Mike Leavitt on Government Reform
Director of the E.P.A.; former Republican UT Governor
Count missionaries abroad in census; gain Congressional seat
Last week we brought another lawsuit to give Utah the 4th Congressional seat it deserves.
The issue is clear: how can 15,000 easily identifiable Utahns on humanitarian or religious service not be counted when others in government service are? Our cause is just; the census count was not.
Source: 2001 State of the State address to the Utah legislature
, Jan 16, 2001
Reforms must respect state's rights to select electors.
Leavitt adopted the National Governors Association position paper:
The Issue
In the wake of the United States presidential election in Florida, the Congress and the administration has expressed interest in federal standards for elections. Recognizing that Articles I and II of the United States Constitution grants states, not Congress, the authority to determine the manner of selecting presidential electors and conducting elections generally, most legislative proposals do not mandate federal standards. Rather, current proposals direct federal agencies or commissions to study and make recommendations concerning the election system. Nonetheless, the possibility of legislation in the 107th Congress requiring states to implement federal election standards remains. If enacted without adequate funding by the federal government, such legislation could also result in an unfunded mandate to the states.
NGAs Position
Articles I and II of the United States Constitution grant states the authority to determine the manner of selecting presidential electors and provide that states are responsible for establishing election procedures generally. However, in the wake of the 2000 presidential election, the nations Governors recognize the need for election reform. NGA will continue to monitor federal legislation addressing this issue, but has not taken a position in support of or opposition to election reform efforts.
Source: National Governors Association "Issues / Positions" 01-NGA11 on Aug 1, 2001
More federal funding for FAA and air traffic control.
Leavitt adopted a letter to Senate leaders from 6 Governors:
The nations Governors urge the Senate to quickly complete action on a multi-year reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Airport Improvement Program (AIP) that invests dedicated Airport and Airway revenues for their intended purposes each year. The Airport and Airway Trust Fund can support significantly higher funding for both the Airport Improvement Program and the Air Traffic Control Modernization program than is currently contained in the Senate reauthorization. We urge the Senate to increase funding levels for these programs by using the Airport and Airways Trust Fund receipts for their intended purpose.
Governors, along with our partners in the Coalition for TRUST - a broad coalition of business, labor, farm and state and local officials - recognize that insufficient investment in transportation jeopardizes economic growth. Furthermore, the Governors recognize the safety, security and other broad public benefits provided by the FAA and support a guarantee of continued general funding for FAA operations.
The Governors ask for your help in completing a conference with the House on this critical legislation prior to August 6 in order to avoid a lapse in funding.
Source: National Governor's Association letter to Congress 99-NGA25 on Jul 27, 1999
Page last updated: Sep 29, 2018