Hillary Clinton on Education
Secretary of State; previously Democratic Senator (NY); 2016 Democratic nominee
Common Core is most important non-family enterprise in US
Q: Should the federal government establish Common Core as a nationwide academic standard for high school graduation?Clinton initially responded to the question about how to fix the U.S. educational system by praising Common Core.
She then said that families today are too "negative" about the current system, a system Clinton described as "the most important non-family enterprise" in the country. After noting what she described as "unfortunate" opposition to Common Core,
Hillary Clinton also dismissed the concerns of Common Core opponents by saying they just "do not understand the value" of the controversial top-down curriculum.
Stein: Replace Common Core with curriculum developed by educators, not corporations, with input from parents and communities.
Trump: "I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I think that it should be local education."
Source: 2016 AFA Action iVoterGuide on 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 8, 2016
Unconstitutional to post Ten Commandments in schools
Q: Should it be legal to display the Ten Commandments in public schools?Clinton: In Mrs. Clinton's Senate race in 2000, Mrs. Clinton stated that the posting of the
Ten Commandments in public schools is a violation the Constitutional separation between church and state. Source
Source: 2016 AFA Action iVoterGuide on 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 8, 2016
Provide every student an education in computer science
Q: What policies will best ensure that America remains at the forefront of innovation in science and engineering?CLINTON: Advances in science and engineering start with education. We need universal preschool, to get our kids off to a good start; good
K-12 schools and teachers in every ZIP code; and to put higher education in reach for everyone with debt-free college and support for high-quality apprenticeships and training programs. We need strong STEM programming in every school, and we need
to provide every public school student with access to education in computer science. Both basic and applied research are major drivers of innovation.
Funding is needed not only for the basic science research agencies and the large science and engineering mission agencies but also for the broader universe of agencies that are increasingly dependent on STEM for their missions.
Source: ScienceDebate.org: 20 questions for 2016 presidential race
, Oct 9, 2016
Testing system based on a core curriculum has value
- Common Core: "It's very painful because the Common Core started off as a nonpartisan effort--it wasn't politicized. Iowa has had a testing system based on a core curriculum for a really long time. And [Iowans] see the value of it,
they understand why that helps organize their whole education system. And a lot of states unfortunately haven't had that, and so don't understand the value of a core, in this sense a Common Core."
- Equity and upward mobility: "We have to
do things differently, but it should all be driven by the same commitment to try to make sure that we educate every child. That's why I was a senator and voted for [NCLB], because I thought every child should matter and shouldn't [be
told], 'You're poor' or, 'You've got disabilities, so we are going to sweep you to the back; don't show up on test day because we don't want to mess up our scores'. No! Every child should have the same opportunity; we've got to get back to basics."
Source: Fordham Institute EduWatch 2016 by Brandon White
, Apr 23, 2015
Teach discipline, self-control & patience in schools
- Non-cognitive skills: "I believe it is time we get back to teaching discipline, self-control, patience, punctuality. The biggest complaint that I hear from employers is that young people who show up for jobs don't have those habits.
They don't get there on time. They don't know how to conduct themselves appropriately."
- Teacher pay: "We don't pay teachers what they deserve to be paid--in other countries that have better test scores than ours, teachers get paid much
more. We have a lot of people who come out of school burdened with student loans and decide they can't go into teaching, so we lose a lot of good young people."
- School spending: "Let's put money into what we know does work, like smaller
class sizes, higher teacher pay, and better curriculum. Let's use interventions that work. That means extended learning time, it means summer school, it means stronger parental involvement from the very beginning of a child's schooling."
Source: Fordham Institute EduWatch 2016 by Brandon White
, Apr 23, 2015
Teach Bible as history & literature; not science or religion
The Christian Right attacks many aspects of science at almost every opportunity, but their primary target is and probably will remain evolutionary theory.
They try to prevent evolution from being taught in schools; almost the only political defense of science comes from Democrats like Hillary Clinton.
According to Clinton, no form of creationism--not even Intelligent Design creationism--should be taught as if it were science alongside evolution: "Schools may not provide religious instruction, but they may teach about the Bible or other scripture in
the teaching of history or literature, for example." There are possible venues for teaching about creationist beliefs, but Hillary Clinton agrees that science class is not one of them.
Source: Atheism.about.com, "Science & Evolution," by Austin Cline
, Apr 18, 2015
Let's get back to schools where kids are socialized
At the turn of the last century there were all the immigrants and the schools were the place where kids were socialized--where they were given the chance to learn how to fit in and conduct themselves. And I think we're leaving too many kids to raise
themselves; it does take a village to raise and teach a child. The public school system has been, I believe, second to the Constitution, the most important institution in making America the great country that we have been over the last 200 plus years.
Source: Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series
, Apr 12, 2015
OpEd: Common Core recycled from Clintons in 1980s and 1990s
Common Core recycles a decades-old, top-down approach to education clearly laid out in a letter sent to Hillary Clinton by Marc Tucker, president of the National Center on Education and the Economy, immediately after Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential
victory. Marc Tucker has and is now advising the Obama Administration's US Department of Education about how to implement the Common Core Standards and Race to the Top programs.Marc Tucker and Hillary Clinton apparently had plans to have national
standards, national tests, national curriculum, and a national database way back in the 1980's. The "Dear Hillary" letter, written on Nov. 11, 1992 by Marc Tucker, lays out a plan "to remold the entire American system." This is now the blueprint for the
Common Core plan.
Tucker's ambitious plan was implemented in 1994 in the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, and the School-to-Work Act. These laws establish [using] "national standards" and "national testing" to cement national control.
Source: William Taylor Reil in Times-News (Allentown PA)
, Jun 8, 2013
Parents are a childs first teachers
This has to start in the families. This is what Ive done for 35 years. Weve got to do more to give families the tools and the support that they should have so that they can be the best parents. They are a childs first teachers. I want to commend
the 100 Black Men, because I worked with the 100 Black Men in New York to help create the Eagle Academy, a high school for young African-American and Latino men. We also need more involvement from the community. We all have a role to play.
Source: 2008 Democratic debate in Las Vegas
, Jan 15, 2008
We have not yet reached consensus on education reform
Q: Has the debate so far in this campaign paid enough attention to education?A: I dont think it has. In the debates that weve had, education is an afterthought. But when I go out and campaign all over the country, its really on the minds of people.
And Ive outlined a very vigorous education agenda starting with universal prekindergarten, changing No Child Left Behind, making college affordable, finding programs for training and apprenticeship for kids who dont go to college.
Why has education not come along as fast as other societal changes?
