State of Iowa Archives: on Gun Control
Zach Nunn:
Kids over age 14 can use guns with parental approval
Legislative Summary: Under the Act, a parent or guardian, or an instructor 21 years of age or older, with the consent of such a parent or guardian, may allow a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition, while under direct supervision, which then may be lawfully used. Prior law prohibited a parent or guardian from allowing a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunitionLegislative Outcome:
Passed Senate 33-17 on April 4, vote #S.J.875; passed House 57-36 on April 6, vote #H.J.917; State Rep. Zach Nunn voted YES; signed by Gov. Branstad April 13, record #H.J.1009.
Source: Iowa legislative voting records: HF 517
Apr 6, 2017
Al Gore:
Photo ids for gun purchase; ban junk guns
Q: What would you do to stop violence in the schools?
A: The one thing that all these incidents have in common is that they involve guns. And thats why Ive helped to pass the toughest new gun-control measure in the last generation. Im now proposing
photo-license IDs for the purchase of a new handgun, a ban on assault weapons and Saturday night specials and so-called junk guns, and a policy of zero tolerance in our schools.
Source: Democrat Debate in Johnston Iowa
Jan 8, 2000
Bernie Sanders:
Do more than reverse gun manufacturer immunity
Q: You say that Senator Sanders took a vote on immunity that you don't like. Should he be tattooed by a single vote and that ruins all future opinions by him on this issue?CLINTON: I would love to see Senator Sanders join with some of my Senate
colleagues that I see in the audience: Let's reverse the immunity.
SANDERS: Let's do more than reverse the immunity.
Q: Was that a mistake, Senator?
SANDERS: Let me hear if there's any difference between the Secretary and myself.
I have voted time and again for background checks, and I want to see it improved and expanded. I want to see us do away with the gun show loophole. In 1988, I lost an election because I said we should not have assault weapons on the streets of America.
I don't know that there's any disagreement here.
O'MALLEY: Oh, yes there is. I think we do need to repeal that immunity that you granted to the gun industry.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
Nov 14, 2015
Bill Bradley:
Register and license all handguns
Q: What would you do to stop violence in the schools? A: The first step is commonsense gun control.
And by that I mean registration and licensing of all handguns in America. If we can do that for automobiles, we ought to be able to do that for handguns.
Source: Democrat Debate in Johnston Iowa
Jan 8, 2000
Bruce Braley:
Allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence
Rep. Bruce Braley revealed last week that he would vote to the left of every US Senator on gun regulations. Braley told The Huffington Post that he would have opposed a key plank of the Senate's failed gun control bill--the background checks amendment.
But Braley wouldn't have opposed the bill because of Second Amendment concerns; he blasted the measure from the left for maintaining a law barring lawsuits against firearms manufacturers for gun violence (and expanding the protection to private sellers
who use background checks)."The background check amendment as it currently exists, I probably would have opposed--not for the reason most people think, but because it immunizes gun manufacturers, who get the economic benefit of that
protection and use it to fund all of the legislative assaults on rational measures to reduce gun violence. And I told that to the Newtown families," he told The Huffington Post at the annual Netroots Nation conference.
Source: The Iowa Republican on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Jun 13, 2013
Bruce Braley:
Ban sale of high-capacity magazines & recall existing ones
Braley, who has an F rating from the NRA, recently floated a recall program for high-capacity magazines. "It's always very difficult to eliminate a product that has been lawfully sold once it's in the marketplace, so one of the things that should be
happening is a wide-scale conversation about the impact of all of the factors that influence violence in our society," he said. "One of them is the availability of high-capacity magazines."Braley suggested a federal recall program similar to the
umbrella program used by six federal agencies to alert the American people to hazardous products. "The challenge is whether realistically you can get dangerous products off the marketplace," Braley said. "We have recall programs right now
for products that have been identified as creating a risk to consumers. So, one of the things that you can do is look at ways of trying to get those back in through a program that would give incentives for doing that."
Source: The Iowa Republican on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Jun 13, 2013
Cathy Glasson:
Gun violence is a public health crisis and an epidemic
I've signed a pledge to not take a penny from the NRA. I'm ready to address the plague of gun violence in this country head-on. Gun violence is a public health crisis. We need to conduct real research to get to the root causes of this epidemic.
