Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Legislative voting records for Montana House and Senate
 (Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from MT legislative records (number of quotes indicated):
- Albert Olszewski (4) Montana Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
- Amanda Curtis (5) Democratic Challenger Montana
- Bill McChesney (5) Montana Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Casey Schreiner (4) Montana Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger
- Gary Perry (7) Montana Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
- Greg Gianforte (3) Montana Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
- Matt Rosendale (8) Republican U.S. Rep Montana-0
- Reilly Neill (5) Montana Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger
- Ryan Zinke (2) Montana Secretary of Interior 2017-2019
- Steve Bullock (9) Montana Democratic Montana Governor
- Tanner Smith (3)
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Montana state legislative voting records, including these candidates:
- R-MT Tanner Smith, candidate for Governor
Member of the Montana House of Representatives, 11th district, since 2023
- Susan Good Geise - 2020 candidate for U.S. Senate
Montana State House of Representatives (1989-91)
Former chair of Montana's Republican party (1992-93)
- Reilly Neill - 2020 candidate for U.S. Senate
Montana State House of Representatives, 62nd district, 2013-2015
- Casey Schreiner - Democratic 2020 Lieutenant Gubernatorial Challenger
Montana State House minority leader, 2019-2020
Montana House of Representatives, District 26, 2013-2020
- Corey Stapleton - 2020 candidate for U.S.House MT-at-large
Montana Secretary of State, 2017-2020
Candidate for U.S. Senate and U.S. House, 2014
Member of the Montana State Senate, 27th district, 2001-2009
- Gary Perry - 2020 candidate for governor
Member of the Montana State Senate, 35th district, 2002-2010
- Bill McChesney - 2016 candidate for governor
Member of the Montana State House, 40th district, from 2007 to 2014
- R-MT-0 Ryan Zinke - member of United States House of Representatives
former member of Montana Senate, from the 2nd district, 2009 � 2011
- D-MT Amanda Curtis - Senate Challenger 2014
Member of the Montana House of Representatives from the 76th district 2013 � 2015
- Albert Olszewski - 2018 Republican candidate for Montana U.S. Senator
Member of the Montana Senate, 6th district, 2017-2020
Member of the Montana House of Representatives, 11th district, 2015-2016
- Matt Rosendale - Elected 2020 to U.S. House district MT-0
2018 Republican candidate for Montana U. S. Senator
Auditor of Montana, 2017-2020
Senate majority leader, 2015-2016
Member of the Montana Senate, 18th district, 2013-2016
Member of the Montana House of Representatives, 38th district, 2011-2012
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Albert Olszewski: Voted YES that insurers have plans with and without abortion.
Albert Olszewski: Prohibit abortions after the fetus is 24 weeks.
Amanda Curtis: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Bill McChesney: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Casey Schreiner: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Gary Perry: Would require parental notification for minors' abortions.
Gary Perry: If notification unconstitutional, why not for everything.
Matt Rosendale: Rejected that insurers have plans with and without abortion.
Matt Rosendale: Provide religious exemption to birth control insurance law.
Reilly Neill: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Steve Bullock: Rejected that insurers have plans with and without abortion.
Steve Bullock: Vetoed "ministries" operating outside of insurance law.
Greg Gianforte: Restrict unborn child from "dismemberment abortion".
Tanner Smith: Restrict unborn child from "dismemberment abortion".
Civil Rights
Amanda Curtis: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Bill McChesney: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Casey Schreiner: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Gary Perry: Would repeal gender anti-insurance discrimination law.
Matt Rosendale: Keep criminalization of gay sex.
Reilly Neill: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Steve Bullock: Signed repeal of criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Gary Perry: Replace death penalty with life imprisonment without parole.
Gary Perry: Key supporter of death penalty ban.
Ryan Zinke: Replace death penalty with life imprisonment without parole.
Gary Perry: Sponsored law banning open alcohol containers in vehicles.
Reilly Neill: Support public education across the state.
Energy & Oil
Amanda Curtis: Disclose state property energy efficiency on website.
Families & Children
Amanda Curtis: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Bill McChesney: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Casey Schreiner: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Matt Rosendale: Require written parental permission for sex education.
Reilly Neill: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Steve Bullock: Vetoed needing written parental permission for sex education.
Greg Gianforte: Let school districts adopt stricter policies on obscenity.
