen Weh: Very outspoken on matters of national defense.
Immigration Lincoln Chafee: Supports legalization path & guest worker programs.
Matt Mead: Enforce immigration laws & secure borders.
Nikki Haley: Co-sponsored toughest standard of immigration enforcement.
Allen Weh: End sanctuary policies; enforce the border.
Andrew Cuomo: Disallow discrimination & exploitation of immigrants.
Charlie Baker: Verify legal status before providing any state benefits.
Kay Ivey: Vast sums pay for teaching children of illegal immigrants.
Gary Herbert: Failure to secure borders emblematic of misplaced priorities.
Jobs Charlie Baker: Change direction on job losses and tax increases.
Tom Foley: Focus on developing industries with high job potential.
Rick Scott: 7 Steps; 700,000 jobs; 7 years.
Local Issues Andrew Cuomo: Replace Indian Point nuclear facility; it is too dangerous.
Charlie Baker: Cutting local aid should be off the table right now.
Jill Stein: Casinos are job killers; one slot machine kills one job.
Principles & Values Henry McMaster: Stand up for Freedom of Religion.
Andrew Cuomo: Five-point plan to build a New NY.
Sam Brownback: Kansas Report Card: measure critical points.
Tax Reform Dennis Daugaard: No new taxes; no increases in existing taxes.
John Kasich: Lower taxes to create competitive climate.
Nikki Haley: 29 taxes out of 32 create little revenue but add bureaucracy.
Allen Weh: Keep taxes in line with the states around us.
Andrew Cuomo: Freeze state taxes; cap local taxes; cap spending.
Charlie Baker: Make MA taxes competitive with other states.
Dan Malloy: Fairer and more progressive sharing of taxation.
Tom Foley: Aggressively reduce spending so we can reduce taxes.
Jill Stein: Fees and sales taxes hit lower and middle income hardest.
Charlie Baker: Signed the no-new taxes pledge.
Rick Scott: Reducing property tax by 1 mill saves $142 per homeowner.
War & Peace Matt Mead: We are at war since 2001; the threat is still real.
Jill Stein: End our military misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Welfare & Poverty Andrew Cuomo: Moral imperative to maintain safety net in difficult times.
Matt Mead: Work with religious agencies to expedite adoptions.
Charlie Baker: Cut state retirement benefits to reduce $22B liability.
Dan Malloy: Youth Development Initiative via faith-based organizations.