We have great researchers, universities and health care facilities in our state. We should study the public health impact of gun violence, so we can help develop the best solutions to prevent tragedies from occurring in the future.
Source: 2018 Iowa gubernatorial candidate website
May 2, 2018
Chet Culver:
Reduce barriers to issuing concealed carry permits
A bill requiring sheriffs to issue concealed weapons permits to qualified applicants: Any person who is not disqualified, and who satisfies the training requirements, shall be issued a nonprofessional permit to carry weapons.Persons are ineligible if:
Probable cause exists to believe, based upon documented specific actions of the person, where at least one of the actions occurred within two years, that the person is likely to use a weapon unlawfully or to endanger the person's self or others.
OnTheIssues notes:
The following prohibitions were removed by this bill:- The person has never been convicted of a felony.
- The person is not addicted to the use of alcohol or a controlled substance.
- The person has no history of
repeated acts of violence.
- The person has never been adjudged mentally incompetent.
Legislative record:Passed House 81-16-3; Passed Senate 38-4-8 March 29, 2010; Governor signed April 29, 2010.
Source: 2010 Iowa legislature voting records for SF 2379
Apr 29, 2010
Christopher Reed:
Individual right to hunting guns and hand guns
Q: What is your position on the second amendment?A: While in the Navy I was stationed in Virginia Beach. They had a concealed weapons law that law helped lower street and person to person crime, because no one knew who was and who was not carrying a
concealed weapon. Thugs and bandits had to decide whether it was worth chancing a robbery. The 2nd amendment means individuals have the right to keep arms. Not just hunting guns but hand guns as well. I am committed to maintaining the 2nd amendment.
Source: The Iowa Brigade, email questionnaire
Apr 2, 2008
Chuck Grassley:
No-fly lists are imperfect; allow gun sales to those on them
Patty Judge is stopping by in north Iowa to talk about gun control, and her feelings on the Orlando shooting. Judge is running against U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley.
She expresses that what happened in Orlando is tragic, and supports taking the availability of purchasing a gun away from someone that is or has been on the terrorist watch list.
"If our government is afraid of someone to fly on an airplane then I don't think they need to have an assault weapon," Judge said. Grassley feels if you're on the list not to fly, you should still be able to purchase a gun.
He stresses Senator Kennedy was once on that list and he was a good man. Grassley believes it's an issue of radical terrorism.
Source: KIMT Radio on 2016 Iowa Senate race
Jun 15, 2016
Deidre DeJear:
Repeal the dangerous "stand your ground" law
Deidre on the issues- Increase the minimum age for sales of assault rifles to 21 years old.
- Reinstate permit requirements for purchase of weapons and require comprehensive background checks for all gun sales.
- Repeal the dangerous "stand your
ground" law.
- Enact a Gun Violence Restraining Order which allows domestic violence victims to temporarily remove guns and prevent purchase of weapons by individuals who pose a threat.
- Require gun owners to report lost or stolen gun to assist law
enforcement from keeping weapons off the street and enact a civil penalty for failure to report within 30 days.
- Require safety measures for the storage of all guns and the use of trigger locks to help keep our children and those with mental illness
safe; with a civil penalty for failure to report safety plan.
- Implement bipartisan Red Flag laws to allow police to petition the court for removal of firearms from persons who may present a danger to others or themselves.
Source: 2022 Iowa Gubernatorial campaign website
Sep 22, 2022
Doug Butzier:
Absolute right to gun ownership
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Absolute right to gun ownership"?
A: Clearly protected by the Second Amendment, but I do support keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable. We have already proven it is impossible to keep them out of the hands of criminals.
Source: E-mail interview: 2014 Iowa Senate race with
Sep 17, 2014
Eddie Mauro:
Close gun show loophole; require gun owner insurance
We need to expand and invest in the federal background check system to cover all firearm purchases at all points of sale - including gun shows and online purchases.
No person should be able to use the spotty background check system to purchase a firearm illegally. If you need insurance to drive a car to work, you need insurance to possess a firearm. Weapons of war have no place in our communities.
