Founded free health clinics for working poor and uninsured
"Dr. Dan" was a founder of the Rotary Free Clinic, a non-profit organization combining the efforts of Community Ministries, local physicians, and the Perry County Rotary Club. Free health care became available to those most in need, including the
uninsured--the working poor. He remains a board member of that clinic.
At the Appalachian Regional Medical Center, Dr. Mongiardo continues to serve patients as the only ear, nose, and throat surgeon for a large area of Southeastern Kentucky.
Source: Officeholder website,, "About"
Dec 25, 2009
Push for cheaper drugs from Canada
MONGIARDO: It is absolutely absurd that we as Americans are paying more for prescription drugs than our neighbors in Canada for medicines made here in the USA.
BUNNING: You�re cashing their checks. You better look at your own portfolio before talking
out of both sides of your mouth.
MONGIARDO: If I was trying to make money on my drug stocks, I wouldn�t be pushing for cheaper drugs from Canada. I don�t care about the money. I�m over here with middle-class families because they are struggling.
Source: KY Senate Debate, in Cincinnati Enquirer
Oct 11, 2004
Use information technology to improve healthcare
Saying that, �Healthcare costs too much, covers too few, and the quality is in decline,� Mongiardo today proposed a bold plan to lower the cost & improve the quality of healthcare through the use of information technology. Mongiardo, who still maintains
a busy schedule in the operating room while running for Senate, said that �by bringing 21st century technology to Kentucky�s hospitals, we can make our patients safer and control the skyrocketing cost of healthcare. This is a change we have to make.�
Source: Press Release, �e-Health Plan Unveiled�
Jul 19, 2004
Invest in hospitals to make them safer
My plan calls for unprecedented national investment in our hospitals to make them safer. Most important, our patients will be safer. Medical mistakes are the leading cause of malpractice suits. If we reduce errors, we will reduce litigation,
and therefore lower the cost of malpractice insurance. That�s the first step in ensuring enough quality doctors for our hospitals. Bringing information technology to our hospitals, particularly in a rural state like Kentucky, will save money and lives.
Source: Campaign website,, �Issues�
May 11, 2004
Ensure access to basic health care
Principles which Mongiardo supports regarding health care:
Provide tax incentives to small businesses that provide health care to their employees.
Ensure that citizens have access to basic health care through managed care,
insurance reforms, or state funded care where necessary.
Support a patient�s right to sue his or her HMO.
Support a patient�s right to appeal to an administrative board of specialists when services are denied.
Source: 2000 KY National Political Awareness Test
Nov 7, 2000