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State of Idaho Archives: on Crime

Brad Little: Supports death penalty

Source: 2004 Idaho Congressional National Political Awareness Test Nov 1, 2004

Brad Little: Expand community re-entry centers for former offenders

We must hold those who violate our laws accountable, but we also must invest in changing their behavior, so our communities will be safer once offenders pay their debt to society.

My budget recommendation takes on this challenge in a way that provides not only an increase in our prison capacity but also the resources needed to reduce the flow of inmates to our prisons. This will be done by expanding the St. Anthony Work Camp in eastern Idaho and opening a community reentry center in northern Idaho.

In addition to providing timely relief to Idaho's overcrowded prisons, these combined 220 beds focus specifically on helping those in custody acquire critical skills to successfully transition back into society after release.

Former offenders cannot be successful after reentry and on parole if we don't have the necessary bed space and programs--such as drug courts--to halt the revolving door.

Source: 2019 State of the State address to Idaho legislature Jan 7, 2019

Brad Little: Intervention better than incarceration to turn lives around

Two-thirds of Idaho inmates are in prison because of probation and parole violations--more than any other state in the country. Idaho taxpayers pay $110 million per year to incarcerate this population. I am seeking continued investments in community reentry centers, where inmates returning to our neighborhoods can learn job and life skills. The cost of investing in proven interventions that help inmates turn their lives around before they reoffend is fractional to the cost of incarceration.
Source: 2020 Idaho State of the State address Jan 6, 2020

Brad Little: Other places defund the police; Idaho defends the police

My plan invests in the items necessary to support frontline personnel at the Idaho State Police--and training for our local frontline police officers. While other places seek to defund the police, I am proud to say that Idaho DEFENDS the police. Idaho "backs the blue."
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 11, 2021

Brad Little: Idaho is a state that openly values its police officers

My Leading Idaho plan also makes other key investments to support law enforcement, our veterans, our valued members of the Idaho National Guard, and safe and secure elections.

I want to add more than $60 million to address needs within the Idaho State Police. Idaho is a state that openly values its police officers. While others seek to "defund the police," Idaho DEFENDS the police. Idaho truly is a state that "backs the blue."

Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 10, 2022

Butch Otter: Improve offender assessment to reduce inmate population

Let's talk for a minute about some of what our State government is doing to avoid wasting the people's labors. At the Department of Correction, the Parole Commission has improved offender assessment and placement and are making better use of retained-jurisdiction programs. That's saving $32 million and holding our inmate population more than 1,500 below projections.
Source: Idaho 2011 State of the State and Budget Address Jan 10, 2011

Butch Otter: $70M for secure mental health facility at state prison

More than a quarter of the inmates in our State prison system have some level of mental illness. Many can be housed safely within appropriate settings in our existing facilities. But others need higher levels of care, more treatment and more intensive intervention for their own safety and that of others. That's why I support the Department of Correction's request for permission to issue $70 million in bonds for a 579-bed secure mental health facility at the prison complex south of Boise.
Source: Idaho 2013 State of the State Address Jan 7, 2013

Dirk Kempthorne: No new prisons; warehousing people is not the solution

Based on the fact that our prison population is growing at its current rate, I have received a recommendation that we should begin a construction program of a new prison every two years for the foreseeable future. But I concluded that if simply warehousing people is our solution, then we as a society have failed. Therefore, I do not recommend the construction of a new men�s prison in this budget. I do, however, recommend that additional beds be constructed.
Source: 2001 State of the State address to the Idaho legislature Jan 8, 2001

Dirk Kempthorne: Drug treatment & education opportunities for inmates

For those inmates who need long-term substance abuse treatment, we can offer it to only 30% of the prison population. I propose that we increase that treatment to 80%. We�re going to deal with the problem of substance abuse in the prison population, and stop the revolving door of returning inmates.

In addition to treatment, I am adding a significant component toward education programs in our prison facilities. If people are going to spend time in our prison system, we�re going to provide the educational tools to help them help themselves and become more productive members of society before they are released.

We have a captive audience. Let�s remember, treatment need not be voluntary to be successful. If they have a substance abuse problem, we�re going to help them deal with that problem. If they understand the value of improving their life through education, we�re going to help them. If you successfully treat a substance abuser, you can reduce your recidivism rate by 30 percent.