We need a new assault weapons ban that accounts for how technology has expanded the ways weapons can be produced, distributed and procured - electronic (online) commerce and 3-D printing didn't exist in 1994 when the last ban was legislated.
This should be accompanied by a mandatory federal assault weapons buyback program to get these weapons off the street and out of the hands of those who would use them to end lives.
Source: 2020 Iowa Senate campaign website
Feb 10, 2020
Eddie Mauro:
Refuses donations from NRA & gun manufacturers
I will pledge to refuse all campaign contributions coming from gun manufacturers and the NRA. The NRA has spent over $3 million dollars electing and protecting Joni Ernst.
Their investment has paid off in lives lost in our churches and places of worship, schools, theaters, stores, concerts, festivals, in our homes and communities, on our streets and in gun sales overseas.
Source: 2020 Iowa Senate campaign website
Feb 10, 2020
Eddie Mauro:
Allow CDC & NIH to research data on gun violence
Let's go invest in the CDC, the National Institutes of Health. Let's let them go do their work to find the data that's necessary. It's actually very disturbing that we're not allowing them to at least start with that [--] the data would be very
helpful for us to have. That's the same way we invest in other national health matters that are important to us and national safety matters that are important to us. Just like car safety, and the amount of money we spent on the data there.
Source: Bleeding Heartland e-zine on 2020 Iowa Senate race
Jul 19, 2019
Fred Hubbell:
Start the conversation between gun control & public safety
Multiple questions were asked about his stance on gun use and how prolific they should be in society, to which Hubbell said he did not support arming teachers to ward against school shootings and wanted to have a productive conversation about
improvements that could be made to Iowa's gun laws. "We need to have a serious conversation about gun control and public safety," Hubbell said. "We should be having conversations about where do you draw the line between gun safety and public safety."
Source: The Hawk Eye on 2018 Iowa Gubernatorial race
Mar 22, 2018
Gary Bauer:
Churches should discuss souls, not gun resolutions
Q: Here in Iowa the mainline churches have talked about tighter gun control restrictions, calling for a ban on the possession and manufacturing and sale of hand guns. A: The churches should leave to politicians discussions about the regulation of
various industries. The churches ought to be talking about the human heart, about the soul of America, and part of the problem is that some so-called mainline churches are passing resolutions about gun control, instead.
Source: Des Moines Iowa GOP Debate
Dec 13, 1999
Gary Bauer:
Promoting virtue would work better than passing gun laws
A President can do something about [gun violence]. He can put judges on the court that understand that our liberty comes from God, that He's the author of it, and that only a virtuous people remain
free and that, ultimately will be a lot more important than passing another gun law.
Source: Des Moines Iowa GOP Debate
Dec 13, 1999
George W. Bush:
Best gun control is more prosecution & certain jail
Q: You are in favor of some gun controls?
A: I'm in favor of keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them like felons & juveniles. I'm for enforcing the laws on the books. In Texas, we've armed D.A.'s with extra
money to prosecute people who break the law. We need to send a signal to people, don't be illegally selling guns and don't be illegally using guns. The best accountability for somebody who breaks the law with a gun is called jail, certain jail.
Source: Des Moines Iowa GOP Debate
Dec 13, 1999
Hillary Clinton:
Reverse gun manufacturer immunity; let them get sued
Q: You say that Senator Sanders took a vote on immunity that you don't like. So if he can be tattooed by a single vote and that ruins all future opinions by him on this issue, why then isn't he right when he says your wrong vote on
Iraq tattoos you forever in your judgment?CLINTON: I said I made a mistake on Iraq, and I would love to see Senator Sanders join with some of my Senate colleagues in addition the Senate that I see in the audience.
Let's reverse the immunity. Let's put the gun makers and sellers on notice that they're not going to get away with it.
SANDERS: Let's do more than reverse the immunity.
Q: Was that a mistake, Senator?
