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The quiz outlines how elected officials and public figures address political topics, plus the relative importance they place on each key topic. The nine key topics are:

We list below summaries of one public figures's issue stances related to each topic, and which quiz answer each issue stance indicates. Click on the quiz answer link to see the full original excerpt and citations.

Gary Johnson on AmericansElect Senate Quiz



Quiz Responses
(Click here for AmericansElect quiz)
AmericansElect Question & Answer
(Summary answer based on details in right-hand column)
Based on these stances:
(Click on answers for full excerpt & citation)

Question 1 answer A on Economy:

When you think about the US budget deficit, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
  • A: Cutting existing programs
  • B: More spending cuts than tax increases (mix of both solutions)
  • C: More tax increases than spending cuts (mix of both solutions)
  • D: Raising Taxes
  • E: Unsure
Summary answer 'A' from 12 out of 14 statements:

Cut government spending by 20%: A on question 1
Cut taxes and cut spending: A on question 1
Veto any legislation that will result in deficit spending: A on question 1
Clinton promises spending programs but doesn't address debt: A on question 1
Taxes means government decides rather than people deciding: B on question 1
National debt, approaching $20 trillion, is bankrupting us: B on question 1
National debt of $20 trillion is obscene & unsustainable: A on question 1
Replace job-killing tax code with FairTax: A on question 1
Stop incurring more debt; balanced budget by 2013: A on question 1
Our debt is greatest threat to our national security: A on question 1
"Governor No": 742 total vetoes of bills over two terms: A on question 1
Reduce state personal income tax from 8.5% to 8%: A on question 1
Lower the tax burden; eliminate corporate tax: A on question 1
Balance budget by cutting entitlements AND Defense: A on question 1
This question weighted at 40% importance.
(Relative importance: 14 out of 35 statements.)

Question 2 answer B on Energy:

When you think about Americas energy needs, which of the following solutions comes closest to your opinion?
  • A: Strong investment in renewable energy like wind and solar
  • B: More drilling than investment in renewables (mix of both solutions)
  • C: More investment in renewable than drilling (mix of both solutions)
  • D: Strong focus on offshore drilling and allowing drilling in federal lands including wildlife reserves
  • E: Unsure
Summary answer 'B' from 2 out of 4 statements:

Humans contribute to climate change, but no government role: C on question 2
Federal regulation makes fracking, coal mining, & nuclear OK: D on question 2
Support renewables, but not with federal policy: B on question 2
Current policy prevents common-sense energy development: B on question 2
This question weighted at 11% importance.
(Relative importance: 4 out of 38 statements.)

Question 3 answer D on Healthcare:

When you think about healthcare reform in the United States, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
  • A: The Government should be the sole provider of healthcare insurance
  • B: The Government should have a major role in providing healthcare insurance
  • C: The Government should have a limited role in providing healthcare insurance
  • D: Only private companies should provide healthcare insurance
  • E: Unsure
Summary answer 'D' from 5 out of 10 statements:

Free-market approach to health coverage instead of ObamaCare: D on question 3
US needs free market approach to health care, not government: D on question 3
Run Medicare and Medicaid via states and municipalities: C on question 3
Free market reduces prices with places like "Stitches R Us": D on question 3
Catastrophic insurance ok; then free-market for the rest: C on question 3
ObamaCare's promise of lower cost simply isn't happening: D on question 3
Government-managed healthcare is insanity: D on question 3
Repeal ObamaCare & failed Medicare prescription drug benefit: C on question 3
Vetoed mental illness coverage parity with physical illness: C on question 3
Opposes Congressionally reforming Affordable Care Act: C on question 3
This question weighted at 21% importance.
(Relative importance: 10 out of 47 statements.)

Question 4 answer A on Immigration:

When you think about illegal immigration, which of the following solutions come closest to your opinion?
  • A: All illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US legally
  • B: Most illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US, with some exceptions
  • C: Most illegal immigrants should be deported, with some exceptions
  • D: All illegal immigrants should be deported
  • E: Unsure
Summary answer 'A' from 6 out of 11 statements:

WRONG to deport 11 million undocumented from US: A on question 4
No random deportations; just keep out criminals & terrorists: A on question 4
Mexicans are looking for work, not murder & rape: B on question 4
Deporting 11M illegal immigrants is based on misinformation: A on question 4
Make work visas as easy as possible: A on question 4
Would veto Arizona SB 1070 as Latino racial discrimination: B on question 4
2 year grace period for illegals to get work visas: B on question 4
1 strike & you're out for legal immigrants who violate terms: B on question 4
Let some, but not all, illegal immigrants stay in US: B on question 4
We educate the world's best & brightest; why send them back?: A on question 4
Open the border; flood of Mexicans would become taxpayers: A on question 4
This question weighted at 20% importance.
(Relative importance: 11 out of 54 statements.)