Tanner Smith: Let school districts adopt stricter policies on obscenity.
Foreign Policy
Albert Olszewski: Ban use of Shariah law and other foreign laws in courts.
Steve Bullock: Vetoed bill banning Shariah law; it's just anti-Muslim.
Government Reform
Matt Rosendale: No campaign donor disclosure; yes Citizens United.
Matt Rosendale: Voted to repeal same-day voter registration.
Greg Gianforte: Add county-level race to post-election audits.
Tanner Smith: Add county-level race to post-election audits.
Gun Control
Amanda Curtis: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Bill McChesney: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Casey Schreiner: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Matt Rosendale: Veto barring state enforcement of federal semi-automatic ban.
Reilly Neill: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Steve Bullock: Veto barring state enforcement of federal semi-automatic ban.
Health Care
Albert Olszewski: Voted NO on insuring the working poor with federal dollars.
Matt Rosendale: I won't give up on repealing & replacing ObamaCare.
Steve Bullock: Insure the working poor with federal dollars.
Gary Perry: Ok to discount minimum wage for tipped workers.
Ryan Zinke: Don't discount minimum wage for tips.
Social Security
Bill McChesney: Increase contributions to U-System's Retirement Program.
Steve Bullock: Tax cut would have benefitted high-income seniors.
Steve Bullock: Create jobs by investing in roads and bridges.
The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Montana House and Senate.
Legislation citations (from news media or state archives):
- HB234: Montana Free Press, "State education forum addresses obscenity, religious expression in schools," by Alex Sakariassen, 07.27.2023, (Link)
- HB721: KTVH News, "Montana court puts hold on new law banning common abortion procedure," by John Riley, 05.18.2023, (Link)
- HB721: Montana Free Press, "Gianforte signs 15-week abortion ban," by Mara Silvers, 05.16.2023, (Link)
- HB172: Montana Free Press, "Where the Legislature stands on election changes," by Alex Sakariassen, 03.09.2023, (Link)
- HB172: Montana Free Press, "Trust, perception and Montana elections," by Alex Sakariassen, 01.30.2023, (Link)
- Ballotpedia.org on Montana legislative voting record 2013-15, (former State Rep. Reilly Neill), 1/30/2020
- Glendive Ranger Review on Montana SB 217, on high-income seniors, (Steve Bullock), 5/30/2019
- HB 239: Rewire.News, "Montana Bill Defining Sex Education Boundaries (HB 239)", updated Jan 2, 2019
- On SB 181: The Montana Post, "When a Progressive State Senator Supported a Hobby Lobby-Like Bill," by Josh Manning, May 25, 2018
- Great Falls Tribune on SB 282, on fetus 24 weeks, (Albert Olszewski), 4/11/2017
- The Missoulian on Montana SB.97, on Shariah law, (Albert Olszewski & Steve Bullock), 4/6/2017
- Great Falls Tribune on SB 349, on insurer plans without abortion, (Albert Olszewski & Matt Rosendale), 4/30/2015
- laws.leg.mt.gov on Montana HB 249, on insuring the working poor, (Albert Olszewski), 1/28/2015
- State of the State on Montana HB 5 & HB 249, on insuring the working poor, (Steve Bullock), 1/28/2015
- Montana HB 253, on U-System's Retirement Program, (Bill McChesney), 4/24/2013
- SB 107: The Atlantic magazine, "Montana Is About to Decriminalize Gay Sex, but Not Without Another GOP Fight," by Alexander Abad-Santos, April 10, 2013
- HB 302: A.P. in The Missoulian, "Governor vetoes Montana bill that would bar enforcement of potential gun bans," by Matt Gouras, Mar 28, 2013
- Independent Record on Montana SB.374 on parental consent, (Sen. Gary Perry), 2/25/2009
- Helena Independent_Record, "MT Senate says parents should be told of abortion," (SB.374), Feb 25, 2009
- Montana SB 236, on death penalty, (Gary Perry & Ryan Zinke), 2/17/2009
- Montana SB 253, on minimum wage for tips, (Ryan Zinke), 2/3/2009
- Insurance Journal on anti-insurance discrimination law, (Sen. Gary Perry), 1/29/2009
- InsuranceJournal.com, "Montana Lawmakers Debate Insurance Gender Discrimination," by Matt Gouras, January 29, 2009