SANDERS: Let me hear if there's any difference between the Secretary and myself. I don't know that there's any disagreement here.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
Nov 14, 2015
Jack Hatch:
Supports background checks, licensing, and enforcement
Hatch indicated he supports the following principles concerning gun issues.- Maintain and strengthen the enforcement of existing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
- Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
- Require a license for gun possession.
Source: 2002 Iowa Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 2002
Jake Porter:
Absolute right to gun ownership
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Absolute right to gun ownership"?
A: Strongly support
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Iowa Governor candidate
May 18, 2018
Jim Carlin:
Will never back down in fight to preserve Second Amendment
Our Founding Fathers enshrined the second amendment into the Constitution and it means what it says; that the "right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
The language is clear and absolute. I am a gun owner, a proud member of the NRA, and will never back down in the fight to preserve second amendment for all law-abiding Americans.
Source: 2021 Iowa Senate campaign website
Mar 7, 2021
Jim Gilmore:
On NRA board to protect 2nd amendment
I am a board member of the National Rifle Association. The reason is I believe that individuals can be trusted to exercise their rights under the Second
Amendment and under the Bill of Rights. To take away people's Second Amendment rights is to redefine the individual in the society, and I'm not going to put up with it.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
John Kasich:
Cool off before making new gun laws after Littleton
Although he voted for the 1994 federal ban on assault weapons, Kasich said that lawmakers should have a cooling-off period after high-profile acts of violence before trying to pass new laws. Kasich noted that the two students who killed 13 people and
themselves last month in Littleton, Colo., violated 19 existing gun laws. "There were already a bunch of laws," Kasich said. "The kids didn't pay attention to the laws. I don't think new laws will solve all the problems."
Source: Omaha World-Herald, "Kasich Tours Iowa", 5/23/99
May 23, 1999
John Kasich:
More parenting better than more gun laws
Kasich said that the better response [to the Columbine shootings] may not involve gun control. He said parents could do more to help their children feel safe if they could choose where to send their children to school. He also advocated legislation that
would allow businesses to provide more flexible working schedules, a change that he said would give parents more time at home with children. "In most homes, both parents work and nobody has the time to spend with their children anymore," he said.
Source: Omaha World-Herald, "Kasich Tours Iowa", 5/23/99
May 23, 1999
Joni Ernst:
Staunch defender of the Second Amendment
Protecting Second Amendment Rights: Joni is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and opposes efforts by the government to infringe upon this fundamental right. She is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association,
and received an "A" rating from the NRA for her efforts to protect the rights of gun owners as a member of the state senate. Joni holds a concealed carry permit, carries a Smith and Wesson 9mm, and is Army qualified on the 9mm and M16.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2013
Joni Ernst:
Opposes more gun restrictions
Question topic: More restrictive gun control laws are needed now to protect public safety.
Ernst: Strongly Disagree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Sep 30, 2014
Joni Ernst:
Purpose of Second Amendment is protection against tyranny
[Former Congressman and radio talk-show host] Joe Walsh took to Twitter [prior to the 2016 election] to announce his post-election day plans. "On November 9th," he wrote, "if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket. You in?"It may be tempting to write
off Walsh's latest proclamation. But this sentiment--that a Donald Trump loss might justify the violent overthrow of a Hillary Clinton administration--is a longtime GOP talking point. The NRA has longed peddled the "insurrectionist" theory of the Second
Amendment, arguing that the right to bear arms was intended to protect citizens against a tyrannical ruler.
Although this insurrectionist theory is foreign to the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Second Amendment, it has gained a foothold in the
Republican Party. In 2014, Iowa Republican (and current senator) Joni Ernst proclaimed that she had a right to defend herself and her family "from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
Source:, "Grabbing My Musket," on 2020 Iowa Senate race
Oct 26, 2016
Kim Reynolds:
Concealed carry at statehouse okay
Reynolds says she has no reservations about Iowans carrying guns inside the State Capitol, even after the shooting of a US Congressman. Earlier this year the Iowa legislature approved new gun legislation that
allows Iowans to legally carry handguns into the Capitol if they have a permit to carry. That new law takes effect on July 1st. Reynolds says she doesn't anticipate any problems.
