More headlines: Hillary Clinton on Principles & Values
(Following are older quotations. Click here for main quotations.)
McCain and Bush are awfully hard to tell apart these days
McCain says the economy is fundamentally sound. John McCain doesnt think that 47 million people without health insurance is a crisis. John McCain wants to privatize Social Security. And in
2008, he still thinks its okay when women dont earn equal pay for equal work. With an agenda like that, it makes sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities. Because these days theyre awfully hard to tell apart
Source: Speech at 2008 Democratic National Convention
Aug 27, 2008
GovWatch: Maybe won popular vote, but only delegates count
Sen. Clinton said after her Puerto Rico victory on June 1, We are winning the popular vote. The people have spoken. So when the voting concludes, neither Sen. Obama nor I will have the number of delegates to be the nominee. I will lead the popular vote.
He will maintain a slight lead in the delegate count. Whatever Clinton might say, there is considerable doubt about her claim. Its only true if she includes all the people who voted for her in Florida, plus including Michigan while excluding
all uncommitted votes, and including caucus participants in IA, NV, ME, & WA.
The more important point is that the popular vote has nothing to do with the presidential nominating process, which is decided by delegates. Most estimates put Obama within
45 votes of the 2,118 needed to secure the nomination, while Clinton is 200 votes away.
Our judgment: This is one of those cases where the candidate can provide some data to back up her claim, but the claim itself is essentially meaningless.
Source: GovWatch on 2008: Washington Post analysis
Jun 2, 2008
Visited Bosnian war zone, but mistake to call it sniper fire
Q: How do you reconcile your credibility when youve made those misrepresentative comments about what happened getting off the plane in Bosnia? [Clinton claimed to have arrived under sniper fire, which was shown to be untrue by a video from the event].
Source: 2008 Philadelphia primary debate, on eve of PA primary
Apr 16, 2008
Using passages from others speeches is change you can Xerox
If your candidacy is going to be about words, then they should be your own words. Thats a very simple proposition. Lifting whole passages from someone elses speeches is not change you can believe in, its change you can Xerox. If you look at the
YouTube of these videos, it does raise questions. There is no doubt that Obama is a passionate, eloquent speaker, and I applaud him for that. But when you look at what we face in this country, we do need to unite the country, but we have to unite it for
purpose around very specific goals. It is not enough to say, Lets come together. Weve got to look hard at the difficult challenges we face, especially after Bush leaves the White House. The world will breathe a sigh of relief once he is gone.
But then weve got to do the hard work of not just bringing the country together, but overcoming a lot of the entrenched opposition to the very ideas that both of us believe in, and for some of us have been fighting for, for a very long time.
Source: 2008 Democratic debate at University of Texas in Austin
Feb 21, 2008
Michigan and Florida primary ballots should count
Q: Michigan was punished for having moved up their primary date and their delegates are not supposed to be seated. You won the Michigan primary, but your name was the only one on the ballot.A: I think that both Michigan and Florida should count becaus
these are two states we have to carry. This is not so much about the ins and outs of the DNC as to whether the Democrats are going to win in the fall. In Michigan, my opponents ran a very vigorous campaign to get people to vote uncontested, and I still
won a majority. In Florida, 2.7 million people showed up and said we will not be disenfranchised again. They werent involved in the rule making. Give them a chance.
Q: How is that fair when Obama didnt get a chance to go head-to-head?
A: People
follow the campaign [from other states].
Q: One suggestion has been to have a second primary.
A: A second primary would be obviously very expensive. I dont know who is going to pay for it. The people who voted thought they were voting in a primary.
Source: 2008 Politico pre-Potomac Primary interview
Feb 11, 2008
Will release tax returns during general election campaign
Q: Cheney & Bush were famous for making deals behind closed doors. How can we believe that you are not going to do the same if you do not do something as simple as release your tax returns? We received this question over 300 times.A: Well, the
Obama campaign is telling people to send in that question. Im going to release my tax returns when Im the nominee. My entire ethics statement is on record at the Senate. I liquidated all of my holdings. Im holding everything in cash so that theres
not even a question of conflict. But transparency is an important issue. And it doesnt only go to your personal finances but Senator Obama has some questions to answer about his dealings with one of his largest contributors,
Exelon, a big nuclear power company. Apparently he cut some deals behind closed doors to protect them from full disclosure in the nuclear industry. And we still dont have a lot of answers about Senator Obama and his dealings with Mr. Rezko.
Source: 2008 Politico pre-Potomac Primary interview
Feb 11, 2008
Ive been vetted; disinformation has all been recycled
Q: Sen. Obama has been taunting you on the question of electability. And several conservative commentators also have said you may be the only Democrat who can unify a badly demoralized Republican Party. Why should Democrats give Republicans the candidate
theyre looking for?A: Im not so sure that anybody on the Democratic side should take seriously what any Republican commentators say. Ive been around long enough to know that theres often a certain level of disinformation thats going on. One thing
you know about me is that I have been vetted. Ive been through this. I understand exactly what is coming at me, and there isnt any new information. Its just more of the same. Its been recycled over and over again. I dont think we can say that about
my opponent. My track record on being able to take on Republicans is really a proven one. Somebody told me today that Sen. Obama has never had a negative ad run against him. Well, get ready, because if hes the nominee we will see a lot of that.
