Quiz Responses
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AmericansElect Question & Answer (Summary answer based on details in right-hand column) |
Based on these stances: (Click on answers for full excerpt & citation) |
Question 1 answer A on
When you think about the US budget deficit, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
- A: Cutting existing programs
- B: More spending cuts than tax increases (mix of both solutions)
- C: More tax increases than spending cuts (mix of both solutions)
- D: Raising Taxes
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'A' from 7 out of 9 statements:
Just two tax brackets: 10% below $100K; then 25% above that: A on question 1 I left MN with a balanced budget, not a $6B deficit: B on question 1 Refused to raise taxes to force fiscal responsibility: A on question 1 Simply wrong for government to spend large surpluses: B on question 1 20% corporate tax cut; 20% business exclusion: A on question 1 Reduce business tax from 3rd highest corporate tax rate: A on question 1 Bush tax cuts should have been permanent in the first place: A on question 1 Bush tax cuts should have permanent in the first place: A on question 1 Supports Single Sales Tax Reform: A on question 1
This question weighted at 23% importance. (Relative importance: 9 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 2 answer A on
When you think about America�s energy needs, which of the following solutions comes closest to your opinion?
- A: Strong investment in renewable energy like wind and solar
- B: More drilling than investment in renewables (mix of both solutions)
- C: More investment in renewable than drilling (mix of both solutions)
- D: Strong focus on offshore drilling and allowing drilling in federal lands including wildlife reserves
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'A' from 4 out of 8 statements:
2005: Vetoed $250K for climate change research: D on question 2 Building, Benchmarks, & Beyond: reduce 200,000 tons of CO2: A on question 2 25% renewable by 2025: Requirement, not a goal: A on question 2 Increase supply; diversify sources; drill ANWR: D on question 2 The more oil supply, the better: D on question 2 Extend tax incentives for energy efficiency and energy R&D: A on question 2 Encourage development of locally owned wind energy sources: A on question 2 Stop harmful EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions: D on question 2
This question weighted at 21% importance. (Relative importance: 8 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 3 answer D on
When you think about healthcare reform in the United States, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
- A: The Government should be the sole provider of healthcare insurance
- B: The Government should have a major role in providing healthcare insurance
- C: The Government should have a limited role in providing healthcare insurance
- D: Only private companies should provide healthcare insurance
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'D' from 5 out of 9 statements:
We did healthcare the right way in Minnesota: C on question 3 Romney and Obama plans are really just "ObamneyCare": C on question 3 No top-down, government-run, limited-choice system: D on question 3 ObamaCare's individual mandate encroaches our freedom: D on question 3 Shop around for best price & quality, like we do for TVs: D on question 3 2009 bill will break the bank, but not cut costs: D on question 3 Start toward universal coverage by covering all kids: A on question 3 Supports market-driven healthcare reform: D on question 3 Expand coverage: purchasing pools &Medical Savings Accounts: C on question 3
This question weighted at 23% importance. (Relative importance: 9 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 4 answer C on
When you think about illegal immigration, which of the following solutions come closest to your opinion?
- A: All illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US legally
- B: Most illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US, with some exceptions
- C: Most illegal immigrants should be deported, with some exceptions
- D: All illegal immigrants should be deported
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'C' from 4 out of 5 statements:
If feds won't protect border, then let the states do it: C on question 4 No pathway to citizenship except military service: A on question 4 No pathway to citizenship except military service: C on question 4 Require federal electronic verification for state employment: C on question 4 Require federal electronic verification for state employment: C on question 4
This question weighted at 13% importance. (Relative importance: 5 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 5 answer A on
Foreign Policy:
When you think about the US pursuing its interests abroad, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
- A: The US should always act in its own interest regardless of what other countries think
- B: The US should rarely listen to other countries
- C: The US should listen to other countries more often than not
- D: The US should always listen to other countries before pursuing its own interests
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'A' from 5 out of 5 statements:
We should withdraw from Afghanistan more slowly: A on question 5 Arbitrary deadline in Iraq shouldn't supersede common sense: A on question 5 Decide Afghan withdrawal by strategy, not arbitrary deadline: A on question 5 2006: Growing problems in Iraq, but withdrawal disastrous: A on question 5 2007: Supported the surge; we're going all in: A on question 5
This question weighted at 13% importance. (Relative importance: 5 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 6 answer A on
When you think about education in the US, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
- A: School curriculums should be set entirely at a local school board level
- B: School curriculums should be set more by local school boards than at a national level
- C: School curriculums should be set more by national standards than at a local level
- D: School curriculums should be set entirely at a national standardized level
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'A' from 2 out of 2 statements:
Let school districts decide on teaching intelligent design: A on question 6 Parents should have educational options, like home schooling: A on question 6
This question weighted at 5% importance. (Relative importance: 2 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 7 answer A on
Social Issues:
When you think about the rights of same-sex couples, which of the following is closest to your personal opinion?
- A: Same-sex couples should not be allowed to marry or form any kind of civil union
- B: Same-sex couples should be allowed to form civil unions, but not to marry in the traditional sense
- C: Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry legally, with all the same rights as traditional marriages
- D: Unsure
| Summary answer 'A' from 2 out of 3 statements:
Voted for GLBT protection; later favored repealing the law: B on question 7 Opposite-sex marriage is cornerstone of society: A on question 7 Opposite-sex marriage is cornerstone of society: A on question 7
This question weighted at 8% importance. (Relative importance: 3 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 8 answer B on
Which of the following statements comes closest to your personal view?
- A: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity
- B: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity, but should be somewhat protected
- C: Natural resources should be mostly protected, but also exist for the benefit of humanity
- D: Natural resources exist on their own and should be completely protected
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'B' from 2 out of 2 statements:
Should monitor EPA's over-regulatory stance: B on question 8 2007: 5-cent gas tax to replace bridges after I-35 collapse: B on question 8
This question weighted at 5% importance. (Relative importance: 2 out of 39 statements.) |
Question 9 answer B on
Which of the following comes closest to your personal opinion?
- A: To make this country great, we should return to the examples and values of our forefathers
- B: This country is already great, we shouldn't change a thing
- C: To make this country great, we should keep building and adapting for the future
| Summary answer 'B' from 2 out of 2 statements:
Obama is a declinist; I optimistically propose 5% growth: B on question 9 Over $2M for National Guard and numerous military programs: B on question 9
This question weighted at 5% importance. (Relative importance: 2 out of 39 statements.) |