Question 5 answer C on Foreign Policy:

When you think about the US pursuing its interests abroad, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
  • A: The US should always act in its own interest regardless of what other countries think
  • B: The US should rarely listen to other countries
  • C: The US should listen to other countries more often than not
  • D: The US should always listen to other countries before pursuing its own interests
  • E: Unsure
Summary answer 'C' from 5 out of 14 statements:

A ban based on religion violates our Constitution: D on question 5
Knowing all the world facts just means we use military more: C on question 5
Stay in the U.N., but stay out of foreign interventions: C on question 5
Overturn simplistic, chaotic, reactive military policies: D on question 5
Reactive military policies allow real threats to flourish: D on question 5
Take our share of Syrian refugees; not too many but not zero: C on question 5
America at peace with the world; avoid foreign entanglements: C on question 5
Drones may create more adversaries than they eliminate: C on question 5
No foreign aid spending unless it protects U.S. interests: A on question 5
Allies want more US military spending, but cut by 43%: A on question 5
Flights to Cuba ok; trade promotes friendship: D on question 5
43% reduction in military spending; cut foreign aid too: B on question 5
Act in US self-interest, but wary of unintended consequences: A on question 5
Absolutely would not have gone into Libya; get out now: A on question 5
This question weighted at 22% importance.
(Relative importance: 14 out of 63 statements.)

Question 6 answer A on Education:

When you think about education in the US, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
  • A: School curriculums should be set entirely at a local school board level
  • B: School curriculums should be set more by local school boards than at a national level
  • C: School curriculums should be set more by national standards than at a local level
  • D: School curriculums should be set entirely at a national standardized level
  • E: Unsure
Summary answer 'A' from 8 out of 10 statements:

Competition improves choices: A on question 6
No Common Core; state and local education instead: B on question 6
Vouchers are as constitutional as pre-school and day-care: A on question 6
Education Dept. takes 16 cents for every 11 cents it gives: A on question 6
Abolish Departments of Education and HUD: A on question 6
Give every student in New Mexico vouchers worth $3,500: A on question 6
Put educational funds in the hands of the people who use it: A on question 6
End the Department of Education: A on question 6
Favors charter schools as one priority to improve education: B on question 6
Opposes Common Core as a nationwide academic standard: A on question 6
This question weighted at 14% importance.
(Relative importance: 10 out of 70 statements.)

Question 7 answer C on Social Issues:

When you think about the rights of same-sex couples, which of the following is closest to your personal opinion?
  • A: Same-sex couples should not be allowed to marry or form any kind of civil union
  • B: Same-sex couples should be allowed to form civil unions, but not to marry in the traditional sense
  • C: Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry legally, with all the same rights as traditional marriages
  • D: Unsure
Summary answer 'C' from 4 out of 7 statements:
This question weighted at 9% importance.
(Relative importance: 7 out of 76 statements.)

Question 8 answer B on Environment:

Which of the following statements comes closest to your personal view?
  • A: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity
  • B: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity, but should be somewhat protected
  • C: Natural resources should be mostly protected, but also exist for the benefit of humanity
  • D: Natural resources exist on their own and should be completely protected
  • E: Unsure
Summary answer 'B' from 5 out of 7 statements:

Oversaw construction of 500 miles of new highway: B on question 8
Vetoed limits on number of pets people can own: B on question 8
No compromise on clean air, but no cap-and-trade: C on question 8
More state autonomy on brownfields & Superfund cleanups: B on question 8
Focus on prevention and states for Endangered Species: D on question 8
Collaborative, incentive driven, locally-based solutions: B on question 8
State primacy over water quantity & quality issues: B on question 8
This question weighted at 9% importance.
(Relative importance: 7 out of 78 statements.)

Question 9 answer A on Reform:

Which of the following comes closest to your personal opinion?
  • A: To make this country great, we should return to the examples and values of our forefathers
  • B: This country is already great, we shouldn't change a thing
  • C: To make this country great, we should keep building and adapting for the future
Summary answer 'A' from 1 out of 1 statements:

Government creates jobs by reducing its role, not expanding: A on question 9
This question weighted at 1% importance.
(Relative importance: 1 out of 78 statements.)