Source: 2008 Politico pre-Potomac Primary interview
Feb 11, 2008
America needs election debate about countrys direction
Q: [to Clinton and McCain]: Are you two looking forward to possibly facing each other in November?McCAIN: I think we will have a very spirited [race].
CLINTON: Well, I think we both have our hands full.
McCAIN: Yeah, I think well have very
respectful but very spirited debate. I think that Senator Clinton would be the first to acknowledge, as shes already mentioned in several appearances and debates with the Democrats that well have very significant differences. And I think the
American people will see those differences and make a judgment.
Q: Senator Clinton, do you have a response to that?
CLINTON: No, I agree with that. I think that John and I will have a respectful debate, but we do have serious differences about
the direction of the country and what we think should be done. But thats exactly the kind of election that our country needs right now, and Im looking forward to it.
McCAIN: Do you want to start that debate now?
Source: 2008 Fox News interview: Choosing the President series
Feb 3, 2008
FactCheck: Obama, Bill, & Hillary all praised Ronald Reagan
Obama has been taking heat for praising Ronald Reagan in a Jan. 14 interview: The 1980 election was different. I mean, I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, and in a way that Bill Clinton did not.
He put us on a fundamentally different path, because the country was ready for it.In the Jan. 21 debate, when Obama was criticized by Clinton for supporting Republican ideas, he responded, The irony of this is that you provided much more fulsome
praise of Ronald Reagan in a book by Tom Brokaw thats being published right now, as did Bill Clinton in the past.
Obama is correct: Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have lauded Reagans political skills. Tom Brokaws Boom! Voices of the Sixties quotes
Clinton as saying that Reagan was a child of the Depression who understood pressures on the working and middle class.
Well leave it to others to decide whos praising Reagan more. The fact is that Bill and Hillary have done it, not just Obama.
Source: on 2008 Congressional Black Caucus Dem. Debate
Jan 21, 2008
AdWatch: Clinton didnt cause Peter Paul fraud investigation
In a video that has logged millions of views on the Internet, Peter Paul, a felon who helped produce a gala fundraiser for the Democratic Party and Hillary Clintons 2000 Senate campaign, makes a number of false or misleading charges. Among them:-
The video gives the false impression that the Clintons somehow caused Paul to be investigated for securities fraud as retaliation for a lawsuit he filed against them. But the investigation--and Pauls indictment--came first.
The video claims that a telephone conversation between Paul & Hillary Clinton shows that she had knowledge of and perpetrated illegal campaign activities, when the actual conversation shows Hillary thanking organizers of a fundraiser.
The video says Hillarys campaign included the largest fraud in election funding history. The campaign was fined for a reporting violation, not fraud. And the fine was relatively modest compared with other FEC fines.
Source: FactCheck's AdWatch on 2008 independent Internet video
Jan 18, 2008
AdWatch: Hillary: The Movie counts as campaign ad
Citizens United, a group that long has been involved in efforts against the Clintons, is selling Hillary: the Movie online and was in federal court recently over its attempt to run ads for the film in primary states during election season.
The ads contain clips from the movie, including one of former Clinton adviser Dick Morris saying that Hillary Clinton is the closest thing we have to a European socialist.
A three-judge panel ruled this week that the ads amounted to electioneering and could be run only with a disclaimer and only if
Citizens United disclosed its donors to the FEC.
Given the passions, pro and con, that Hillary and Bill Clinton seem to ignite, its a good bet we can expect more such films before the election is over.
Source: FactCheck's AdWatch on 2008 independent Internet video
Jan 18, 2008
Vince Foster suicide due to public bashing in editorial
For the last month of Vince Fosters life, Hillary spoke with him at most once. No one has presented evidence that Vince and Hillary were lovers. But they had been, in some ways, closer than lovers. Hillary was totally unguarded in his presence.Foster
was stressed about the internal investigation of the Travel Office firings. Particularly grating to Foster was the series of destructive editorials in The Wall Street Journal. On June 17, the paper printed a column entitled Who is Vince Foster? On June
24, in Vincent Fosters Victory, Foster was attacked for his partially successful appeal defending the procedures of Hillarys health care task force.
It was increasingly hard for Foster to fight for Hillary. When he left Arkansas, he expected the
relationship with Hillary to be as deep as ever. The last thing he expected is that it would turn upside down.
The Journal tied Foster & Hillary to the Travel Office firings in yet another editorial on July 19. On July 20, police found Foster dead.
Source: A Woman in Charge, by Carl Bernstein, p.336-340
Jun 5, 2007
At her core, Hillary is an idealistic activist
Hillary is a competent, ambitious, hardworking woman with a quick & curious mind. But she is also a calculating, controlling, power-driven, insecure personality not limited by principles, ideals, or values.Hillary was once a passionate liberal, a left
wing devotee, a radical feminist, & an antiwar activist. Now, 40 years later, the idealism that once had a claim on her heart seems all but gone.
