Alex Pires:
Jobs come from small businesses; they need bank credit
Pires said the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is not the answer to the country's economic woes. "Simpson-Bowles is a good idea, but it hasn't gone anywhere," he said. "Jobs come from small businesses. They don't come from the
top, they come from the bottom." Pires said credit is key to the success of small businesses, which are suffering because of big banks. As a board member of Community Bank, Pires said he has lent more than $200,000 to small businesses.
Source: Cape Gazette on 2012 Delaware Senate debate
Oct 19, 2012
Chris Coons:
Unemployment hasn't doubled in two years; O'Donnell is lying
O'DONNELL: We have to keep in mind my opponent has a history of promising not to raise taxes on the campaign trail and then break those promises as soon as he takes office. Unemployment here in New Castle County rose, almost doubled in the last two years
under his watch as New Castle county executive.
COONS: I also frankly can't imagine where she found the numbers that unemployment doubled in just the past year under my watch. I suspect we're going to need to keep a close eye this evening on
the numbers that go flying back and forth.
Q: Let's ask her, where did you get those numbers?
O'DONNELL: The Department of Labor statistics. And we'll have them on our web site by tomorrow.
COONS: I think it's important to look closely at
some of the things Ms. O'Donnell's thrown out on her new web site. Most of them are untrue. Some of them are flat-out lies. Some of them are mischaracterizations. Much of how you've characterized my record is incorrect.
Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate
Oct 13, 2010
Chris Coons:
People not taking jobs because of high cost of day care
Let me focus on why those people dropped out of the workforce. It's the high cost of daycare. I have folks who work for me who are paying more for daycare than they are for their mortgage, and the challenge is finding ways to care for our seniors, our
children, to provide for a lower cost of health care are exactly why we're now going to move forward with President Biden's Build Back Better agenda and get people back to work.
Source: Fox News Sunday 2021 interview of Delaware Senator
Oct 10, 2021
Christine O`Donnell:
Unemployment under Coons has doubled in two years
O'DONNELL: We have to keep in mind my opponent has a history of promising not to raise taxes on the campaign trail and then break those promises as soon as he takes office. Unemployment here in New Castle County rose, almost doubled in the last two years
under his watch as New Castle county executive.
COONS: I also frankly can't imagine where she found the numbers that unemployment doubled in just the past year under my watch. I suspect we're going to need to keep a close eye this evening on
the numbers that go flying back and forth.
Q: Let's ask her, where did you get those numbers?
O'DONNELL: The Department of Labor statistics. And we'll have them on our web site by tomorrow.
COONS: I think it's important to look closely at
some of the things Ms. O'Donnell's thrown out on her new web site. Most of them are untrue. Some of them are flat-out lies. Some of them are mischaracterizations. Much of how you've characterized my record is incorrect.
Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate
Oct 13, 2010
Colin Bonini:
Raise minimum wage, add training wage, youth wage
Legislative Summary:HB483: This Act creates a training minimum wage and a youth wage that is not more than $0.50 less than the minimum wage rate of $8.75.
The Capital Daily summary: A spirited debate on raising the
wage floor followed, with Democrats arguing it would help lift people out of poverty while Republicans claimed it would cause prices to rise and lead to layoffs. Democrats and Republicans reached a compromise,
increasing the minimum wage to $9.25 and instituting a training wage. "We just gave an extra dollar an hour to these working-class people. That's a hundred pennies," the Democratic House Majority Leader said.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 15-5-1 on Jul/1/18; State Sen. Colin Bonini voted YES; Passed House 32-7-2 on Jul/1/18; Signed by Governor John Carney on Jul/1/18
Source: The Capital Daily: Delaware legislative voting records HB483
Jul 1, 2018
David Lamar Williams:
Provide a livable standard wage for all
David is passionate about providing a livable standard wage for all. He will work to find ways to support those of our citizens that are dealing with financial challenges.
Working to change policy and law and provide access to information for assistance. David aims to maintain balance within the political system for budget analysis and will keep pushing until the correct balance is reached.
Source: 2020 Delaware gubernatorial campaign website
Mar 25, 2020
Jack Markell:
Job Creation Infrastructure Fund: tax credits for job growth
We must be prepared to make the infrastructure investments necessary when we see significant opportunities to put Delawareans back to work. I am proposing a Job Creation Infrastructure Investment Fund that will allow us to seize the best opportunities fo
investing in future jobs in ways that our Transportation Trust Fund currently cannot. And to drive home the message that Delaware is the best place to start and grow a business, we must promote job-creating capital investment.