Source: WHO-TV on Iowa Legislative Voting Record
Jun 15, 2017
Kim Reynolds:
Supports "stand your ground" provisions
Gun Control: Support more restrictive gun control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic weapons?Hubbell: Yes, but not much specificity. Wants public conversation about how gun laws can balance gun rights and public safety. Opposes arming teachers.
Reynolds: No. Supports 2017 sweeping gun rights law as "responsible and reasonable," including "stand your ground" provisions and prohibitions on local restrictions. Decisions on arming teachers should be local.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Iowa Governor race
Nov 1, 2018
Kimberly Graham:
Repeal Dickey Amendment barring CDC from gun research
Graham said the senator should send them more than thoughts and prayers "after school shootings and repeal the Dickey Amendment." Doing this,
Graham argued, would allow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "to research gun violence and the possible benefits of gun control measures, which this amendment legally prevents them from doing."
Source: Newton Daily News on 2020 Iowa Senate race
Dec 16, 2019
Marco Battaglia:
Absolute right to gun ownership
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Absolute right to gun ownership"?
A: I support absolute right to gun ownership.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Iowa Governor candidate
May 13, 2018
Martin O`Malley:
Baltimore was safer with my comprehensive gun safety law
Q [to Sen. Sanders]: Would you reverse gun manufacturer immunity that you voted for?SANDERS: Let's do more than reverse the immunity. I have voted time and again for background checks. I don't know that there's any disagreement here.
Oh, yes there is. I think we do need to repeal that immunity that you granted to the gun industry. We have a lot of work to do and we're the only nation on the planet that buries as many of our people from gun violence as we do.
SANDERS: I think it's fair to say that Baltimore is not now one of the safest cities in America
O'MALLEY: But it's a lot safer. It's saved a lot of lives along the way, Senator.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
Nov 14, 2015
Martin O`Malley:
Time to work together to crack down on gun manufacturers
I firmly believe that the Democratic Party needs to come together and continue the ongoing crack down on gun manufacturers. And I ask that my opponents, Senator Sanders and former
Senator Clinton, to stand with me on this issue. We are fighting for something worth saving. The American Dream is worth saving. It is time to stand up. It is time to join the fight. I am in this to win this.
Source: ABC News on 2015 presidential Democratic hopefuls in Iowa
Oct 25, 2015
Michael Franken:
Background check; assault weapon ban; restrict magazine size
Admiral Mike supports common sense legislation to reduce gun violence. No gun should be sold without a comprehensive background check. Gun owners must also be trained and regularly re-certified in their competence in safe operation, storage, and
maintenance of weapons. Mike is no stranger to assault weapons. He knows they have no place in civilians' hands. He further supports restrictions on magazine size. He would vote to ban 3D-printed guns and rapid-fire weapons.
Mike also supports efforts to ensure that guns are taken from those who are not fit to own them. He supports Extreme Risk Protective Orders and Gun Violence Restraining Order laws.
This legislation allows family and community members to petition to have weapons removed from gunners who indicate that they pose a threat to themselves or others. Non-gun owners have equal rights to gun owners.
Source: 2020 Iowa Senate campaign website
May 27, 2020
Nate Boulton:
No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval
Legislative Summary: Under the Act, a parent or guardian, or an instructor 21 years of age or older, with the consent of such a parent or guardian, may allow a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition, while under direct supervision, which then may be lawfully used. Prior law prohibited a parent or guardian from allowing a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition Legislative Outcome:
Passed Senate 33-17 on April 4, vote #S.J.875; Sen. Nate Boulton voted NAY; passed House 57-36 on April 6, vote #H.J.917; signed by Gov. Branstad April 13, record #H.J.1009.
Source: Iowa legislative voting records: HF 517
Apr 4, 2017
Patty Judge:
Block gun sales to those on terrorist watch-lists
Patty Judge is stopping by in north Iowa to talk about gun control, and her feelings on the Orlando shooting. Judge is running against U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley.
She expresses that what happened in Orlando is tragic, and supports taking the availability of purchasing a gun away from someone that is or has been on the terrorist watch list.
"If our government is afraid of someone to fly on an airplane then I don't think they need to have an assault weapon," Judge said. Grassley feels if you're on the list not to fly, you should still be able to purchase a gun.