Ideals create a passion for something good, & drive you to be part of a cause bigger than yourself.
Hillarys early aspirations offered a place of comfort, a sense of belonging. I wonder if Hillary has regrets as she looks back at the wide-eyed liberal & remembers all the passion that flowed through her veins, all the excitement of the cause. I wonder
if she regrets trading it all in for fame & power.
Hillary is the same today as she was yesterday. It is not from lack of trying--the makeover team has been working overtime to sweeten & soften her--but they have not laid a glove on her true nature.
Source: The Extreme Makeover, by Bay Buchanan, p. 79-81
May 14, 2007
Poll: support among women 13% higher than among men
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton accepted her partys nomination for a second term as the New York senator in the Buffalo convention, but she sure didnt sound as if she was running only for that seat. A new ABC News/Washington
Post Poll shows a huge gender gap among Clinton supporters, even among Democrats, with women more likely to support Clinton than men by a margin of 13 points. The gap continues with Republicans, where three in 10 women indicated a willingness to support
Clinton compared with two out of 10 Republican men.While Clinton has proved popular with the Democratic base in places like New York City, she is much weaker with the political center, the moderates and Independents in states like Ohio and
Florida that she will need to win a general election. A daunting 42 percent of all Americans say theyd never vote for her for president.
Source: 2008 speculation by Jake Tapper & Drew Millhon, ABC News
May 31, 2006
Early frontrunner based on name recognition and money
Dick Morris, the political consultant who advised the Clintons in the White House & who roughly personifies what people hate about political consultants, published a book called Condi vs Hillary, touting the thesis that only Condoleezza Rice could foil
Clintons ambitions.When Republican types meet, the Hillary-chat is the same. Formidable candidate... shedloads of money... unrivalled name recognition... impressive job in the Senate... husband a big asset... great hairdo.
Among Democrats, you will
find many who say she SHOULD be the next president-her admirers remain legion-but you will be very hard pressed to find many who say with confidence she WILL.
Early polls indicate that while shes streets ahead for the Democratic nomination, she gets
soundly beaten by all the most plausible Republicans. So, among Democrats the snatches of conversation are like this: Hated on the Left... impossibly high negatives... terrible performer in public... too much Bill baggage... awful pantsuits.
Source: 2008 speculation by Gerard Baker in The Peninsula (Qatar)
Apr 8, 2006
Op-Ed: positioning herself as voice of reason & centrism
Bill taught Hillary the power of cutting against the image of your political party. In 1992, Bill ran as a New Democrat, advocating capital punishment, backing a work requirement for welfare, pledging to balance the budget & pass a middle-class tax cut
When Clinton criticized black rap star Sister Souljah for seeming to advocate black violence, he distinguished himself from the tapestry of liberalism that had been the backdrop of the failed candidacies of McGovern & Dukakis. Now, against the history of
another failed liberal candidacy, Hillary is set to emerge as the new Clinton, the moderate savior of a left-addicted party. Playing off the extreme liberalism of the new DNC chair, Howard Dean, Hillary will position herself as the voice of reason &
centrism.But Hillarys newfound centrism focuses only on issues at the margins. She may attack sex on TV or call for more values in public life, but when the chips are down, she votes like a solid liberal, backing her party more than 90% of the time.
Source: Condi vs. Hillary, by Dick Morris, p. 15-16
Oct 11, 2005
OpEd: Hillary is emblematic of extreme leftist ideals
Hillarys appeal is almost metaphysical. She represents the transcendent dreams of the feminist, the gay rights advocate, and the eco activist.
But she also connects with the murky dreams of millions of suburban women who quietly enter the ballot booth and assert their independence from their familys party affiliation.
Source: Madame Hillary, by R. Emmett Tyrell, p. 21
Feb 25, 2004
NYC offices costs taxpayers $514,000 per year
The posh offices of Hillary Rodham Clinton snapped up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan will cost taxpayers in excess of $514,148 per year. The tab is more than double the amount paid by Hillarys fellow Democrat
Charles Schumer, whose offices are in the same neighborhood. No one should have been surprised that when it came to selecting her office, Hillary pushed the envelope to its absolute limit and squeezed every available dime from the American taxpayers.
Source: The Final Days, by Barbara Olson, p. 52
Oct 25, 2001
Supported teacher tests & China women despite unpopularity
Q: Can you give me one example where you have taken an unpopular course despite what your advisers say because you thought it was right? CLINTON: Well, Ill give you two. You know, back in 1983 - when I was probably
the first person in the country who said that we should test teachers - that was extremely unpopular, and it caused quite an uproar. But it was the right thing to do, and I still believe today that we should be testing new
teachers and raising standards for our teachers. And then in 1995, when I went to China to speak on behalf of womens rights, there were many people, inside and outside our own government, people literally around the world,
who said I shouldnt go, that I shouldnt make a speech, that I shouldnt criticize the Chinese government.
