Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
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Democratic primary debate on Univision, in Spanish, in Miami Florida, Sept. 9 2007

OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Barack Obama: Nationwide program to reconstruct crumbling school buildings.
Bill Richardson: Pay off college loans in exchange for national service.
Dennis Kucinich: Free education from pre-kindergarten to college.
Foreign Policy
Barack Obama: Invest in our relationship with Mexico.
Bill Richardson: Alliance with Latin America on microlending & human needs.
Chris Dodd: We spend $500B in Iraq; add some to $1.6B in Latin America.
Chris Dodd: Expand the Peace Corps.
Chris Dodd: Weve neglected Latin America; need to re-engage.
Chris Dodd: Cuba embargo hasnt worked for 50 years; unravel the embargo.
Hillary Clinton: Cuba deserves peaceful transition to freedom & democracy.
John Edwards: Our Latin America policy is either disengaged or bullying.
Mike Gravel: Recognize Cuba; open up to Chavez in Venezuela.
Free Trade
Dennis Kucinich: NAFTA accelerated immigration from Mexico, in search of jobs.
Dennis Kucinich: FactCheck: NAFTA coincided with (not caused) peso collapse.
Mike Gravel: CAFTA & NAFTA cause unemployment in Mexico & Central America.
Health Care
Barack Obama: Morally wrong that terminally ill must consider money.
Barack Obama: FactCheck: Correct that insurance lobbying cost $1B.
Bill Richardson: New healthcare system in one year, with no new bureaucracies.
Chris Dodd: Include undocumented workers in healthcare plan.
Dennis Kucinich: Fake debate if we talk about maintaining present system.
Dennis Kucinich: FactCheck:Insurance industry profit is under $97B, not $600B.
Hillary Clinton: No parent should be told no for healthcare for their kids.
John Edwards: Comprehensive coverage costs $90B to $120B a year.
John Edwards: FactCheck: Plan costs $106B-$146B per year, not $90B-$120B.
Mike Gravel: Applies lessons from his healthcare-related bankruptcy.
Homeland Security
Mike Gravel: Terrorism is not a war; treat it as a criminal act.
Barack Obama: Immigration system is broken for legal immigrants.
Barack Obama: Reform must include more border security, and border wall.
Bill Richardson: Border wall is horrendous example of misguided policy.
Bill Richardson: Federal raids are ineffective; we dehumanize immigrants.
Chris Dodd: Teach more Spanish, but not as a second national language.
Chris Dodd: Mexico is a neighbor and ally, but supported border wall.
Dennis Kucinich: Promote Spanish as a second national language.
Dennis Kucinich: Build relationships between nations, not walls.
Hillary Clinton: More border patrolling on both Mexican AND Canadian borders.
Hillary Clinton: Immigration reform needs family unification as one goal.
Hillary Clinton: Anti-immigrant bill would have criminalized Jesus Christ.
John Edwards: More technology at the border, but address underlying causes.
John Edwards: Undocumented workers deserve same rights as American workers.
Mike Gravel: Immigration issue is national scapegoating.
Mike Gravel: Embarrassed at building a wall on southern border.
Mike Gravel: Suspend immigrant raids that separate families.
Mike Gravel: Im first-generation American; were all immigrants.
War & Peace
Chris Dodd: Having troops in Iraq makes US less safe.
Dennis Kucinich: Iraq plan: Reconstruction, rehabilitation, & reconciliation.
Welfare & Poverty
Barack Obama: Stop Fraud Act: full disclosure in subprime lending.
Hillary Clinton: Time-out for mortgage companies on march toward foreclosure.
The above quotations are from Democratic primary debate on Univision, in Spanish, in Miami Florida, Sept. 9 2007.