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Green Party on Tax Reform

Party Platform


Shift taxes from individuals to corporations & wealthy

Our current tax system is outrageously unjust. It is riddled with loopholes, subsidies and dodges for corporations and the super-rich. Most working people pay too much in taxes compared to corporations, multi-millionaires and billionaires. Many of our biggest and most profitable corporations pay little or no tax. Much investment income is taxed at less than the rate workers pay.

We can afford to cut taxes for most people if we make corporations and the super-rich pay their fair share. Then we can cut them even more when we halt our nation's wasteful spending on wars, weaponry and militarism.

We call for progressive taxation, shifting tax from individuals to corporations, taxing "bads" not "goods," taxing unearned income at the same rate as earned income, taxing speculation on Wall Street, and cutting corporate tax giveaways.

Source: Green Party Platform adopted, July 12-15 2012 in Baltimore , Jul 15, 2012

A universal basic income (negative income tax) for everyone

We call for a universal basic income (sometimes called a guaranteed income, negative income tax, citizen�s income, or citizen dividend). It would go to every adult regardless of health, employment, or marital status, in order to minimize government bureaucracy and intrusiveness into people�s lives; the amount would be sufficient so that anyone who is unemployed can afford basic food and shelter; and local governments would supplement it where the cost of living is above the norm.
Source: 2008 Green Party Platform from 2008 Chicago Convention , Jul 13, 2008

Tax incentives to redistribute unbalanced wealth

The accumulation of individual wealth in the U.S. has reached grossly unbalanced proportions. It is clear that we cannot rely on the rich to regulate their profit-making excesses for the good of society through �trickle-down economics�. We must take aggressive steps to restore a FAIR DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME. We support tax incentives for businesses that apply fair employee wage distributions standards, and income tax policies that restrict the accumulation of excessive individual wealth.
Source: Green Party Platform, at 2000 National Convention , Jun 25, 2000

Reform system to provide tax justice

Middle-class and poor people are paying an ever greater proportion of federal taxes, and too often local and state taxes are unfair and regressive. The tax code is a labyrinth of deductions, loopholes, exemptions and write-offs, the result of insider- and industry-lobbying that has damaged our economy as it has served the interests of big business and financial institutions.

We call for SYSTEM-WIDE TAX REFORM that acts to simplify the tax system. Subsidies, export incentives, tax loopholes and tax shelters that benefit large corporations now amount to hundreds of billions of dollars each year and must be cut to the bone.

We call for a tax policy that moves to eliminate loopholes and other exemptions that favor powerful interests over TAX JUSTICE. Small business, in particular, should not be penalized by a tax system which benefits those who can �work� the legislative tax committees for breaks and subsidies.

Source: Green Party Platform, at 2000 National Convention , Jun 25, 2000

Support progressivity; no flat tax

Source: Green Party Platform, at 2000 National Convention , Jun 25, 2000

  • Click here for definitions & background information for the Tax Reform.
  • Click here for VoteMatch responses for the Green Party.
Other political parties on Tax Reform: Green Party on other issues:
Political Parties:
Democratic Party
Republican Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Reform Party
Natural Law Party
Tea Party
Constitution Party

Former Presidents:
Barack Obama(D,2009-2017)
George W. Bush(R,2001-2009)
Bill Clinton(D,1993-2001)
George Bush Sr.(R,1989-1993)
Ronald Reagan(R,1981-1989)
Jimmy Carter(D,1977-1981)
Gerald Ford(R,1974-1977)
Richard Nixon(R,1969-1974)
Lyndon Johnson(D,1963-1969)
John F. Kennedy(D,1961-1963)
Dwight Eisenhower(R,1953-1961)
Harry S Truman(D,1945-1953)

Political Thinkers:
American Civil Liberties Union
Cato Institute
Noam Chomsky
Milton Friedman
Heritage Foundation
Rush Limbaugh
Ayn Rand
Secy.Robert Reich
Sierra Club
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

Page last updated: Feb 24, 2022
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