A: I think its a combination of a lot of factors. Everybody is an expert on education because we all went to school. And therefore, local control means that there are millions upon
millions of opinions in America about what we should do. I dont think we have reached a consensus that reflects the reality today. Our public school system worked so well for America for so long. Weve got to make sure it works as well for our future.
Source: Huffington Post Mash-Up: 2007 Democratic on-line debate
, Sep 13, 2007
It takes a village; American village has failed our children
I really believe that it takes a village to raise a child--and the American village has failed our children. I have fought for more than 35 years for early childhood education, for more mentoring, for more parent education programs, to get our
children off to a good start. I have fought to make sure that schools were fair to all children. Thats the work I did in Arkansas, to try to raise the standards particularly for the poorest of our children, and most especially for minority children.
And certainly in the White House years, and now in the Senate, Ive continued that effort because I dont think there is a more important issue.
But I also believe we cannot separate the education part from the economic part.
There is still discrimination in the workplace. There are still people who are turned down and turned away who have qualifications and skills that should make them employable. So this is a broader issue that we have to address.
Source: 2007 Democratic Primary Debate at Howard University
, Jun 28, 2007
Establish right to education from pre-school thru college
Lets recommit ourselves to the idea that every young person in America has the right to a high-quality education, from pre-school all the way through college. I have proposed universal pre-kindergarten for every 4-year-old.
If we provide that, the evidence is overwhelming, children will stay in school longer, they will do better, and theyll stay out of trouble. Because you know what?
There are states in our country who actually plan how many prison beds they will need by looking at third grade reading scores. They look at the failure rates and they extrapolate how many prison spots theyre going to need in 10 to 15 years.
Well, I think it is time that we had a real debate about that. And I, for one, would much rather pay for pre-kindergarten than for more prison beds. Lets keep kids on the right track and out of the prison system.
Source: Take Back America 2007 Conference
, Jun 20, 2007
Early education affects things from IQ to lifelong earnings
New research in childhood development establishes that a childs environment affects everything from IW to future behavior patterns. These studies confirm the importance of breast-feeding infants, of setting aside time for family meals, and of empowering
parents to shield their children from predatory marketing and the violent and sexually explicit media that contribute to aggressive behavior, early sexual experimentation, obesity, and depression.
The case for quality early childhood education and programs like Head Start is stronger than ever, and we should expand them. According to a study conducted by Federal Reserve economist Rob Grunewald and conducted by
Nobel laureate economist James Heckman, high-quality preschool programs are among the most cost-effective public investments we make, lowering dependency and raising lifetime earnings.
Source: 2006 intro to It Takes A Village, by H. Clinton, p. xviii
, Dec 12, 2006
2001: Proposed and passed National Teacher Corps
The standards and accountability movement has grown dramatically over the last decade. The No Child Left Behind Act became law, and it has laid bare the problems in many of our poorest, worst-performing schools.
We can no longer say that we didnt know that these schools were failing some of our most vulnerable kids. To improve the quality of education, we need to improve instruction in the classroom.
Nationwide, two million teachers will leave teaching over the next decade. NYC already loses 30% more math teachers and 22% more science teachers than it certifies every year. IN 2001, I proposed the
National Teacher Corps, which brings teachers into the classroom, and a new initiative that would provide more schools with strong principals. Both became law.
Source: 2006 intro to It Takes A Village, by H. Clinton, p.304-305
, Dec 12, 2006
Teacher testing only for new teachers
LAZIO: Mrs. Clinton said that she was for teacher testing. Well, but only for new teachers. Im for teacher competency examinations for teachers whether theyre new teachers, but more importantly teachers that have been
in the system for some time. I dont understand why you would not want to have examinations for teachers that were already in the system that are perhaps failing our children. Q: Is it true what he says - that youre for testing new teachers
but not teachers who are already in the system?
CLINTON: Thats right. And thats what the New York law is. You know, I agree that we should be testing new teachers. I believe that we ought to have pay for performance
where we evaluate teachers. I think we ought to streamline the due process standards so that teachers that dont measure up would no longer be in the classroom.
Source: (X-ref Lazio) NY Senate debate on NBC
, Oct 28, 2000
Testing only new teachers respects professionalism
LAZIO [to Clinton]: Why you would say to a new teacher that just came out of school and has learned the most current up-to-date methodology for teaching-why you would say teacher testing is OK for them but its not OK for somebody thats been out there
and teaching for 15 years and may have lost touch with their ability to use the latest techniques. And I think its because in the end Im not trapped by the status quo. Im not trapped by the teachers unions, which I think Mrs. Clinton is. Q: Are
you trapped by the teachers unions?
CLINTON: No. In fact Im very much in line with what I think will work and what experts in the field think. You know, Im a lawyer. I had to take a bar exam. Mr. Lazios a lawyer. He took a bar exam and he wasnt
tested every five years. I think teachers are professionals and should be treated as professionals. Thats why I believe that we should test teachers in the beginning to make sure that when they got their teaching degree, that theyre qualified.
Source: (X-ref Lazio) NY Senate debate on NBC
, Oct 28, 2000
Teachers need more peer consulting & more recognition
1 out of 3 new teachers leaves the first year, and in some urban areas its 1 out of 2. Weve got to make sure that our newly minted teachers teach in fields that they are prepared in; and that we not give the toughest assignments to such young
teachers. We also have to provide quality, ongoing professional development. And teachers need the time to prepare their courses, consult with their peers about the strategies that work, and be recognized & rewarded for your knowledge and your skills.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Social promotion cheats our children
[We should] call for an end to social promotion. We really do cheat our children if we continue to promote them to the next grade if they dont have the necessary skills and knowledge to do the work required. We do them a terrible disservice
if we set the bar of achievement higher and then we dont provide the help and resources needed to enable them to catch up. Weve got to do more to give every child the chance to reach the pride of accomplishment.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Read to young kids 20-30 minutes daily
The early years of development are critical to successful learning later on. A parent is a childs first teacher. If family members would read to their children just 20 or 30 minutes a day, it would literally revolutionize American education. And
stand with me in pushing for universal access to quality, affordable preschool programs for every child. And that includes Head Start, home visitations, high quality child care, early Head Start-whatever it takes to be well-prepared for school.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Entire school staff should focus on school safety
Too many children bring guns to school, too many children believe that violence & aggression is the way to solve problems. Teachers & principals need help. Everyone who works in a school-from the custodians, or the counselors, or the teachers aids-
everyone needs help in knowing how to target those children who need extra help & make sure they get it; to diffuse difficult situations; to provide cooling off periods; and to remove from schools those students who are disrupting the learning of others.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Metal detectors at school are not much of an intrusion
Q: How do you draw the line between bringing in security and students feeling violated? A: The metal detector is much less intrusive than having random searches. I think people feel that after a while that metal detectors didnt become much of an
intrusion-its like getting on an airplane. But thats not the real problem. We have to protect kids, but weve got to create a climate in which kids feel free to seek out help, kids feel that theyve got support if theyve got problems.