He stresses Senator Kennedy was once on that list and he was a good man. Grassley believes it's an issue of radical terrorism.
Source: KIMT Radio on 2016 Iowa Senate race
Jun 15, 2016
Patty Judge:
Supports banning assault rifles
Q: On Gun Control: Support more restrictive gun control legislation?Grassley: Mixed. Supports banning sales to people on no-fly list but has opposed most legislation.
Judge: Yes. Supports banning assault rifles and gun sales to people on no-fly list.
Source: CampusElect Voter Guide to 2016 Iowa Senate race
Oct 9, 2016
Ras Smith:
No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval
Legislative Summary:Under the Act, a parent or guardian, or an instructor 21 years of age or older, with the consent of such a parent or guardian, may allow a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition, while under direct supervision, which then may be lawfully used.
Prior law prohibited a parent or guardian from allowing a person under 14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition
Legislative Outcome:Passed Senate 33-17 on April 4, vote #S.J.875; passed House 57-36 on April 6, vote #H.J.917; State Rep. Ras Smith voted NAY; signed by Gov. Branstad April 13, record #H.J.1009.
Source: Iowa legislative voting records: HF 517
Apr 4, 2017
Tom Hoefling:
Opposes more gun restrictions
Question topic: More restrictive gun control laws are needed now to protect public safety.
Hoefling: Strongly Disagree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2013 Iowa Gubernatorial campaign
Jul 2, 2014
Rob Hogg:
Reduce barriers to issuing concealed carry permits
A bill requiring sheriffs to issue concealed weapons permits to qualified applicants: Any person who is not disqualified, and who satisfies the training requirements, shall be issued a nonprofessional permit to carry weapons.Persons are ineligible if:
Probable cause exists to believe, based upon documented specific actions of the person, where at least one of the actions occurred within two years, that the person is likely to use a weapon unlawfully or to endanger the person's self or others.
OnTheIssues notes:
The following prohibitions were removed by this bill:- The person has never been convicted of a felony.
- The person is not addicted to the use of alcohol or a controlled substance.
- The person has no history of
repeated acts of violence.
- The person has never been adjudged mentally incompetent.
Legislative record:Passed House 81-16-3; Passed Senate 38-4-8 March 29, 2010; Governor signed April 29, 2010. Sen. Hogg voted YEA.
Source: 2010 Iowa legislature voting records for SF 2379
Mar 29, 2010
Rob Hogg:
No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval
Legislative Summary: Under the Act, a parent or guardian, or an instructor 21 years of age or older, with the consent of such a parent or guardian, may allow a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition, while under direct supervision, which then may be lawfully used. Prior law prohibited a parent or guardian from allowing a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition Legislative Outcome:
Passed Senate 33-17 on April 4, vote #S.J.875; Sen. Rob Hogg voted NAY; passed House 57-36 on April 6, vote #H.J.917; signed by Gov. Branstad April 13, record #H.J.1009.
Source: Iowa legislative voting records: HF 517
Apr 4, 2017
Sam Clovis:
2nd Amendment is about liberty, not just gun rights
I am a member of the National Rifle Association, the Hawkeye Rifle and Pistol Club and a holder of a concealed-carry permit.
Suffice it to say that I will always support and defend Second Amendment protections. However, protecting the Second Amendment is about much more than gun rights.
Liberty is the second unalienable right mentioned in our Declaration of Independence. Liberty, which is more than freedom, deals with the exercise of free will, the exercise of conscience and actions that protect the soul.
The Second Amendment is the complete manifestation of all these factors as we live our lives in America. Liberty must be protected at all costs.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues"
Nov 11, 2013
Sam Clovis:
Reduce gun violence but not by punishing gun manufacturers
Bruce Braley [noted that current gun laws] "immunize gun manufacturers, who get the economic benefit of that protection and use it to fund all of the legislative assaults on rational measures to reduce gun violence." Trial lawyers, the largest block
of donors to Braley's campaign, would reap massive legal fees if Braley had his way on gun manufacturer liability, Sam Clovis responded, "You know Congressman Braley has been in Washington too long when he believes Iowans would support his position
that recent assaults on our Second Amendment by the US Senate weren't liberal enough. Our state deserves a Senator who will stand up for the Second Amendment. It is clear Braley wants to advance the left's agenda by raising the specter of liability
for gun manufacturers in relation to gun violence. Reducing violence is a goal we all share, but punishing manufacturers, lawful gun dealers and gun owners by infringing on our Second Amendment is not the way to achieve it."
