The mass shootings in Newtown, Orlando, and even Fort Lauderdale didn't get Sen. Marco Rubio to seriously reconsider his position on guns. But Rubio shifted on firearms as he weathered the righteous anger of a parent and of the students who survived the
Valentine's Day massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and who then faced him onstage at a CNN town hall.
Jeered and booed by the crowd, buffeted by tough questions, Rubio stood alone as the only Republican onstage. He broke with President
Trump on whether to arm teachers. Rubio said it was a bad idea. He said he would favor raising the minimum age to purchase an assault rifle from 18 to 21. And he said he would consider restricting the size of magazines for firearms.
It was a striking
turnabout for Rubio, who never met a gun-rights bill he didn't vote for in the Florida Legislature and, later, in Congress. But Rubio said he wanted to prevent another massacre and said it was time for everyone to start rethinking their positions.
Why did we stop doing vocational education in America?
Why did we stop doing vocational education in America, people that can work with their hands; people you can train to do this work while they're still in high school so they can graduate ready to go work?
What's happening is some of these tech companies are taking centers to Canada because they can get people to go over there instead of here. The ideal scenario is to train Americans to do the work so we don't have to rely on people from abroad.
Common Core will convert from suggestions to mandate
Q [to Bush]: You advocate for Common Core education standards?
BUSH: [Yes, but] I don't believe the federal government should be involved in the creation of standards directly or indirectly, the creation of curriculum or content.
Q: Sen. Rubio, why
is Gov. Bush wrong on Common Core?
RUBIO: I too believe in curriculum reform. It is critically important in the 21st Century. And it should happen at the state and local level. That is where educational policy belongs, because if a parent is unhappy
with what their child is being taught in school, they can go to that local school board or their state legislature, or their governor and get it changed. Here's the problem with Common Core. The Department of Education, like every federal agency, will
never be satisfied. They will not stop with it being a suggestion. They will turn it into a mandate. They will use Common Core or any other requirements that exists nationally to force it down the throats of our people in our states.
No national school board; end Department of Education
The Department of Education: "If I was president of the United States, I would not have a Department of Education, perhaps at all....We don't need a national school board."
Common Core (2015): "I don't care what anybody tells you.
Those standards will eventually be used to force on states policies the federal government wants."
Common Core (2013): "Common Core started out as a well-intentioned effort to develop more rigorous curriculum standards.
However, it is increasingly being used by the Obama administration to turn the Department of Education into what is effectively a national school board. This effort to coerce states into adhering to
national curriculum standards is not the best way to help our children attain the best education. Empowering parents, local communities, and the individual states is the best approach."
Empower parents to overcome disastrous public system
The public school system for millions of disadvantaged American children is a disaster. Many of these schools deny opportunity to those who need it most. We need to allow charter schools and other innovative schools to flourish.
The key to that is empowering parents. Parents should be the ultimate decision makers on where their children go to school.
But poor and working class parents often have no choice about what schools their children can attend. All our parents should be able to send their children to the school of their choice.
For parents with special needs children, the freedom to choose their kids' school is especially important. (December 2012)
Theistic evolution: science and faith are not incompatible
On teaching creationism and evolution: "If you want to give them a truly rounded education, you should explain to them that there's a theistic creationism that exists, a theistic evolution that exists out there.
The Catholic Church has adopted that position. It teaches that science and faith are not incompatible." April 2014.
Source: Fordham Institute EduWatch 2016 by Brandon White
, Apr 27, 2015
Too many 4-year college grads; focus on vocational careers
Rubio says that not everyone should be forced to get a four-year degree in order to find a job; there are millions of good-paying jobs out there and we should allow people to have access to skills they need in a cost-effective way. Rubio said at CPAC in
February that in the 21st century some of the best jobs require more than high school--traditional high school--but less than four years of college.
"We shouldn't be stigmatizing those vocational careers.
We should be graduating more people from high school ready to work as plumbers, electricians, welders, machinists, BMW technicians, you name it. We have too many people graduating with a four-year degree that doesn't lead to jobs.
And they owe tens of thousands of dollars. We should tell students if you graduate with a major in Greek philosophy you're going to struggle to find a job because the market for Greek philosophers is tight."
