
Joe Biden on Environment
Democratic President; former V.P.; former Senator |
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- Require railway to clean up after East Palestine derailment. (Jan 2024)
- Fence-line communities need restrictions on pollutants. (Oct 2020)
- Green New Deal is in platform and it's not too much. (Sep 2020)
- WOTUS: clean water rules create rural jobs. (Sep 2020)
- Pay to put farmland in land banks, for open space & carbon. (Sep 2020)
- World should give $20B to Brazil to stop burning Amazon. (Mar 2020)
- Will bring polluting country leaders to US to find solutions. (Feb 2020)
- Develop new nuclear technologies. (Jul 2019)
- 1970s: Push to prohibit refineries, to protect state beaches. (Oct 2010)
- America should guarantee Katrina reconstruction. (Jun 2007)
- Take away the billions of subsidy to the oil companies. (Jun 2007)
- Scored 80% on Humane Society Scorecard on animal protection. (Jan 2007)
Doug Burgum on Environment
2024 Presidential contender; Republican ND Governor |
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- The environmental restrictions are hurting this country. (Jun 2024)
- Rare earths from China are destroying the planet. (Sep 2023)
- Dept. of Environmental Quality to focus on clean air & water. (Jan 2020)
- Innovation--not regulation--solves oil & gas challenges. (Jan 2019)
Chris Christie on Environment
N.J. Governor; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Develop Liberty State Park to generate more revenue. (Jan 2016)
- Ethanol in gasoline is the law; and that's just the minimum. (Mar 2015)
- Vetoes regulation of animal confinement for gestating sows. (Nov 2014)
- New Jersey is being short-changed on Hurricane Sandy relief. (Jan 2013)
- Canceled work on new Hudson River rail tunnel NYC to NJ. (Jun 2012)
- Rejected $9B transit project as "tunnel to Macy's basement". (Jun 2012)
- Jersey shore for tourism instead of offshore drilling. (Aug 2011)
- $157 million for Green Acres open-space acquisition. (Aug 2011)
Ron DeSantis on Environment
Republican presidential contender; FL governor |
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- Create Resilient Florida program to deal with flooding. (Mar 2021)
- Must be bold in tackling Florida's water problems. (Mar 2019)
- Deal with Red Tide: clean the water; build a reservoir. (Oct 2018)
- Stop Lake Okeechobee discharges that caused algae crisis. (Aug 2018)
Tulsi Gabbard on Environment
Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from HI-2 |
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- People of all parties want clean air and safe water. (Nov 2019)
- Close down existing nuclear power reactors. (Jul 2019)
- No, no, no to nuclear energy & nuclear waste. (Apr 2019)
Nikki Haley on Environment
Republican presidential contender; UN Ambassador 2017-2018 |
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- Sued Obama's EPA over heavy-handed regulatory burdens. (May 2023)
- Re-open Yucca Mountain for nuclear waste. (Apr 2012)
- Charleston is now US's top tourism spot; sell South Carolina. (Jan 2012)
Kamala Harris on Environment
Democratic nominee;Vice President; former California Senator |
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- 2019: ban plastic straws; 2024: no longer her position . (Sep 2024)
- Chevron deference: let EPA expertise keep air & water clean. (Jun 2024)
- We turned brown skies to blue by taking on oil companies. (Sep 2019)
- Declare drinking water emergency on Day One. (Sep 2019)
- Ban fracking & offshore drilling. (Sep 2019)
- Ban plastic straws & bags; limit single-use plastic. (Sep 2019)
- I like cheeseburgers, but less meat in food pyramid. (Sep 2019)
- Figure out what to do with nuclear waste--not Yucca Mountain. (Sep 2019)
- Take on interests with profit motive to pollute. (Sep 2019)
- Develop new nuclear technologies. (Jul 2019)
- 100% lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters. (Jan 2019)
- Prosecuted polluters for illegal dumping and air pollution. (Aug 2017)
- Civil business penalties should go to protect public health. (Sep 2015)
- Fight to protect our coast. (Apr 2015)
Howie Hawkins on Environment
Green Party Presidential Challenger |
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- Polluters should have burden of proof of safe practices. (Jul 2020)
- Strengthen Endangered Species & Clean Water Act. (Jul 2020)
- Shut down waste incinerators; phase out landfills. (Jul 2020)
- Convert corporate agribusiness to organic agriculture. (May 2019)
- Environmental collapse follows from capitalist system. (May 2019)
