Publicize history of US Colored Infantries in civil war
Secretary of State Robin Carnahan announced today that a new video, "A Soldier's Dream: The History of Lincoln University and the Men of the 62nd and 65th Colored Infantries," is available online. The video examines Missouri's connection to the civil war
that goes beyond the battlefield and into the classrooms. A Soldier's Dream tells the story of the school's founding by the men of the US Colored Infantries using archival documents from both the school's library as well as the Missouri State Archives.
Source: Secretary's office press release, contact: Laura Egerdal
Aug 26, 2010
2005: No amendment; existing law prohibits gay marriage
The Iowa Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a state law prohibiting gay marriage was unconstitutional. The ruling shatters the argument used by Democrats who opposed Missouri's 2004 constitutional amendment preserving traditional marriage, claiming
that an existing state law was enough to protect marriage between a man and a woman. Missouri voters overwhelmingly approved the constitutional amendment.
Robin Carnahan believed that a state law and her personal opinion was sufficient.
Carnahan said, "I support the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman. That's all that I need to support." (Missourinet interview, October 20, 2004) In 2004,
Carnahan was repeatedly criticized for her failure to support the amendment.
"Today's Iowa ruling clearly demonstrates that a simple state statute is not enough to protect the institution of marriage," said a GOP spokesperson.
Source: Tony Messenger in St. Louis Today
Apr 3, 2009
Carnahan supports the F2A survey question on cap-and-trade is "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups." They provide election resources for each state, including Voter Guides and Congressional Scorecards excerpted here.
The Faith2Action survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: 'Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) '
Source: Faith2Action Survey 10-FF-q3 on Sep 19, 2010