State of Maryland Archives: on Civil Rights
Thomas Perez:
Civil rights is part of his DNA (and job history)
It is his time as a federal prosecutor for the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division and then as the head of that division under Obama that receive considerable time in his announcement video,
signaling how the candidate plans to lean on his civil rights experience in his gubernatorial bid. "Civil rights is part of his DNA," former Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett says in the video.
Source: on 2022 Maryland gubernatorial race
Jun 23, 2021
John B. King:
Great-grandfather enslaved; must grapple with racial equity
He said he would focus on inequity, emphasizing that he would be the first Black governor of Maryland, where his great-grandfather was enslaved. "If you look at the issues that we are facing today .?.?. they are all very much tied to the state's
history around the institution of slavery, around segregation and discrimination," King said. "I think it's important for us as a state to sort of grapple with those issues of racial equity and to build a future that provides opportunity for all."
Source: Washington Post on 2022 Maryland Gubernatorial race
Apr 20, 2021
Ben Jealous:
At NAACP, supported same-sex marriage
Gay Marriage: Support gay marriage?Hogan: Yes. "The voters have made their decision. I will support their decision & uphold the law."
Jealous: Yes. As NAACP president, pushed for a resolution supporting same-sex marriage.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Maryland Governor race
Nov 1, 2018
Ben Jealous:
Protect and expand protections for LGBTQ Marylanders
In Maryland, I helped lead successful efforts to pass the Maryland DREAM Act, achieve marriage equality and abolish the death penalty.While our state and country have made many gains, we still have much more to do to protect and
advance civil rights and ensure that we eliminate inequities that exist in education, the economy and criminal justice.
As governor, I will:- Ensure that prisoners returning to society have the opportunity to access employment and can re-integrate into their communities instead of turning to crime.
- Develop a state procurement and employment
process that is inclusive to all.
- Protect and expand protections for LGBTQ Marylanders.
- Ensure Maryland leads the nation in fostering Women and Minority Business Enterprises (WMBEs)
Source: 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial website
Jul 8, 2018
Ben Jealous:
Experience as Civil Rights leader will move state forward
Maryland has been a civil rights leader before, and we can do it again.
I've spent my entire adult life as a civil rights leader and community organizer, working to build broad diverse coalitions to move every community forward.
Source: 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial campaign website,
Jun 26, 2018
Richard Madaleno:
Equality for gender identity; end same-sex discrimination
OnTheIssues Q: what are your views on Budget & Economy issues?- Voted YES on prohibiting wage discrimination based on gender identity
Voted YES on requiring health insurance providers to provide coverage for in-vitro fertilization for same-sex couples
- Sponsored law prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and employment based on gender identity
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Governor candidate
Jun 1, 2018
Shawn Quinn:
Strongly supports same-sex marriage
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Comfortable with same-sex marriage"?
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Governor candidate
May 13, 2018
Arvin Vohra:
Same-sex marriage ok; or any number of consenting adults
Q: What about same-sex marriage?A: Strongly support. I support any number of any gender of consenting adults committing themselves to each other in any way. If 8 men and 5 women want to get married, that's their business and their right.
Government should have no involvement at all. If elected, I will sponsor legislation to repeal any government involvement in marriage, including any law that interferes with gay marriage, polygamy, or any other form of commitment.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Senate candidate
Mar 30, 2018
Chelsea Manning:
No more asking for rights, we need to fight for them
We live in trying times. Times of fear, of suppression, of hate. We don't need more or better leaders. We need someone willing to fight. We need to stop asking them to give us our rights. They won't support us. They won't compromise.
We need to stop expecting that our systems will somehow fix themselves. We need to actually take the reins of power from them.
Source: YouTube video on 2018 Maryland Senate race
Jan 31, 2018
Arvin Vohra:
Child molesting morally indistinguishable from homosexuality
In one post, Vohra claimed that it was preferable for a fourteen-year-old to be impregnated by an adult, because then they would be less likely to collect welfare. In another comment, he insisted that child molestation was morally indistinguishable from
homosexuality, and accused gay members of the party of "hypocrisy" if they disagreed. In others, he insisted the abuse of children as young as nine should be left to the discretion of their parents. That's only a small sampling.
While mainstream libertarian outlets such as Reason have long questioned some applications of age-of-consent laws, for example in cases of the 18-year-old and his 17-year-old girlfriend, or teenagers "sexting" each other,
these arguments never go so far as to endorse the permissibility of genuine child molestation. Vohra went much further, denying the morality of any such limits.