Source: NY Senate debate on NBC
Oct 28, 2000
Get New York a fair share of budget surplus & Medicaid
Q: As a junior senator, will you be able to ensure that N.Y. will receive its fair share of federal aid?CLINTON: One of the issues Ive been talking about is how we can get more of New Yorks fair share. We have a chance to do that because we
have a surplus. One of the biggest injustices is the Medicaid formula. Ive come forward with a plan that would get us more money. I look forward to working with Chuck Schumer. I would be a vigorous proponent of what we need.
Source: Senate debate in Manhattan
Oct 8, 2000
New Yorkers are diverse, big dreamers
Q: Define a New Yorker. CLINTON: What it means to be a New Yorker is to be the best human being you can be, to do the best with your life you can do, to dream the biggest dreams, to demonstrate that we can make this wonderful
patchwork quilt of a place not only work but show the rest of the world that people from different backgrounds and experiences not only can get along but build a better future.
Source: Senate debate in Manhattan
Oct 8, 2000
New to the neighborhood, but not new to NY issues
For over 30 years in many different ways, Ive seen first hand the kinds of challenges New Yorkers face today. I may be new to the neighborhood, but I am not new to your concerns.
I care about the same issues you care about. I understand them. I know that we can make progress on them. Thats why my friend, I want to be your Senator.
Source: Announcement Speech, SUNY Purchase
Feb 6, 2000
Opposed numerous Bush cabinet & court appointees
The loudest segment of the Democratic Party consistently opposes Pres. Bushs nominees to the courts and to cabinet positions. Heres a list of nominations that Clinton opposed and some of her statements against the candidates:- Samuel Alito (as
Supreme Court justice): a decade of progress would fall prey to his radical ideology, jeopardizing civil liberties and the fundamental right to privacy.
- John Ashcroft (as Attorney General): Clinton charged that Ashcroft would encourage racists in
our society who are quick to believe the worst when they see someone of color, and that Ashcroft engaged in judicial pofiling.
- Michael Chertoff (as assistant Attorney General): Clinton cast the only NO vote in 2001 and 2003, but voted in his favor
when Bush appointed him to become director of Homeland Security in 2004.
- Alberto Gonzales (as Attorney General)
- Porter Goss (as director of the CIA)
- Mike Leavitt (as adminitrator of the EPA)
- Gale Norton (as Secretary of the Interior)
Source: Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, by Amanda Carpenter, p. 90-94
Oct 11, 2006
Decried 1980s materialism & excesses of corporate America
In 1987, Hillary expressed a fervent concern that corporate America was running amok and subverting bedrock American values. She cited a rogues gallery of corporate raiders--Ivan Boesky, Carl Icahn, and T. Boone Pickens--and bemoaned environmental
degradation caused by companies [such as at] Three Mile Island and Love Canal. Foreshadowing her later fascination with the politics of meaning, she talked about the excesses of yuppie materialism, hyper-individualism, and narcissism that were
overshadowing concern for the public good.
We are experiencing a crisis of meaning and a spiritual crisis, she said, describing the hurt, emptiness, confusion, and loss of meaning that characterize much of our society. She wound up laying
primary blame at the doorstep of corporate America. Its obsession with short-term profit was a major source of the subversion of democratic, family, moral, and spiritual values in America.
Source: Hillarys Choice by Gail Sheehy, p.173
Dec 9, 1999
I thought Bill was a pretty good president; now Im running
Q: If you are the nominee, it will be 28 years, from 1980 to 2008, where theres been a Bush or a Clinton on the national ticket. Is it healthy for democracy to have a two-family political dynasty?
A: I thought Bill was a pretty good president. And from my perspective, you know, the values that he acted on, on behalf of our country, both at home and abroad, are ones that stand the test of time. But look, Im running on my own.
Im going to the people on my own. I think I know how to find common ground and how to stand my ground. And on all the issues that matter to America in the 21st century,
I wish we could turn the clock back, but we cant. And we need to start with leadership that can deliver results and get us back to the values that make America great.
Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate at Dartmouth College
Sep 6, 2007
1992: Keep press on the issues, not on personal destruction
By the time of the New Hampshire primary in March, 1992, Hillarys view of the vast right-wing conspiracy was taking more precise shape, for good reason.Hillarys had acuity of judgment that George Bush would be reelected unless the Clinton campaign
could find a way to repel attacks and keep the attack machine silenced long enough to effectively trumpet the Clintons substantive message. Getting the public to listen to anything Bill said would be difficult because of what the press had become.
Hillary saw the press as out of control, hell-bent on personal destruction and manufactured controversy, while ignoring serious issues.
The big story of the campaign, she feared, would was going to be
Bills private life and hers, and a grotesque distortion of the Arkansas years. It is apparent in interview after interview that the guiding premise was: Keep them away from us and our private lives.
Source: A Woman in Charge, by Carl Bernstein, p.198-199
Jun 5, 2007
Could have weakened right wing conspiracy by honest answers
Hillary was not wrong that old enemies in Arkansas, in conjunction with organized rightwing groups & talk radio, were hard at work. The unprecedented campaign against a sitting president & first lady, well organized and increasingly effective, continued.
New and old enemies viewed Clintonism as a plague to be eradicated. Citizens United was an organization set up to fight the Clintons. They issued a constant stream of lies, half-truths, and conspiratorial epistles that told a tale of perdition
& evil and were peddled to mainstream news organizations, Republicans on Capital Hill and right-wing talk show hosts.
