President of the U.S., 1981-1989; Republican Governor (CA)
No federalized takeover; no socialized medicine
Nearly five decades before there was a tea party movement to oppose ObamaCare, there was a coffee party movement. In the early 1960s, doctors rallied together to try to save their profession and their patients from a federal takeover of the medical
system. Each of them would invite a group of friends over for coffee to hear a vinyl record with a ten-minute speech on it. The voice on the record belonged to Ronald Reagan. Toward the beginning of the record, Regan noted that "most people are a little
reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can't afford it." But he explained that many of the people exploiting the public's goodwill were really searching for "a mechanism for socialized medicine capable of
indefinite expansion in every direction until it includes the entire population."
Reagan understood that there has always been a persistent embrace on the part of the left for socialized health care. It is for them the Holy Grail.
Announces his Alzheimer�s, to promote public understanding
My fellow Americans:
I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer�s Disease.
In the past, Nancy suffered from breast cancer and I had my surgeries. We found through our open discussions we
were able to raise public awareness. We were happy that, as a result, many more people underwent testing.
So now, we feel it is important to share it with you. Perhaps it will encourage a clearer understanding of the individuals and families who are
afflicted by it.
At the moment I feel just fine. I intend to live the remainder of the years that God gives me on this earth doing the things I have always done.
In closing, let me thank you, the American people, for giving me the great honor of
allowing me to serve as your President. I now begin the journey that will lead me to the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead.
[In the 1984 presidential debates, Walter Mondale reminded Reagan that] �when President Carter said tat you were going to cut Medicare, you said, �Oh no, there you go again, Mr. President.� And what did you do right after the election?
You went out and tried to cut $20 billion out of Medicare. So when you say, �There you go again,� people remember this.�
This was perhaps the least factual passage in the entire Mondale presentation.
Reagan had barely touched Medicare in the 1981 budget cuts. He had four years later proposed Medicare restraints on hospitals and doctors that were, as an otherwise pro-Mondale editorial
in the Washington Post noted, �not all that different from the Carter administration�s.� But Reagan had been thrown on the defensive and he looked it.
Reagan�s presidency coincided with the emergence of the AIDS epidemic. Reagan�s response to this epidemic was halting and ineffective. In the critical years of 1984 and 1985, according to his White House physician Dr. John Hutton, Reagan thought of AIDS
as though �it was measles and would go away.� What changed Reagan�s view was the death in October 1985 of his friend Rock Hudson.
Reagan went to Dr. Hutton and questioned him about the disease. Hutton gave a lengthy explanation. �I always thought the
world would end in a flash, but this is worse,� Reagan said. Even with his new knowledge, Reagan was slow to join the battle against AIDS. He did not mention AIDS in public again until Feb. 1986, when he announced that a major report on AIDS would be
prepared, saying, �We�re going to focus on prevention.� Reagan�s surgeon general C. Everett released the report in Oct. 1986, and described his remedy: �One, abstinence; two, monogamy; three; condoms.�
Viewed AIDS biblically, like sins of sex & abortion
Reagan would remain unconcerned by AIDS at least until the death of Rock Hudson in 1985. My research has him finding it a fit subject for humor as late as 1986 and five months after that waxing biblical in his opinion that �maybe the
Lord brought down this plague� because �illicit sex is against the Ten Commandments.�
To be fair, he made no moral distinction between homosexuality, heterosexuality out of wedlock, or abortion on demand. All three were abhorred by
God, in his opinion. The best that could be said about the first sin was that its consequence was perhaps a caution against the other two:
�I think people were happier and better off when there wasn�t the tremendous plague of single motherhood cases
or abortions, the thousands & thousands & thousands that take place regularly now and whether it�s going to take such a tragic thing as that disease. that horrible disease to return us to a sense of values that were very much a part of our generation.�
In the Baby Doe case in Indiana, the issue was whether to protect the life of a human being who had Down's Syndrome, who needed a routine surgical procedure to unblock his esophagus and allow him to eat. A doctor testified to the presiding judge that,
even with his physical problem corrected, Baby Doe would have a "non-existent" possibility for "a minimally adequate quality of life"--in other words, that retardation was the equivalent of a crime deserving the death penalty. The judge let Baby
Doe starve and die, and the Indiana Supreme Court sanctioned his decision.
Federal law does not allow federally-assisted hospitals to decide that Down's Syndrome infants are not worth treating, much less to starve them to death. Accordingly,
I have directed [federal agencies] to apply civil rights regulations to protect handicapped newborns. All hospitals receiving federal funds must post notices which will clearly state that failure to feed handicapped babies is prohibited by federal law.
Waste & fraud permeate every area of Medicare & Medicaid
Today we face the absurd situation of a Federal budget with 3/4 of its expenditures routinely referred to as "uncontrollable." And a large part of this goes to entitlement programs.
Committee after committee of this Congress has heard witness after
witness describe many of these programs as poorly administered and rife with waste and fraud. One example is Medicare and Medicaid--programs with worthy goals but whose costs have increased from $11 billion to almost $60 billion, more than
5 times as much, in just 10 years.
Waste and fraud are serious problems. Back in 1980 Federal investigators testified before one of your committees that "corruption has permeated virtually every area of the Medicare and Medicaid health care industry."
The time has come to control the uncontrollable. In August we made a start. I signed a bill to reduce the growth of these programs by $44 billion over the next 3 years while at the same time preserving essential services for the truly needy.