- Strengthen environmental regulation and enforcement. (Nov 2006)
Mike Huckabee on Environment
Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Climate change is questionable; address other issues instead. (Jun 2015)
- Ethanol mandate is a matter of national security. (Mar 2015)
- Hunters are some of our most dedicated environmentalists. (Nov 2008)
- 2006: Smoke-free workplace across all of Arkansas. (Nov 2008)
- Stewardship of the air and land and soil is very important. (Feb 2008)
- Follow Boy Scout rule: leave earth better than we found it. (May 2007)
- Supported conserving Buffalo River in north AR against dams. (Jan 2007)
- Conservatives believe in conservation. (Jan 2007)
- The earth is the Lord's; we are merely its caretakers. (Jan 2007)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Environment
Independent presidential Challenger |
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- 60% of kids today suffer environment-based health problems. (Aug 2024)
- Riverkeepers: Sue polluters to clean up Hudson River. (Oct 2023)
- End toxic polarization: only environmentalist on Fox News. (Jul 2023)
- Good environmental policy identical to good economic policy. (Jun 2023)
- 1995: "The Kennedy Who Matters" for environmental law. (Jun 2023)
Mike Pence on Environment
Former Republican Vice President (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Our water and air are cleaner than ever; proud of our record. (Oct 2020)
- Won't comply with EPA rules on toxic mercury. (Sep 2020)
- Regional Cities Initiative: enhance community appeal. (Feb 2019)
- Veto climate bill compromise by industry & environmentalists. (Apr 2016)
- Signed a bill that allows for more usage of eminent domain. (Mar 2014)
Dean Phillips on Environment
Democratic U.S. Rep & presidential Challenger |
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- Restore EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. (Oct 2023)
- Keep aquatic invasive species out of our lakes and rivers. (Apr 2020)
Marco Rubio on Environment
FL Senator; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Property rights are a basic right; eminent domain attacks it. (Oct 2015)
- Kelo case was egregiously flawed; limit eminent domain. (Oct 2015)
- Co-sponsored bill to prevent "soring" of show horses. (Sep 2015)
- Fix environment with free market, not government mandates. (Feb 2014)
- State-run insurance carriers mean more taxpayer subsidies. (Jun 2012)
- Partner with private companies for transportation system. (Nov 2006)
- Hurricane Savings Accounts for homeowners' insurance. (Nov 2006)
- Utilize toll revenues to widen & improve expressways. (Nov 2006)
- Increase funding for making homes hurricane-resistant. (Nov 2006)
Bernie Sanders on Environment
Independent Senator (VT) amd former Presidential candidate |
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- Single-use plastic is a crisis among many pollution crises. (Feb 2020)
- Deal with existing nuclear waste before creating any more. (Sep 2019)
- Reform FEMA to stop rebuilding in same place after storms. (Sep 2019)
- Opposes new nuclear power plant development. (Apr 2019)
- Leave a planet to our kids that is healthy & habitable. (Apr 2018)
- Climate change will lead to international security crises. (Nov 2015)
- Advocate of animal welfare and humane treatment. (Sep 2015)
- Protect important watersheds and wildlife areas. (Sep 2015)
- GMOs are ok, but only with required labeling. (Sep 2015)
- Our kids will ask why we made planet less habitable. (Oct 2013)
- Sophisticated equipment transformed farms to overproduction. (Oct 2012)
- Very large farms raise questions about animal cruelty. (Oct 2012)
- Cut subsidies of wealthy farmers; increase grazing fees. (Jun 1997)
- City residents often frozen out of development decisions. (Jun 1997)
Tim Scott on Environment
Republican presidential challenger; SC Senator |
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- Best thing for environment is to bring home jobs from China. (Aug 2023)
- Reverse Waters of the United States: leave it to owners. (Apr 2023)
Corey Stapleton on Environment
MT Secretary of State; Republican Presidential Challenger |
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- Promote & protect agriculture, farming & ranching lifestyle. (Jun 2013)
- Stricter environmental regulations with federal flexibility. (Nov 2000)
Jill Stein on Environment
Green Challenger |
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- Ban neonicotinoid pesticides that threaten pollinators. (Oct 2016)
- Apply federal Superfund program to polluted drinking water. (Oct 2016)