Source: The Jack News on 2018 Maryland Senate race
Jan 16, 2018
Libertarian Party:
Right to intimacy for consenting adults regardless of gender
Arvin Vohra claimed that it was preferable for a 14-year-old to be impregnated by an adult, because then they would be less likely to collect welfare. He insisted that child molestation was morally indistinguishable from homosexuality, and accused gay
members of the party of "hypocrisy" if they disagreed. He insisted the abuse of children as young as nine should be left to the discretion of their parents. That's only a small sampling.These comments are wildly at odds with the Libertarian Party's
principles. The official Libertarian Party Platform deliberately endorses the right to intimate relationships only for "consenting adults." The party's position on generally respecting the right of parents to raise their children as they see fit,
likewise carefully exempts "abuse or neglect."
Vohra is the party's nominee for US Senate in Maryland. Along with the requests to suspend him from his national role, some Libertarians are also urging the Maryland party to remove him from their ticket.
Source: The Jack News on 2018 Maryland Senate race
Jan 16, 2018
Arvin Vohra:
Abolish Patriot Act and redundant spy agencies
When we abolish the Patriot Act and massively downsize the current redundant spy agencies into one, constitutionally limited agency, you get your privacy and dignity back. This downsize means an end to warrantless wiretapping and a renewed protection of
your right to maintain your privacy against any search or seizure without probable cause. We can focus on the actual defense of our country. I want to protect the individual right to privacy (expressed in the 4th Amendment).
Source: 2018 Maryland Senate campaign website
Dec 12, 2017
Richard Madaleno:
Committed to fighting for marriage equality & LGBTQ rights
A lot of people know me as the person who brought marriage equality to Maryland. And I am very proud of that reputation. I stood up for the civil rights of the people of our state. These rights take many forms, and impact people in many ways.
In the General Assembly, and out, I have delivered on civil rights for the people of Maryland. But I am not finished. I will never be finished. I will cede no ground on civil rights, LGBTQ rights, workers' rights, or women's rights.
Source: 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial website
Aug 8, 2017
Jamie Raskin:
Ensure women receive equal pay for equal work
Jamie will be an outspoken leader for a family-focused economic agenda. He will work to make child care affordable for all Americans, ensure women receive equal pay for equal work, and fight for paid sick days so workers don't
have to choose between getting healthy and getting paid. Jamie says, "I will be a leader for the 99% in Congress because the billionaires and CEOs already have all the lobbyists they need."
Source: 2016 Maryland House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Jamie Raskin:
Passionate champion of marriage equality
A professor of constitutional law and a passionate champion of civil rights and civil liberties for all, Jamie not only campaigned on marriage equality in his first run for office in 2005 but led the Senate floor fight for marriage equality both in
2011 and 2012, fending off hostile floor amendments, carefully explaining the constitutional underpinnings of the legislation, and vividly describing the situation of gay and lesbian couples experiencing discrimination under the old law.
Source: 2016 Maryland House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Chris Van Hollen:
Straight, but fought discrimination against gay workers
Van Hollen said that being a straight, white man had not stopped him from standing up for the marginalized. He fought discrimination against gay workers, despite not being gay. He supported abortion rights against a female state senator who did not.
And he helped pass a law creating savings accounts for children with disabilities despite having no one in his family with severe disabilities. "These are human rights issues of equity that everybody should be invested in equally," Van Hollen said.
Source: Wash. Post coverage of 2016 Maryland Senate debate
Mar 5, 2015
Larry Hogan:
Respect state law on same-sex marriage (even if not my view)
To hear Maryland Democrats tell it, a victory for Republican gubernatorial nominee Larry Hogan could lead to the legalization of additional assault rifles, new limits on women's access to contraception and the clock being turned back on gay rights.
But Hogan isn't talking much about those issues on the campaign trail--and he says he respects existing state laws on guns, reproductive issues and same-sex marriage, even if they differ from his own long-held beliefs.
As he attempts an upset in a heavily Democratic state, the Anne Arundel County businessman is trying to fashion his bid around core issues that could draw voters across
party lines: cutting taxes, creating jobs and expanding the economy.
