Martin O`Malley on Crime
Repealed death penalty; reduced prison incarceration
Today, with courageous law enforcement officers, we have now reduced violent crime to 30 year lows. With our first responders, shock trauma doctors and nurses, traffic deaths have been reduced now to the lowest levels in decades. We enacted common
sense measures to reduce gun violence. We repealed the death penalty and replaced it with life without the possibility of parole. And there are now fewer people incarcerated in Maryland's prisons today than at any time since 1994.
Source: 2014 State of the State Address to Maryland legislature
, Jan 23, 2014
Root out prison gangs and prison guard corruption
Governor Martin O'Malley today announced a plan that will combat gangs and root out corruption at all Maryland prisons:"I am outraged by the criminal wrongdoing at the Baltimore City Detention Center. Since taking office, the Administration is taking
action to purge corrupt correctional officers. The average annual number of correctional officers terminated during the O'Malley Administration is nearly 50% higher than under the previous administration.
In 2011, officials formed the Maryland Joint
Prison Task Force, focused on combating gangs and rooting out corruption in Maryland correctional institutions. In 2012, DPSCS captured 77% more cell phones than it did in 2007 through the use of K9s and other strategies, and invested in a cellular
forensics lab to extract intelligence from contraband phones. Since 2007, serious assaults have been driven down 65%. Since 2009, DPSCS has employed a full-time gang intelligence analyst to track gang activity.
Source: 2013 Gubernatorial press release: Prison Corruption & Gangs
, Jun 6, 2013
Repeal the death penalty: it does not work
To govern is to choose. In Maryland, we understand the things that actually work to reduce violent crime: more effective policing, better technology, and smarter strategies. Entrepreneurial, collaborative, relentlessly interactive strategies:
Strategies like establishing the Maryland Center for School Safety. Strategies that have enabled us to drive down violent crime and homicide in our State to three decade lows.
We also have a moral responsibility to stop doing the things that are wasteful, and that are expensive, and that do not work.
Therefore, we are signing into law today a repeal on the death penalty in Maryland.
Source: 2013 Gubernatorial press release: Death Penalty Repeal
, May 2, 2013
Additional funding to hire correctional and police officers
I ask for your support this year for an additional $7 million dollars in this years budget to fund 155 additional correctional officers. I also ask for your support for $2 million additional dollars to protect Maryland families from sexual predators,
with advanced Global Positioning Systems that track offenders and give law enforcement, as well as families, a heads up to protect their own children. I ask for your support also for an additional $500,000 for the Maryland State Police.
Source: 2007 State of the State Address
, Jan 31, 2007
Page last updated: Jan 19, 2015