For businesses large or small that are willing to put Delawareans to work in a new or expanded manufacturing facility--whether it be for traditional manufacturing, or for clean energy--we will provide tax credits to support that job growth.
We must continue to create a business climate that puts our neighbors back to work and that puts Delaware back at the forefront of making things again.
Source: 2011 Delaware State of the State Address
Jan 20, 2011
James DeMartino:
A state regulated minimum wage hurts small business
Q: Would you support an increase in the minimum wage? Why or why not?
DeMartino: No. A State regulated minimum wage hurts small business and negatively impacts job growth.
Source: Wilmington News Journal on 2020 Delaware Senate race
Aug 20, 2018
John Carney:
Focus on trade school training and apprenticeships
Carney addressed a question I raised about how the future of Delaware will look for young people. He cited how he has pushed for job creation, and played a vital role in getting most of DuPont to stay in Delaware. He believed that I'll have plenty of
Delaware jobs to look forward to.
I later inquired about his views on the future of trade schools as a way to build a greater workforce. He said that everyone needs welders, yet we seem to not have enough. We focus on only the highest jobs through
college or the lowest jobs, and don't focus on the decently paying middle jobs, occupations vital for Americans such as welding, or plumbing or other trades.
He cited Germany's apprenticeship programs as an excellent example and something we
could emulate in Delaware. In addition, he saw the pathway program in schools as an important first step in pushing for education that can still get students good jobs without spending thousands of dollars on college.
Source: Wilmington News Journal on 2016 Delaware Governor's race
Mar 10, 2016
John Carney:
Investment in new jobs means drop in unemployment
Over the past two years, and thanks in large part to the work of many of you, we have 10,000 new jobs in Delaware. Our unemployment rate has fallen to 3.8 percent for the first time since 2008. Working with you, we signed an agreement to bring hundreds o
Source: 2019 State of the State address to Delaware legislature
Jan 17, 2019
John Carney:
Work-a-Day Earn-a-Pay Program Pilot
Gov. John Carney announced the expansion of the Work-a-Day Earn-a-Pay Program Pilot. The $150,000 pilot initiative funded by the Department of Transportation created a partnership with Goodwill of Delaware to hire 46 individuals who collected 759 bags
of trash along the I-95 corridor in Wilmington. Cleanups were performed three times per week.
"As we work to 'Keep DE Litter Free,' this program is a great example of how we can put people to work and address the litter problem that exists across our
state," said Carney. "With DelDOT and Goodwill of Delaware working together, this program will expand statewide beginning on August 1, and broaden our litter cleanup efforts."
DelDOT will provide $483,000 in funding for the expanding program.
The expanded program will increase the frequency of I-95 ramp cleanups in Wilmington as well as target other high-litter areas in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties.
Source: Delaware Business Times on 2020 Delaware gubernatorial race
Jul 18, 2019
John Carney:
Grants to small business is investment in the future
With a strong economy, it's the right time for us to invest in our future. More than half of Delawareans working are employed at small businesses. They're the engine of our economic growth. Our future success depends on finding ways to grow our
small businesses. So last spring we started a new grant program: Encouraging Development, Growth and Expansion, or EDGE for short. We've awarded nearly $1.5 million in EDGE Grants to 20 companies.
Source: 2020 Delaware State of the State address
Jan 23, 2020
John Carney:
Raise minimum wage, add training wage, youth wage
Legislative Summary:HB483: This Act creates a training minimum wage and a youth wage that is not more than $0.50 less than the minimum wage rate of $8.75.
The Capital Daily summary: A spirited debate on raising the
wage floor followed, with Democrats arguing it would help lift people out of poverty while Republicans claimed it would cause prices to rise and lead to layoffs. Democrats and Republicans reached a compromise,
increasing the minimum wage to $9.25 and instituting a training wage. "We just gave an extra dollar an hour to these working-class people. That's a hundred pennies," the Democratic House Majority Leader said.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 15-5-1 on Jul/1/18; Passed House 32-7-2 on Jul/1/18; Signed by Governor John Carney on Jul/1/18
Source: The Capital Daily: Delaware legislative voting records HB483
Jul 1, 2018
John Carney:
Today we have more jobs than we have people to fill them
The biggest challenge we have is filling the job openings that are out there. For my entire career in public service, we've been focused first on creating jobs. There have always been more people looking for work than jobs available. Today, it's just
the opposite. We have thousands more job openings than we have people looking for work. Employers have 37,000 job openings in the State of Delaware. And there are just 21,000 Delawareans looking for a job. I've never seen a situation like this before.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Delaware legislature
Jan 19, 2023
The above quotations are from State of Delaware Politicians: Archives.
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