Other candidates' quiz: Gary Johnson on the issues:
NM Gubernatorial:
Gary King
Jeff Apodaca
Joe Cervantes
John Sanchez
Michelle Lujan-Grisham
Steve Pearce
Susana Martinez
NM Senatorial:
Allen Weh
David Clements
Heather Wilson
Jeff Bingaman
John Sanchez
Martin Heinrich
Mick Rich
Steve Pearce
Tom Benavides
Tom Udall

Retiring in 2016 election:

Retired as of Jan. 2015:
Senate races 2017-8:
AL: Strange(R) vs.Jones(D) vs.Moore<(R)
AZ: Flake(R) vs. Ward(R) vs.Sinema(D) vs.Abboud(D) vs.McSally(R) vs.Arpaio(R) vs.Marks(L)
CA: Feinstein(D) vs. Eisen(I) vs. Sanchez?(D) vs.de_Leon(D)
CT: Murphy(D) vs.Adams(D) vs.Corey(R)
DE: Carper(D) vs.Arlett(R) vs.Truono(R) vs.Boyce(R) vs. Markell?(D)
FL: Nelson(D) vs. DeSantis(R) vs. Jolly(R) vs. Rick Scott(R) vs.Invictus(R) vs.Janowski(I)
HI: Hirono(D) vs.Curtis(R) vs.McDermott(R)
IN: Donnelly(D) vs. Hurt(R) vs.Messer(R) vs.Rokita(R) vs.Braun(R) vs.Straw(P)
MA: Warren(D) vs. Ayyadurai(I) vs.Waters(R) vs.Lindstrom(R) vs.Diehl(R) vs.Wellman(R) vs.Kingston(R)
MD: Cardin(D) vs.Campbell(R) vs.Vohra(L) vs.Manning(D) vs.Faddis(R)
ME: King(I) vs.Brakey(R) vs.Ringelstein(D) vs.Lyons(L)
MI: Stabenow(D) vs. Bouchard(R) vs.Young(R) vs.James(R) vs.Squier(G)
MN-2: Franken(R) vs.Smith(D) vs.Housley(R)
MN-6: Klobuchar(D) vs.Newberger(R) vs.Overby(G)
MO: McCaskill(D) vs.Petersen(R) vs.Petersen(R) vs.Monetti(R) vs.Hawley(R)
MS-2: vs.Hyde-Smith(R) vs. McDaniel(R) vs.Espy(D) vs.Reeves(R)
MS-6: Wicker(R) vs.Baria(D) vs.Bohren(D)
MT: Tester(D) vs.Olszewski(R) vs.Rosendale(R)

ND: Heitkamp(D) vs.Peyer(D) vs.Cramer(R) vs.Campbell(R)
NE: Fischer(R) vs.Raybould(D)
NJ: Menendez(D) vs. Chiesa(R) vs.Pezzullo(R) vs.Hugin(R) vs.Sabrin(L)
NM: Heinrich(D) vs.Rich(R) vs.Johnson(L)
NV: Heller(R) vs.Tarkanian(R) vs.Rosen(D)
NY: Gillibrand(D) vs. Kennedy(D) vs.Webber(R) vs.Farley(R) vs.Noren(D)
OH: Brown(D) vs. Mandel(R) vs.Gibbons(R) vs.Renacci(R)
PA: Casey(D) vs. Saccone(R) vs.Barletta(R) vs.Christiana(R)
RI: Whitehouse(D) vs.Nardolillo(R) vs.Flanders(R)
TN: Corker(R) vs.Bredesen(D) vs.Mackler(D) vs.Crim(D) vs.Fincher(R) vs.Blackburn(R)
TX: Cruz(R) vs. Bush(R) vs.O`Rourke(D)
UT: Hatch(R) vs. McMullin(R) vs.Wilson(D) vs.Romney(R) vs.Bowden(L)
VA: Kaine(D) vs. Fiorina(R) vs.Stewart(R) vs.Freitas(R)
VT: Sanders(I) vs.Milne(D) vs.MacGovern(D) vs.Paige(R) vs.Zupan(R)
WA: Cantwell(D) vs.Hutchison(R) vs.Ferguson(D) vs.Luke(L) vs.Strider(L)
WI: Baldwin(D) vs.Vukmir(R)
WV: Manchin(D) vs. Raese(R) vs.Morrisey(R) vs.Swearengin(D) vs.Jenkins(R) vs.Blankenship(I)
WY: Barrasso(R) vs.Trauner(D)
Campaign Finance
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
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Govt. Reform
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Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

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To assess the Relative Importance of each answer, observe the citation counts in the left-hand column of the table above. The quiz relative importance are the citation counts expressed as pie-chart percentages.

Copyright 2011, contact Jesse Gordon,

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