Johanns left Secretary of Agriculture job & let down farmers
Kleeb accused Johanns of letting down the agriculture community when he left his job as Agriculture Secretary. "It troubles me that our number one industry is agriculture and that our
farmers and ranchers didn't even get a two weeks notice before the secretary quit on them," Kleeb attacked.
Source: 2008 Nebraska Senate debate reported in Lincoln News
Aug 24, 2008
Fight discrimination in the workplace
Scott Kleeb recognizes the overarching importance of the American labor movement in creating the strongest middle class in history. His priorities include:
Supporting the Employee Free Choice Act.
Expanding the Family and Medical Leave Act &
other measures that support working families.
Fighting discrimination in the workplace.
Increasing the minimum wage & indexing it to inflation.
Supporting tax incentives for small businesses, the best providers of stable, good paying jobs.
Source: Campaign booklet, Nebraska's Brand of Change, p. 6
Aug 19, 2008
Supports Farm Bill, & its nutrition & conservation programs
Q: Do you have specific plans to modify the way our government distributes farm subsidies to help family farms compete in the age of big agribusiness?
A: The farm bill that recently passed, that the president vetoed, is a strong step toward changing
the way the government supports family farmers. Now the bill, as we all know, is far from perfect, but I strongly supported its long overdue passage, and the needed reforms that it did have in it.
We also forget that only 17% of the
Farm Bill deals with farm programs, programs that deal with family farms or deal with farming in general, or livestock, anything specifically to do with farming itself. A much larger part of that is actually in nutrition programs, in school lunch
programs, in conservation titles, and energy titles that encourage the development of cellulosic ethanol. We needed reforms to happen across the board, and this was a good first step to making those reforms.
Source: Jaelithe Interview on "Momocrats"
Jun 2, 2008
Develop alternative fuels and green-collar industries
Kleeb on the Economy: Would work to create jobs by investing in education and infrastructure. America should invest more in developing alternative fuels and green-collar industries, which would create high-paying jobs that could not be shipped overseas.
Source: By Robynn Tysver, Omaha World-Herald
May 4, 2008