Private lenders get percentage of student's income
Rubio discussed several of his economic proposals designed to help lower-income Americans climb out of poverty. Among his ideas is a proposal to allow what he called "private sector investors" to help pay the student loan debt of graduate students.
In return, the investor would reap a percentage of the student's income once they earned a job.
Source: Washington Post, "Rubio heckled" on 2016 election
, Feb 20, 2015
Professor of political science at Florida International U.
Rubio [teaches a] political-science classes at Florida International University. The classroom is a cocoon from the partisan warfare of Washington. There's no sniping at rivals, Democratic or Republican, and Rubio is as likely to discuss Bill Clinton's
accomplishments as those of Ronald Reagan, whom the senator grew up idolizing.
Rubio's lectures reveal a tactical mind that explores "targets of opportunity" for both parties. He discusses demographic slices of the electorate as if they are pieces on
the Electoral College chessboard.
Rubio explains the GOP's dilemma like this: "Basically, Barack Obama got eight out of 10 votes from the fastest-growing groups in America. And Mitt Romney got 90 percent of his votes from the group that is diminishing
in terms of its overall percentage of the population.
Imagine, he tells his students at one point, that "despite your message, you can't get through [to minority voters] because they're convinced you hate them. That's going to be a problem."
Outdated educational systems must be updated to meet needs
Today's better-paying jobs require higher education or skills training, but we have an outdated, expensive, inaccessible education system that fails to graduate students with skills that prepare them for work.
Older students who have to work full-time and raise a family struggle to access a higher education system that wasn't built for them. And a college education has become more expensive than ever.
Source: American Dreams, by Marco Rubio, p. 11
, Jan 13, 2015
The poor benefit most from parental choice in education
Our leaders just want to spend more money on the status quo. This is true in higher education, where instead of creating innovative and affordable higher education programs, the system seeks to shield itself from competition & innovation. It's especially
true in secondary and primary education. When Democratic politicians at all levels of government actively oppose strengthening our schools through competition and parental choice, they are hurting the very people they claim to care about the most.
Source: American Dreams, by Marco Rubio, p. 26-27
, Jan 13, 2015
Turn over Head Start to states
Q: Are you saying that Head Start is a failure? I took that from your speech.
RUBIO: Actually, I think programs like Head Start are geared in the right direction in the sense that they're trying to get children educational opportunities as young as
possible. I think where those programs can be completed and improved is that we create flexibility in them at the local level. So, I'm not saying we should dismantle the efforts, I'm saying that these efforts need to be reformed and
I believe the best way to reform them is to turn the money and the influence over to the state and local level where I think you'll find the kinds of innovations that allow us to confront an issue that is complex, and quite frankly diverse.
For example, rural poverty looks different than urban poverty. And there are different approaches to it.
Give parents chance to send kids to school of their choice
Helping the middle class grow will require an education system that gives people the skills today's jobs entail and the knowledge that tomorrow's world will require.
We need to incentivize local school districts to offer more advanced
placement courses and more vocational and career training. We need to give all parents, especially the parents of children with special needs, the opportunity to send their children to the school of their choice.
Source: GOP Response to 2013 State of the Union Address
, Feb 12, 2013
Give info to students on costs & benefits of student loans
Because tuition costs have grown so fast, we need to change the way we pay for higher education. I believe in federal financial aid. I couldn't have gone to college without it. But it's not just about spending more money on these programs; it's also
about strengthening and modernizing them.
A 21st century workforce should not be forced to accept 20th century education solutions. Today's students aren't only 18 year olds. They're returning veterans. They're single parents who decide to get the
education they need to earn a decent wage. We need student aid that does not discriminate against programs that non-traditional students rely on--like online courses, or degree programs that give you credit for work experience.
When I finished school,
I owed over $100,000 in student loans, a debt I paid off just a few months ago. Today, many graduates face massive student debt. We must give students more information on the costs and benefits of the student loans they're taking out.
Became serious college student after football injury
My neck had bothered me throughout my freshman football season. The doctor informed me I might be suffering nerve damage.