Source: ABCs Good Morning America
, Jun 4, 1999
Arts education is needed in our schools
Art education is needed in our schools. The University of California at Irvines ground-breaking research demonstrates that instruction in the arts, and particularly instrumental music, enables a child to enhance their reasoning,
their spatial understanding, and their analytical abilities. This is why supporting arts education is not only the right thing to do, but it is the smart thing for our nation.
Source: Recognizing the Power of the Arts in Education Speech
, Sep 17, 1998
Give kids after-school activities to prevent gangs
One of the best ways to combat juvenile crime is to give kids something positive to do after school. Lets follow Houston, where children play golf and soccer after school. Their mentors are coaches and teachers, not gang leaders. We also have a
responsibility to protect our children at home. Guns are the fourth leading cause of accidental deaths among children. Almost half of American households have guns, but often, instead of being locked up, they are merely hidden or left in a drawer.
Source: Column: Talking it Over
, Apr 20, 1998
Allow student prayer, but no religious instruction
To bring reason & clarity to this often contentious issue, my husbands administration developed a statement of principles concerning permissible religious activities in the public schools. The complete guidelines include:- Students may participate
in prayer during the school day, as long as they do so in a non-disruptive manner and when they are not engaged in school activities.
- Schools should open their facilities to student religious organizations on the same terms as other groups.
Students should be free to express their beliefs about religion in school assignments.
- Schools may not provide religious instruction, but they may teach about the Bible, civic values and virtue, and moral codes, as long as they remain neutral with
respect to the promotion of any particular religion.
This last point is particularly important, [because religious institutions, parents, & schools share] the responsibility of helping children to develop moral values and a social conscience.
Source: It Takes A Village, by Hillary Clinton, p.162-163
, Sep 25, 1996
Character education: teach empathy & self-discipline
A number of schools around the country are incorporating the teaching of empathy & self-discipline--what social theorists call character education--into their curricula. In New Haven CT, a social development approach is integrated into every public
school childs daily routine. Children learn techniques for developing & enhancing social skills, identifying & managing emotions like anger, and solving problems creatively. The program appears to raise grades as well as to improve behavior.
Source: It Takes A Village, by Hillary Clinton, p. 55-56
, Sep 25, 1996
Supports Goals 2000: hardly the stuff of revolution
As soon as Goals 2000 passed, it was attacked by extremists, who stirred up anxious parents with visions of totalitarian control over their childrens minds and of secular humanists stealing their childrens souls. What are these goals that promote suc
reactions: By 2000- All children in America will start school ready to learn
- High school graduation rates will increase to at least 90%
- All students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated competency in challenging subject matter
- US students will be first in the world in science & math
- Every adult will be literate and will possess the skills necessary to compete in a global economy
- Every school will be free of drugs & violence
- Teachers will have access to continuing
- Every school will promote partnerships with parents.
These goals are hardly the stuff of revolution and are not likely to be fully achieved by 2000, We cannot expect to reverse decades of declining standards in a few years.
Source: It Takes A Village, by Hillary Clinton, p.242-243
, Sep 25, 1996
Supports structured inner-city schools, with uniforms
I have advocated for highly structured inner-city schools. I have advocated uniforms for kids in inner city schools. I have advocated that we have to help structure peoples environment who come from unstructured, disorganized,
dysfunctional family settings. Because if you do not have any structure on the outside, it is very difficult to internalize it on the inside.
Source: Speech at Drew University, Madison, NJ
, May 18, 1996
1960s: Taught reading in poor Boston neighborhoods
Hillary kept herself active in student government and off-campus activities. She followed a rigorous schedule. She made frequent trips into the Roxbury section of Boston, where she worked teaching poor children to read.
Boston then was embroiled in controversies over voting access for blacks. Hillary and her friends got involved in working on an alternative newspaper in the black community and participated in inter-campus activist groups with Harvard and MIT.
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p. 33-34
, Aug 1, 1993
Hillary Clinton on Arkansas Ed Reform
Hillary emphasized education reform without political agenda
Bill singled out education as his top priority. Hillary had a strong had in this call to action for American education. She even wrote her husbands tagline, that politics must stop at the schoolhouse door.
Source: For Love of Politics, by Sally Bedell Smith, p.269
, Oct 23, 2007
AR Ed Reform taught that there is a place for testing
Q: How do you feel about the testing mania forced upon our children by No Child Left Behind?A: I believe in accountability. In 1983, I led the effort in Arkansas to improve our schools, and I do think there is a place for testing.
But we should not look at our children as though they are little, walking tests, and weve gone way overboard. So I would like to see us do assessments, but understand we need a broad, rich curriculum that honors the spark of learning in every child.
Source: Huffington Post Mash-Up: 2007 Democratic on-line debate
, Sep 13, 2007
1986: HIPPY program empowers parents as kids' first teach
Home Instruction for Parents and Preschool Youngsters was developed in Israel in 1969 to help new immigrants prepare their young children to succeed in school. HIPPY empowers parents as their children's first teachers by giving them the tools, skills, and
confidence to work with their children at home. The program is designed to help those families coping with poverty.In 1986, Hillary helped establish a HIPPY program in Arkansas. Hillary wrote, "When we brought HIPPY into rural areas and housing
projects in Arkansas, a number of educators and others did not believe that parents who had not finished high school were up to the task of teaching their children. Not only did the program help kids get jump-started in the right direction, it also gave
the parents a boost in self-confidence." In 1988, HIPPY USA was established as an independent NGO headquartered in New York City. There are now about 146 HIPPY programs in twenty-five states, serving more than sixteen thousand children anf their families.
Source: Giving, by Bill Clinton, p. 71-73
, Sep 4, 2007
Sent Chelsea to public schools in Arkansas, but not DC
Q: Do you send your kids to public school or private school? We know, Sen. Clinton, you sent your daughter to private school. Is that correct?A: No, its not correct. Chelsea went to public schools, K-8th grade, until we moved to Washington. And then
I was advised, and it was, unfortunately, good advice, that if she were to go to a public school, the press would never leave her alone, because its a public school. But we were very pleased she was in public schools in Little Rock.