- Adopt the Precautionary Principle. (Aug 2016)
- Stand up to the aggressive abuse of eminent domain. (Apr 2016)
- Create local, sustainable, organic, plant-based food system. (Mar 2016)
- Water should be tested for radioactivity and heavy metals. (Feb 2016)
- Moratorium on GMOs until they are proven safe. (Jun 2015)
- Restore shorelines, deltas, forests, and grazing systems. (Jun 2015)
- Promote sustainable agriculture & freedom from toxic threats. (Apr 2015)
- Filthy Five: clean up coal plants in Massachusetts. (Mar 2015)
- Current food subsidies drive system towards FrankenFood. (Nov 2012)
- Connect the dots between super hurricanes and oil burning. (Oct 2012)
- EPA should apply science, free from polluters' influence. (Oct 2012)
- Green Transition Program: convert gray economy to green. (Jan 2012)
- Environment & economy are interdependent; not at odds. (Dec 2011)
- Sustainable transportation plus sustainable food supply. (Dec 2011)
- $200M for 50,000 green jobs: address both supply demand. (Sep 2010)
- Sustainable development; and ban genetically modified food. (Nov 2001)
- Weak scientific understanding of effects of toxic exposure. (Jan 2000)
Donald Trump on Environment
Republican former President |
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- Join the United Nations' "One Trillion Trees initiative". (Feb 2020)
- FactCheck: Yes, hybrid family vehicles are available in US. (Sep 2019)
- FactCheck: Alabama WAS in hurricane risk, before Trump said. (Sep 2019)
- Why not nuke hurricanes to stop them from hitting US? (Aug 2019)
- 2008: pushed Scotland golf course despite enviro fragility. (Aug 2016)
- Eminent domain is something you need very strongly. (Feb 2016)
- Eminent domain pays more than fair market value. (Oct 2015)
- Eminent domain is a very useful tool for job creation. (Oct 2015)
- My sons love trophy hunting, but I'm not a believer. (Sep 2015)
- Won't go to circuses that cut elephants due to animal rights. (Mar 2015)
- Partner with environmentalists when undertaking projects. (Apr 2010)
- Good development enhances the environment. (Jan 2008)
- Humiliated NYC Mayor by finishing ice rink on time on budget. (Oct 1997)
- They have sinks where no water comes out; I ended that. (Aug 2023)
- We need better forest management; we planted a billion trees. (Sep 2020)
- Great American Outdoors Act sets funding for public land. (Aug 2020)
- I've cut more regulations than any President in history. (Mar 2020)
- Don't micromanage every rain puddle and drainage ditch. (Sep 2019)
- WOTUS 2018: limited definition of protected waterways. (Dec 2018)
- Cutting overbearing regulations helps farmers & builders. (Feb 2018)
- Overrule Fisheries Commission and allow more fish harvesting. (Jul 2017)
- We're going to put regulation industry out of business. (Feb 2017)
- Regulations by unelected officials reward special interests. (Oct 2016)
- Cut the EPA; what they do is a disgrace. (Oct 2015)
- Asbestos got a bad rap from miners & mob-led movement. (Oct 1997)
- Bureaucratic land use reviews make projects unbuildable. (Oct 1997)
JD Vance on Environment
Republican Vice Presidential nominee |
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- Environmental justice is an excuse to offshore American jobs. (Jul 2024)
- Too many unfunded Clean Water Act mandates in Ohio cities. (May 2024)
- Environmental justice policies ship jobs to China. (Nov 2022)
- EPA Admin: Vance will oppose arbitrary regulatory burdens. (Aug 2021)
Tim Walz on Environment
DFL Governor & V.P. nominee |
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- $200M for broad ban on PFAS "forever chemicals". (Aug 2024)
- Remove "forever chemicals" from our drinking water. (Mar 2024)
- No net loss of prairie pothole wetlands & all wetlands . (Apr 2019)
Kanye West on Environment
Birthday Party candidate for President |
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- Diligently pursue clean air and water. (Oct 2020)
- Chemicals affect our ability to be of service to God. (Jul 2020)
Marianne Williamson on Environment
Democratic candidate for President |
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- Deal with hurricanes by visualizing the storm's retreat. (Sep 2019)
- Flint is just tip of the iceberg of environmental injustice. (Jul 2019)
- Close down existing nuclear power reactors. (Jul 2019)
- Opposes nuclear power; phase out existing reactors. (Apr 2019)
- Deal with factory farming by having environmentalists at EPA. (Apr 2019)
- EPA head shouldn't be from chemical or oil industry. (Apr 2019)
- Clean air and water are environmental justice. (Jul 2018)