As a boy, I had dreamed I would one day play in the NFL. But I never really had the size or speed. That dream was over. I accepted
who I was and who I wouldn't be. I made a practical, adult decision. I had to transfer to a school that would prepare me to do something important with my life, something other than play football. But I didn't want to move back to Miami--
I would be too distracted there. And given how poorly I had done in my first semester at Tarkio, I couldn't afford any distractions. I wanted to go to the University of Florida, but I didn't have the grades to be admitted there. I heard a couple of kids
in the class below me at South Miami High were going to attend Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville, and it sounded like a good fit for me. I decided to attend Santa Fe for a year, improve my GPA and apply for admission to Florida the following year
1999: Pushed for early education for at-risk children
The education pitch was a central element of the campaign, and Rubio argued for change. "30% of children enter Miami-Dade County Schools unprepared to learn," he said. "You do the most important learning the 1st 5 years of your life, but we don't even
start school until age 6. We can't wait for the school years to intellectually challenge children. We have to do that in the beginning. I think the most efficient use of our money comes from investing in the front end."
Source: The Rise of Marco Rubio, by Manuel Rogi-Franzia, p. 93-94
, Jun 19, 2012
Silent on voluntary school prayer
Behind the scenes many Democrats considered Rubio someone with whom they could work. The most skilled politicians understand that their opponents need to perform for their constituents, but they still can be reasonable negotiators behind closed doors.
They deliver piercing lines when the audience is present or the video cameras are rolling, but are less strident when the paying patrons have gone home and the klieg lights are dimmed.
Rubio earned a reputation as someone who understood this, and it only helped him raise his statue and spread good-will.
Rubio could be careful on controversial issues. Conservative lawmakers tried to engage him on voluntary school prayer and
abortion, but "he was nowhere to be found," an influential conservative Florida lawmaker said. "I always thought it was a shame because Marco was obviously the most gifted orator."
Presided over $2.3B cut to Florida public education
One of the key issues preoccupying central and northern Florida lawmakers in those days was school funding. Florida allotted its state funds based on a complicated formula that gave extra money to schools in highly populated areas, including the big
South Florida counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach. Lawmakers from other parts of the state wanted to tweak the formula to divert more money to less populated counties, and they would go on to succeed in making changes that cost the
South Florida school systems tens of millions of dollars. While Rubio was speaker--a time when the economy was weakening and he was remaining steadfast against increasing taxes--he presided over a record cut to public education of
$2.3 billion, including more than $120 million taken from his home county's school budget.
Supports No Child Left Behind Opportunity Scholarships
Provide Opportunity Scholarships For Students Of Chronically Failing Schools (NCLB/Title I Funds): Under No Child Left Behind,
schools that fail to meet Adequate Yearly Progress for 5 years must implement corrective measures, including restructuring or firing the principal and teachers.
As an additional consequence for failure, low-income students should be eligible for Opportunity Scholarships (funded with existing Title I dollars) to attend
another public, charter, private or parochial school, or have access to supplemental online services of their choice.
Rubio voted YES on HB7145, Private School Scholarship Program Expansion Act (passed House 84-34):
Expands the Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program (CITCSP) for students enrolled in eligible private schools by raising scholarship amount
to $4000 for students in grades 6-8 and to $4250 for grades 9-12.
Extends eligibility for the CITCSP to siblings of current recipients
Allows for students receiving the McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities to be home schooled.
Source: Florida state legislative voting records
, Apr 30, 2007
Incentivize foreign language curriculum in elementary school
Preparing Our Students for the Global Marketplace
Ensure student mastery of the appropriate knowledge at each grade level by developing statewide end-of-course examinations to match new, more challenging standards
Make Florida's Voluntary
Pre-Kindergarten Program a global model for school readiness
Encourage trained and certified curriculum leaders in reading, math, and science, and in the new curricular standards in every school
Provide strong incentives to identify gifted
elementary school children and require our elementary schools to allow these children to work at a suitably challenging academic level
Provide our elementary school children with the advantages of learning a second language by encouraging
and incentivizing a foreign language curriculum in all elementary schools
World-Class Teachers and Principals Make World-Class Schools
Pay teachers and principals based on performance and merit
Preparing Our Students for the Global Marketplace (College)
Create career academies and career training programs that allow students to become industry certified in a technical field, both as part of and after their high school education
Ensure the full implementation of policies relating to credit transfers, the expansion of articulation policies, and the elimination of any unnecessary barriers or impediments to postsecondary students
Make public funding of universities contingent on university performance and outcomes
Develop strategic fiscal policies that address the scope of each program for which state universities and community colleges will receive state support
Commit to having a Top 10 public university in Florida
Encourage collaboration among universities, businesses, education colleges, and specialty public-private partnerships to provide excellent principal preparation programs
More options for student and parent choice in education
Empowering Parents and Students
Continue to add options for student and parent choice in education
Increase virtual schooling
Identify professions in high demand that are currently experiencing shortages and provide incentives for students
to remain in Florida and enter these professions
Provide voters with the option of dividing large school districts into smaller districts
Create and fund an Inspector General or other watchdog to track specific incidents of fraud,
waste, and abuse that occur each year in Florida public schools
Require all schools that accept state funds, including community colleges and universities, to send parents annual notices delineating school content, performance, and spending
Provide incentives to create innovative public-private partnerships that will expand after-school programs
Pursue public-private partnerships to provide classroom construction, leasing, maintenance, and school services
Integrate competition principles into education marketplace
Problem: Florida needs to further integrate the principles of freedom, competition, and choice into the education marketplace.
