Starbucks CEO; independent candidate for President until July 2019
Honor Second Amendment but enact sensible gun laws
I respect and I honor the Second Amendment. But I believe is there should be some sensible approach to removing the kind of weapons that have no place in common society. I have a hard time understanding why people need to carry an
AR-15 around in the streets of where they live. I think anyone who has a criminal record, anyone who has a mental health problem, that there needs to be a lot more jurisdiction on how those people are buying weapons.
Source: CNN Town Hall: 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Feb 12, 2019
False choice between gun ban and unlimited gun ownership
Today, believe it or not, a majority of teens worry they could get shot while they are in school. Now this is horrific. Unconscionable. A shameful statistic that none of us should find acceptable or accept. It is the highest responsibility of our
government to protect its citizens. economy But once again, the majority of the country, most Americans, want to see a solution to this.
Some on the far Left want to ban guns altogether. The far Right has pushed back on even reasonable limitations on
gun ownership. I believe it's time to enact common-sense gun reforms that are supported by a clear majority of the American people. We must protect people's constitutional right to bear arms, and make it safer to do so, through universal and
enhanced background checks with no loopholes. If you are a criminal or mentally ill, you should not be able to obtain a gun. But most importantly, no parent should be afraid to take their kid to school because of fear of gun violence.
2013: Requested customers not bring guns to Starbucks
Schultz released an open letter containing a "respectful request that customers no longer bring firearms into our stores or outdoor seating areas." In the past Starbucks simply "followed local laws." This prompted gun enthusiasts to stage "Starbucks
Appreciation Days" while armed. Schultz said "we do not want these events in our stores. The presence of a weapon in our stores is unsettling and upsetting for many of our customers."
Source: The Economist magazine on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Sep 18, 2013
Click here for definitions & background information on Gun Control.