Source: The Iowa Republican on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Jun 13, 2013
Sam Clovis:
Opposes more gun restrictions
Question topic: More restrictive gun control laws are needed now to protect public safety.
Clovis: Strongly Disagree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Jul 2, 2014
Steve Forbes:
Prosecute crimes done with guns; not buying guns
Enforcement sends a very strong message. The Administration has been full of pious palaver about doing more about guns. But look what they've done: prosecutions for crimes committed with firearms; way down. What message does that send? Felons who try to
get guns, they won't let them buy the gun, but they don't prosecute them for trying to get the gun. So prosecutions are way down. You bring a gun to a school, and there's only 1 chance in 1,000 you're going to be prosecuted. What message does that send?
Source: Des Moines Iowa GOP Debate
Dec 13, 1999
Terry Branstad:
Kids over age 14 can use guns with parental approval
Legislative Summary: Under the Act, a parent or guardian, or an instructor 21 years of age or older, with the consent of such a parent or guardian, may allow a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition, while under direct supervision, which then may be lawfully used. Prior law prohibited a parent or guardian from allowing a person under
14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition Legislative Outcome:
Passed Senate 33-17 on April 4, vote #S.J.875; passed House 57-36 on April 6, vote #H.J.917; signed by Gov. Branstad April 13, record #H.J.1009.
Source: Iowa legislative voting records: HF 517
Apr 13, 2017
Theresa Greenfield:
Like many Iowans who have guns, supports bipartisan laws
She said growing up on a farm she spent time around guns that were used for shooting skeet, hunting, and for protecting her family's livestock. "I think Iowa is a state of responsible gun owners," Greenfield said. "Many Iowans do want sensible policies,
they want to talk about and have some action on how we keep guns out of the hands of folks who can hurt themselves and hurt others. I believe that bipartisan bill that the House has passed absolutely could be a step towards that," she explained.
Source: Caffeinated Thoughts blog on 2020 Iowa Senate race
Nov 20, 2019
Theresa Greenfield:
Would allow CDC to do research on gun violence
Greenfield noted that another "good next step" would be to allow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to do research. "If we had anything else in this country where
40,000 people a year died from, as we do with gun violence, we would be doing research to find out and learn more and try to understand how we can curb that," she said. "I don't think we need assault weapons in everyone's hands," she noted.
Source: Caffeinated Thoughts blog on 2020 Iowa Senate race
Nov 20, 2019
Theresa Greenfield:
Supports background checks & gun violence research
Theresa won't sit by when it comes to saving lives, reducing crime and keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. Theresa will fight for legislation that keeps our kids and our communities safe. Whether it's working to expand background
checks, funding critical gun violence research, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and other criminals, such as those on the No Fly list, she will bring people together to find commonsense solutions to ensure we address gun violence.
Source: 2020 Iowa Senate campaign website
Jun 2, 2020
Theresa Greenfield:
Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety for gun-sense majority
Everytown for Gun Safety threw its support behind 11 Democratic Senate candidates including Theresa Greenfield in Iowa. "Everytown is going all-in to flip the Senate and elect leaders who will treat America's gun violence epidemic
like the crisis it is," the Everytown President said. The group has targeted a number of key races in the House and Senate, emphasizing the need to protect what it calls a "gun sense majority," which is mostly comprised of Democratic candidates.
Source: The Hill e-zine on 2020 Iowa Senate endorsements
Jun 9, 2020
Tom Fiegen:
Strengthen enforcement of existing state restrictions
Fiegen indicates support of the following principles regarding gun issues- Maintain and strengthen the enforcement of existing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
Implement penalties other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders
Source: Iowa Congressional 2002 National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 2002
Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023