Parental involvement is at the heart of education.
Parents know their children best, love them most, and are in the best position to know if a school is successfully teaching their children. Consequently, parents should have the means and ability to influence their children's education.
Source: 100 Innovative Ideas, by Marco Rubio, p. 36
, Nov 1, 2006
A+ Plan for Education: charters and choice
In 1999, we rocked Florida's K-12 education world by enacting the "A+ plan for education," a bold and revolutionary program based on high standards and expectations, clear measurement and accountability, and rewards and consequences for results.
This was only our starting point, and since then we have embarked on the largest effort of all fifty states to implement policies, practices, and finding initiatives to improve classroom reading abilities.
We significantly expanded education choice options by way of charter schools, virtual schools, and path-breaking scholarship programs.
We have accomplished so much, but there is still more to be done.
2+2 System: AA degree guarantees admission to university
Florida has attempted to control costs and expand access to postsecondary education in many ways. Florida's open admissions policy provides high school students access to the state's community colleges.
Florida facilitates the transition of students from secondary to postsecondary education--that is, from high school to a career center or on to a state university.
Florida's 2+2 system promotes our public community colleges as the primary point of entry for an undergraduate education, while the statewide articulation agreement guarantees community college graduates who receive an associate of arts degree admission
to a state university. By providing many student with affordable access to an undergraduate education, the 2+2 policy reduces the enrollment pressures on state universities for the first two years of an undergraduate program.
$4,500 voucher saves state $10,000 in per-student cost
Florida's school choice programs are comprehensive yet simple. Florida stands out partly because some of its choice programs are unique, but mainly because Florida simultaneously offers multiple programs. Each program is relatively pure, in that sense of
being designed around a particular, classic vision of school choice. In short, Florida offers a tapestry of school choice programs, and the success of the state's choice initiatives depends on this tapestry approach to coverage.
Vito Fossella (R-NY)
introduced a House bill to create a federal tax credit of $4,500 per family to offset the cost of private or parochial school tuition. Florida school districts, meanwhile, receive about $10,000 per student enrolled in a public school. That is why school
choice means more money for education without raising the tax burden.
Thus the answer to Florida's education woes is not more spending but smarter spending. Success is not defined by per student spending or classroom size but by learning outcomes.
Private partnerships for provision of school services
Private sector efficiency can build schools in a fraction of the time while still ensuring safety and quality. Putting companies that specialize in construction in charge of building schools, rather than school boards that lack the expertise and technica
acumen of general contractors, makes sense.
Public-private partnerships could also be extended to the provision of other school services. Privatizing school services such as transportation in numerous states, including Illinois and
Alabama, resulted in substantial savings and improves service quality. A 1998 study by Florida's Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability found that privatized school transportation could save Florida over $13 million annually.
Another are to examine for public-private partnerships is school provision of cafeteria food. In sum, public-private partnerships will enable schools to free up money for other educational uses.
Supports less federal & more local control of education.
Rubio supports the F2A survey question on education is "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups." They provide election resources for each state, including Voter Guides and Congressional Scorecards excerpted here.
The Faith2Action survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: 'Less federal and more state / local control of education'
Source: Faith2Action Survey 10-FF-q7 on Sep 19, 2010