Source: 2007 YouTube Democratic Primary debate, Charleston SC
, Jul 23, 2007
1983: Teacher testing as part of AR education reform
Hillary would prevail in the political battle for education reform. It would be her greatest achievement in public life until she was elected to the Senate. In addition to teacher-testing, the plan that Hillary and her education task force eventually
formulated required that all local school districts adopt uniform, state-imposed standards for curriculum and classroom size.
When Hillary announced the plan to the state legislature, she called teacher-testing the real heart of the reform package.
It was clear that the states teachers would therefore oppose it.
Exactly how Hillary decided that teacher-testing might be the smoothest road to education reform is unclear. Democrats were generally opposed to the idea. Hillary was sure that testing
teachers competence and holding them to minimum standards would help the schools educate. Hillary also knew her words would appeal to conservatives: The first purpose of school is to educate, not to provide entertainment or opportunities to socialize.
Source: A Woman in Charge, by Carl Bernstein, p.172-173
, Jun 5, 2007
1983: AR reforms fixed unconstitutional school financing
In May 1983, the Arkansas supreme court declared our school financing system unconstitutional. We had to write a new aid formula, then fund it. There were only two alternatives: take money away from the wealthiest districts and give it to the poorest and
fastest-growing ones, or raise enough new revenues so that we could equalize funding. Since no district wanted to lose money, the court decision gave us the best opportunity we'd ever have to raise taxes for education.Hillary's committee held hearings
in every county in the state, getting recommendations from educators and the public. Her report recommended to both raise the sales tax and approve "standards which, when implemented, will be among the nation's best."
Hillary made a brilliant
presentation, prompting one Representative to say, "It looks like we might have elected the wrong Clinton!" We had opposition from the anti-tax crowd; rural school districts that feared they couldn't meet the standards; and the AEA teacher's union.
Source: My Life, by Bill Clinton, p.308-311
, Jun 21, 2004
AR Reform plan pushed mandatory teacher testing
Bill asked me to chair an Education Standards Committee to recommend reforms. Nobody, including me, thought it was a good idea. Bill was convinced he was right to appoint me, & I relented.This was a risky move. Improving the schools would require an
increase in taxes--never popular. The 15-member committee recommended that students take standardized tests, including one before they could graduate from 8th grade. But the cornerstone of the proposed reform plan was mandatory teacher testing. Though
this enraged the teachers union, civil rights groups & others who were vital to the Democratic Party in Arkansas, we felt there was no way around the issue. How could we expect children to perform at national levels when their teachers fell short? Gettin
the legislature to approve and fund the reform package turned into a knock-down-drag-out fight among interest groups. I pled our case for improving schools before a joint session of the Arkansas legislature, and the reform plan was implemented in 1984.
Source: Living History, by Hillary Clinton, p. 93-94
, Nov 1, 2003
Arkansas education: improvement against great odds
LAZIO: In Arkansas, when you had responsibility for education, the student performance when you left was at the bottom of the barrel. Spending was up. Taxes were up.CLINTON: The work that was done in Arkansas received numerous awards and praise,
because we really started something that Im very proud of. And test scores went up in third grade and sixth grade. High school graduation went up. The work was done against great odds, in a very poor state.
LAZIO: I have a very different perspective
on your record in Arkansas. And I would just urge the voters not to rely on what Im saying, but to look it up.
CLINTON: Im not here to defend Arkansas. Im here to run for the Senate to represent New York.
LAZIO: I realize that you dont want to
talk about Arkansas because that experience was a disaster for Arkansas.
CLINTON: Im happy to talk about it if thats what you want to spend your time talking about.
LAZIO: Thats your record, Mrs. Clinton. You cant run away from your record.
Source: (X-ref Lazio) NY Senate debate on NBC
, Oct 28, 2000
Pushed teacher testing in Arkansas
[In 1983, while chairing a committee to improve Arkansas education system, then ranked 50th in the nation], Hillary snapped up the idea of higher standards for teachers which conservatives in the legislature were pushing. Why dont we have a test
for teachers and fire the ones that fail? she suggested.
Hillary spearheaded a requirement for a onetime teacher examination. She pushed on to introduce a consumer rights approach to education, and he concept of continuing education for educators.
Source: Hillarys Choice by Gail Sheehy, p.152-153
, Dec 9, 1999
AR ed reform: mandate kindergarten, no social promotion
Hillary outlined her legislative recommendations:- mandatory full-day kindergarten
- a 20-to-1 pupil-to-teacher ratio
- testing students before they could be promoted
- more math and science units
- recommended that extracurricular activities
not interrupt the school day: When you play, you should play hard. And when you work, you should work hard. But you shouldnt confuse the two.
Source: Hillarys Choice by Gail Sheehy, p.153
, Dec 9, 1999
1983: Challenged low education expectations
[Hillary said of her 1983 educational reforms], One of the principal problems we face in our state is that we are not expecting enough of ourselves, our schools, or our students and to set high expectations for them. We have an obligation to challenge
our students and set high expectations for them. I was exposed to a really broad education, and it was difficult for me to understand when I first started in 1983 that the vast majority of students here would never be exposed to what I was.
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p.126-127
, Aug 1, 1999
1993: Public accepted First Lady as education reformer
The astuteness of Hillarys style overhaul became clear when, in 1983, Bill Clinton appointed her to head his new Arkansas Education Standards Committee. Although aides warned him the appointment would bring changes of nepotism and possible scandal,
Hillary by then had become so acceptable that no objection was raised.The first problem Hillary knew she had to tackle was attitude. Students in Arkansas suffered from a terrible sense of inferiority...the Thank God for
Mississippi syndrome.
[One political observer said], Bringing the idea of education reform to the public was an education process for Arkansas. She helped educate the educators. She said: we cant sit back and let he world go by without us.
Were going to have to compete. We must upgrade our educational standards and our educational systems. And its not going to be done overnight...And she did it.
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p.124-125
, Aug 1, 1999
Long journey for reform, not isolated initiatives
They had taken on education reform, the hardest issue, whose benefits would not be seen for a generation. Talk about a long journey, she said. They realized the need for a story, complete with enemies and villains. They even villainized the teacher's
union, which had been their ally, for resisting "accountability" when it opposed teacher testing."You show people what you're willing to fight for when you fight your friends," Hillary said. Though the battle was long and a painful political
experience, there were benchmarks of progress every 2 years or so along the way: Class size shrank, teacher testing was implemented, reading scores improved slightly. "It took years to see results," she said. But by the end of Clinton's time as
governor, people understood his commitment to education was genuine. Isolated initiatives worked less well, she added. "People have got to understand where he wants to take the country."
