OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Donna Edwards: Fought for abortion rights in community AND in Congress.
Budget & Economy
John Kasich: Balanced Budget Forever: promote constitutional amendment.
Rand Paul: Is the Fed too big to be audited?
Civil Rights
Chris Van Hollen: Straight, but fought discrimination against gay workers.
Ann-Marie Adams: Racial injustice:Black student debt disproportionately worse.
Ann-Marie Adams: Lack of minority teachers led to achievement gap.
Ben Carson: Evolution and creationism both require faith.
Ben Carson: Creationists have God's ethics; evolutionists must find them.
Energy & Oil
Jill Stein: Declare a climate emergency & get to 100% renewables by 2030.
Foreign Policy
Jill Stein: Re-examine NATO to avoid economic and military domination.
Scott Walker: Foreign policy is about leadership, not PhD's.
Free Trade
Chris Van Hollen: I oppose TPP; but look at each trade deal individually.
Gun Control
Bobby Jindal: Yes, we proudly love our guns and religion.
Health Care
John Kasich: Accepted ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion statewide.
Homeland Security
Jill Stein: $6 trillion to pay for wounded veterans from failed wars.
Mike Lee: Don't let important PATRIOT Act provisions expire.
Scott Walker: Listen to generals in the field to decide defense policy.
Donna Edwards: We need a woman's voice in the discussion on equal pay.
John Kasich: 2011: Public employee union reforms overturned by voters.
Principles & Values
Barack Obama: Dec. 2016: Russia influenced election to benefit Trump.
Donald Trump: Mueller appointed to investigate Trump after Comey firing.
Donald Trump: Mueller results: 7 guilty pleas and 34 indictments.
Donald Trump: Focus in school was "creating mischief".
Donald Trump: Campaign manager convicted: conspiracy with Ukraine & Russia.
Donald Trump: Trump's lawyer convicted of lying to Congress about Russia.
Donald Trump: Barr/Trump's Mueller conclusion: no collusion;no obstruction.
Donald Trump: I play to people's fantasies to Think Big.
Hillary Clinton: Focus of Putin & Russia in 2016 was hacking Hillary's email.
Hillary Clinton: Trump challenged Russia to hack Hillary's email; Russia did.
Jeff Sessions: Recusal from Mueller investigation for conflict of interest.
Jerrold Nadler: Mueller Report shows evidence of Trump's obstruction.
Steve Scalise: Apologize to America for smear campaign against Trump.
Rand Paul: Defeat the Washington machine; unleash the American Dream.
Paul Ryan: The left offers people a full stomach and an empty soul.
John Ashcroft: Common-sense conservative.
John Ashcroft: Law is supreme, above his personal beliefs.
Social Security
Chris Van Hollen: Keep a more generous cost-of-living formula.
Donna Edwards: Fought privatization in community AND in Congress.
War & Peace
Jill Stein: Invasions violate international law unless we're threatened.
Bobby Jindal: No deal with Iran that lets them become a nuclear power.
Jeb Bush: OpEd: Supports 2003 Iraq invasion even with current evidence.
Dirk Kempthorne: Participate in military funerals for soldiers killed in Iraq.
John Ashcroft: Push anti-terrorism laws despite Congressional skepticism.
Donald Rumsfeld: Legal ban on assassinations limits pursuit of bin Laden.
Welfare & Poverty
John Kasich: Reach out and help those who live in the shadows.