But however accurate Hillarys perception of an organized threat against the Clintons, she seemed unable or unwilling to grasp the
desire of less antagonistic citizens, members of Congress, and the press to be given straightforward, timely responses to legitimate questions being raised by the stories, whatever the origins of the information & the motivations of those promoting them.
Source: A Woman in Charge, by Carl Bernstein, p.365-366
Jun 5, 2007
Meant women work conflict with stay home & bake cookies
A reporter asked whether I could have avoided an appearance of conflict of interest when my husband was Governor. I said, You know, I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was fulfill my profession,
which I entered before my husband was in public life. And I have worked very hard to be as careful as possible.I could have said, Look, short of abandoning my law firm partnership and staying home, there was nothing more I could have done to avoid
the appearance of a conflict of interest.
My aides suggested that I talk to reporters a second time. On the spot, I had a press conference. It had little effect. Thirteen minutes after I answered the question, a story ran on the AP wire. CNN quickly
aired one too.
It turned into a story about my alleged callousness towards stay-at-home-mothers. Republicans labeled me the ideological leader of a Clinton-Clinton Administration that would push a radical-feminist agenda.
Source: Living History, by Hillary Clinton, p.109-110
Nov 1, 2003
Not involved in pardons, neither with husband nor brother
Sen. Clinton said she was disappointed after learning her brother had been paid to help two convicts win clemency from her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Clinton said she had no knowledge that her brother Hugh Rodham had been paid almost
$400,000 for legal work for two applicants for presidential clemency, Carlos Vignali and Almon Braswell. Although she demanded he return the money, Clinton said she has not spoken with her brother at all since the news broke. I knew nothing about
my brothers involvement in these pardons, she said. I love my brother, but. Im very disappointed and Im very disturbed. Rodhams lawyer said he had returned most of the fees to both clemency clients. She added that she had no role in any of her
husbands 11th-hour pardons.
The disclosures opened up a new area for congressional investigators, who were already looking into a controversy over former President Clintons pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich and his business partner.
Source: Kate Snow & Eileen OConnor,
Feb 22, 2001
Were better off than 1992; elect Gore & continue progress
Were a stronger, better country than we were in 1992. When Bill, Al, Tipper and I got on that bus after our convention eight years ago, we began a journey that took us through Americas heartland. Along the way we saw faces of hope --
but also faces of despair -- fathers out of work, mothers trapped on welfare, children with unmet medical needs. How can we continue Americas progress? By electing Al Gore and Joe Lieberman!
Source: Address to the Democratic National Convention
Aug 14, 2000
1986: Prepped Bill's race; denied her own political ambition
Hillary Clinton was asked in 1986 if she had any plans of her own for political races any time in the future. She said that she had no personal political ambitions. "I'll let Bill do that. I value being a private person too much," she told the Gazette.
What she didn't say was that Bill Clinton was considering running for president. It was the dream of his lifetime.The preliminary campaign machinery was set in place.
Phone calls were made, advisers considered. Hillary braced herself for what she knew would be a messy race. She braced Chelsea. She was excited. Though. She was going to have a shot at being first lady of the nation.
A press conference was called in Little Rock for July 15, 1987. All indications were that Bill Clinton was about to announce his candidacy for the presidency.
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p. 142-3
Aug 1, 1993
1992: All marriages have issues; our issues are our business
On Jan. 18, at a campaign rally, when someone had asked her if her marital fidelity should be a campaign issue, she had faced the crowd, Bill by her side, and responded, "In any marriage, there are issues that come up between two people who are married
that I think are their business." The crowd applauded almost half a minute. "From my perspective," she said, "our marriage is a strong marriage. We love each other, support each other, and we had had a lot of strong and important experiences together tha
have meant a lot to us." She was proud of her family, Hillary said, and added in conclusion that she thought that what should matter to New Hampshire residents was how their own families were doing. The barb was met with uproarious applause. Clearly the
public taste for Gary Hart scandals in a recession year was less than the Republicans might have hoped for.On Jan. 26, "I have acknowledged wrongdoing," the governor offered to the camera. "I have acknowledged causing pain to my marriage."
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p. 169-70
Aug 1, 1993
Not some little woman standing by her man
Im not sitting here like some little woman standing by her man like Tammy Wynette. Im sitting here because I love him and I honor what hes been through and what weve been through together.
If thats not enough for people, then, heck, dont vote for him.
Source: Unique Voice, p. 47: Campaign speech
Jul 2, 1992
After 35 years of experience, ready to lead on day one
Q: [to Kucinich] What do you have that Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama do not have?KUCINICH: The new doctrine that Im going to promote throughout this campaign is that well use the science of human relations and diplomacy to settle your differences
without committing the young men and women to war, unless its absolutely necessary.
CLINTON: We are united for change. We cannot take another four or eight years of Republican leadership that has been so disastrous for our country. The issue is:
Which of us is ready to lead on day one? I have 35 years of being an instrument and agent of change, before I was ever a public official. And during the time that Ive been privileged to serve as first lady and now as senator, Ive worked to bring people
together, to find common ground where we can, and then to stand our ground where we cant.