Source: Washington Post AdWatch on 2014 Maryland gubernatorial race
Aug 14, 2014
Larry Hogan:
I evolved and will not repeal same-sex marriage law
Republican Maryland gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan said his position on marriage rights for same-sex couples has "evolved." In response to a question about whether he voted for the state's same-sex marriage law in a 2012 referendum on it that he
was "originally for civil unions," Hogan responded, "I was a supporter of traditional marriage. It's an issue that I fully understand. The voters have made their decision. I support their decision and will uphold the law. I've evolved, I guess, on the
issue."Hogan said marriage rights for same-sex couples, extending in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants and other social issues "are really decided in Maryland. They have no part in this campaign whatsoever. We've been completely focused on the
issues that all Marylanders are focused on right now, and that's economic issues."
"Hogan's evolution on marriage equality reflects the reality of many Marylanders who have kept an open heart and open mind on this issue," one pundit noted.
Source: Washington Blade AdWatch on 2014 Maryland gubernatorial race
Aug 8, 2014
Larry Hogan:
Opposes a transgender rights bill
Hogan, who was a member of former Gov. Bob Ehrlich's administration, told the Washington Post in June he would not seek to repeal
Maryland's same-sex marriage law if elected governor. Hogan told the Baltimore Sun editorial board ahead of the June 24 primary that he opposes a transgender rights bill that Gov. Martin O'Malley signed into law earlier this year.
Source: Washington Blade AdWatch on 2014 Maryland gubernatorial race
Aug 8, 2014
Jamie Raskin:
Voted YES on state authorization of same-sex marriage
HB 438 Authorizes Same-Sex Marriage
Bill Passed House (72-67-2); passed Senate (25-22-0); Sen. Raskin voted YEA.Highlights: - Authorizes any 2 individuals to marry who are not otherwise prohibited from marrying in the state,
regardless of gender
- Specifies that an official of a religious order or body is not required to solemnize or officiate any particular marriage
Prohibits a religious organization from being required to provide any of the following if it is related to the solemnization, celebration, or promotion of a marriage in violation of the organization's religious beliefs
- Services;
- Advantages;
- Facilities;
- Goods; or
- Privileges.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland legislative records
Feb 17, 2012
Kathy Szeliga:
Voted NO on state authorization of same-sex marriage
HB 438 Authorizes Same-Sex Marriage
Bill Passed House (72 - 67); Rep. Kathy Szeliga voted Nay.Highlights: - Authorizes any 2 individuals to marry who are not otherwise prohibited from marrying in the state, regardless of gender
Specifies that an official of a religious order or body is not required to solemnize or officiate any particular marriage
Prohibits a religious organization from being required to provide any of the following if it is related to the solemnization, celebration, or promotion of a marriage in violation of the organization's religious beliefs
- Services;
- Advantages;
- Facilities;
- Goods; or
- Privileges.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland voting records
Feb 17, 2012
Kelly M. Schulz:
Voted NO on state authorization of same-sex marriage
HB 438 Authorizes Same-Sex MarriageBill Passed House (72 - 67); Del. Kelly Schulz voted Nay.
Highlights:- Authorizes any 2 individuals to marry who are not otherwise prohibited from marrying in the state, regardless of gender
Specifies that an official of a religious order or body is not required to solemnize or officiate any particular marriage
Prohibits a religious organization from being required to provide any of the following if it is related to the solemnization, celebration, or promotion of a marriage in violation of the organization's religious beliefs
- Accommodations;
- Advantages;
- Facilities;
- Goods; or
- Privileges.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-12 Maryland voting records HB438
Feb 17, 2012
Richard Madaleno:
Voted YES on state authorization of same-sex marriage
HB 438 Authorizes Same-Sex Marriage
Bill Passed House (72-67-2); passed Senate (25-22-0); Sen. Madaleno voted YEA.Highlights: - Authorizes any 2 individuals to marry who are not otherwise prohibited from marrying in the state,
regardless of gender
- Specifies that an official of a religious order or body is not required to solemnize or officiate any particular marriage
Prohibits a religious organization from being required to provide any of the following if it is related to the solemnization, celebration, or promotion of a marriage in violation of the organization's religious beliefs
- Services;
- Advantages;
- Facilities;
- Goods; or
- Privileges.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland legislative records
Feb 17, 2012
Martin O`Malley:
Civil marriage rights for all Marylanders
I'd like to talk about equality of civil marriage rights for all Marylanders. Our State was founded for religious freedom--and at the heart of religious freedom is respect for the freedom of individual conscience. The way forward, the way to sustain
and enhance our common life together, is equal respect for the freedom of all.We all want the same thing for our children; we want our children to live in a loving, caring, committed, and stable home protected equally under the law.