Source: 2001 State of the State address to the Idaho legislature Jan 8, 2001

Ed Humphreys: More resources for police; expand prison capacity

Elected officials need to have serious discussions and take action to deliver more resources to law enforcement, including expanding prison capacity and offering tools to tackle corruption in government. I'm calling on all Idahoans to seriously consider if you back the blue. If you do, then I hope to hear solidarity with officers on these issues. We can't say we support them and ignore them. They are the ones who bear the price for our mistakes. God bless our great law enforcement officers.
Source: 2021 ID Gubernatorial campaign website Sep 20, 2021

Janice McGeachin: Family hires former convicts within their businesses

Our family proudly supports the successful workforce re-entry of formerly incarcerated Idahoans by providing them opportunities for gainful employment within our family businesses.
Source: 2021 ID Senate campaign website Aug 25, 2021

Jim Risch: Hold criminals accountable & punish for crimes

The U.S. is a society of laws and without consistent interpretation of these laws by an impartial judiciary our freedoms will be diminished. I therefore support judicial nominees who believe the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, who have an established record of judicial restraint and who do not see the judicial branch as a lawmaking body.

Those who violate our laws must be held accountable for their actions and punished for their crimes. I believe the punishment imposed by our judicial system must be appropriate to the crime to discourage and deter future criminal behavior.

Source: on 2020 Idaho Senate race Apr 3, 2008

Michael Crapo: Punish convicts to the highest extent of the law

As a basic principle, any person convicted of injuring another individual should be punished to the highest extent of the law. This should be applied equally and without regard to race, religion or sexual orientation. This is the guiding principle established in our Constitution, one that helped frame much of what is covered in that document.

In the wake of numerous controversial court decisions at the District, Appellate and Supreme Court levels, many Americans have become disillusioned with our current judicial system.

We have seen an explosion in the availability of illegal drugs and criminal activity in many parts of the country. We want our families to live in safe communities, attend schools where violence and illegal drugs have no place and patronize businesses that adhere to a code of ethics. It is equally important that homes be safe havens. I have worked for laws that will protect our families and communities, and enforce equal protection under the law.

Source: on 2011 Idaho Senate incumbents Jan 11, 2011

Paulette Jordan: Laws need to be applied and the guilty held accountable

The governor's role is to ensure we are applying the law. We have state law that is not being applied locally; as leaders you should be ensuring that local law enforcement is adhering to the law to a T. Locally there are not a lot who are investigating when there is a crime, many will overlook people being shot at. And unfortunately there are gun owners who are not being held accountable. We have to make sure we are holding everyone accountable to the furthest extent of the law.
Source: Idaho Business Review on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial race Apr 27, 2018

Raul Labrador: Supports bipartisan criminal justice reform

Mandatory minimum sentences treat all offenders the same, forcing judges to impose unfair penalties on first-time nonviolent drug offenders. All too often, these young people leave prison schooled by violent criminals. While some opponents believe reform will lead to more crime, I think the opposite is true. We must be tough on those who deserve the harshest sentences, but smart in dealing with those who deserve a second chance.
Source: Q&A on 2018 Idaho gubernatorial race Feb 1, 2015

Ron DeSantis: Florida is a law and order state

We also will continue to honor our commitment to safe communities. Florida is a law and order state. We will not allow law enforcement to be defunded, bail to be eliminated, criminals to be prematurely released from prison or prosecutors to ignore the law. These soft-on-crime policies have been tried in communities throughout the country to disastrous results: crime has skyrocketed, morale for police officers has plummeted and quality of life has been destroyed.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 11, 2022

Stephen Heidt: Criminal justice reform would save millions in tax money

Idaho has the 13th highest incarceration rate in the nation, and prison spending is among the highest. Prison admissions data show that nonviolent offenders make up a significant proportion of Idahoans entering prison. Reforming the criminal justice system would save millions in taxpayer money. Expanded access to education would allow people to reenter society prepared and contribute to the economy. It's time to look at the current "hard on crime" stance and search for new solutions.
Source: 2022 Idaho Governor campaign website May 19, 2022

Tom Sullivan: Supports capital punishment

Q: Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?

A: Yes.

Source: Idaho Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test Sep 9, 2010

Tom Sullivan: No mandatory prison for drugs; reduced for non-violence

Q: Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs?

A: No.

Source: Idaho Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test Sep 9, 2010

Brad Little: While others seek to defund the police, we DEFEND the police

And my IDAHO FIRST plan Backs the Blue again, adding 10-percent pay raises for our brave and dedicated law enforcement officers. What does this mean for your average state police trooper? It means a $6,000 raise. I've said it before and I'll say it again, while other places seek to defund the police, here in Idaho we DEFEND the police!
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 9, 2023

  • The above quotations are from State of Idaho Politicians: Archives.
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2016 Presidential contenders on Crime:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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