OBAMA: We dont just need a change in political parties in Washington. Weve got to have a change in attitudes of those who are representing the people.
Source: 2007 YouTube Democratic Primary debate, Charleston SC
Jul 23, 2007
Amalgam politics: make labels irrelevant
Hillary insisted that she could not be placed in a box politically or ideologically: My politics are a real mixture, Hillary explained. An amalgam. Nobodys ever stopped to ask me or try to figure out the new sense of politics that Bill & a lot of us
are trying to create. The labels are irrelevant. To a degree her plea was valid, but it was also disingenuous, as she could have candidly admitted that she was not a conservative Republican. This trend would continue throughout Hillarys career, as
she consistently lunged for the rhetorical middle and tried to frame herself as a moderate.
When it is suggested that she sounds as though shes trying to come up with a sort of unified-field theory of life, she says, excitedly, Thats right, thats
exactly right! The First Lady was seeking a way to marry conservatism and liberalism, capitalism and state-ism, to join together the myriad state, religious, social, economic, and class problems into one idea that could be addressed by her theory.
Source: God and Hillary Clinton, by Paul Kengor, p.109-111
Jul 18, 2007
Campaigning on strong coalition of women & minorities
Hillarys nomination as the first woman candidate for president by a major political party would generate extraordinary excitement and give the Democrats an undeniable advantage in the general election. Consider this: If Hillary is nominated as
the first woman ever to run for president, she is very, very likely to win. By maximizing her support among the 54% of the vote that is cast by women--and tapping into the enthusiasm that her husband elicits among African Americans and
Hispanics--she is likely to sweep into office, easily defeating any conventional white male candidate the Republicans might send against her.
The Democratic Party cannot win without fully tapping all three pillars of its base: African Americans,
Hispanics, and white women. A Hillary Clinton candidacy is particularly strong because of her appeal to all three bastions of Democratic power.
Source: Condi vs. Hillary, by Dick Morris, p. 5 & 52
Oct 11, 2005
Accepted draft for Senate to avoid being derivative spouse
Hillary said, For years, I have written legal briefs, I have given speeches, I have lobbied Congress. I have been standing on the outside, knocking on the door, while they set policy and pass laws. Id like to be on the inside making the case.
Why choose New York? Hillary confided that shed investigated some other states, but they have a number of qualified people running who had worked hard and long to be congressional candidates.
Hillary said that the other thing that was appealing about a Senate run was that it would be a rare thing in American politics--a candidacy by acclamation. Im being drafted. It is so rare to be drafted in this way.
the nature of politics is such that you have to seize the moment when and if it comes, or it may never come again. She wanted to be wanted.
Source: Her Way, by Jeff Gerth & Don Van Natta, p.208
Jun 8, 2007
Running for re-election with no promise to serve a full term
Q: In 2000, you promised to serve a full 6-year term. Will you make the same promise today?CLINTON: I am running for re-election. I have made no decisions about any future plans. If thats a concern for any voter, they should factor that into their
decision on Nov. 7. We need a new direction, and thats what Im going to focus on.
Q: So you cant make that promise then today?
CLINTON: Im not looking past this election. But Im going to be very clear with the voters, I cant make a decision
now, but if that concerns any voter, they should factor that in.
Q: Are you saying dont vote for you if thats a concern?
CLINTON: No, I think they should vote for me, but they should balance that against everything that Ive done, my record and
my values.
SPENCER: Im the only one standing here today that wants to be a US Senator for the next 6 years for the people of New York. I commit that I am not running for President and I will serve for 6 years.
Source: NY 2006 Senate Debate, moderated by Bill Ritter
Oct 22, 2006
No problems with presidential transition; resolved by Xmas
First lady and U.S. Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton predicted Wednesday that the presidential election would be resolved before Christmas if legal challenges over Floridas disputed votes are handled in an expeditious manner. I think both
campaigns have filed legal actions and we have the time to have those heard, said Clinton, who endorsed Gores position in the dispute. I believe that it certainly is important that every American have the confidence that his or her vote is counted and
certainly in Florida there are questions about votes that havent been counted. I think those should be resolved, she said.
Americas government institutions, including the presidency, are strong and resilient enough to weather the
current dispute, Clinton said. She added that Gore as well as his Republican rival, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, would certainly be able to hit the ground running after taking office.
Nov 29, 2000
Rejected Independence Party; they include Pat Buchanan
CLINTON [to Lazio]: When the Independence Party was considering who to nominate, I made it very clear that I would not run on a party line with Pat Buchanan because of his anti-Semitic comments. You were more than happy to accept that particular line.
LAZIO: Mrs. Clinton, thats not totally accurate. Your people were up there working hard for that.
CLINTON: Ive specifically said publicly that I wouldnt take it if they nominated Pat Buchanan. It was up to them to decide what to do.
condemned him and the fact that he has been intolerant.
CLINTON: You know, I can only respond because, you know, as The Forward said when they endorsed me, Jewish voters should reject smear campaigns and inaccurate information.