Source: The Agenda, by Bob Woodward, p.110
, Jun 6, 1994
HIPPY: Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters
One major initiative that eventually grew out of Hillary Clinton's work on the standards committee was the establishment in Arkansas of the first Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters program, known as HIPPY. She had learned of the program in
1985.The HIPPY program differed from programs like Head Start in that it taught mothers to teach their children at home. As Hillary explained: "Half of all learning occurs by the time a person is five.
There are instances where people from very terrible situations rise above them and do well. But those are the exceptions. So a good preschool program, whether it's center-based or home-based, is on the of the smartest investments. What HIPPY does is to
provide a very structured way for mothers to interact with their children. A lot of other programs are well meaning, but they basically put too much responsibility on the mother. If the mother knew what she was supposed to do, she would do it."
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p. 133-4
, Aug 1, 1993
Passing illiterate students is educational fraud
[A school that] passes illiterate students commits educational fraud. There is a feeling of urgency and a need for changes in education. If we do not seize the opportunity we have now, we will go backward.The road to being someone in this society
starts with education, and we intend to be sure that every child in this state is somebody. Because were going to give them every chance we can to develop their minds so they can play a role in this state to make it the kind of place it needs to be.
Source: Unique Voice, p. 32-33: Educational Standards Committee
, Sep 6, 1983
Hillary Clinton on College Policy
Free college education for families make less than $125000
I feel strongly that we have to have an education system that starts with preschool and goes through college. That's why I want more technical education in high schools and in community colleges, real apprenticeships to
prepare young people for the jobs of the future. I want to make college debt-free and for families making less than $125,000, you will not get a tuition bill from a public college or university if the plan that I worked on with Sanders is enacted.
Source: Third 2016 Presidential Debate in Las Vegas
, Oct 19, 2016
My plan is debt-free college for young people
SANDERS: 150 years ago, Americans said low income kids deserve to get a free education. That free education was from first grade to 12th. This is 2016.
A college degree today is equivalent to what a high school degree was 60 years ago. We should have free tuition at public colleges and universities.
That should be a right of all Americans regardless of the income of their families. CLINTON: Both of us share the goal of trying to make college affordable for all young Americans. I have a compact that would do that for debt-free tuition.
We differ, however, on a couple of points. One of them being that if you don't have some agreement within the system from states and from families and from students, it's hard to get to where we need to go.
Source: 2016 PBS Democratic debate in Wisconsin
, Feb 11, 2016
Experts vetted my college plan, and it works
Q: Secretary Clinton, you said of Senator Sanders that "It's very hard to see how any of his proposals could ever be achievable." Like free public college?CLINTON: I believe in affordable college, but
I don't believe in free college, because every expert that I have talked to says how will you control the costs. I want to make sure middle class kids, not Donald Trump's kids can afford college.
The numbers don't add up, from what Senator Sanders has been proposing. That's why all the independent experts that have vetted both of us have concluded that it is not achievable.
Let's go down a path where we tell people what we will do. A progressive is someone who makes progress. That's what I intend to do.
Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire
, Feb 4, 2016
New College Compact: federal match for state investment
Q: What do you propose for the middle class?CLINTON: There is a lot we can do in college affordability. I have debt-free tuition plans, free community college plans, getting student debt down.
Q: How does your plan differentiate from your
CLINTON: Well, I have what I call the New College Compact. Because I think everybody has to have some skin in this game, you know. #1: States have been dis-investing in higher education. States over a period of decades have put their money
elsewhere; into prisons, into highways, into things other than higher education. So under my compact, the federal government will match money that the states begin to put back in to the higher education system. #2: I don't believe in free tuition for
everybody. So I have proposed debt-free tuition, which I think is affordable and I would move a lot of the Pell Grant and other aid into the arena where it could be used for living expense.
Source: 2015 ABC/WMUR Democratic primary debate in N.H.
, Dec 19, 2015
Make community college free, but not free college for all
Q: Senator Sanders wants to make public college free altogether. Do you two?Gov. O'MALLEY: I believe that the goal should be debt-free college. I believe that our Federal Government needs to do more on Pell grants. We should lower these outrageous
interest rates that parents and kids are being charged by their own government.
CLINTON: I believe that we should make community college free. We should have debt-free college if you go to a public college or university. You should not have to borrow
a dime to pay tuition. I want to use Pell grants to help defray the living expenses that often make a difference, whether a young person can stay in school or not. I disagree with free college for everybody. I don't think taxpayers should be paying to
send Donald Trump's kids to college. I think it ought to be a compact: families contribute, kids contribute. And together we make it possible for a new generation of young people to refinance their debt and not come out with debt in the future.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
, Nov 14, 2015
Refinance all college debt to help 40 million new grads
Let me address college affordability. All the 40 million Americans who have student debt will be able to refinance their debt to a low interest rate. That will save thousands of dollars for people who are struggling under burdensome college debt.
Then we have to make it affordable. My plan would enable anyone to go to a public college or university tuition free. You would not have to borrow money for tuition. I worked when I went through college; I would like students to work 10 hours a week.
Source: 2015 CNN Democratic primary debate in Las Vegas
, Oct 13, 2015
End predatory student college loan rates over 20%
Im a strong supporter of early childhood education and universal pre-kindergarten. Im against No Child Left Behind as it is currently operating. And I would end it, because we can do so much better to have an education system that really focuses
in on [students].
Source: 2008 Philadelphia primary debate, on eve of PA primary
, Apr 16, 2008
Transfer tax cuts from rich & corporations to student aid
We were making progress in narrowing the gap between high tuition and costs and what the average student and his or her family could pay. We ought to be making sure every qualified student can go to college and pursue his or her dreams.
And you know, theres a very easy way to do that. All we have to do is cut all the tax breaks for oil companies, pharmaceutical companies and billionaires and put it into student aid.
Source: Annual 2006 Take Back America Conference
, Jun 14, 2006
Hillary Clinton on Education Funding
Fully fund special education & 21st century classrooms
Lets use those dollars for education strategically. Lets do what we said we were going to do. How about funding special education which we never have to the extent we promised? How about fully funding whatever we ask the local communities to do?
I want to have a very holistic view of this because if you go into a classroom today, it didnt look like the 21st century in most instances. It looks very familiar to me who was last in a classroom decades ago.
Source: 2007 Des Moines Register Democratic Debate
, Dec 13, 2007
Get more teachers into hard-to-serve areas
I support school-based merit pay. We need to get more teachers to go into hard-to-serve areas. Weve got to get them into underserved urban areas, underserved rural areas. The school is a team, and its important that we reward that collaboration.
