Ned Lamont on Drugs
Democratic Challenger
Work with legislature on legalization of marijuana
I am working with our neighboring states and look forward to working with our tribal partners on a path forward to modernize gaming in our state, as well as the legislature on legalization of marijuana. Sports betting, internet gaming,
and legalized marijuana are happening all around us. Let's not surrender these opportunities to out-of-state markets or even worse, underground markets.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to Connecticut legislature
, Jan 6, 2021
Reduce demand and discuss constructive alternatives
Q: How do you feel about our nations war on drugs? A: As long as theres a demand, people are going to find a way to get drugs in this country. I could talk about tighter border controls, I could talk about interdiction-but lets face it-the law of
supply and demand: As long as theres an overwhelming demand here, drugs are going to find their way in. Weve got to be very forthright with our kids and talk about it in a way we find constructive alternatives to drug use. Thats our best hope.
Source: The Truthdig Interview, by Blair Golson
, Apr 25, 2006
Skeptical about jailing nonviolent drug offendors
Q: What about sending people to jail for nonviolent drug-related crimes? A: Im very skeptical about that. It doesnt act as a deterrent. And it congests our jails with folks who arent a danger to society, and in many cases we have revolving doors--
in which people who are a danger to society are let out. Where drug addiction is a disease, it should be treated as a disease. Where its a crime, it should be treated as a crime.
Source: The Truthdig Interview, by Blair Golson
, Apr 25, 2006
Page last updated: Mar 05, 2021