Q: Did you accept the Independence nomination?
CLINTON: Thats because it wasnt offered.
LAZIO: No. It wasnt offered to either one of us, to be fair about that.
Source: NY Senate debate on NBC
Oct 28, 2000
Lazios a nice young man, but its about policy differences
Q: You would think that you dislike each other. Is that true?LAZIO: Its not a matter of personal dislike, [but] to point at the differences between candidates and the philosophy between two candidates.
Q: Do you dislike him?
CLINTON: No. I think
that I have no personal animus at all toward Mr. Lazio. He seems like a very nice person.
Q: Well, name three things that you like about him.
CLINTON: Well, it seems like he has a very nice family. And that he has worked very hard. And that hes an
attractive young man.
Q: And you name three things you like about her.
LAZIO: Well, I think youre an attractive woman. And I think youve got a very nice family. Im sure youre a very good mother as well.
CLINTON: Thank you very much. But thats
not what this elections about. And what it is about are the very significant differences between us on everything like education and health care and the economy and the environment and guns and choice and Social Security and the budget surplus.
Source: NY Senate debate on NBC
Oct 28, 2000
Hillary: Lazio has chutzpah to call himself mainstream
CLINTON: Listening to the congressmans response, reminds me of a word Ive heard a lot of this past year: chutzpah. He stands here and tells us that hes a moderate, mainstream, independent member of Congress. Well, in fact he was a deputy whip to
Newt Gingrich. He voted to shut the government down. He voted to cut $270 billion from Medicare. He voted for the biggest education cuts in our history. Time and time again when hes had a choice to make, particularly at the critical turning point, when
our country was really on the line with Newt Gingrichs Contract With America, he stood with the Republican leadership and Newt Gingrich. LAZIO: Mrs. Clintons last remark has to redefine the word chutzpah. Mrs. Clinton, you, of all people, shouldnt
try to make guilt by association. Newt Gingrich isnt running in this race, Im running in this race. Lets talk about my record. Lets lower taxes. Lets deregulate energy. And lets build on my work in Congress already to get the job done.
Source: Clinton-Lazio debate, Buffalo NY
Sep 13, 2000
Support minimum wage & more teachers, in Senate or out
Hillary Rodham Clinton said she would probably be connected with a foundation or academic institution in some way if she loses her bid to be elected US senator from New York. Ill support the same issues --
raising the minimum wage, expanding the earned income tax credit for poor working people, and putting more teachers in the classroom to lower class size in our public schools, she said in the
interview in Ladies Home Journal.When asked what accomplishments shes most proud of as first lady, Mrs. Clinton noted her involvement in extending health care to children, making it easier for
people who lose or change jobs to keep their health insurance, and speeding up and providing tax incentives for the adoption and foster care systems.
May 3, 2000
End divisional politics
I will fight against the division politics of revenge and retribution. If you put me to work for you, I will work to lift people up, not put them down.
Source: Announcement Speech, SUNY Purchase
Feb 6, 2000
1988: Felt Dukakis "set up" failure of Bill's DNC speech
Bill Clinton's summer of discontent came in 1988, at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. He landed the job of introducing the candidate for President, Michael Dukakis.It was a wonderful opportunity. But what we saw was the potential
derailment of a brilliant career. A speech that was supposed to last 15 minutes droned on for 32 minutes. Bill Clinton was finally booed off the stage.
When Hillary and Bill got home to Little Rock, Vince and I took her to lunch. She was livid. She fel
the Dukakis staff had "set Bill up." First, before the speech, Bill had shown a copy to Dukakis. It was too long, Bill told him, but Dukakis insisted that he leave it all in. Second, the normal dimming of lights to warn the audience that someone was abou
to speak didn't occur.
I later heard from someone who was there that Dukakis's staff was worried about the nominee being overshadowed by Clinton.
Fortunately, Bill headed off the crisis by poking fun at himself on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show.
Source: Friends in High Places, by Webb Hubbell, p.144-145
Nov 1, 1997
1992: Press questioned Rose Law Firm about Hillary
Hillary visited the Rose Law Firm office very seldom during the 1992 campaign season, though the campaign hadn't really geared up yet. Once she called from the road and got both Vince and me on the phone. She told us that there would be press inquiries
about her work with the Rose firm, and she wanted to make sure the calls were handled responsibly, with sound judgment. Vince and I persuaded the firm that all press inquiries about Hillary would go through either Vince or me.Sure enough, we started
fielding calls immediately. People wanted to know if she was a "real lawyer." People had heard that she, Vince, and I had tried to take over the firm. Then, just before the New Hampshire primary, in one day the storied took on a nasty tone.
A lounge singer named Gennifer Flowers was about to go public with a claim that she'd had a long-term affair with Bill Clinton. The phones really started ringing once that story had been leaked.
Source: Friends in High Places, by Webb Hubbell, p.157
Nov 1, 1997
Has a Jewish step-grandfather
Dorothys mother was only 15 when Dorothy was born. Dorothy and her sister were sent to live with their fathers parents. After graduation from high school, Dorothy returned to Chicago because of the marriage of her mother to Max Rosenberg.