A child who moves from kindergarten to sixth grade in the same school, every one of those teachers is going to affect that child. You need to weed out the teachers not doing a good job. Thats the bottom line. They should not be teaching our children.
Source: 2007 Democratic debate in Las Vegas, Nevada
, Nov 15, 2007
Incentive pay for school wide performance
Q: What about performance-based pay? A: Well, I have long supported incentive pay for school wide performance. You know, what were trying to do is to change the culture within schools and to provide the resources, the training and the support that
teachers need to do the job they do want to do. You have to reform No Child Left Behind. Were going to try to do that and begin to make it much more in line with the reality of teaching.
Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate on This Week
, Aug 19, 2007
Universal pre-kindergarten; and make family the best school
[We should be] particularly focusing on kids who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, I think you have to start with preschool, even before pre-kindergarten. Ive advocated universal pre-kindergarten.
I think you have to start even earlier to try to help the family be the best school and teaching opportunity for their own children.
Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate on This Week
, Aug 19, 2007
Working families cannot participate in school between 9 & 3
I want a partnership among families and students, schools and teachers and our government. Our families have to be their childs first school & every parent has to understand they are their childs first teacher. And we need to help parents do that job.
Thats why I started Early Head Start. Thats why I expanded Head Start when I was first lady. Thats why I want to have universal free kindergarten for every single four-year-old, because if we give that opportunity, they will stay in school longer
& they will do better.We have to work more closely with our schools to make them reflect more the way people live today. Working families cannot get there between nine and three. They have to be given a chance to participate with their children in
their education.
And we have to respect and honor our teachers and that does require paying them what they deserve. And we have to make college affordable again so that every single middle class and working family can send their children.
Source: 2007 NAACP Presidential Primary Forum
, Jul 12, 2007
Reforms: teacher corps; more federal funding; modernize
What are we going to do about education? I have put forth an education plan that is based on my years of working to reform and improve education. - I have very specific proposals about lowering classroom size, getting more qualified teachers into
the classroom, starting a national teacher corps to recruit young people.
- If theyre willing to teach, they would get a scholarship. As well as some mid-career people that I would like to see, perhaps, go into teaching with some incentives.
- I support the 100,000 teachers from the federal government, which my opponent has opposed -- we need those teachers in New York.
- I also support modernizing our schools with the construction bonds that are a bipartisan piece of legislation that
would be such a help to us because we could deal with our repair and construction challenges without having to raise property taxes.
Source: Clinton-Lazio debate, Buffalo NY
, Sep 13, 2000
Opposes merit pay for individual teachers
Merit pay to individual teachers would discourage teachers from helping troubled students and would create a distorted competition among teachers. I dont think thats a very good way to inspire teachers. We want our best teachers to work with the kids
who are the hardest to teach. If teachers are going to be told that the people who look better on a test are the ones who are going to get them rewarded in salary or compensation, why would anyone take on the kids who are harder to teach?
Source: New York Times, Page A25, on 2000 election
, Apr 6, 2000
Supports merit pay for entire schools
I could support merit pay awarded to entire schools rather than individual teachers. I also support pay for performance. This extra pay would be given to teachers who take on additional responsibilities like serving as mentors to other teachers.
Source: New York Times, Page A25, on 2000 election
, Apr 6, 2000
Scholarships for teachers who go to urban schools
The first lady offered a menu of proposals for schools. She called for higher salaries for teachers. She restated her support for providing four-year scholarships to teachers who promise to work in inner-city schools.
She called for more federal spending to hire teachers and to repair run-down schools. She said she would work to ensure passage of a $29 billion federal bill aimed at repairing and modernizing public schools.
Source: Adam Nagourney, New York Times on 2000 election
, Mar 12, 2000
Increase resources to meet increased standards
Yes, we need to end social promotion. Social promotion-peers are allowed to graduate without consideration for academic performance. But what good does it do to
raise the bar if we dont lift up our young people to be able to vault across it. You cannot raise standards without increasing the resources needed to meet those standards.
Source: Adam Nagourney, New York Times on 2000 election
, Mar 12, 2000
Address teacher shortage with salary increases
Were facing a critical teacher shortage-were going to have to recruit more teachers. But I agree with the NEA president that theres not only a teacher shortage, theres a respect shortage and a salary shortage as well. There is no way in todays
complicated, information-overdrive world that were going to get and keep those in the teaching profession to carry on the tradition of public education, unless [they] receive the salaries that [their] important work deserves. Were going to have to
recruit more teachers. I agree with the Presidents proposal that we expand the already successful Troops to Teachers program. We should also provide loan forgiveness to new teachers committed to teaching in hard-to-serve areas. But we cannot
lower the standards in this recruitment drive, and I am very much in agreement with the proposal that states be required to phase out emergency certification and improve state teacher certification systems.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
More after-school; smaller classes
We need extended learning time. We need after-school and summer programs. We need smaller classroom sizes. Reducing class size is one of the most critical investments we can make, not only in our childrens future, but in our teachers ability to
succeed. Too many teachers have to spend more time keeping order, dealing with personal problems, trying to understand what one child out of 30 or 35 needs, than maintaining high academic standards for the entire classroom.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Hillary Clinton on School Choice
Supports public school system: charters but not vouchers
- Vouchers: "I'll tell you why I won't support vouchers. Number one, I don't think they're constitutional. But number two,
I don't see how you would implement them without having a lot of people get vouchers for schools that would be teaching things antithetical to American values."
- Charter schools: "I actually do believe in charter schools."
Public education: "The public school system has been,
I believe, second to the Constitution, the most important institution in making America the great country that we have been over the last 200 plus years."
Source: Fordham Institute EduWatch 2016 by Brandon White
, Apr 23, 2015
Vouchers aren't constitutional; charter schools are ok
CLINTON: I'll tell you why I won't support vouchers. Number one, I don't think they're constitutional. But number two,
I don't see how you would implement them without having a lot of people get vouchers for schools that would be teaching things antithetical to American values. I actually do believe in charter schools.
Source: Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series
, Apr 12, 2015
Total change in No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind has been a terrible imposition on teachers & school districts & families & students. Part of it is because it was an unfunded mandate. And part of it is that the Dept. of Education under Pres. Bush did not absolutely enforce it and
interpret it in the right way. So we need growth models for students. We need broader curriculum. We need to make sure that when we look at our children, we dont just see a little walking test. Weve got to have a total change in No Child Left Behind.