It is not right or just that the children of gay couples should have lesser protections than the children of other families in our State. Nor would it be right to force religious institutions to conduct marriages that conflict with their own religious
beliefs and teachings.
In Maryland, we already recognize civil marriages performed in other states. It is time to pass a civil marriage law that protects religious freedom and civil marriage rights equally.
Source: 2012 Maryland State of the State Address
Feb 3, 2012
Eric Wargotz:
Uphold DOMA, the federal Defense of Marriage Act
Wargotz responded "AGREE" to the statement "The federal Defense of Marriage Act should be upheld and federal law should continue to define marriage as a legal union exclusively between one man and one woman."
Source: Maryland Catholic Conference: 2010 Candidate Survey
Aug 11, 2010
Corrogan Vaughn:
Accessible, affordable health care for American citizens
Corrogans priorities upon his election as Marylands U.S. Senator in 2006 will include: - A return to the family and marriage values that made our Nation strong;
Better education results for our children, based not just on adequate funding but on the needs and goals of the parents and children in the communities of our Country;
- Accessible, affordable health care for American citizens
Source: 2006 Senate campaign website,
Nov 6, 2006
Benjamin Cardin:
Support affirmative action and programs that help minorities
I agree weve made progress, we have a long way to go. When you take a look at where we are, and weve see now one million minority owned businesses, $80 billion in revenues, but we still have a long way to go. We need to have policies that will try
to make the opportunities of this nation available to all of our citizens. So yes, I support affirmative action. I support programs that will help minority businesses and in the employment of minorities and opportunities. Its very important.
Source: 2006 Maryland Senate debate on Meet the Press
Oct 29, 2006
Michael Steele:
Support affirmative action and its improvements
I support the current system and improvements to the current system, keeping in mind that while we have done very well in affirmative action at our universities across this country, I look at our boardrooms across the country, I look at NBC, CNBC,
Fox, all these stations, all the corporate, corporate companies-and I dont see affirmative action necessarily being practiced there when I look at the management, when I look at the leadership, when I look at those who have a decision-making role.
Source: 2006 Maryland Senate debate on Meet the Press
Oct 29, 2006
Parris Glendening:
Racial Profiling is immoral and must stop
We must continue to be active and engaged in the on-going struggle for justice, fairness, and inclusion. We begin by ending the reprehensible practice of Racial Profiling. It is simply outrageous that African- Americans are targeted for traffic stops
in this manner. Make no mistake about it Racial Profiling does exist. It is wrong. It is immoral. It must stop! Our effort goes beyond the most urgent problem of African Americans and targets all forms of profiled traffic stops.
Source: 2001 State of the State speech to Maryland legislature
Jan 8, 2001
Parris Glendening:
Do more to foster and support small and minority business
We will take the necessary steps to update our Minority Business Program to more accurately reflect the dynamics of our changing population and business community. Not everyone has been given the opportunity to share in our prosperity.
We must do more to foster and support small and minority business. Given Marylands large and diverse minority community, our current goal of 14% minority participation in State contracts is far too low. We will lift our goal to 25%.
This increase will benefit all groups that have suffered discrimination: Women, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and others. We will also give special attention to African-American businesses, which the report identifies as facing the most intense
discrimination. We can come together and craft a program that is fair to minority businesses, and able to withstand the legal challenges that will result. It is the role of Government to help people achieve success.
Source: 2001 State of the State speech to Maryland legislature
Jan 8, 2001
Parris Glendening:
Combat discrimination based on sexual orientation
I will once again submit and fight for legislation to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation. As long as people are subjected to harassment and bigotry simply for their choice of partner, we will not live-up to the standards we have set for
ourselves as a nation, and as a people. As you know, this is an issue of great personal importance to me: My brother Bruce, who served in the Air Force for 19 years, was gay and ultimately died of AIDS. It is chilling to think that my brothers greatest
fear was not that he would be called upon to risk--even sacrifice--his life for his country. His greatest fear was that he would be ridiculed and discharged from the service if his sexual orientation was discovered. We can be better than
we have allowed ourselves to be. We can--and must--expect nothing less from ourselves. We must continue to actively support any and all measures that secure justice for those who have been wronged and inclusion for those who have been shut out.
Source: 2001 State of the State speech to Maryland legislature
Jan 8, 2001
Page last updated: Oct 13, 2021