He was well-to-do and was involved in the hotel business. Rosenberg persuaded Della to send for her children and try and make amends for the past. It was the first time in ten years that Dorothy had been contacted by her mother.
The role of Rosenberg in the life of Hillary has always been clouded. The first time Hillary mentioned her step grandfather publicly was in 1999, during her
Senate campaign in NY. I have nothing but fond memories of Max Rosenberg, Hillary said. In Living History she wrote only that he was Jewish.
Source: A Woman in Charge, by Carl Bernstein, p. 23-24
Jun 5, 2007
At age 27, tried to enlist in Marines
[In the 1970s] she tried to enlist in the United States Marine Corps. At the time, it was considered a preposterous thing for a young woman to do, but both Clintons have a penchant for grandstanding. Sometimes it works. So I walked into our local
recruiting office, Hillary said, and the person who happened to be there could not have been older than 21. I didnt know whether I thought active duty would be a good idea. He finally said to me, Youre too old. You cant see. And youre a woman.
Source: Madame Hillary, by R. Emmett Tyrell, p. 3
Feb 25, 2004
Mother, Dorothy, offended by mistreatment of any human being
My mother, Dorothy Rodham, loved her home and her family, but she felt limited by the narrow choices of her life. It is easy to forget now, when womens choices can seem overwhelming, how few there were for my mothers generation.
She started taking college courses when we were older. She never graduated, but she amassed mountains of credits in subjects ranging from logic to child development.My mother was offended by the mistreatment of any human being, especially children.
She understood from personal experience that many children--through no fault of their own--were disadvantaged. and discriminated against from birth. She hated self-righteousness and pretensions of moral superiority and impressed on my brothers
and me that we were no better or worse than anyone else. As a child in California, she had watched the Japanese Americans in her school endure blatant discrimination and daily taunts from the Anglo students.
Source: Living History, by Hillary Clinton, p. 10-11
Nov 1, 2003
Father, Hugh, focused on self-reliance & personal initiative
I grew up between the push & tug of my parents values and my own political beliefs reflect both. The gender gap started in families like mine. My mother was basically a Democrat, although she kept it quiet in Republican Park Ridge. My dad, Hugh Rodham,
was a rock-ribbed, up-by-your-bootstraps, conservative Republican and proud of it. He was also tight-fisted with money. He did not believe in credit and he ran his business on a strict pay-as-you=go policy. His ideology was based on self-reliance and
personal initiative, but unlike many people who call themselves conservatives today, he understood the importance of fiscal responsibility and supported taxpayer investments in highways, schools, parks, and other important public goods.
My father could not stand waste. Like so many who grew up in the Depression, his fear of poverty colored his life. To this day, I put uneaten olives back in the jar, wrap up the tiniest pieces of cheese and feel guilty when I throw anything away.
Source: Living History, by Hillary Clinton, p. 11
Nov 1, 2003
OpEd: "Crisis of meaning" is unified-field theory of life
In 1969, at Wellesley, Hillary Rodham mused about a "politics of meaning." 24 years later, however, speaking at U. Texas, Hillary Clinton said that "remolding society certainly in the West is one of the great challenges facing all of us." She mentioned
alienation, despair, and hopelessness, and said we are "in a crisis of meaning." She called for "a new politics of meaning"; she wanted "a society that fills us up again and makes us feel that we are part of something bigger than ourselves."Nobody kne
what that sort of blather meant in the Sixties and nobody knows now. We do know what it is about, however; it is about self and the attempt to give life meaning through the quest for a vaguely imagined utopia.
One journalist agrees that she is searchin
for a "unified-field theory of life." Her Wellesley and Texas speeches share all the same traits: vaulting ambition; didactic moralizing; intellectual incoherence; and the assumption that only your guiding hand can create the glorious future.
Source: Slouching Towards Gomorrah, by Robert Bork, p. 87
May 31, 1996
1970s: Editorial board of Yale Review of Law & Social Action
At Yale Law School, Hillary was on the editorial board of the now defunct Yale Review of Law and Social Action, an alternative legal journal that was dedicated, as its editors stated, "to combine scholarship with reflections and recommendations
based on experience & practice." The journal aimed to provide a forum for activists and community leaders as well as scholars. Its first issue featured a cover photo of national guardsmen in riot gear; its second was devoted largely to the Black Panthers
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p. 46
Aug 1, 1993
1960s: Rejected as applicant to NASA; women not allowed
Although home, and her parents' gentle nudging, gave Hillary a sense of unlimited possibility, the outside world wasn't quite so encouraging. While she was still in junior high school, she decided she wanted to be an astronaut.
It was the early 1960s and the nation, under President Kennedy's leadership, was thinking moonwards. Hillary wrote to NASA and asked them what she needed to do to start training. She included some mention of her background and academic strengths.
NASA wrote back telling her that girls need not apply. It was, she said, "infuriating." She told the Washington Post: "I later realized that
I couldn't have been an astronaut anyway, because I have such terrible eyesight. That somewhat placated me."
Source: The Inside Story, by Judith Warner, p. 15
Aug 1, 1993
Page last updated: Mar 09, 2014