Source: 2007 AFL-CIO Democratic primary forum
, Aug 8, 2007
Supports public school choice; but not private nor parochial
In 2006, Hillary disparaged vouchers partly on the worry that vouchers enabling parents to send their children to parochial schools could be used to train children to become terrorists. A Cato Institute Education specialist pointed out that under
federal law no one would be permitted to open a school that advocates violence against the country. Thus vouchers could not go to a School of Jihad. Years earlier, Hillary tried to play centrist on the school choice debate. In It Takes a
Village she said she supported choice among public schools but redefined school choice. Instead of helping provide choice between public and private schools, she uses choice to mean choice among public schools. She wrote some critics of public
schools urge greater competition among schools as a way of returning control from bureaucrats and politicians to parents and teachers. I find their arguments persuasive, and thats why I strongly favor promoting choice among public schools.
Source: Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, by Amanda Carpenter, p. 89-90
, Oct 11, 2006
More teachers, smaller classes, no vouchers
Ive been involved with schools now for 17 years, working on behalf of education reform. And I think we know what works. We know that getting classroom size down works. Thats why Im for adding 100,000 teachers to the classroom. We know that modernizing
and better equipping our schools works. And we know that high standards works. But whats important is to stay committed to the public school system, not siphon off money, as my opponent would, with vouchers.
Source: NY Senate debate on NBC
, Oct 28, 2000
Vouchers would take money from public schools
Q: Why dont you support vouchers for low-income parents?CLINTON: I could not support vouchers that would take money away from schools where teachers are in partitioned hallways, where the teacher has the only textbook in the classroom. If we can get
class size down, if we can provide qualified teachers, we can make a difference. I support adding 100,000 teachers to lower class size. I support the bipartisan school construction funding authority that would permit New York to have school construction
without raising taxes.
LAZIO: I have voted twice to support hiring additional teachers. Under my plan, New York would not get shortchanged. Under Mrs. Clintons plan, New Yorkers would be subsidizing Southern states. I think its immoral to
force a child to go to a school where they cant learn. Poor parents want to have the choice to give their children the education that I want for my children. I trust parents to make that decision, and thats a major philosophical difference.
Source: Senate debate in Manhattan
, Oct 8, 2000
Vouchers drain money from public schools
Q: Do you support vouchers for private schools? CLINTON: Ive visited schools throughout the state and some of them are among the finest in the world that you could find anywhere. But others are overcrowded, under-resourced. Thats why I put forth a
plan to try to get the teachers that we need and to provide the funds that are required for modernizing our schools, as well as setting high standards, making them safe from violence. I do not support vouchers. And the reason I dont is because
I dont think we can afford to siphon dollars away from our underfunded public schools.
LAZIO: I believe that its immoral to ask a child to go to a school where they cant learn or where theyre not safe. 80 percent of African-American and Hispanic
parents feel that they need it. Why should we trap poor kids in failing schools simply because the teachers unions wont agree with it?
Source: Clinton-Lazio debate, Buffalo NY
, Sep 13, 2000
Vouchers will not improve our public schools
I know there are some who believe that vouchers are the way to improve our public schools; I believe they are dead wrong. There is simply no evidence that vouchers improve student achievement. Weve been experimenting with vouchers in some
jurisdictions for a couple of years-weve found no evidence that these have made any difference in student achievement. But what they have done is to divert much-needed public funds for the few and have weakened the entire system.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Lets build up our schools-not tear them down
We know a lot more today than we knew five or, certainly, 10 years ago about what we need to do to marshal the resources to make every school that successful. So lets build up our schools-not tear them down.
And lets make sure that everyone has the same goal in mind-to make our public schools and our public school students the best in the entire world.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Charter schools provide choice within public system
I stand behind the charter school/public school movement, because parents do deserve greater choice within the public school system to meet the unique needs of their children. Slowly but surely, were beginning to create schooling opportunities through
the public school charter system-raising academic standards, empowering educators. When we look back on the 1990s, we will see that the charter school movement will be one of the ways we will have turned around the entire public school system.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Charters meet needs of failing public school students
Charter schools can play a significant part in revitalizing and strengthening schools by offering greater flexibility from bureaucratic rules, so that parents, teachers, and the community can design and run their own schools,
and focus on setting goals and getting results. Many of these schools are meeting the needs of students who had trouble succeeding in more traditional public schools. Every child deserves a quality public education as part of their American birthright.
Source: Remarks at Charter School Meeting, Washington DC
, Aug 4, 1998
Vouchers siphon off much-needed resources
Charter schools are a way of bringing teachers and parents and communities together-instead of other efforts-like vouchers-which separate people out-siphon much needed resources; and weakening the school systems that desperately need to be strengthened.
Source: Remarks at Charter School Meeting, Washington DC
, Aug 4, 1998
Parents can choose, but support public schools
I believe strongly in a parents right to choose the best education for his/her child. We have a proud tradition of parochial and private education in America. We also know that the majority of children are educated in the public education system.
So we have to support the public education system whether or not our children are in it or whether or not we have children. The public education system is a critical investment for the well-being of all of us.
Source: Unique Voice, p.173
, Feb 3, 1997
Supports public school choice and charter schools
Some critics of public schools urge greater competition among schools as a way of returning control from bureaucrats to parents and teachers. I find their argument persuasive and I favor promoting choice among public schools, much as the Presidents
Charter Schools Initiative encourages. Charter schools are public schools created and operated under a charter. They may be organized by parents, teachers, or others. The idea is that they should be freed from regulations that stifle innovation,
so they can focus on getting results. By 1995, 19 states had enacted charter school laws about 200 schools have been granted charters.
The Improving Americas Schools Act, passed in October 1994 with the Presidents support, provided federal funds
for a wide range of reforms, including launching charter schools. Federal funding is needed to break through bureaucratic attitudes that block change and frustrate students and parents, driving some to leave public schools.
Source: It Takes A Village, by Hillary Clinton, p.244-245
, Sep 25, 1996
Hillary Clinton on Votin
Voted against vouchers; but public school choice ok
Q: Do you agree that free-market competition for education dollars, rather than a government monopoly, would create a better education for all students.Clinton: Does not like voucher programs. While she does support school choice as it exists as a
form of public education, Clinton has always been opposed to allowing public funds to be used toward private and religious schools. As a New York Senator, Hillary Clinton voted against voucher programs in the state in 2001.
Stein: "Charter schools are not better than public schools--and in many cases they are far worse. They cherry-pick their students so they can show better test scores. The treasure of our public schools system has been assaulted by the process of
Trump: "We've got to bring on the competition--open the schoolhouse doors. Education reformers call this school choice, charter schools, vouchers, even opportunity scholarships. I call it competition--the American way."
