Ben Ray Lujan on Gun Control
Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety for gun-sense majority
Everytown for Gun Safety threw its support behind 11 Democratic Senate candidates including Rep. Ben Ray Lujan in New Mexico. "Everytown is going all-in to flip the Senate and elect leaders who will treat America's gun violence epidemic
like the crisis it is," the Everytown President said. The group has targeted a number of key races in the House and Senate, emphasizing the need to protect what it calls a "gun sense majority," which is mostly comprised of Democratic candidates.
Source: The Hill e-zine on 2020 New Mexico Senate endorsements
, Jun 9, 2020
Extend waiting periods from 3 to 10 days
The vote speaks for itself. That was the response I received from Rep. Xochitl Torres Small's office when I sought a comment on her vote on the "Charleston loophole" gun safety bill. She broke ranks from her Democratic colleagues in voting against
extending the waiting period for gun sales from three days to 10. She was one of only seven Democrats who voted against the bill. Her New Mexico colleagues, Reps. Ben Ray Lujn and Deb Haaland, supported the measure.
Source: Albuquerque Journal on 2019 NM-3 House incumbent
, Mar 2, 2019
National cross-state standard for concealed carry.
Lujan signed H.R.197&S.845
Establishes a national standard for the carrying of concealed firearms (other than a machinegun or destructive device) by non-residents. Authorizes a person who has a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm in one state and who is not prohibited from carrying a firearm under federal law to carry a concealed firearm in another state:
Notwithstanding any law of any State, a person who is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing a firearm and is carrying a valid license to carry a concealed firearm may carry in another State a concealed firearm.
- If such other State issues licenses to carry concealed firearms, the person may carry a concealed firearm in the State under the same restrictions which apply in that State.
- If such other State does not issue licenses to carry concealed firearms, the person may not carry a concealed firearm in a police station, in a courthouse, at a meeting of a governing body, in a school, at an athletic event, in an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages, or inside an airport, except to the extent expressly permitted by State law.
Source: National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act 09-HR197 on Jan 6, 2009
Teach kids Eddie Eagle GunSafe's lifesaving message.
Lujan signed H.RES.1365
RESOLUTION Commending the National Rifle Association for developing the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program and teaching 23,000,000 children its lifesaving message. - Whereas the National Rifle Association created the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program to teach the fundamentals of firearm safety to children in an effective way;
- Whereas through activity books, posters, and other educational materials, children are reminded of a simple safety message, 'If you see a gun: STOP! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult';
- Whereas the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program has been used by more than 26,000 public or private schools, law enforcement agencies, and civic organizations, and has reached 23,000,000 children since 1988;
- Whereas the annual number of firearm accidents has declined more than 80 percent since the inception of the program; and
Whereas the legislatures of 23 States have passed resolutions recommending the use of the Eddie Eagle Program;
- Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
- commends the National Rifle Association for developing the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program and teaching 23,000,000 children its lifesaving message;
- supports the goals and objectives of the National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle gun safety program;
- encourages educators across the United States to incorporate gun education programs in elementary school curricula to help decrease the incidence of accidental gun-related deaths among children; and
- encourages civic and community organizations concerned about the safety and well-being of children across the United States to support funding for the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program at the local level.
Source: Resolution Commending the National Rifle Association 10-HRs1365 on May 18, 2010
Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad.
Lujan co-sponsored Veterans' Heritage Firearms Act
- Provides a 90-day amnesty period during which veterans and their family members can register in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record any firearm acquired before October 31, 1968, by a veteran while a member of the Armed Forces stationed outside the continental United States.
- Grants such an individual limited immunity with respect to the acquisition, possession, transportation, or alteration of such firearm before or concurrent with such registration.
Extends such immunity to a veteran who attempts to register a qualifying firearm outside of the amnesty period if the veteran surrenders the firearm within 30 days after being notified of potential criminal liability for continued possession.
- Transfers each firearm qualifying as a curio or relic which has been forfeited to the United States to the first qualified museum that requests it
- Publishes information identifying each such firearm which is available to be transferred to a museum.
- Makes a prohibition against transfer or possession of a machine-gun inapplicable to museums.
Source: HR420/S798 11-HR0420 on Jan 25, 2011
Require background check for every firearm sale and transfer.
Lujan voted YEA the Bipartisan Background Checks Act
H.R.8: To require a background check for every firearm sale. This Act may be cited as the "Background Check Expansion Act".
- It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer to transfer a firearm to any other person who is not so licensed [and conducted a background check].
- The [restrictions] shall not apply to any law enforcement officer, or member of the armed forces, or bona fide gift between spouses, between parents and their children, or between siblings or [immediate family members].
- Temporary transfers [are allowed] if the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee will use or intends to use the firearm in a crime or is prohibited from possessing firearms; at a shooting range; or while reasonably necessary for the purposes of hunting.
Opposing argument from the Heritage Foundation, 2/26/2019: Heritage Action opposes the Bipartisan Background Checks Act
(H.R. 8) and will include it as a key vote on our legislative scorecard. This legislation would require universal background checks for all firearm sales (even private) with specific exceptions. Unfortunately, universal background checks would do little to prevent firearm violence and would instead make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to purchase, own, carry, and use a firearm. Studies show that universal background checks are largely ineffective when it comes to preventing mass shootings. In addition, most people imprisoned for firearm-related crimes access their firearms illegally through theft, the underground market, family members, or friends. H.R. 8 is poorly written and makes criminals out of many law-abiding Americans who commonly make low-risk firearm transfers.
Legislative outcome Roll call 99 in House on 2/27/2019 passed 240-190-2; introduced in Senate 1/8/2019; no action as of 3/28/2020.
Source: Congressional vote 19-HR0008 on Feb 27, 2019
Lujan supports the Christian Coalition survey question on gun rights
The Christian Coalition inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Further Restrictions on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ?'
Self-description by Christian Coalition of America: "These guides help give voters a clear understanding of where candidates stand on important pro-family issues" for all Senate and Presidential candidates.
Source: CC Survey 20CC-10 on Sep 10, 2020
Page last updated: Dec 16, 2021