Source: 2016 AFA Action iVoterGuide on 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 8, 2016
Hillary Clinton on Voting Record
Fix No-Child-Left-Behind with Every-Student-Succeeds-Act
President Obama signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act, a bipartisan fix to the much-criticized No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The ESEA bill gives states more power over what to do with failing schools. Federally required testing is no longer
tied to any federal consequences. Rep. Bernie Sanders voted in favor of the initial NCLB bill in May 2001, but voted against the final version in December 2001. Sen. Hillary Clinton voted in favor of both the initial NCLB bill and the final bill.
On the new ESEA bill, Sanders voted for the initial bill in the Senate education committee; then voted in favor on the Senate floor and in favor of the conference committee version. Hillary Clinton announced her support for the
Every Student Succeeds Act, which is widely considered a fix to No Child Left Behind's worst flaws.
Source: Washington Examiner on 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Dec 10, 2015
Solemn vow never to abandon our public schools
Since 1983, I have been a vigorous advocate of reforming & fixing schools that do not work. I have seen that we do know how to turn around failing schools. What we have too often lacked is the staying power & the will to deliver on what we know would
make a difference. But if we are to make that difference, then we have to make a solemn vow never to abandon our public schools or the children who attend them, but to instead redouble our efforts to pursue strategies that we know can make a difference.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida
, Jul 5, 1999
Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers".
To increase appropriations for after-school programs through 21st century community learning centers. Voting YES would increase funding by $51.9 million for after school programs run by the 21st century community learning centers and would decrease funding by $51.9 million for salaries and expenses in the Department of Labor.
Reference: Amendment to Agencies Appropriations Act;
Bill S Amdt 2287 to HR 3010
; vote number 2005-279
on Oct 27, 2005
Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies.
To provide an additional $5 billion for title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Voting YES would provide:- $2.5 billion for targeting grants to local educational agencies
- $2.5 billion for education finance incentive grants
Reference: Elementary and Secondary Education Amendment;
Bill S Amdt 2275 to HR 3010
; vote number 2005-269
on Oct 26, 2005
Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education.
Vote to adopt an amendment to the Senate's 2006 Fiscal Year Budget Resolution that would adjust education funding while still reducing the deficit by $5.4 billion. A YES vote would: - Restore education program cuts slated for vocational education, adult education, GEAR UP, and TRIO.
- Increase the maximum Pell Grant scholarship to $4,500 immediately.
- Increases future math and science teacher student loan forgiveness to $23,000.
- Pay for the education funding by closing $10.8 billion in corporate tax loopholes.
Reference: Kennedy amendment relative to education funding;
Bill S AMDT 177 to S Con Res 18
; vote number 2005-68
on Mar 17, 2005
Voted YES on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors.
Vote to authorize a federal program aimed at reducing class size. The plan would assist states and local education agencies in recruiting, hiring and training 100,000 new teachers, with $2.4 billion in fiscal 2002. This amendment would replace an amendment allowing parents with children at under-performing schools to use public funding for private tutors.
Bill S1
; vote number 2001-103
on May 15, 2001
Voted YES on funding student testing instead of private tutors.
Vote to pass an amendment that would authorize $200 million to provide grants to help states develop assessment systems that describe student achievement. This amendment would replace an amendment by Jeffords, R-VT, which would allow parents with children at under-performing schools to use public funding for private tutors.
Bill S1
; vote number 2001-99
on May 10, 2001
Voted YES on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction.
Vote to reduce the size of the $1.6 trillion tax cut by $448 billion while increasing education spending by $250 billion and providing an increase of approximately $224 billion for debt reduction over 10 years.
Bill H Con Res 83
; vote number 2001-69
on Apr 4, 2001
Offer every parent Charter Schools and public school choice.
Clinton adopted the manifesto, "A New Agenda for the New Decade":
Create World-Class Public Schools
Now more than ever, quality public education is the key to equal opportunity and upward mobility in America. Yet our neediest children often attend the worst schools. While lifting the performance of all schools, we must place special emphasis on strengthening those institutions serving, and too often failing, low-income students.
To close this achievement and opportunity gap, underperforming public schools need more resources, and above all, real accountability for results. Accountability means ending social promotion, measuring student performance with standards-based assessments, and testing teachers for subject-matter competency.
As we demand accountability, we should ensure that every school has the resources needed to achieve higher standards, including safe and modern physical facilities, well-paid teachers and staff, and opportunities for remedial help after school and during summers.
Parents, too, must accept greater responsibility for supporting their childrens education.
We need greater choice, competition, and accountability within the public school system, not a diversion of public funds to private schools that are unaccountable to taxpayers. With research increasingly showing the critical nature of learning in the early years, we should move toward universal access to pre-kindergarten education.
Goals for 2010 - Turn around every failing public school.
- Make charter schools an option in every state and community.
- Offer every parent a choice of public schools to which to send his or her child.
- Make sure every classroom has well-qualified teachers who know the subjects they teach, and pay teachers more for performance.
- Create a safe, clean, healthy, disciplined learning environment for every student.
- Make pre-kindergarten education universally available.
Source: The Hyde Park Declaration 00-DLC2 on Aug 1, 2000
Rated 82% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes.
Clinton scores 82% by the NEA on public education issues
The National Education Association has a long, proud history as the nation's leading organization committed to advancing the cause of public education. Founded in 1857 "to elevate the character and advance the interests of the profession of teaching and to promote the cause of popular education in the United States," the NEA has remained constant in its commitment to its original mission as evidenced by the current mission statement:
To fulfill the promise of a democratic society, the National Education Association shall promote the cause of quality public education and advance the profession of education; expand the rights and further the interest of educational employees; and advocate human, civil, and economic rights for all.
In pursuing its mission, the NEA has determined that it will focus the energy and resources of its 2.7 million members toward the "promotion of public confidence in public education."
The ratings are based on the votes the organization considered most important; the numbers reflect the percentage of time the representative voted the organization's preferred position.
Source: NEA website 03n-NEA on Dec 31, 2003
Opposes vouchers to let parents choose public or private school.
Clinton opposes the CC survey question on school vouchers
The Christian Coalition Voter Guide inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Education vouchers that allow parents to choose a public or private school for their children'
The Christian Coalition notes, "You can help make sure that voters have the facts BEFORE they cast their votes. We have surveyed candidates in the most competitive congressional races on the issues that are important to conservatives."
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 16_CC7 on Nov 8, 2016
Other candidates on Education: |
Hillary Clinton on other issues: |
Former Presidents/Veeps:
George W. Bush (R,2001-2009)
V.P.Dick Cheney
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